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Scots around the
Scots Descendants
(We'd recommend the search engine at RootsWeb to
find other biographies) |
I'd like to explain why I added this page to the site.
Essentially I wanted to show what the Scots-Americans had got up to when they
emigrated to the USA. Almost all entries in here are thus mini biographies and I have also
tried to pick from a range of people so have highlighted - blacksmiths, carpenters,
cashiers, farmers, mine operators, military, pioneers, judges, senators, etc. While
I feel this list serves its purpose I would certainly be happy to add in any
more if anyone wants to send us one in for inclusion in this list. Simply
Alastair McIntyre.
- Biographies
on RootsWeb
This is a small listing of biographies of Scots descendants found on
RootsWeb where visitors have pointed them out to us.
The Grahams in Virginia
The Grahams, like many of the early settlers of the Valley of Virginia, were of
Scotch-Irish descent and came from the counties of Donegal and Londonderry, in the
northern part of Ireland.
- The McClung Family
The McClung family is of Scotch descent. Its history begins in the time of
Agricola, the Roman emperor who found in them a foe among the Grampian Hills of Scotland,
which successfully resisted his further progress in that direction.
- James Franklin McClung
John McClung, who emigrated from Scotland to Ireland about 1690, and from there to
Virginia, finally, was the ancestor of James F. McClung.
- William White
The emigrant who established in Greenbrier county the family bearing the name White
was William White (I), who came from Omagh, in the Province of Ulster, North Ireland, in
the summer of 1817 and built a home in the Tuckahoe Draft. near the White Sulphur Springs.
- Col. William Leckie
COL. WILLIAM LECKIE was one of the big, strong, kindly and generous men of the West
Virginia coal fields. A native of Scotland, son of a Scotch miner, he came to the United
States when a young man.
- Jacob McLean
JACOB MCLEAN, a venerable and honored retired farmer residing at Belington, has
been a resident of Barbour County fully seventy-five years—since the time of his
boyhood. He was born in Randolph County, Virginia.
- The
family of John Bane
John Bane (sometimes Bain), the oldest known ancestor of this branch of
the family is said by some of his grandchildren to have emigrated to this country from
Edenburg, Scotland, landing either in Delaware or Maryland with a brother, his wife and at
least one son.
- James Laing
James Laing, son of John and Margaret Bowie Laing, was born at Slamanan, near the
city of Glasgow, Scotland, January 2, 1846.
- Charles
One man brought Rochester, Carroll and Fitzhugh to the Genesee Valley.
Williamsburgh owed its existence to one man. The New York State towns
and cities of Sodus, Geneva, Bath, Caledonia and Lyons also owed their
presence to one man. Charles Williamson.
- John Stuart
David Stuart (the father of Col. John Stuart of Greenbrier county) was born in
Scotland in 17-. He came of a family connected with the House of Stuart, whose members
were strong partisans of that house.
- Herbert Madden Brenneman
The fine fruit farm owned and occupied by Mr. Brenneman is here situated
two miles distant from Arroyo, an important shipping point, and is the place on which his
birth occurred, the date of his nativity having been April 24, 1877.
- John C Gilmour
Mr. Gilmour was born in Scotland May 5, 1886, son of John C. and Harriett (Hutton)
Gilmour, also natives of Scotland. His father was an experienced coal miner in the old
country, and made his first visit to the United States in 1884.
- Charles Oliver Henry M.D.
He was born in this city, then a mere village) on the 3d of December, 1856, and is
a son of Lawrence and Mary Ann (Holmes) Henry, both natives of Scotland.
- William MacDonald
William MacDonald was not born in the United States, but under a flag representing
freedom and democracy, as he came into the world at Stellarton, Nova Scotia, Canada,
October 19, 1865. His father had emigrated to Nova Scotia at the commencement of his
career from Dunbartonshire, Scotland.
- James Scott Stewart
One of the veteran figures in West Virginia educational affairs, was born in
Jefferson County, Ohio, January 5, 1854. Both his grandfathers were natives of Scotland.
- Arthur B Spencer
Spencer is one of the older family names in the history of West Virginia. The
family was first established in Monongalia County, where Arthur B. Spencer's grandfather,
Caleb D. Spencer, was born.
- Judge Samuel Woods
Was the son of Adam Woods and his wife, Jane Long. They came to America in 1818
from the North of Ireland, and their people had come to the North of Ireland from the
North of Scotland.
- Herbert M Crawford
Mr. Crawford was born at Kittanning in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, June 12,
1867. His family came to America from Scotland, and some four or five generations have
lived in Pennsylvania.
- John McKenzie
Is a Scotch Canadian, and the background of his early life and experience was a
thrifty farm on the north shore of Lake Erie.
- Winfield Scott Wilson
It is doubtful it in all West Virginia there is a family tree with greater and more
important ramifications than that of the Wilsons.
- Arthur Merryman Gilbert
One of the veteran busi- ness men of Martinsburg, where he has been a druggist over
forty years and where his judgment has been enlisted in the service of several other
substantial institutions.
- Herbert E Hannis
The Hannis family is descended from Andrew Hannis, a native of Scotland, who came
to America in Colonial times and established his home in Philadelphia.
- James Campbell
Was born in Scotland in 1719 and emigrated to "The Colonies" as a young
man. He took as his profession the dangerous vocation of overland pack merchant.
- Alexander
Was born in Adams county, Pennsylvania in 1739, the son of David Edie, who had come
to this country from Scotland as a young man.
- Herbert Dewitt McClintock
Mr. McClintock was born at Dempseytown, Venango County, Pennsylvania, on the 16th
of June, 1873. His paternal grandfather, Gen. James R. McClintock, was a
farmer in the vicinity of Dempseytown and served as a brigadier general in the
Pennsylvania State Militia.
- Lewis Van Gilder Guthrie M.D.
Doctor Guthrie inherited traditions of honorable service and grew up in a home
atmosphere calculated to arouse in him high ideals. His father was the late Judge Francis
Asbury Guthrie, who died at Point Pleasant, West Virginia, in 1904, after forty years of
honorable professional and public service for the state.
- Rev. Thomas K. Young
Thomas Young was born in Fayette Co., West Virignia, a son of William
Wilson and Elizabeth (Kay) Young, natives of Scotland, he born in Edinburgh and she in
Lanark and she survives and is living with her son, Dr. Young.
- Alexander Clarke Kincaid M.D.
Dr. Clarke Kincaid was educated at the University of Virginia and was a
practicing physician first in Braxton, then in Greenbrier and adjoining counties for more
than forty years.
- Conrad Syme
He is a sixth lineal descendant of Col. John Syme and Sarah Winston, his wife, who
lived at Studleigh, Hanover county, Virginia. Col. John Syme, of Studleigh, came to
Virginia from Scotland.
- The Dunbar Family
Mathew Dunbar, the ancestor of the Donbars in Monroe and Greenbrier counties by
that name, was a dashing Scotchman, and he was born on the Firth of Forth, Scotland, in
- George A Gilchrist M.D.
Dr. Gilchrist was of Scotch descent and a native of Monroe county, where he was
born in the Gap Mills community on June 15, 1867.
- John B Laing
Of Lewisburg, judicial center of Greenbrier County, has made a record of
constructive enterprise as a coal operator and railroad builder in West Virginia, in which
state the family residence was established when he was an infant. His father, James Laing,
was born and reared in Scotland.
- Frank Nixon Mann
He was born in Greenbrier County, July 19, 1861. Back in Colonial times three
brothers left Scotland and came to America, one locating in Pennsylvania, another in Mary-
land, while the direct ancestor of the Huntington manufacturer established his home in
Gloucester County, Virginia.
- George Campbell
During a long, useful and active career George Campbell has applied himself to the
vocation of agriculture with such good results that he is now accounted one of the
substantial men of the Holliday's Cove community of Hancock County.
