Note: To give you some idea of the collection of poems and stories
under each collection I've put the number of pages under that section in (
) after the link. This is the count as at Nov 2008.
The Poets and Poetry of Scotland from the
earliest to the present time
Comprising characteristics selections from the works of more noteworthy
Scottish poets with biographical and critical notices. By James Grant
Wilson (1876)
We now have a
Poetry and Stories Forum in our Electric Scotland Community
Robert Burns collection (50+)
Independent Newspaper (1000+)
Memoirs, Poems and Musical Lyrics
- Poems by
Stanley Bruce, the Bard of Banff (50+)
Some Old Scottish Street
Poetry (5 pages)
Jacobite Songs and Ballads of Scotland
From 1688 to 1746 by Charles MacKay LL.D. (1861)
Poems, Stories, Plays in the Scots Language
by David Purves (50+)
- Doric Dialects and Doric Poets
of North-East Scotland
- Robert Fergusson's Poetry
- Robert
W Service (6)
- Sir
Walter Scott (3)
- Rob Donn
- Audio Novel by
Paul Story - "Tom Corven"
- Duncan Ban
Macintyre (6)
- Harbinger by Sam
McKay (4)
Children's Stories by Margo Fallis (300+)
- Margo's Other Stories
- Alastair's Poetry
- Margaret Lyon
- Poems
& Stories by Donna Flood (500+)
- Frank
McNie's Poems (52)
- Poems of
Ken F. Adamson (10)
- Annie
McLean (6)
- Poems of
M. W. McDermott (5)
- Poems and
Stories from Laura Wright (4)
- Graham
Donachies's Stories (30)
- Michael Queen's
Poems (5)
- Poems of Raymond
Lee Morehead (12)
- Jillian Ramsay
Stern's Poetry Page (3)
- Life in Tasmanian
Primary Schools (1)
- Poems by Yvonne
Sparkes (2)
- Margo Fallis's
Poetry Page (8)
- Poems of Adam
McCafferty (9)
- Poems
of James McIntyre
This is a link to a Canadian archive of this
- Poetical works of Alexander McLachlan
This is a link to a Canadian archive of this
Bella Vista
Lyrics and other poems (15)
- Poems
Kathleen Chambers
- Poems by
Francis Kerr Young (27)
- Books by
Andrew Lang (2)
- Poems by Sharon
Reaper (2)
- Poems of
Rowena M Love (6)
- Stories by
Hector McNeill (4)
- Scottish
Humorous Poems (11)
- Stories
by Peter Logue (9)
- Articles by
Catherine Wilson (2)
- Poems by
Charles Fraser (2)
- Poems by John
Redmond (30+)
- Poems of
Stuart Garland (4)
- Stories
from John Henderson (11)
- Poems of Mac
McAnear (26)
- Stories from
Eddie Bruce (4)
- Poems by Bob
Beveridge (13)
- Stories from
Chris Geis (3)
- Poems by Alisdaire
O'Caoimph (9)
- Poems by T.
Bradley (7)
- Poems rescued
from the Fire (3)
- The Bard of
Banff (75)
- The
Avondale Poets
- Jock
- Joseph Wilson
- Poems of
William Pyott
Poems and Stories of Oskar Douglas (2)
Poems and Stories by
George Scott Wilkie
- Poems of Neil
J MacDonald (2)
- Miscellany of Popular
Scottish Poems (18)
- Poems by Billy
Henderson (2)
- Poems by
Adam McCafferty (5)
- Poems and
Stories by
David Briant (5)
- Poems and
Stories from Kurtis Gilbreath (2)
- Poems and
Stories from Jack Jackson (4)
- Kenneth
- Poems from
Kenneth J Shaw
- Ebenezer Bain
- Andrew
James Chapman Craig
William Miller, Businessman Poet
Mither Tongue
A book of poems in the Scots Language
D Cocker
A book of his poems
Musings amongst the
By David Thomson
George Alexander Rodger
A book of his poems
George Outram (1805–1856)
Scottish Poets
in America
With Biographical and Critical Notices by John D, Ross (1889)
Andrew Young of
Edinburgh (1807-1889)
Teacher of English and Poet
The Bards of
Bon Accord 1375 - 1860
By William Walker
Songs and
By William John
MacQuorn Rankine
'Tween the Gloamin' and The Mirk
By Cecile Ann MacNeill (Sword) Thomson
Including the "Scottish Orphans", "Arthur Monteith" and "The Young
West Indian" by Mrs. Blackford (now Lady Stoddart) (1857)
David Herschell Edwards
Author, Poet, Printer of Brechin. He collected and printed some 16
volumes of modern Scottish poetry along with other books.
