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Poems by T. Bradley
by T. Bradley


The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority,
That nameless body of men,
Want to dump U.K. ( English ) waste
All over Scotland - - - Again. 

It`s time for true Scotsmen, to rise up,
As they did in days of yore,
And inform these south based officials,
Scotland will be abused - - no more. 

If they persist in their actions,
Our reply to them can only be,
Immediate Independence from England,
We demand `Scotland` must be set Free.

Free Spirit

Up north, amongst the mountains,
Almost every Scottish is glen
Is haunted by the memory
Of proud, brave heilan men.
These men who followed` Charlie`,
Who answered to his call,
Vowed to fight the English,
They would stand or they would fall.
For freedom and for liberty
At Bannockburn they fought.
They left the dead and dying
On the heathet, there to rot.
Alas the Scottish nobles
In English gold, were paid
To turn against the Jacobites,
The clansmen were betrayed.
Now many centuries have passed,
We`re ruled by England, still.
But freedoms spirit, lingers on,
I know it always will

Scottish pride

The government in London,
Think they know best, that's true,
But when it comes to Scotland,
They have not got a clue.
They think we swallow,
All their lies, how wrong
can some folk be.
One day they will realise.
When Scotland's once more free.

Day`s End

Listen to the night wind,
Whispering through the trees,
Hear it`s gentle sighing,
Stirring fallen leaves.
Hear the birds soft chirping,
As you walk along,
Calling to each other,
With their evening song.
Stars are brightly shining,
In the dark skies overhead,
All is still and peaceful.
Once more day has fled.

Another Day

Another day is dawning,
A new day lies ahead,
Soon folk will be yawning,
And rising from their bed.
After having breakfast,
Rushing out the door,
Travelling by bus or train,
Off to work once more.

Scottish Freedom

This beautiful land, Caledonia,
Once fought for by brave heilan men,
Betrayed to the Saxon invaders for gold,
By Monteith, way back then.
For 300 years, ruled by England,
Through, torture, lies and deceit.
The spirit once shown by the proud Jacobites,
May be hidden, but never was beat.
I believe that someday in the future,
A time I may not live to see,
Flying high, A Red Rampant Lion,
O`er a` Scotland once more living free
So all Scotsmen, like Wallace, step forward,
But not with our caps in our hand,
Let no other nation speak for us.
Freedom for Scotland,
Let us demand

Glen Coe

North in the Scottish highlands,
Midst the mountains of Glen Coe,
There lies the hidden valley,
A place I long to go.
There I'd find such grandeur,
Where wonders never cease,
There Id find true freedom,
Where my soul could be at peace.

16. Merryton ave flat2/1
Drumchapel, G15 7PU


Do you believe in ufo`s
Flying here from outer space.
Do you believe, this universe
Holds just the human race,
Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter,
Have we really any proof
That with all these other planets,
Earthlings stand aloof,
The sightings made by people,
Authorities will claim,
Were only weather satellites
Behind the clouds to blame.
They say that we may panic,
If only it were known,
Other planets were inhabited,
Apart from earth, our own.

My Highland Home


       Rising in the morning

       as the dawn begins to break,

       I`d step outside my drystane croft

       A deep breath I would take.


       The dew would sparkle on the grass

       with snow high on the hill,

       The sweet smell of the heather

       when the air is cool and still.


       In the distance I would see

       a herd of roaming deer,

       Whilst overhead with sudden cry

       an eagle would appear.


       Soaring o`er the mountains

       searching for his prey,

       His screams so melancholy

       as he passes on his way.


       Water with a thunderous roar

       pours down the mountainside,

       Giving off a vapour as some

       little creatures hide.


       There is a feeling in my heart

       my spirits seem to fly,

       From this place I`ll never part

       It `s here I wish to die.


       No other place in this wide world

       I`d ever care to roam,

       I have all I need right here

       In my own` Glen Coe` home.



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