- Orville L McDonald
He is recognized as an able attorney and is a member of the well known law firm of
Strother & McDonald, general practitioners, with offices in the Union National Bank
- Andrew Sterrett Alexander
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Kanawha County, is a Charleston lawyer and
banker, and is one of a number of prominent representatives of this name and family
running back into the earliest pioneer times of what is now West Virginia.
- Walter Lee Taylor
One of the West Virginia leaders in the promulgation and development of corporation
- Davidson Brothers
The branch of the Davidson family to which belong Henry Alexander and George S.
Davidson, of Morgantown, Monongalia County, was founded in Fayette County, Pennsylvania,
prior to 1800.
- Lynn Hastings
One who has dedicated his life to the work of the educator and who has achieved an
honored place in his vocation and in the confidence of the public is Lynn Hastings, of
Morgantown, superintendent of the free schools of Monongalia County.
- Robert Raymond McFall
General manager and treasurer of the Southern Fuel Company of Mortgantown, has had
an interesting diversity of experience in business and in educational circles.
- James H McGrew
Mr. McGrew was born at Morgantown, October 31, 1873, a son of William Clark and
Julia E. (Willey) McGrew, and is descended from an old Scotch family which has been in
America since prior to the War of the American Revolution and in West Virginia (then old
Virginia) for over a century and a quarter.
- Harry Stuart Irons
The record of achievement which Mr. Irons had made in his profession marks him as
one of the representative members of the bar of Cabell County, where he is engaged in
active general practice in the City of Huntington.
- Judge Blizzard
He is one of West Virginia's distinguished lawyers, formerly a circuit judge, and
has also been a con- structive factor in the larger business affairs of the state.
- William Boggs Anderson
Mr. Anderson was born September 7, 1861, in Pendleton County, and belonged to a
family that originated in Scotland, the first American ancestor of which was his great-grandfather, who came from Glasgow, Scotland, in the first years of the United States as a
- William McCoy
In the family of McCoy the traditions of ability, honor and worth left by those who
have gone beyond set a worthy precedent which the present generation, and that from which
it sprang, have followed, to which they have added a life chapter that must prove as
inspiration and a positive incentive to those destined to come after them.
- Charles E Trembly
Mr. Trembly represents one of the oldest families of Preston County and was born on
a farm near Albright April 14, 1873. His Americanism is the product of almost two
centuries. About 1730 the first of the Trembly family came from Scotland and settled on
the eastern shore at Trembly's Point, near Elizabeth, New Jersey.
- Gustavus Hite Wilson
This branch of the Wilson family has been in Preston County for more than a
century. His great-grandfather came from Scotland and settled in Taylor County, West
Virginia, more than 100 years ago.
- Immigrant
Ships Transcribers Guild [External site]
This is a site that is working on producing passenger lists from ship
departures and arrivals. From this site you can select Scottish Ports.
- Journal of Rev. David Irving Craig
The original home of the Craig's was Scotland. There are hundreds, and
perhaps thousands, of Craig's in Scotland today. The name is old in Scotland.
- McNeill/McEachin Family Cemetery, Scotland County, NC
[External site]
John McEachin, Sr. was born Feb. 21, 1740/41 in Kintyre, Argyllshire, Scotland and
died Oct. 8, 1815. He was married to Mary Currie (c 1750 - June 26, 1837). They had at
least children.
- Alexander H. Ferguson
The Grandfather Ferguson went from Greenock, Scotland, to Virginia, while
a young man, moving from there to Tennessee, where he lived until his death. He was the
father of three children: William D., Allen McL. and Horatio N. (all now deceased). The
boys came to Arkansas in 1820 and settled at Greenock, a Scottish town named after the
town in which their father was born.
- C. S. Keith
He was born in Tennessee, in 1845 and is the son of John H. and
Leutia (Davis) Keith, natives of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, and the
grandson of W. A. Keith, who was a solider in the war for independence, and who was a
school teacher, having a superior education for those days. The latter was a native of
- Tom D. Thomson
The paternal grandfather was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and at an early day settled in
Alabama, from which State he enlisted as a soldier in the Revolutionary War.
- James Dalrymple
Mr. Dalrymple is a native of Scotland, born on the 13th of July, 1863, his parents
being James and Agnes (Patton) Dalrymple, who were likewise natives of the land of hills
and heather, where they spent their entire lives, the father devoting his attention to
coal mining.
- David Thompson M.D.
Dr. David Thompson has been continuously engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery
in Denver for more than a quarter of a century and enjoys an enviable reputation as one of
the city's most skilled and successful physicians. His birth occurred in Harthill,
- David Duff Seerie
Contractor and manufacturer, born in Scotland, March 11, 1862, was a son of Edward and
Margaret (Duff) Seerie, the former now seventy-nine years of age.
- Peter Seerie
Member of the firm of Seerie & Varnum, contractors of Denver, was born in
Dundee, Scotland, February 27, 1880, a son of Edward R. and Margaret (Duff) Seerie, who
came to America in that year.
- Hon Harry Carson Riddle
He is descended from Scotch and Scotch-Irish ancestry. The founder of the family in
the new world was John Riddle, who crossed the Atlantic at an early period in the
colonization of the new world and who was a representative of one of the old families of
the Highlands of Scotland.
- Frank Anderson
Cashier of the treasury department of the Colorado & Southern Railway Company with
office in Denver, his native city, was born on the 28th of October, 1886, a son of
Alexander and Margaret (Duffus) Anderson. The father was born in Forfar, Scotland.
- Allison Stocker
Mr. Stocker was born in St. Clair, Pennsylvania, August 11, 1862. His father, Matthew S.
Stocker, was also a native of the Keystone state and was a son of Alexander Stocker, who
was a native of Scotland.
- William A. Dollison
President of the Great Divide Petroleum & Refining Company, which has been operating
extensively in oil fields in three states.
- Atwater Lincoln Douglass M.D.
Dr. Atwater Lincoln Douglass, engaged in medical and surgical practice in Denver, was born
in Bar Harbor, Maine, on the 14th of April. 1869, and is of Scotch descent.
- James K. P. McCallum
Among the representatives of Denver's bar are men capable of crossing swords in forensic
combat with the ablest members of the profession anywhere.
- Frank Gordon
Frank Gordon is numbered among the agriculturists and stock men in the Colville valley. He
was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on April 19, 1853, the son of Alexander and Julia (McGregor)
Gordon, natives of Glasgow, Scotland, and Georgia.
- Eleanor Clarke Darin
The records of the Clarke "Family Tree" trace back to the years preceding the
discovery of American by Columbus. The Clarke annals previous to this are lost in the mist
of the unrecorded history of Scotland.
- Thomas Little
Native of Scotland, Lived Here 54 Years. Thomas Little who died in Rochester, Minn.
Monday, was one of the best known mining men in the state of Illinois.
- Col. N. C. Buswell
Col. N. C. Buswell, Neponset, the subject of the following biography, was born December 5,
1831, in Caledonia County, Vt. He is of Scotch descent, a son of James Buswell, a native
of Caledonia County, Vt., where he was born in 1793.
- Colonel George Scroggs
Few men probably of his age have attained so much and well-merited a popularity as Col.
George SCROGGS. A history of Champaign county would be deficient without a record of his
- Richard J Oglesby
This distinguished soldier and statesman was born on the twenty-fifth of
July, St. James' day, 1824, in Oldham County, Kentucky. His parents, Isabella Watson and
Jacob Oglesby, both of Scottish descent, came to Kentucky from Virginia.
- History of John Miller Camron Family
John M. Camron, Nephew and partner of James Rutledge in the mill and town of New Salem,
was born in 1790 in the state of Georgia. He was the son of Thomas and Nancy (Miller)
Camron, his mother being the sister of James Rutledges wife. Camron was a millwright by
trade and a Cumberland Presbyterian preacher by ordination. His parents were born in
- Captain John MacKenzie
a resident of Fulton, and Master of the steamer “Siver Wave,” of the Van Sant
& Musser line, plying between stillwater, Minn., and Muscatine, Iowa, is a native of
Whiteside Co., Ill., being born in the town of Ustick, July 3, 1850. His parents, John and
Margaret (Ritchie) MacKenzie, were born in the Highlands of Scotland and came to this
counrty in 1843.
