This volume originated
from proposals considered in 1963 for general reprinting of the older
Scottish Record Publications. At that time some concern was felt over
the dwindling stocks of these publications, some of which were already
out of print. H.M. Stationery Office had made an agreement with the
Kraus Reprint Corporation for a programme of reprinting the English
Record Publications, which has now largely been completed, and it was
thought that a similar programme might be arranged for Scotland.
Accordingly the Scottish Record Office consulted a number of scholars
working on Scottish history to determine which publications might be
selected. Several mentioned Bains Calendar of Documents relating to
Scotland but drew attention to its defects, which are outlined in the
Introduction to the present volume. Dr Grant G. Simpson, then an
Assistant Keeper at the Scottish Record Office, prepared a scheme for a
supplementary volume, which would incorporate some of the material known
to have been overlooked or ignored by Bain as well as corrections to the
original work. The next step was to enlist the assistance of those
historians and scholars who were thought to have opinions or information
concerning possible corrections and additions and further publicity was
obtained through the Scottish Medievalists Group at their annual
conference in January 1964. The response to these approaches showed the
project to be viable and in 1965 a formal agreement was concluded
between H.M. Stationery Office and the Kraus Reprint Corporation for the
reprinting of the original four volumes of the Calendar with a
supplementary fifth volume. Funds were made available for editorial
assistance and for obtaining photocopies of relevant documents.
From 1964 to 1969 Dr
Simpson was engaged on the detailed planning and execution of the
project, to which he contributed a considerable amount of material, in
addition to editing material contributed by other scholars. After Dr
Simpson left the Scottish Record Office to take up a lectureship in the
Department of History of the University of Aberdeen, the work was taken
up by Mr J.D. Galbraith, who was appointed a Research Assistant in the
Scottish Record Office in 1970. Mr Galbraith completed the editing of
the original copy, saw the entire volume through the press and compiled
the Index.
The editors have made due
acknowledgement elsewhere to the assistance which they received from the
various scholars who contributed material to this volume. I should like
to add my own thanks to them and to the other people who have helped the
project in various ways: the late Dr B. K Jopstock, U.K. and
Commonwealth representative of the Kraus Reprint Corporation, for the
early encouragement which he gave to it; Mrs Christine Gouldesbrough for
her part in checking references to Public Record Office publications and
other printed works: Mr Peter Gouldesbrough and Dr Athol L. Murray,
successive heads of the Scottish Record Office's publications section
for the co-ordinating role they have exercised; and the staff of H.M.
Stationery Office, Edinburgh, for their patience and skill over the
composition of difficult material. But above all thanks are due to the
two editors who have so successfully carried through a project the
magnitude of which was not, perhaps, fully appreciated when it was first
Keeper of the Records of Scotland
The nature and value
of Joseph Bain's 'Calendar'
On 25 October, 1878, an official
of the Treasury in London wrote to the Deputy Clerk Register, in charge
of the public records of Scotland: 'A certain Mr Joseph Bain is making
himself very busy about a proposal of his own that the Government should
employ him "to make abstracts or excerpts from the English Public
Records of all documents connected with Scottish history down to the
reign of Henry VII" This is a succinct description of the origin and
nature of the work which was eventually published, in four volumes, over
the years 1881-8. The struggles of the editor to gain acceptance of his
idea, and the vicissitudes of his research, have been ably and
entertainingly described by Professor E .L.G. Stones. .It is sufficient
to say here that Bain was a pioneer in the publication by calendaring of
record materials in large quantities and carried through a task which
was daunting enough in his own day and which no scholar would nowadays
even contemplate as feasible. The fundamental information which he made
available towards the study of medieval Scotland, especially in its
relations with England, has remained of very great importance to
scholars for almost 3 century.
The deficiencies of the
work, however, have not always been appreciated. Bain's notable industry
was not equalled by his standards of scholarship and some who have used
the Calendar have failed to realise that it has a number of flaws.
These can best be
summarised in the words of Professor Stones:
(1) A number of important
documents in the Public Record Office are omitted....
(2) False datings of
documents. In a chronological calendar, undated documents have either to
be assigned a dale, or put in an appendix without a date. It might have
been better for posterity if Bain had chosen the latter course. His
guesses are often right, but where they are wrong they have frequently
caused great confusion.
