States of America It's estimated that there are over 20 million
people of Scots descent in the USA and they have contributed greatly to that country. This
section will focus on that connection and bring you some interesting features.
Should you have any stories on Scottish connections please email them to
Alastair McIntyre
for inclusion in here.
British American Business
The British-American Business Council (BABC)
is the largest transatlantic business network, with 25 chapters and more
than 3,000 member companies based in major business centers throughout
North America and the United Kingdom.
The US Government's Official Web Portal.
Some additional links
Frank Shaw's Book Reviews
Frank, a Scots-American, does book reviews of
mainly Scottish books and also a series of articles on Robert Burns called
Robert Burns Lives!
Beth's Newfangled Family
Beth Gay produced the Family Tree newsletter for some 15 years and here
you will find her new online .pdf publication on Scottish and Genealogy
events and articles each month.
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