- Thomas Tait
About nine miles southeast from Chewelah one comes to an estate of
one-half section which is owned by the subject of this article. Mr. Tait acquired title to
half of it by homestead rights and the other half by purchase.
- Clarence E Ross
Was born in Canton, IIlinois, on November 15, 1867, the son of Stephen M. and
Matilda (Blackburn) Ross, natives of Virginia and Maryland, respectively. The father was a
nephew of the noted Indian fighter, General Morgan, and traces his ancestry back to early
days of Scotland.
- Duncan Family
Rev. William Duncan was born in Perthshire, Scotland, January 7, 1630. He fell a
martyr during the religious troubles that afflicted Scotland at the time Charles II was
restored to the throne of his ancestors.
- Daniel D. Boyce
A prominent farmer, stock raiser and merchant at Blue Ridge, was born December 11,
1832, in Harrison County, Ky.
- Lt. Col. James Bennett McCreary
Lt. Col. James Bennett MCCREARY (1838-1918), of the 11th Kentucky Cavalry, CSA. After the
war, McCreary became a U.S. Senator for Kentucky and twice was Governor of that State.
- Ari Armstrong
Pioneer, was born in Wayne County, Ind., November 4, 1814, son of John and Letitia
(Dye) Armstrong; is the sixth in a family of thirteen children, and is of Scotch-German
- Hon. William Robson
Hon. William Robson, state senator from the Twentieth district, is one of the oldest and
best known settlers of Caddo parish, La., and an example of what energy, industry and
perseverance, when intelligently applied, have accomplished for those of foreign birth who
have seen fit to locate within the borders of this parish.
- William McFaddin Alexander
William McFaddin's sons are numbered among the wealthy citizens of Texas, and are
prominently identified with the affairs of the Lone Star state.
- Hay, Alexander
Well known architect of New Orleans, was born at Edinburgh, Scotland, April 10, 1857; son
of James and Isabella (Hall) Hay, the former of whom was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland,
and the latter also in Scotland.
- Col. R. H. Lindsay
A general commission merchant and real estate agent of Shreveport, La., but was born in
Montrose, Scotland, in 1832, and is a son of William and Mary (Hume) Lindsay, the latter
being a niece of the celebrated Joseph Hume.
- Jacob Irving
Now living retired from the active duties of life, but formerly kept an extensive and well
patronized meat market. He was born near Loch Maben, Dumfrieshire, Scotland, July 17,
- Col. William Polk
No name in the annals of the country is more highly honored, or held in more profound
esteem than that of Polk. It dates with prominence far back in American history. The
founder of the Polk family in America inherited the blood of a long line of Scottish
- Duke, James Rumsey
Residence, Donaldsonville, La., was born in that city Dec. 4, 1859; son of Robert James
and Rebecca (Herring) Duke, the former of whom was born at Maysville, Ky., and the latter
at Donaldsonville. The father's ancestors came originally from Scotland.
- George A. Colquitt
A prosperous farmer of Ward 7, Caddo Parish, La., was born in Oglethorpe County, Ga., in
1839, being the son of Joseph E. and Ava Ann (Lee) Colquitt, natives of Oglethorpe County,
and born in 1806 and 1816, respectively.
- Fullilove, Samford Christian
Superintendent of public safety, and regarded as one of the leaders of the bar of North
Louisiana. He was born Jan. 23, 1877, in Caddo parish.
- John L. Hodges
The popular drug store belonging to this gentleman in Shreveport, La. Mr. Hodges was born
in Bossier Parish, La., September 20, 1864, to Gen. John L. and Jeanette V. (Hamilton)
Hodges, natives of Scotland and Georgia, respectively.
- Reid, Henry A.
Sheriff of Calcasieu parish, Lake Charles, La., was born at Lake Charles, July 23, 1876;
son of Alexander L. and Mary Ida (Guillory) Reid, the former of whom was a native of St.
Martinville, La., and the latter of St. Landry parish, near the village of Washington. The
paternal grandfather, David J. Reid, was a native of Scotland.
- Hon Wilbur Fisk Blackman
A man of more than ordinary energy and force of character, and is now filling one of the
most important and responsible offices in the county, that of judge of the Twelfth
Judicial District.
- Judge Taylor Beattie
Of the Twentieth judicial district, is a native of La Fourche parish, La., horn in 1837,
and is one of the popular men of the state.
- James Yule, LaSalle Parish La.
Yule's keen ear and skilled hands have led to a string of first place awards in annual
National Wild Turkey Federation game call competitions, articles in newspapers, magazines
and books, television interviews and a waiting list of discerning hunters and collectors
eager to acquire his unique calls.
- Glover, George James
Worthy citizenship in the United States is made up from all the races and nations of the
world, but it has remained for those who are commonly known as Scotch-Irish to acquire a
distinction and leadership second to no others. Aptly typifying this class of our people
in Louisiana may be named George James Glover.
- Scott, Joseph Thompson
Physician, was born at Lexington, Ky., March 20, 1833, son of Joseph and Lucy C. (Webb)
Scott, born, respectively, at Neshaminy Falls, Pa., 1780, and Lexington, Ky. Joseph Scott,
the father, was a graduate of Jefferson Medical college, Philadelphia.
- Wright, Sophie B.
The Wright family in Louisiana has been made famous by the wonderful career of Sophie B.
Wright. She was born in New Orleans on June 5, 1866, when all over the South there was
ruin and discouragement.
- Rev. Herman Cope Duncan
Descended from a long line of illustrious Scotch ancestry, his paternal great-grandshire
being a leading promoter of the scheme to place Charles Edward, the last of the Stuarts,
on the united throne of England and Scotland, and because of his prominence, after the
disastrous battle of Culloden, he was banished and his estates confiscated.
- Benjamin Wesley Baker
Known as "Ben" or "B.W.", was born on October 26, 1844, near China
Grove, in Pike County, Alabama. Ben was the eldest child of Milton Baker and Mary Lucinda
Sheppard. Lucinda was the granddaughter of Andrew Sheppard, Sr., a Revolutionary War
veteran of the North Carolina Line, who was born in Scotland, in 1757.
- John Crichton
This, in brief, is the sketch of a man whose present substantial position in like has been
reached entirely through his own perseverance. His birth occurred in Muskogee County, Ga.,
October 17, 1843, to Peter and Mirian A. (Grieve) Crichton, both of whom were natives of
- Claiborner O. McDonald
This gentleman is a son of John and Narcissa (Waldrof) McDonald, the father a native of
Scotland, who came to this country with his parents' when an infant, and the mother a
native of Louisiana.
- Robert J. Stewart
His father, Robert Stewart, was a native of Scotland, and of the pure old Scotch blood.
- J. B. McCoy
J. B. McCoy is a native of West Virginia, born at Wheeling in 1829. He is the son of
William and Elizabeth (Bushfield) McCoy, the former a native of Scotland, born twelve
miles from Edinburgh in '79', and the latter a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1793.
- W. N. Stewart, M. D.
A well-known physician and planter of West Feliciana parish. He is a son of James D., a
native of Wilkinson county, and Amanda (Yerger) Stewart, a native of Warren county, Miss.
James D. Stewart is an influential and well-known citizen of the last-named place. He is
of Scotch descent, his paternal great-grandfather, James Stewart, having been a fugitive
from Scotland to South Carolina in 1745.
- Samuel C Curry
Mr. Curry was a well to do farmer, and in ever respect self made, industrious and
energetic. He was a member of Cloutierville Lodge of the A. F. & A. M., a son of
Isaiah Curry, who was born in Scotland, but came to America prior to the Revolution,
setting in Georgia, where he died a farmer.