(3) Misreadings of the
script, and mistranslations of the original languages, are common enough
to demand constant care by the modern user. This is particularly true of
documents in French....
(4) A forgivable, but
dangerous, foible is his tendency to confuse a new document with an old
one already in print, and to put the reader off the scent by giving a
misleading reference to the old one.'
The haphazard nature and
the extent of Bain's omissions must be constantly kept in mind. He
sometimes presents very full information on topics of apparently
marginal interest, but can miss, from the same record group, items of
considerable and obvious Scottish significance. A comparison of the
published Calendar of Patent Rolls for the years 1247-58 with the
entries extracted by Bain shows that he has failed to include nearly
two-thirds of those items which, by strict definition, are of Scottish
concern. It would be difficult to prepare a comprehensive list of
relevant records which he did not cover, in whole or in part, but some
obvious examples of omissions can usefully be mentioned. Among financial
records he gave up searching the (very voluminous) Exchequer Memoranda
Rolls (E 159, E 368) after 1327, although he did consult the (very
inadequate) medieval 'Repertories.' His survey of the wardrobe records
in the Exchequer, K.R., Various Accounts (E 101) missed several relevant
documents, including two account-books of major significance (E
101/13/16 and E 101/369/11). he mentions Feet of Fines (CP 25) in his
Schedule of Records examined for vol.I (p.!xxiv), but appears to have
used Fines for the county of Cumberland only.4 He also fails
to make comprehensive use of the Fine Rolls (C 60), which he does not
include after about 1300, and is erratic in his treatment of the records
now forming the Ancient Petitions (SC 8), a class then in process of
formation. The Fine Rolls have since been published in calendar form for
the period 1272-1471, and transcripts by Constance M. Fraser of
petitions relating to Scotland and Berwick are being prepared for
publication by the Surtees Society.5 In an important group of
Privy Seal documents (E 28, Exchequer, Treasury of Receipt, Council and
Privy Seal Records), he found only one item (vol. iv, no. 816), possibly
by chance.
Bain's search among
records important for diplomacy was imperfect, and some curious gaps
include those documents since amalgamated to form the Treaty Rolls (C
76). now published for the period 1234-1325 (vol.I, 1955). Of even more
obvious Scottish relevance are the 'Great Rolls of Scotland', the
notarial records of the process whereby Edward I in 1291-2 adjudged that
John Balliol should become king of Scotland, but Bain docs not calendar
then! as such. They have now been published by E.L.G. Stones and Grant
G. Simpson under the title Edward 1 and the Throne of Scotland, 1290-96
(Oxford University Press, 2 vols., 1979). His apparent neglect of
diplomatic records ostensibly concerning Gascony is. by comparison,
understandable, but several items which bear on Scottish affairs have
gone unnoticed in consequence, particularly the Gascon Calendar (E
36/187), a catalogue of all such records in the Exchequer and Wardrobe,
which includes brief descriptions of documents customarily used in
negotiations with France to justify English actions in Scotland. This
has since been edited by G.P. Cuttino as The Gascon Calendar of 1322,
Camden Third Series, vol Ixx (London, 1949). The other great
contemporary inventory of English records, the famous Calendar of Bishop
Stapeldon. is also of interest for its Scottish references (E 36/268).
Although already printed by Francis Palgrave in Ancient {Calendars, vol.
i (1836), it was not used by Bain.
Aim and content of the
present volume
Bain's Calendar is far from being the only historical compilation from
Victorian, or even earlier, times which presents a mass of useful matter
but suffers from defects of scholarship. Professor C.R. Cheney has
wisely remarked: 'If it is not expedient to print documents in extenso.
then there should be many more aids to the student in the shape of
hand-lists, which may enable him to find the document he needs.... We
shall never see a revised Ryiner's Foedera, and we do not want one. But
the book is there, with all its faults, indispensable for historians.
Could we not have printed corrigenda in a handy form, to prevent the
constant repetition of Ryiner's errors?'7 When a reprint of
the four volumes of Bain's original work was proposed, it therefore
seemed desirable to provide, in an additional volume, certain aids,
including corrigenda and addenda. To attempt Bain's entire task over
again would be impossible, but even a limited amount of correction and
addition can enhance the value of a still useful work.