Stories by
A young writer of Scots descent
Gregor Murdoch
in Glasgow Parish on the 23rd of April 1841
Henry Dryerre
(The Third)
Compositor, Poet, Journalist and Musician
Joseph Johnston
Dundee Poet known for his war poetry
George Minton Rathbone
Gaelic Songs of Mary MacLeod
Songs of Angus
By Violet Jacob (pdf)
The Emigrant's Family, Scotland and Australia
A Tale founded on real life and other poems by William Jamie (1853) (pdf)
The Home of the Heart
And Other Poems, Moral and Religious, by Miss Aird
Alexander (Black) Harley
Teacher of Elocution and Editor of many books
Modern Scottish Writers
By W. M. Parker (1917) (pdf)
Scotch Poems by a Scotch Dry Goods Clerk
By Henry Urquhart (1892) (pdf)
The Hobyahs: a Scotch Nursery Tale
The Complete Scottish and American poems of James Kennedy
by Kennedy, James, 1848-1922 (pdf)
The Scots Abroad the Nicht
And Other Banquet Poems (Maistly Scotch) By Harry H. Johnston (1913)
Lyric Gems of Scotland
A collection of Scottish Songs, original and selected with music.
Thomas Swift GLEADHILL (1827-90)
was a Teacher and an Editor of music in Edinburgh.
Early Metrical Tales
Including the History of Sir Egeir, Sir Gryme, and Sir Gray-Steill by
David Laing (1826) (pdf)
War, The Liberator and Other Pieces by E. A. Mackintosh, M.C.
Lt. Seaforth Highlanders (51st Division) with a Memoir (1917)
The Ballads and Songs of
In view of their Influence on the Character of the People by J. Clark
Murray LL.D. (1874) (pdf)
Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern
With an Historical Introduction and Notes by William Motherwell in two
volumes (1846)
Robert Ford
He built a great collection of Scottish Poetry and Ballads.
Poems of Ian Myres
Dreams O' Hame
By James D. Law
Or Poems and Stories by Sir William Allan (1875) (pdf)
Lea-Rig Fancies
The Rhymes of a Farm Servant by Robert W. Blackie (1900) (pdf)
The Scotchman in America
Addresses, Songs, Etc. at Scottish Gatherings; Religious Poems and
occasional verses by John Proudfoot (1873) (pdf)
Harry Gordon
Lays O' The Hameland
By James H. Murdoch (1911)
The Harp of the Scottish Covenant
Poems, Songs, and Ballads relating to the Covenanting struggle collected
and edited by John MacFarlance, author of "Heather and Harebell" with a
Preface by Prof. J. Clark Murray, LL.D., author of "The Ballads and
Songs of Scotland" (1895) (pdf)
Modern Gaelic Bards
Edited by Malcolm C. Macleod (1908) (pdf)
- Vagabond Songs and Ballads of Scotland
With Many Old and Familiar Melodies Edited with Notes, By Robert Ford,
first and second series.