- Isaac
Isaac Walker was a loyal Jacobite, and tradition has it that he was a survivor of the
Battle of Culloden Field in Scotland.
- General John Parker Boyd
The first owner of the township of Orneville in the County of Piscataquis was General John
Parker Boyd.
- Colonel John Allan of Revolutionary fame
His services for the cause of the American Colonies again brings into prominence
Passamaquoddy Bay and the historic town of Machias, that being his headquarters.
- William and Samuel Gordon of Fryeburg
Speaking of twins, it is safe to say that the oldest and smartest in the State are William
and Samuel Gordon of Fryeburg, who quietly celebrated their 78th birthday Thursday. Their
father was Stephen Gordon who thru three Henrys was a direct decendent of the famous
Gordon clan of Scotland.
- Victor Wells Macfarlane
He was a man of great force and energy and abundant enthusiasm about whatever engaged his
- Major John Moor
The ancestors of Major John Moor were "Scotch-Irish," they migrated from
Scotland, and settled in Londonderry, Province of Ulster, Ireland, about 1616, and in 1718
removed to this country. The Moor's were a sept of the Scotish Clan, Leslie, and derived
their name derived their name from the Gaelic word "Mhor" which means, big,
tall, or mighty.
- Colonel Arthur Noble
The descendants of Col. Noble have a tradition that he was born at Enniskillen, County of
Fermanagh, and Province of Ulster, Ireland, and that the family emigrated to that place
from Scotland. Arthur Noble is supposed to have come to America in about 1720, with his
brother Francis and James.
- First Settlers of Stalwart, Chippewa County, Michigan
Some of the first settlers came by way of the Mackinac Trail to Strongville, then east to
Pickford, then south and east through what was later known as Sunshine, past Bassett's and
Sampson's to Riley's, then east following the ridges until they came to Richard Hanna's
- William McGregor
Early lumberman and one of the first settlers of Flynn Township, died at the home of his
youngest daughter, Mrs. John Shephard, July 29, 1912. He was born in Glasgow, Scotland
August 6, 1826. In his boyhood, his family left Scotland and settled at Hamilton, Ont.
- Grahams of Gartmore in Western Ontario
Captain DUNCAN GRAHAM was the son of DUNCAN GRAHAM, one of the originals of the
Glencoe-Mosa [town & twp in Middlesex Co, ON] Grahams, and was in his ninth year when
the family emigrated [from Cambelltown, Argyll, Scotland].
- Harry D. Mack
Harry D. Mack was born in Brooklyn, Jackson county, Michigan, on November 12, 1863, being
the son of David and Jane (Thompson) Mack, natives of Scotland and Canada, respectively.
- John Hyslop
Was a native of Scotland. He immigrated to America in 1852 and in 1855 settled in Marion
township, near Chester, and developed a valuable farm. He was again a representative in
- Andrew Boss
an early settler in Gillford Township, and at one time one of the leading citizens of
Wabasha County, was born in Kinloss, Scotland, July 6, 1835, and came to America at the
age of 17 years.
- Daniel Campbell
(a lineal descendant of John Campbell, Duke of Argyle), born in Argyleshire,
Scotland in 1660; was an officer in the army of William the Third, and was in the battle
of "Boyne Waters".
- George A. Mowatt
Resides about two miles west of Chewelah where he devotes himself to general farming and
stock raising, is one of the earliest settlers of the Colville valley,
his father being
among the very first pioneers of this section.
- William Lincoln Hart
Mr. Hart was born at Inverness in Columbiana County, Ohio, February 6, 1867, son of
Benjamin F. and Ariel S. (Dreghorn) Hart. His maternal grandfather, John Dreghorn, was
born in Scotland was a pioneer in the typically Scotch village of Inverness in Columbiana
county. The Hart family has been been in America since early Colonial times.
- Dr J E McFarland
A physician and surgeon of Millgrove, is a native of Ohio, born in Darke County, November
5, 1847, a son of Lewis and Charity (Marquis) McFarland.
- Peter Armstrong
The Armstrong family, of which he is a representative, is of sturdy Scotch origin.
James Armstrong, the grandfather, was a native of Scotland and emigrated to his country
soon after the struggle in which our forefathers secured national independence.
- Mrs. Ruth Campbell
Ruth has lived in Wauseon, where she was and still is thought of as one of the best
teachers that ever served here. Ruth was born January 1, 1890 to Judge and Mrs. Levi Brown
in Glasgow, Scotland.
- General St. Clair
Arthur St. Clair was born in Scotland, in the year 1764. After receiving a liberal
education in one of the most distinguished universities of his native land, he studied
medicine. Being of an adventurous turn of mind, he obtained a subaltern's appointment to
accompany General Wolfe, in 1763, to the storming of Quebec.
- Sylvester McDonald
A member of one of the pioneer families of Jackson township, Muskingum county, Ohio, and
is a son of George McDonald, who was born in Frederick county, VA in 1799, his father,
Greenberry McDonald, having been born in Scotland.
- Miss
Matilda Hindman
for many years one of the most prominent advocates of woman's suffrage in the United
- Joseph G. Brownlie
Proprietor and vital and progressive manager of the Ad Letter Shop in the City of
Youngstown, the important metropolis and industrial center of Mahoning County, was born at
Meadville, Pennsylvania, July 22, 1887, and is a son of George and Jane (Gibb) Brownlie,
both natives of Scotland.
- Isaac McCallum Hogg
One of the able attorneys practicing at the bar of Youngstown, and a leader in the local
republican ranks. Isaac McCallum Hogg was born at Youngstown, Ohio, November 11, 1878, a
son of Charles and Marion (McCallum) Hogg, natives of Scotland.
- Mrs. Amanda Wampler
Back in the 1880's, Mrs. Wampler, then Mrs. Lenochan, joined her brother in the job of
taking 1,400 head of cattle from Texas to New Mexico. She could ride as well as any
- Archibald Hood
Was a Scots-Irish immigrant who came to America around 1790 and who left many descendants
in Greene County, Pennsylvania, and in Monongalia, Marion and Harrison Counties in West
- Hoge Family History 1730's
I have to thank you for your favor of yesterday. You are no doubt acquainted with the
romantic history and marriage of William Hoge and Barbara Hume. He was from Musselburg,
and she from Paisley, Scotland.
- History of the Heath Family (1790-1935)
Samuel Heath, and his wife Rebecca; lived their entire life near Aberdeen,
Scotland. Their three sons: John, Samuel and Henry, bid farewell to the sod of Scotland
and sailed for America about the year of 1790.
- Samuel A. McDowell
Through the Doctor lived abroad many years, returning to his native land but a short time
before his death, he was well known and much esteemed in Carlisle and Cumberland county,
and as a dentist who had the reputation of being a leader in his profession in Europe for
many years he enjoyed considerable renown on the Continent.
- History of the Moorhead Family
Beginning the latter part of the sixteenth century there dwelt on one of the moors of
Scotland a clan of people who, at a later date, moved from the mountain range to that
peninsula in Scotland marked on the map "South End." They were known as
"The family that came from the head of the moor." With this brief introduction
we give a history of the Moorhead family.
- Hubert Paxton Wiggins
One of the owners of the Messenger publishing company, publishers of the News-Messenger, a
leading daily paper.
- The Sampsons in Ireland
Address of J. R. Sampson, at Sampson Re-union, held at Smythe Park, Mansfield, Pa.
September 3, 1909.
- Hall
Owners and operators of a fine livery business in Republic. Daniel R. Hall was born in
Roler Valley, Pennsylvania, on March 6, 1874, being the son of Robert and Isabelle (Moore)
Hall, natives of Scotland and Pennsylvania, respectively.
- James M. Campbell
The grandfather of the deceased came from Scotland and located in Fannett township,
Franklin county. He was the father of four sons, William, Mark, Andrew and John, and one
sister who married a Mr. Briggs.