It cannot be emphasised
too strongly that even the present volume does not move more than a
little further towards the ideal, certainly unattainable, of calendaring
in print all those items concerning Scotland in the middle ages which
exist among the English Public Records. No scholar should think that by
using the five volumes of this work he is absolved from searching for
further information in English records, both printed and manuscript.
Bain's four volumes have often been looked upon as a kind of quarry, in
which delvers could find good things and feel satisfied. The present
volume, to change the metaphor, should be seen rather as a signpost,
intended both to help scholars in checking the original work and to
point them towards additional sources of information. This volume is not
the result of a comprehensive survey of the records printed since Bain's
time or of those groups of manuscripts which he either did not cover or
covered incompletely. Its aim is limited: but it is hoped that even so
it may prove helpful.
The volume has been
divided into three sections: (1) References and corrections related to
the entries in volumes i-iv; (2) Additions, that is. items not noted by
Bain: (3) Letters of protection, attorney and respite of debts, which
form a specialised group of additions, taken from the Rotuli Scotiae. In
the work of compilation certain procedures have been systematic and
comprehensive, others have involved only partial coverage, and it is
important to make clear the distinction.
Section I: References
and corrections
This section lists in order all entries in volumes i-iv. Where it is
known that an entry has been printed subsequent to the period of Bain's
researches, in. for example, one of the many volumes of Calendars issued
by the Public Record Office, a reference is given to such later work. It
is reasonable to assume that these works will nearly always be more
accurate than Bain and they are normally fuller in content. (The
Calendars of Inquisitions Post Mortem (16 vols.. 1904 - ) are. however,
an exception: their entries are briefer than Bain's.) References are
also occasionally provided to works published by the Record Commission
before Bain's time. All these essentially bibliographical references are
intended to enable the user to find a more reliable text than Bain's,
which he can thus check. No comprehensive comment is offered on mistakes
in such entries in Bain, although occasionally a significant error is
noted. It will be obvious that use of the indexes in the volumes to
which the reader is referred may often lead him to items which Bain
missed. In searching for printed materials, the editors have tried to
make comprehensive use of the official Calendars, but their coverage of
non-official publications, such as those issued by local record
societies, has inevitably been less thorough.
Where no other published
text of an entry is known to exist, the P.R.O. manuscript reference is
stated. These have been taken from handwritten additions in the Round
Room copy of Bain's Calendar, at the P.R.O. The references there stated
have been assumed to be accurate and have not been checked against the
original manuscripts, except occasionally in cases of difficulty. In a
very few instances the manuscript quoted by Bain cannot now be found,
and such entries have been noted as 'not traced'. The intention in
providing the manuscript reference is to enable the user to check Bain's
work, either by personally consulting the original text or by acquiring
a photocopy of it. In this connection users should remember that
membrane and folio numbers have sometimes been altered since Bain's
time. Such numbers have not normally been re-checked for the present
work and it may be necessary at times to cast around in a manuscript,
using the old numerations, in order lo identify an item. It has
occasionally been possible to provide a correction or corrections to an
entry which remains unprinted apart from Bain. No systematic search for
such has been made, but if a correction is known from remarks in print,
or if it has been noted by a scholar who has checked the manuscript, it
has been incorporated. It should not be assumed that the corrections
listed are necessarily all that require to be made to an entry.
Two small groups of
Scottish records were transferred in 1937 and 1948 from the P.R.O. to
the Scottish Record Office, where they form part of the Register Mouse
Series, as RH5. For these items the S.R.O. reference has been stated;
and a few which Bain omitted have been incorporated in Section 2 of the
present work.
Section 2: Additions
This section provides additional items, and some description of the form
of calendaring is necessary'. As a general rule, a reasonably full style
has been adopted, mentioning all topics, persons and places referred to.
But in some instances methods of shortening the entries further have
been used. Where account books or other extensive documents are
involved, only the sections relating to Scotland have been calendared
and these have been identified as 'extracts'. Where a text is already
adequately available in print, only a short calendar is provided and
this brevity will be readily explained by the provision at the end of
the entry of a reference to the printed text. Short calendars are also
used where an item has been drawn from one of the P.R.O. Lists and
Indexes. Such calendars are enclosed in square brackets: as are also
parts of a more extensive item which have been treated summarily because
of their comparative unimportance or partial illegibility. In addition,
all supplied information, including dates and editorial comments, is
enclosed in square brackets.