The Northern Muse
An Anthology of Scots vernacular Poetry arranged by John Buchan (1924)
Songs of the Hebrides
And other Celtic Songs from the Highlands of Scotland some collected and
all arranged for Voice and Piaonforte by Marjorie Kennedy-Fraser, Gaelic
Editor, Kenneth MacLeod (1909) ((pdf)
Heart Echoes
By the Late William Davidson Robertson, Bankfoot, Auchtergaven and
Edited by his sister Isabella and John Paul, Dundee (1890) (pdf)
Scottish Ballads
An article from the Sewanee Review by Wm. Hand Browne.(1912) (pdf)
A Legend of Glencoe: And Other Poems
by John Anderson (1857) (pdf)
Buchan Poetry
Fruits of Time Parings by W. Beattie, Aberdeen. The Text reprinted
exactly as it appeared in the Original of 1813 with an Introduction and
Glossary (1873)
Doric Lays and Lyrics
By James Thomson (1870) (pdf)
The Bards of Angus and
the Mearns
An anthology of the counties By Alan Reid (1897) (pdf)
By Charles Murray (1911) (pdf)
Highland rogues and the
roots of Highland Romanticism
By Domhnall Uilleam Stiubhart (pdf)
English and
Scottish Popular Ballads
Edited by Helen Child Sargent and George Lyman Kittredge (1904) (pdf)
Bailie Nicol
Jarvie's Journey to Aberfoil
To which are added, St. Patrickwas a Gentleman and The Auld Sark Sleeve (1829)
Border Ballads
And other miscellaneous pieces by James Telfer (1824) (pdf)
Michael Bruce
and the Ode to the Cuckoo
By J. C Shairp
List of Scots and Scots-Irish
I came across this list but have no idea of the publication it came from so add
it for research purposes only. Does include some biographical information and
includes names from M - R. (pdf)
Lights and Shadows from the Border Hills, Sketches and Poems by C. M. Thomson
(1899) (pdf)
The Sentimental
Valentine Writer
Containing a selection of the best and newest Valentine poetry by the Ladies'
and Gentlemen's Valentine Writer (1850) (pdf)
The Ballad
Minstrelsy of Scotland
Romantic and historical, collated and annotated (1893) (pdf)
of Scotland
With other poems by James Grahame (1807) (pdf)
Highlanders and Other Poems
By Mrs. Anne Grant, Laggan (second edition) (1808) (pdf). Even if you are not
into poetry this book is well worth reading as it includes many notes and wee
stories which are most interesting.
Ancient Scottish Poems
Never before in print but now published from the MS collection of Sir Richard
Maitland of Lethington, Knight, Lord Privy Seal of Scotland, and a Senator of
the College of Justice comprising pieces written from about 1420 till 1586 with
large notes and a glossary in two volumes
Quotation & Picture
Scotland, edited by J. B. Reynolds, B.A. (1915) (pdf)
Scotch Folk
Third Edition enlarged (1881) (pdf)
Songs and Ballads
By George MacDonald LL.D. (1893) (pdf)
The History of
Donald and his Dog
To which is added a collection of songs (1840) (pdf)
MacDonald, The Poet
By Rev. John Kennedy taken from the Celtic Magazine of 1888 (pdf)
Gleanings of
Scarce Old Ballads
With explanatory notes by Peter Buchan (1891) (pdf)
Lays of the Heather
Poems by A. C. MacDonell (1896) (pdf)
The Links
o' Forth
Or, A parting peep at the Carse O' Stirling, A Plaint, by Hector MacNeil, Esq.
(1799) (pdf)
New Year's
Morning, in Edinburgh
And Auld Handsel Monday in the Country, two poems in the Scottish Dialect, by
the Author of The Shepherd's Wedding (1792) (pdf)
The Last Poems of
Alexander Robertson
Alexander Mackie
Prose and Verse, edited, with Memoir by John Minto Robertson, M.A. (1918) (pdf)
The Pastoral or Lyric Muse of
In Three Cantos by Hector MacNeill, Esq. (1808)
Poems of William
Edmonstoune Aytoun
Containing Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, Bothwell, Aytoun's contributions both
to the 'Bon Gaultier Ballads' and to the 'Poems and Ballads of Goethe', 1859;
Firmilian, 1854; Poland, Homer, and Other Poems (1832); and other miscellaneous
poems and translations (1921) (pdf)
Poems and Songs of
James Kennedy Sanquhar
The second edition revised and corrected, with numerous additions (1824) (pdf)
Stuart McFarlane
Individual Poems and Stories |