- Rev. George MacConnachie
Pastor of St. Bernard's Catholic church at Redfield, where he took up his abode on the 1st
of October, 1900, came from Edinburgh, Scotland, and is a native of Banffshire, Scotland,
born February 16, 1875.
- James H. Dickson
One of the leading citizens of Scotland, Bon Homme county, is a native of the old Empire
state, having been born on a farm in St. Lawrence county, New York, on the 4th of
September, 1844, a son of John and Catherine ( McGregor) Dickson, both of whom were born
in Scotland, of stanch old Scottish lineage.
- James Kirk
Has traveled extensively and mingled much with men, and his long and varied
experience in different fields of endeavor has greatly strengthened and enriched his mind,
giving him a fund of useful and practical knowledge of far greater value than a collegiate
or university training could have imparted. James Kirk, farmer, stock raiser and
representative citizen, is a native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland.
- David Paterson
An American by adoption, his native country being Scotland, where his birth
occurred on the 6th day of October, 1856, His parents, William and Margaret (Duncan)
Paterson, were born in Scotland, spent their lives there on a farm, and both lie buried in
the old cemetery where sleep so many of their kindred and friends.
- John Duncan
Comes of sterling Scotch lineage and is himself a native of the land of hills and
heather, while the name which he bears is one which has been prominent in the history of
Scotland for many generations.
- Peter Philp
Was born in Thronton, Fifeshire, Scotland, on August 27, 1838. After securing a good
education in the schools of his native land he learned the trade of iron moulding and
followed the same in various parts of Scotland until about 1875 or 1876, from which time
until his removal to America, in 1880.
- Edgar Fleming
A prominent citizen and successful business man of Ree Heights, South Dakota, where
he carries on operations as a miller and dealer in grain and coal. He was born in Egypt,
about 1859, and is a son of Robert and Eliza (Wingate) Fleming, both natives of Scotland.
- George K. Burt
Editor and proprietor of the South Shore Republican, was born January 3, 1875, in Bradford
county, Pennsylvania, being the son of John and Ellen (Kirk) Burt, both natives of
- Gregor Cruickshank
Born in Inverness-shire, Scotland, on the 15th of November, 1852. He was reared in the
schools of the same, and when a youth in his teens entered upon an apprenticeship to learn
the stone-mason's trade, completing his term of service in his twentieth year. In 1873 he
came to the United States.
- Alexander Garrick
Justly takes pride in tracing his lineage through many generations of sturdy Scotchmen,
and is of the second generation of the family in America.
- David K. Batchelor
Is filling the position of county auditor of Fall River county and has also for a number
of years been a well known contractor of Hot Springs, was born in Forfarshire, Scotland,
August 31, 1876.
- Robert Ferris
Extensive and important are the business interests which Robert Ferris controls as
a member of the firm of Ferris Brothers of Yankton, South Dakota. He was born October 11,
1870, at Burnfoot Hill in Ayrshire, Scotland.
- David Robert Howie
Successfully engaged in the real-estate business in Sioux Falls, was born upon a farm in
Waukesha county, Wisconsin, August 24, 1856. His father, Thomas Howie, was born in
Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1811.
- John Barron
One of the prosperous and highly honored young farmers and stock raisers of Moody
county, comes of a long and sterling line of Scottish forbears, and is himself a native of
Banffshire, Scotland, where he was born on the 26th of May, 1869.
- John J. McCaughey
One of the leading business men of Aberdeen, being president and general manager of the
Aberdeen Hardware Company, is a native of the state of New Jersey.
- Hon. Thomas Reed
A native of Scotland, born in the town of Auchleblest on the 1st day of October, 1839. His
parents were Robert Reed and Agnes Farley, both born and reared in Scotland.
- Alfred Reid
A native of Aberdeen, Scotland, where he was born on the 16th of January, 1870, being a
son of Alexander and Sarah Reid, both representatives of staunch and honored Scottish
- James P. Wilson
Of Lead City, widely known in legal circles throughout the state of South Dakota, is
descended from sturdy Scotch ancestry, the history of his family in the United States
dating from about the year 1842.
- Dr. J. S. Goodmanson
A prominent and successful dentist of Aberdeen, was born in Scotland, October 24, 1868. He
is a son of G. and Sarah Goodmanson, who went to Nova Scotia from Scotland in 1878. They
now reside in Duluth, Minnesota.
- A. C. McDonald
A valuable farm situated on section 35, Spirit Mound township, Clay county, bears witness
through its splendid condition to the energy and efficiency of its owner, A. C. McDonald,
who was born in Grey county, Ontario, Canada, on the 29th of August, 1859, a son of Andrew
and Mary McDonald. The parents were born in the vicinity of Edinburgh.
- Thomas McKinnon
A contractor and builder of Sioux Falls, now representing his district in the upper house
of the general assembly, is leaving the impress of his individuality upon the political
history as well as the material development of his city and state. He was born in Glasgow,
Scotland, in 1860.
- Alexander Law Stirling
Engaged in the cigar and tobacco business at Rapid City, was born in Tama county, Iowa,
December 15, 1874. His father, Thomas Stirling, was born February 11, 1840, in Scotland,
and emigrated from Edinburgh when about thirty-one years of age.
- William Bailey
One of the best known and influential citizens of Wayne township, Minnehaha county, is an
agriculturist residing on section 15, where he owns two hundred and fourteen acres of land
and where he has lived continuously during the past forty-five years.
- David Dunwoody
Most of the families who settled in or near the town of Scotland, South Dakota, were of
Scotch birth and they and their descendants have proved among the most valued citizens of
Bon Homme county. David Dunwoody is a well-to-do farmer of that county.
- Drs. T. Y. and R. R. Stevenson
Thomas Young and Romeo Roderick Stevenson are specialists and partners in the treatment of
diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat at Sioux Falls.
- Newton James Frayn
Editor and proprietor of the Republican "Record," of Faulkton, South Dakota. He
was born in Forrest, Ontario, Canada, October 10, 1876, and on his mother's side traces
his ancestry back in direct line to the royal family of Scotland.
- D. W. Robinson, M. D.
A well- known physician and surgeon of Pierre, South Dakota, was born in Lawrence county,
Pennsylvania, October 26, 1855, a son of William M. and Adaline {Stuart) Robinson, natives
of Pennsylvania and Scotland, respectively, and members of the Scotch Presbyterian church.
- Will H. Thompson
Resides on section 26, Clearwater township, Miner county, is a prosperous and well-known
agriculturist. Mr. Thompson was born February 22, 1853, in St. Lawrence county, New York,
and is a son of Alexander and Elizabeth Thompson, natives respectively of Scotland and New
- Gen. Chas. T. Campbell
He was a Scotsman of ability and rugged courage who later became well known over the state
as the proprietor of the Campbell House at Scotland.
- General William Henry Harrison Beadle
South Dakota's "Grand Old Man".
- W. M. Mair
Mair is a persuasive fellow. Born in Peterhead, Scotland, in 1870, 'tis said, as the story
goes, that at the infant age of four years, he had already familiarized himself with so
much history and had become so innoculated with the spirit of liberty, that he persuaded
his parents to take him and move to America where he might rise to greatness and pave the
way for his fellow Scotchman, Andrew Carnegie, to make a fortune.
- Clarence A. Bartlett
Editor and publisher of the daily and weekly Capital Journal, at Pierre, was born in West
Vienna, Oneida county, New York, on the 29th of June, 1859 and is a son of Aldis and Mary
(Chisholm) Bartlett, the former of whom was born in Vermont, of English descent, while the
latter is of Scotch ancestry.
- Thomas C. Blair
A native of Nova Scotia, born on June 5, 1854, and the son of Duncan B. and Mary (McLean)
Blair, who were born and reared in Scotland.
- Frederick A. Burdick
One of the pioneer stockmen of Stanley county, comes of staunch Scottish lineage, and the
family was founded in America in the colonial epoch, while representatives of the name
were found among the valiant soldiers in the Continental line during the war of the
- Dyer H. Campbell
The able and popular sheriff of Brookings county, is a native of the old Keystone state of
the Union, having been born in the town of Edinboro, Erie county, Pennsylvania, on the
28th of November, 1858.