Certain calendar entries
have for convenience been subdivided by the insertion either of roman
numerals or of letters. Numerals are normally used where a number of
distinct but related documents share the same reference number or date,
because, for example, several such documents have been stitched together
or are enrolled on the same membrane.Letters are used to subdivide
unusually large entries: the divisions are more or less arbitrary and
are designed to make reading easier.
Names have been dealt
with as follows. In personal names, surnames are given in the form of
the manuscript, but forenames have been modernised, except for unusual
specimens. Familiar place-names of frequent occurrence, e.g. of major
towns, castles and woods, have been modernised in the calendar entries,
but their manuscript forms have been noted in the index, where these are
stated in brackets after the modern forms.
The additional materials
for this volume have been accumulated in two ways. Hirst, a number of
individual items have been kindly contributed by scholars, in response
to appeals, or have been noted by the editors in the course of their
work. These are all essentially strays, included lest they 3gain sink
below the surface and are lost to view. Accordingly. it must not be
assumed, because a document from a particular P.R.O. class is included
among the additions, that the class in question has been thoroughly
combed for additional material.
Secondly, an attempt has
been made to check in a reasonably comprehensive way twelve particularly
important record classes. In view of the known defects of Bain's
original researches, it would be foolish to claim that work for the
present volume has extracted every remaining item from this body of
records. Indeed, some items whose interest was very slight, or whose
text was very illegible, have been deliberately passed by. But, since it
is to these classes that the main effort of search has been directed, it
is proper to specify theiri here and to indicate how each has been dealt
(1) Early Chancery Proceedings (C I), 1467-1500: a full check has been
made from the descriptive list in Lists and Indexes, vols, xvi and xx
(1903, 1906).
This class was not used
by Bain.
(2) Chancery Miscellanea.
Scottish Documents (C 47/22): a full check has been made from the
descriptive list in Lists and Indexes, vol. xlix (1923).
(3) Chancery Miscellanea,
Diplomatic Documents (C 47/27-32): a full check has been made from the
descriptive list in Lists and Indexes, vol. xlix (1923).
(4) Duchy of Lancaster,
Royal Charters (DL 10): a full check has been made from the descriptive
list in Lists and Indexes, Supplementary Series, no. v, vol. 3 (1964).
(5) Duchy of Lancaster,
Cartae Miscellancae (DL 36): a full check has been made from the
descriptive list in Lists and Indexes, Supplementary Series, no. v, vol.
(6) Exchequer. Treasury of Receipt. Council and Privy Seal Records (E
28): a full check has been made from the original records. A set of
xerox copies of all items concerning Scotland is now held in the
Scottish Record Office. Bain noted only one item from this class (vol.
iv, no. 816).
(7) Exchequer. Treasury
of Receipt, Diplomatic Documents (E 30): a full check has been made from
the descriptive list in List and Indexes, vol. xlix (1923).
(8) Exchequer. Treasury
of Receipt, Scottish Documents (E 39): a full check has been made from
the descriptive list in Lists and Indexes, vol. xlix (1923).
(9) Exchequer, King's
Remembrancer. Various Accounts (E 101): a selection has been made from
this very large class, based on Lists and Indexes, vol. xxxv (Amended
edition, 1963). List of Documents relating to the Household and
Wardrobe. John - Edward / (Public Record Office Handbooks, no. 7, 1964)
has also been useful and indicates material which would repay further
Special Collections
(10) Special Collections. Ancient Correspondence (SC 1): a partial check
has been made from the index prepared for a new descriptive list. The
process consisted mainly of checking all index entries under 'Scotland',
but entries for a number of prominent Scottish personal and place names
were also checked. A set of xerox copies of all documents from this
class which have been included is now held in the Scottish Record
(11) Special Collections,
Papal Bulls (SC 7): a full check has been made from the descriptive list
in Lists and Indexes. vol. xlix (1923).
(12) Special Collections,
Ancient Petitions (SC 8): a full check has been made from the index in
Lists and Indexes, vol. i (1892).
In addition, the more
important documents have been incorporated from the register of Richard
Kellaw, bishop of Durham from 1311 to 1316 {Palatinate of Durham.
