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A Tribute Tae Rabbie
By Jamie Allan

This poem was entered by Jamie (15) by his school, Largs Academy, into the "Young Scottish Writer of the Year" competition, run by South Ayrshire Council, in which he won the 2002 S3-S6 category out of the whole of Scotland. It is in the Scots dialect and it is a humourous and affectionate look at the life and times of Robert Burns.

Jamie wrote..."I am a great fan of Robert Burns and do not want his works to die out. I also recite Burns and since Primary School through to Secondary, at present, I have won all the recitation competitions. I recently came second in the Ayrshire Burns Speaking Competition and I am through to the Scottish Finals." Jamie lives in Largs, Ayrshire.

He is looking for any help to get his poem published in a Scots poem book or young writers book and if you can help write to him at 18 Boyd Street, Largs, Ayrshire, KA30 8LD, Scotland, UK.

'Twas a guid auld town ca'd Alloway,
Whar Rabbie Burns was born.
There he wrote his poems,
Frae early dusk till dawn.
He aften chas'd the hizzies,
Roon about the inns.
While cracking doon on the illegal trade,
O' whiskies, beers an' gins.

When working as a farmer,
"To a Mouse" he wrote.
"One of his touching poems,"
Mony did a' quote.
Rab was influenc'd by MacKenzie,
He said, "A Heaven-taught ploughman."
The great Scots bard certainly had,
'Mony a gracious fan.

But this all went tae his heid,
And his writing style had chang'd.
He start'd writing most famous songs,
Like this aine: Ye Banks and Braes.
Comedy also was done by Rab,
Some say it wasn't a hastle.
But he must o' had a bit o' bother
When writing "Willie Wastle."

So, tae the en' o' his life when he came out wae greats,
People felt a wee bit sad.
"What more could he 'ave done for Scottish brilliance?"
Tae answer that was hard.
When he wrote his mony poems,
Wi' a meaning behint them a'.
"Remember Tam o' Shanter's mare,"
Was the ane tae en' them a'.

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