- James W. Cone
Claims the old Buckeye state as the place of his nativity, having been born in Conesville,
Coshocton county, Ohio, on the 4th of December, 1850, and being a son of Beebe S. and
Lucinda D. (Davison) Cone.
- George A. Dodds
One of the leading and pioneer merchants of Watertown, is a native of the state of New
York, having been born in Wellington, St. Lawrence county, on the 17th of June, 1845, and
being a son of Captain George and Anne (Walton) Dodds, the former of whom was born in
Scotland and the latter in England.
- Robert T. Dott M.D.
Successfully engaged in the practice of his profession in Salem, McCook county, was born
in Jones county, Iowa, on the 26th of October, 1859, and is a son of Robert and Sarah J.
(Peters) Dott.
- David S. Gordon
A native of the middle west, manifests in his life the spirit of activity and energy so
typical of this section of the country. He was born in Lanawee county, Michigan, July 20,
1863, and is of Scotch-Irish lineage, the family originating in Scotland.
- Robert Gordon
A well-known farmer and stock raiser of Yankton county, was born in northern Ireland on
the 15th of September, 1833, his parents being John and Mary (Cane) Gordon, who spent
their entire lives on the Emerald Isle.
- James Halley
President of the First National Bank of Rapid City, is a native of Scotland, born January
7, 1854, at the thriving little city of Sterling, Perthshire.
- George J. Hamilton
Engaged in the general merchandise business in the town of Mellette, was born in
Brownhelm, Lorain county, Ohio, on the 25th of August, 1860, and is a son of Alexander
Hamilton, who was born and reared in Edinburg, Scotland, whence he came to America in
- William Handley
Is a sturdy Scotchman and is endowed with those sterling characteristics so typical of the
race from which he is sprung. He was born in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, on the 27th of
October, 1853, being a son of James and Mary (Barrett) Handley.
- William H. Johnston
Was born in Blue Earth county, Minnesota, November 7, 1860, and is one of a family of six
children, four sons and two daughters, whose parents were John and Elizabeth (Sharp)
Johnston, both natives of Scotland. John Johnston, a blacksmith by trade, came to the
United States in 1855.
- Hampton Ray Kenaston M.D.
The ancestors of the Doctor in the agnatic line came from Scotland to America in the
colonial epoch of our national history, the original orthography of the name having been
McKenaston, and the prefix having been dropped by the American branch.
- James H. Kyle
The late Senator James H. Kyle, of South Dakota, died the early evening of July 1, 1901.
The Senator's grandfather was born in Pennsylvania in 1773 of parents who came from
Scotland to this country in a very early day.
- Wallace S. LeCount
Like many of the best citizens of this country, traces his ancestry to early French
Huguenots. On the mother's side, Mr. LeCount is also of colonial stock, being descended
from the old Stark family of Glasgow, Scotland, representatives of which became closely
identified with the history of New England, especially of Vermont, where the name of Gen.
John Stark, who added luster to the American arms during the Revolution.
- John H. Lemay
Editor and publisher of the Northville Journal, at Northville, Spink county, is a native
of the city of Philadelphia, where he was born on the 27th of January, 1870, being a son
of Edward F. and Nellie (Robertson) LeMay, the former of whom was born in France and the
latter in Scotland.
- John L. Lockhart
Was born near Portage City, Columbia county, Wisconsin, on the 17th of April, 1856, being
a son of John and Agnes (Gray) Lockhart, both of whom were born in Scotland, whence they
emigrated to the United States in 1852.
- Samuel S. Lockhart
Judge of the Grant county court, is one of the representative citizens of Milbank and a
leading member of the bar whose course has been such as to retain to him unqualified
confidence and regard wherever he is known. Judge Lockhart is a native of the fair land of
hills and heather, having been born in Tarbolton, Ayrshire, Scotland, on the 20th of
November, 1850.
- Richard W. Mathieson
One of the prominent and honored citizens of Fort Pierre, Stanley county, was born in
Colesburg, Delaware county, Iowa, on the 5th of August, 1849, and is a son of Robert and
Ann (Wood) Mathieson, the former of whom was born in Scotland, where records extant trace
the lineage back through thirty-four generations.
- William H. Martin
The city of Sioux Falls is signally favored in having at the head of its police department
so able an executive as Chief Martin. A son of John Duncan Martin and Caroline (Wilks)
Martin, both of whom were born and reared in Dundee, Scotland.
- John Edmund McDougall
A representative citizen of Britton, Marshall county, as the name implies, comes of
staunch Scottish lineage on the paternal side, and he is a native of Prince Edward Island,
having been born in the village of Campbellton, on the 24th of February, 1860.
- William McGaan
Who is serving most efficiently and acceptably on the bench of the county court of Clark
county, was born in the historic old town of Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland, on the 1st of
October, 1853, and his forbears have been identified with the annals of Scottish history
from the time to which the "memory of man runneth not to the contrary."
- Andrew P. McMillan
Is one of the leading merchants of Spink county, having a large and well-equipped general
store in Conde, and is vice-president of the State Bank of Doland and the owner of a fine
landed estate in the county where he has maintained his home since 1887.
- W. S. Mitchell
Was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, on the 16th of February, 1861, and received his
educational discipline in the excellent schools of his native land, where he remained
until he had attained the age of twenty-one years, when he severed the home ties and came
to America.
- John A. Munro
President of the Wilmot Land and Loan Company, of Wilmot, was born in Nova Scotia, October
18, 1853, the son of Donald and Nancy Munro, the father a native of Scotland and by
occupation a stone-mason and contractor.
- William I. Noble
Who is successfully established in the real estate and loan business at Clear Lake, and is
one of the representative citizens of Deuel county, was born in the beautiful little city
of St. Thomas, province of Ontario, Canada, on the 1st of March, 1865.
- James Philip
One of those sturdy characters to whom success has come through individual effort in
connection with the industrial development of the great northwest, where he has resided
from the early pioneer days working his way upward to a position of definite independence
and prosperity and being now one of the influential citizens of the city of Fort Pierre.
- David Robertson
An able member of the bar of the state, who has served several terms as a representative
of Spink county in the state legislature, comes of staunch Scottish lineage.
- William L. Ryburn
Cashier and general manager of the business of the First National Bank of Alexandria, was
born in Rockford, Illinois, May 10 1872.
- James P. Turner
Comes of sturdy Scottish ancestry in both the paternal and maternal lines, and inherits in
a marked degree the dominating characteristics of the true Scotchman, - integrity of
purpose, broad mental perspective and indomitable energy.
- George Watson
Formerly a member of the state legislature, from Davison county, is one of the progressive
farmers of the state, his fine landed estate being located in Davison and Hanson counties.
Mr. Watson was born in the province of Ontario, Canada, in 1851, being one of the four
children of Ebenezer and Margaret (Sims) Watson. The father of the subject was born and
reared in Scotland.
- Charles Weddell
An esteemed citizen of Bon Homme county, engaged in the pursuit of agriculture, was born
in Aurora, Illinois, February 11, 1848. Andrew Weddell, his father, a native of Scotland,
came to the United States when young and lived for some time in Cleveland, Ohio.
- John T. Ayer
Is a well known representative of the republican party in Lawrence county, South Dakota,
and is in the employ of the Homestake Mining Company at Lead, being an operative in one of
their big stamp mills.
- William H. H. Beadle
The eldest son and fourth child of James Ward Beadle and Elizabeth (Bright) Beadle, was
born in Liberty township, near the northwest corner of Parke county, Indiana, in a log
cabin, built by his father's hands, and has distinguished himself by life work and
especially by his service for South Dakota, both as a territory and a state.