Chancery Records, Durham 3/1). This was published in full trans- cript
in Registrant Palatimtm Duiiehnensc, ed. T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series, 4
vols.. 1 873-8).
Section 3: Rotuli
The principal series of enrolments concerning Scotland among the English
Public Records is the Rotuli Scotiae (C 71), a set of 113 rolls
extending from 1291 to 1516. These were printed in (apparently) full
transcript in two folio volumes published by the Record Commission in
1814 and 1819. Bain was therefore instructed to omit these records
entirely from his Calendar and duly noted this fact. But unfortunately
the editors of the Rotuli Scoriae had themselves omitted from their
edition two categories of entry: 'vacated', that is, cancelled entries,
and a considerable number of letters of protection, of respite for
debts, and of attorney. Since such items obviously constituted a gap in
the coverage of material relating to Scotland, it has been decided to
include them in the present volume, even although they are in fact
additions to a publication many years older than Bain's. The fact of
their omission has often gone unnoticed and the present volume presents
an appropriate opportunity to put them into print. In preparation for
this a complete check has been made of the manuscript rolls against the
printed edition.
It should also be
emphasised that most of these additions may have even greater interest
for English historians than for those seeking illumination from English
records on events in Scotland. They largely concern the activities of
Englishmen, in very considerable numbers, who were directly or
indirectly involved in the wars against Scotland from 1296 onwards. They
provide valuable evidence about those who set out, or intended to set
out, on the Scottish campaigns and about who their leaders, retinues and
companions were. At the same time some degree of caution is required in
interpreting such records. It must be remembered that the issue of
letters of protection, or some related document, in connection with
service in Scotland cannot be taken as evidence that a particular
individual in fact went to Scotland. Further, from about the
mid-fifteenth century onwards the Rotuli Scoriae came to be used for
purposes of a legal technicality in the English courts: the numerous
merchants who took out letters of protection for a journey to Berwick
were not setting off to assist in the English war effort, but were
merely using this procedure as a convenient excuse to escape temporarily
from some legal action. Such entries have only a very tenuous connection
with Anglo-Scottish affairs.
For convenience, this
section has been divided into two parts. In part i are placed letter of
respite and of attorney, and various items omitted from the original
edition because 'vacated'. Part ii consists of letters of protection,
grouped together since they are so numerous and can be dealt with more
succinctly en bloc.
The general aim in
calendaring Rotuli Scotiae material has been to exclude as much common
form as possible and to retain only the essentials of each entry. Each
calendar entry normally contains only the following basic elements:
date, name of grantee, term of the grant, and the manuscript reference.
Entries for letters of attorney and of respite also give the names of
the attorneys appointed or of the officials to whom the writs of respite
were directed, plus the place of granting. (For letters of protection
the place of granting is not stated, since these are normally listed in
the printed Rotuli Scotiae in summaries placed at the end of the section
for each regnal year.) Also included in an entry is any specific
statement about the grantee's business in Scotland, or his membership of
a particular company, retinue or garrison, e.g. 'staying in the castle
of Edinburgh', or 'with Robert de Clifford': but general statements,
such as 'in the Scottish war', or 'on the king's business', are omitted.
If grantees were given letters of attorney or a respite on the same date
as their letters of protection, or shortly before or after that,
cross-references have been inserted in the form, e.g. '[no. 1440]'. The
term of grant is normally stated as. e.g., 'Michaelmas' and this to be
understood as 'until Michaelmas next'.
All letters of one type
and of the same date have been grouped together under that date. Thus
(heir place in the calendar does not necessarily reflect the order in
which they appear in the rolls. Manuscript references may occur within
date group, so that the manuscript reference given at the end of such a
group should not be assumed to be applicable to every item in it. Such
changes of reference within groups have been emphasised, where
necessary, by paragraphing, or by stating the term of the grants after,
not before, the final reference. Individual items in these groups,
corresponding to distinct sections or paragraphs in the rolls, have been
separated by semi-colons. Where any of the various elements of the entry
are common to a number of consecutive items within it, they have been
summarised, either at the end of the date group, or after the last item
in it to which the common element applies, e.g.: '[all until Michaelmas]'.
or 'all with Robert Clifford'.
