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My Country
Robin E. Wright

I vow to thee my Country,
Are the words of the famous Hymn,
Jerusalem is another,
Of the Country we all live in.

The English, Irish, Welsh and Scots,
Under the Banner formed as one,
A culture separate, each one has got,
And together United Kingdom.

This Land as one, to the world has gave,
Technology via Invention,
To do good and many lives to save,
Has always been the intension. 

To this Country I was born and bred,
My love for it is Dear,
Forever on its shores I’ll tread,
As I live from year to year.

I have oft been to foreign lands,
And far off have I roamed,
This is a green and pleasant land,
This Country that is my Home.

This is a land surrounded by sea,
An Island that has Isles,
A finer land you’ll never see,
As this green Sceptred Isle

The Emblems that make up our Flag,
Which all are proud to live under.
And may our loyalty ne’er drag,
Never to split asunder.

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