- Capt. Frederick Bonsey
A native of Maine, he was born in Ellsworth, May 5, 1855, his parents being Samuel and
Susan (Lords) Bonsey, both of whom were descended from old New England families. The first
of the Bonsey family came to America from Scotland early in the seventeenth century.
- Walter C. Buchanan
The Buchanan family is of Scotch ancestry and was founded in America by Hugh Buchanan,
grandfather of the subject of this review, who came from Scotland to the United States in
early manhood.
- David James Carson
Dr. David James Carson, a successful medical practitioner of Faulkton, was born at Ottawa,
Canada, November 16, 1866, his parents being Archibald and Charlotte (Gehan) Carson, the
former born in Ireland about 1820 and the latter in Scotland about 1828.
- W. R. Cleland
Engaged in law practice at Vermillion, was born in Clay county in 1882, a son of John M.
and Pamelia (Hixson) Cleland. The father was a native of Scotland and when but three years
of age was brought by his parents to the new world.
- Thomas Cruickshank
Dr. Thomas Cruickshank is one of the leading and learned representatives of the medical
fraternity in Clay county, South Dakota, who for the past fifteen years has practiced
successfully in Vermillion. His birth occurred in Norway on the 17th of June, 1866, his
parents being John and Anna (Olson) Cruickshank, the former a native of Scotland.
- Alexander R. Dempster
His entire life has been passed in the Mississippi valley. His birth occurred in Dundee,
Illinois, January 28, 1848, his parents being Alexander R. and Jane Blythe (Whittaker)
Dempster. The former was a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, born May 15, 1811, and in 1832,
about the time he attained his majority, he came to the new world.
- Dr. Jess W. Foster
He was born in Fayette county, Iowa, on the 14th of September, 1886, and is a son of John
A. and Jessie (McNaught) Foster, both of whom were natives of Scotland.
- Robert D. Gardner
Occupying the bench of the county court of Marshall county, received endorsement of his
first term's service in a reelection in 1914. His parents being James and Vere (Russell)
Gardner, who were natives of Scotland, born in 1825 and 1827 respectively.
- Andrew Donald Gillies
Since 1906 Andrew Donald Gillies has been engaged in general merchandising in Florence.
His birth occurred in Stormont county, Ontario, on the 15th of September, 1876, his
parents being Donald and Helen Gillies, who were of Highland Scotch descent.
- Hon. James Halley
Is the president of the First National Bank of Rapid City and has left the impress of his
individuality for good upon the financial history of his state. He was born in Stirling,
Perthshire, Scotland, January 7, 1854.
- Dr. Robert James Jackson
Engaged in the practice of medicine in Rapid City, was born at Forest, Ontario, Canada,
August 10, 1874, a son of John and Joan (Elliott) Jackson. The former, who was a native of
Scotland, crossed the Atlantic to Canada when seventeen years of age and during the period
of his manhood engaged in farming there.
- Albert Jackson Keith
His birth occurred in Hamilton, New York, on the 5th of June, 1877, his parents being
Hosmer Hale and Mary (Spear) Keith. The first representative of the family in this country
came from Scotland on the Mayflower.
- Rev. Rowland Oliver Mackintosh
Rector of Christ's (Episcopal) church of Lead, South Dakota, is a power not only in church
circles of the city but also in the larger community life.
- William C. McConnell
Mr. McConnell was born in Walkerton, Ontario, Canada, May 31, 1879, and is a son of Oliver
and a grandson of William McConnell, the latter a native of Scotland, who went to Canada
as a young man, locating in Ontario.
- Dr. Philip S. McIntyre
Has gained a large practice in the town of Bradley and in the rural district of which it
is the center and is proving successful in his treatment of disease. He was born in
Litchfield, Minnesota, on the 15th of July, 1884, a son of Peter and Catherine (Klass)
McIntyre, natives of Scotland and Germany, respectively.
- Richard I. McKenzie
A resident farmer of the Mission Hill precinct whose arrival in Dakota territory occurred
in the year 1873. He was born at Duncannon, Perry county, Pennsylvania, July 10, 1856, a
son of Augustus McKenzie, who also was a native of the Keystone state, while the
grandfather was born near Glasgow, Scotland.
- Dennis L. McKinney
The grandfather of our subject was Henry McKinney and the great-grandfather was the
founder of the family in America, coming to this country from Scotland.
- Hon. Donald A. McPherson
Cashier of the First National Bank of Deadwood, has been a prominent figure in business
circles in the Black Hills country for many years and a recognized leader in political
connections in the state. He was born in Lancaster, Ontario, Canada, May 29, 1841, a son
of John and Catherine (Cameron) McPherson. The father was a native of Inverness-shire,
- Eugene Reiley
One of the representative and able citizens of Sioux Falls and one of the most popular men
in public life who ever held office in Minnehaha county is Eugene Reiley, who on December
31, 1914, ended the second term of his efficient and conscientious service in the office
of sheriff.
- George H. Stoddart
City auditor of Brookings, was born in Shullsburg, Wisconsin, on the 29th of July, 1854,
his parents being William and Sophia (Hats) Stoddart, the former a native of Glasgow,
Scotland, and the latter probably of New York city.
- James P. Turner
Is conducting a general blacksmithing and woodworking establishment and general repair
shop at Faulkton and is thus closely associated with industrial activity there. He was
born in Elgin county, Ontario, Canada, December 1, 1858, a son of James and Mary (Jardine)
Turner, natives of Scotland.
- George L. Almond
Well known as a dealer of farm implements at Clear Lake and a prominent and influential
citizen there, having served as mayor from 1910 until 1914, was born in Argyle. Scotland,
May 9, 1848, a son of John and Anna Almond, who were likewise natives of the land of hills
and heather.
- James A. Cochran
A prominent and well known pioneer, is living retired in Milbank. His birth occurred in
Aurora, Illinois, on the 11th of October, 1854. His parents, Charles and Isabelle
(Whitelaw) Cochran, were natives of Perth, Scotland, the former born in 1817 and the
latter in 1822.
- Hartford Nelson Gates
Mr. Gates was born in Hemmingford, Canada, March 4, 1846, a son of Thomas C. and Mary Ann
(Dawson) Gates. Like a number of the sterling citizens of this section off the country, he
was of Scotch descent. His father was a native of Scotland, born in 1818.
- John Headrick
A prosperous farmer, stockman and landowner of Moody county, was born in Argyleshire,
Scotland, January 4, 1852, a son of Peter and Mary (Park) Headrick.
- William N. Hunter
He was born at Florence, Douglas county, Nebraska, December 4, 1862, a son of Alexander
and Jennie M. (Eckford) Hunter both of whom were natives of Scotland.
- John Watts Jamieson
Proprietor of the Jamieson Hotel at Roscoe, has been a factor in the business life of the
town since 1886. He was born in New York on the 22nd of April, 1846, and is a son of
George and Rachel (Watts) Jamieson, both of whom were natives of Scotland, born in Paisley
and in Edinburgh respectively.
- Captain John W. Kennedy
Has lived practically retired in Gettysburg since 1903 but still looks after the residence
property which he owns and engages in the loan business to some extent.
- Hon. Donald McLean
Senator from Day county and a well known ranchman making his
home at Webster, was born in Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada, February 19, 1869. His father,
William McLean, was a teacher and farmer who, after attending school in his native
country, Scotland, began imparting to others the knowledge that he had acquired, making an
excellent record as an educator.
- William Ross
For many years chief carpenter of the E. & D. & James River division of the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, is now yard foreman and is well known in
railroad circles.
- John B. Wallace
Postmaster of Ardmore, South Dakota, was born in Fremont county, Iowa, on the 26th of
November, 1871, a son of Alexander H. and Jane (Bowes) Wallace. The father was born in
Scotland on the 12th of August, 1832, and the mother in lower Canada, May 12, 1836.
- Col. John B. Geddis
One of bravest men who fought for his country's cause, and whose name stands among the
foremost leaders on the field of battle, is of Scotch and Holland-Dutch descent. His
grandfather was born in Edinboro Scotland.