Almost all the letters of
protection for the period 22 November, 1297, to 18 July, 1298, from
rolls C 71/2 and C 67/13, have been published in full transcript in
Scotland in 1298, ed. Henry Gough (London, 1888) 14-51, together with
some letters of attorney and of respite (ibid. 53-5). These letters of
protection are accordingly omitted from the present volume. Letters of
attorney and of respite with correlate to the protections printed by
Gough (nos. 1170-1243) have been cross-referred to that volume, thus:
"(Gough, 51]'. Cough's work also usefully provides full texts which can
be compared with the brief calendar forms presented below.
On account of the very
large number of names involved, it has been decided, with regret, not to
incorporate in the Index any of the Rotuli Scotiae materia! calendared
in section 3.
Material from the
British Library
In his volumes iii and iv Bain included extracts from various
manuscripts in the British Museum (now the British Library). These were
mainly royal Wardrobe books of the years 1296-1307, which had in various
ways strayed from the Public Records. The inclusion of this material in
the Calendar certainly enhanced its value, but historians have sometimes
failed to realise that it has indeed been printed. Further material of
litis type exists in the British Library, and one manuscript has been
thoroughly examined to provide additional items for the present volume.
This is a Wardrobe book of the year 1 Edward II. 1307-8 (Additional MS.
Possibilities for
future research
It has already been emphasised that comprehensive publication of all
Scottish references among the English Public Records would be
impossible. Nor would it be appropriate here to embark on an exhaustive
survey of record groups which might be usefully examined at some future
date. But the editorial work for the present volume has revealed some
sources which might well repay investigation and it seems worth while to
refer, though with due caution, to a selection of these.
(1) Chancery Miscellanea (C 47). Although Scottish Documents (C 47/22)
and Diplomatic Documents (C 47/27-32), mentioned above, are the sections
most likely to produce Scottish items, some others would be worth
searching. In C 47/2 (Army and Navy) and C 47/3 (Household and Wardrobe.
Works, etc), for example, there are a few relevant military and
household items, mainly for the period 1292-1306.
(2) Exchequer, King's Remembrancer, Customs Accounts (E 122). This chss
includes customs accounts for Berwick, c. 1295 Edward VI (E 122/3/1-19,
plus E 122/193/2, 8 and 9). These are mostly writs and receipts relating
to assignments on these customs, generally in poor condition. Since
Berwick in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries changed hands
frequently, these records may be of Scottish interest. A guide, giving
short descriptions, is available in Exchequer K.R. Customs Accounts
(vol. 1. Aldeburgh Lyme Regis). List and Index Society, vol. 43 (1969).
(3) Exchequer of Receipt.
Writs and Warrants for Issues: Privy Seals (E 404/1-228). The warrants
under the privy seal in this class derive from the drafts, petitions and
memoranda in the Treasury of Receipt. Council and Privy Seal series (P.
28) (see above, p.iv). But the E 28 series is very incomplete and the E
404 records may provide new information, although the payments ordered
by the various warrants generally appear on the Issue Rolls (E 403).
which Bain did use. There is a published index of the warrants from 1399
to 1485 (E 404/15-78) in Lists and Indexes. Supplementary Scries, no.
ix. vol. 2 (1964) and it contains many Scottish references. A set of
xerox copies of E 404/1/6 is held in the S.R.O.
(4) Exchequer of Receipt,
Writs and Warrants for Issues: Wardrobe Debentures, etc. (E
404/481-516). The records in E 404/485/6-18 concern the chamberlains of
Scotland in the period 1296-1318 and arc of obvious interest. E
404/481-4 cover much the same period and might also be worth examining.
A class list, giving a general indication of the types of payment to
which these warrants relate, is available in Class List of Records of
the Exchequer of Receipt, List and Index Society, vol. 31 (1968). Three
items from E 404 are printed in full in Ranald Nicholson, Edward III and
the Scots (London, 1965), 238-9.241.
British Library and
other repositories
At the British Library the resources of the Cottonian and Harleian
collections, in particular, are still to some extent unknown because of
the lack of modern catalogues, such as that available for the Royal
Manuscripts; and the earlier volumes of the catalogues of Additional
Manuscripts are, by modern standards, very inadequate.
