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Scottish Connections around the World
In here you will find lots of information on Scottish connections in various countries around the world.  Each country page we send you to in here gives an overview of that country by providing a series of links to outside sources.  That said, on each page you will find at the top a link to "History on Electric Scotland" and that will send you to all the Scottish information we carry about that country.

It is probably worth mentioning that it is estimated that some 800,000 Scots of the present generation are thought to have emigrated to England, Wales and Ireland. Figures to our knowledge are not available to tell of the considerable number of Scots who emigrated, worked and died in England but we believe it is a considerable number.

Regions with significant Scottish populations

United States 5,310,255 & Scots-Irish 2,976,978
Canada 4,719,850
Australia 1,792,600
England 795,000
Argentina 100,000
Chile 80,000
France 45,000
Poland 15,000
New Zealand 12,792
South Africa 11,160
Isle of Man 2,403
Hong Kong 1,459

See article in Wikiperida

The Races of Europe
By Carleton Stevens Coon, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Harvard University (1939) (pdf)

Free Emigration Guides
Canada, New Zealand, Spain, USA, France & Australia

Leaves from the Srap-Book of a Scottish Exile
By Frank Adam, F.R.G.S., FSAScot. (1904) (pdf)

Colonization Circular
Issued by Her Majesty's Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners (1872) (pdf)

Scotland, Europe and the English ‘Missing Link’
By Steve Murdoch, University of St Andrews (2007) (pdf)

The Emigrant's Manual
Australia, New Zealand, America, and South Africa with a Preliminary Dissertation by John Hill Burton, author of Political and Social Economy (1851) (pdf)

  • Hungary
    Scottish connections in Hungary
  • Africa
    Scottish connections in Africa
  • Serbia and Montenegro
    Scottish connections in Serbia and Montenegro.
  • Spain
    Scottish connections in Spain
  • Italy
    Scottish connections in Italy.
  • Japan
    Scottish connections with Japan.
  • China
    Scottish connections with China
  • South America
    Chili, Peru and Brazil
  • Scots around the world
    This section tells you about Scots and Scots descendants all over the world.
  • Mini Bios
    This section gives you mini bios of Scots and Scots descendants of which many have been sent into us by visitors to our site.
  • Scots and the American Indians
    An index page to the various resources on Electric Scotland dealing with the relationship between Scots and the American Indians.
  • England
    Some of the history of England including their interaction with the Scots.
  • Isle of Man
    Described by Agnes Herbert with forword by A. W. Moore C.V.O., M.A., Speaker of the House of Keys, and 32 colour plates by Donald Maxwell (1909) (pdf)
  • Scotland and the Isle of Man
    c.1400-1625: Noble Power and Royal Presumption in the Northern Irish Sea Province by Tim Thornton (1998) (pdf)
  • Wales
    Some history of Wales
  • Jews
    Scottish Jews
  • Scotland, Scandinavia & Northern Europe
    A database at St. Andrews University of mostly Scots in these countries 1580 - 1707
  • Scotland, the Caribbean and the Atlantic world, 1750 - 1820
    This is the first book wholly devoted to assessing the array of links between Scotland and the Caribbean in the later eighteenth century.
  • Scottish Soldiers of Fortune
    This details Scottish Soldiers of Fortune through Russia, Prussia, Austria, Italy, Denmark, Spain and Portugal, Holland and Flanders, Sweden, France and the Land of the Turban.
  • Spanish Translations
    Translations of parts of our site into Spanish


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