- Judge McGaan
A native of Ayrshire, Scotland, and was born October 1, 1853. He was the third in a family
of eleven children, four of whom are now living, born to William and Agnes (Andrews)
McGaan. The family came to America in 1857.
- Robert Allison
Mr. Allison was born on the 14th of March, 1846, near Summit Centre, Waukesha county,
Wisconsin, and is the sixth child of William and Margaret (Crawford) Allison, both natives
of Glasgow, Scotland.
- John Campbell
The present register of deeds of Hand county, South Dakota, and a prominent citizen of
Miller. A native of Scotland, Mr. Campbell was born August 16, 1839, and is a son of
Robert and Catherine (Tait) Campbell, who emigrated to Canada in 1854.
- R. W. Campbell
He is a large land owner and one of the most progressive and energetic farmers and
stock-raisers in this section of the country. Born in 1838 in Tennessee, of which state
his ancestors, as far back as his great-grandfather on the paternal side, were also
natives, while the great-great-grandfather was a native of Scotland.
- Judge Healy
Born in Mineral Point, Iowa county, Wisconsin, June 7, 1860. His grandfather, John O'Dowd,
was a wealthy wholesale merchant in New York city, and. was a native of Ireland. His
paternal grandfather, James Healy was a Scotch-man by birth, and the father of our
- Prof. Andrew C. Justice
Well known throughout Dakota as a successful instructor and a substantial farmer, is one
of the pioneers of the state, and his home is on section 23, in Burdett township, in Hand
county. Our subject was born in Fifeshire, Scotland, October 29, 1840.
- Thomas J. Lawrie
A native of Illinois, and was born in 1854. His parents were born in Scotland, and came to
America about the year 1842 or 1843.
- George R. Mason
One of the pioneer settlers of Burdett township, and ex-senator of Hand county, is a
native of Wayne county, Michigan, and was born May 4, 1846. The parents of our subject,
Samuel and Mary (fate) Mason, were natives of Scotland and Pennsylvania respectively.
- John L. McKinnon
An honored resident of Greenland township, McCook county. In tracing the life of the
subject of this sketch, we find that he was born in Edinburgh Castle, Scotland, of Scotch
parentage, his father being an officer in the British army.
- A. P. McMillan
A well-known merchant and prominent and influential citizen of Conde, Spink county, South
Dakota. The great-great-grandparents of our subject came to the new world from Scotland
and located in Canada, where the grandfather, James Enos McMillan, was born.
- William McQuaker
One of the leading and influential citizens of Clark county, South Dakota, who has taken
an active part in promoting its substantial improvement and material development, and is
now most capably serving his fellow citizens as county auditor.
- William W. Moyes
Editor and proprietor of the "Bridgewater Tribune," of the city of Bridgewater,
South Dakota, is one of McCook county's most prominent men. Mr. Moyes' parents, Henry A.
and Euphemia (McKinley) Moyes, were natives of Scotland and emigrated to America about
- Silas R. Oldfield
A leading agriculturist and highly-respected citizen of Sumner township, Spink county,
South Dakota, was born in Canton, Ohio, in 1844, a son of Jonathan and Charity Oldfield,
natives of New York and New Jersey, respectively. The great-grandfather, Thompson, was a
native of Scotland, and fought for American independence as a soldier of the Revolutionary
- John Rogers
Ex-treasurer of Aurora county, South Dakota, and present postmaster of Plankinton, is one
of the widely known and esteemed citizens of his community. He is a native of Scotland and
was born February 17, 1845.
- Alfred B. Rowley
A native of New York Mr. Rowley was born in Steuben county, in 1855, of New England
parents, and on the paternal side is of Scotch descent, his grandfather being a native of
Scotland, but on the maternal side his ancestors have been Yankees for several
- Dr. Lorenzo D. Sweetland
One of the pioneer physicians and surgeons of Miller, has attained prestige in the medical
profession as one of its most skilled representatives in this section of South Dakota. The
paternal great grandfather was a native of Scotland.
- James P. Turner
A well-known blacksmith of Faulkton, South Dakota, is a self-made man. A native of
Ontario, Canada, born near the town of Aylmer, December 1, 1858, and is a son of James
Turner, who was born in Scotland and emigrated to Canada with his father, Donald Turner, a
carpenter by occupation.
- J. H. Wallace
Our subject's grandfather, Thomas W. Wallace, who belonged to the same family as Sir
William Wallace, one of the most prominent men of Scottish history, removed from Scotland
to the north of Ireland, where the father of our subject was born.
- Josiah Wilson
A pioneer settler of the vicinity of Groton, is one of the prominent business men of Brown
county, and is owner of considerable land in that region. Mr. Wilson was born in Ontario,
Canada, in 1855, and was the son of William and Flora Wilson, both natives of Scotland,
who came to America in 1828 and settled in Lanark county, Ontario, on a farm.
- William A. Burgess
Treasurer of Brookings county, South Dakota, and one of its most popular officials and
business men. Born in Nelson township, Buffalo county, Wisconsin, August 3, 1863, and is a
son of John and Rachel (Evens) Burgess. John Burgess is a native of Scotland, and came to
this country in 1854.
- Robert Dixon
A farmer living on the south half of section 6, township 114, range 55, Hamlin county, is
a native of Ireland, although of Highland Scotch descent. He was born November 8, 1835.
His father, also Robert Dixon, was born near Edinburg, Scotland. His father was one of the
Scotch Covenanters and the troubles of his time caused him to move to Ireland.
- Robert Floyd Kerr
One of the most influential citizens of Brooking, who has always shown an unselfish
interest in furthering the intellectual and material progress of its people. He was born
in Sugar Grove, Tippecanoe county, Indiana, April 12, 1850.
- Richard A Murray
An attorney and one of the oldest settlers of Lake county. He resides at Madison. Colonel
Murray was born in Scotland, February 18, 1833.
- William Yuill
An energetic and prosperous agriculturist who makes his home on section 14, Clearwater
township, Miner county. He is one of the old settlers, having located upon his present
farm in 1881. Mr. Yuill was born in Montreal, Canada, April 10, 1851, and is the son of
John and Mary (Barr) Yuill, both native of Glasgow, Scotland, who came to Canada, about
- Robert Buchanan
The subject of this sketch was born in Glasgow, Scotland, on the 26th day of March, 1836.
He emigrated to Canada in 1842, where he resided until 1863.
- The Kilgore Family
A Scotch-Irish line, emigrated to America from Nothern Ireland about 1763. The
Scotch-Irish KILGORES have a tradition that their line of KILGORES, are related to the
DOUGLASS family of Scotland, and through this line related to Queen Victoria.
- Col. Robert McFarland Cemetary
Location about 6 and one-half miles Southeast of Morristown on Springvale Pike. The farm
for many years belonged to the McFarlands. This also includes genealogy on the American
- Descendants of Josiah Goodall of New England and Virginia
Paul Goodall (a prominent Methodist said to be) came to America from Scotland with his
family about the year 1750, and settled in that part of the territory of Massachusetts now
known as the state of Maine.
- James Stevens of Halifax County
Came to Virginia from Baldernock near Glasgow, Scotland, engaged in the milling business in
Halifax County.
- William Murray of Dayton Township, Waupaca Co
Mr. Murray was born in Scotland four miles from Edinburgh. His father Thomas Murray was a
minister of the Church of England. The family moved to Castlebar in County Mayo while
William still an infant.
Gen. John Stark
John Stark is best known for
popularizing the NH state motto "Live Free or Die". NH born and bred,
Stark was possibly the best military leader in Granite State history.
Jeanne Wallace
Mountain Maid of Roaring River.
- Daniel
B. Cowie
One of the most striking figures in the development of the salt industry
in Kansas.
Ralston, Joseph
A pioneer.
Beall, Philip
A successful farmer.
My Scottish Ancestry
By Robert L. Finch
of Muskegon, Michigan
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