Possibilities include:
(1) transcripts of unknown record texts among still unprinted chronicles
(see, for example, E.L.G. Stones and Margaret N. Blount, 'The surrender
of King John of Scotland to Edward I in 1296: some new evidence',
Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, xlviii (1975),
94-106); (2) original diplomatic and administrative documents, or
transcripts of such, among miscellaneous composite volumes put together
by collectors such as Sir Robert Cotton (see, for example, documents in
Stowe MS.553, folios 28,32.120, apparently concerning a mission to
Andrew de Harcla).
New evidence, however, is
perhaps most likely to emerge from the unprinted Wardrobe accounts which
begin at the year 6 Edward I and comprise some forty volumes. No list
seems to have been published, but there is a useful typescript list made
in 1932 by E.W. Safford, available in the Round Room at the P.R.O.
Examples include: Harleian MS. 5001, accounts of the Wardrobe of the
prince of Wales, 35 Edward I (a sixteenth-century copy, which is very
incorrect, but may be a complete transcript of the original); Phillipps
MS.3785.545, Wardrobe book of the reign of Edward II.
Unprinted Wardrobe
accounts also survive in the Bodleian Library, Oxford (MS. Tanner 197)
and in the John Rylands Library, Manchester (MSS. 229-32). In order to
guide scholars to other similar records already in print, but little
known, it is worth mentioning here the Wardrobe books in the possession
of the Society of Antiquaries of London. The society published one of
its accounts in full, under the title Liber Quotidianus
Contrarotulatoris Garderobae a.r. Regis Edward Primi 28 [1299-1300], ed.
John Topham (London, 1787), and extracts from two others are given in
Thomas Stapleton, *A brief summary of the Wardrobe Accounts of the 10th,
11th and 14th years of King Edward II', Archaeologia, xxvi (1863)
The complex editorial task of producing this volume has been assisted by
a large body of helpers, to all of whom grateful thanks are due. The
staff of the Public Record Office provided both expert guidance and
editorial facilities, and special mention should be made of Miss P.M.
Barnes, Miss Barbara Eames, Mr J.R. Ede, Miss D.U. Gifford, the late Mr
L.C. Hector and Mr R.E. Latham. The late Miss Mildred Wretts-Smith
undertook with care and enthusiasm the laborious task of dealing with
the Rotuli Scotiae. Many scholars have generously given time and energy
to contribute information. Three in particular have taken a notable
share: Professor A.A.M. Duncan surveyed an entire Wardrobe book at the
British library and several at the P.R.O.: Professor A.L. Brown
extracted the considerable body of new materia] from E 28; and Professor
E.L.G. Stones provided both general guidance and a large number of
corrections and additions. The following have also assisted in a variety
of ways: Mr D.A. Barrie, Professor G.W.S. Barrow, Mr Francis Cowe, Dr
Alexander Grant, Mrs Alison Hanham, Mr A.M. Jackson, Professor Ranald
Nicholson, Mr J.J. Robertson, Professor G.O. Sayles, Mr Norman Shead and
Mr Bruce Webster.
And here are the image
scans of the pages...
And now we bring you this 5th Volume in a
series of pdf files...
Key to
Corrections for Volume 1
Corrections for Volume 2
Corrections for Volume 3
Corrections for Volume 4
Rotuli Scotiae
Index of Persons/Places
Index of Subjects
Volume 1
Part 1
(1065 - 1212)
Part 2
(1212 - 1230)
Part 3
(1230 - 1235)
Part 4
(1239 - 1253)
Part 5
(1253 - 1264)
Part 6
(1264 - 1272)
Addendum and Appendix
Volume 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Volume 3
1307 to 1313
1313 to 1321
1321 to 1330
1330 to 1339
1340 to 1354
1354 to 1358
Volume 4
1357 to 1375
1375 to 1394
1394 to
1407 to 1426
1427 to 1453
1453 to 1482
1482 to 1501
1501 to 1508
The Border
Calendar of Letters and Papers relating to
the Affairs of the Borders of England and Scotland preserved in Her
Majesty's Public Record Office London.
Edited by Joseph Bain
Volume I
A.D. 1560 - 1594
Volume II
A.D. 1595 - 1603
The Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland
During the Middle Ages edited by Thomas Walsingham in 2 volumes
Volume 1 |
Volume 2
The Chronicles and Memorials of Great
Britain and Ireland
Published by the Authority of Her Majesty's Treasury, under the
direction of the Master of the Rolls. The Buik of the Cronicles of
Scotland; or A Metrical Version of the History of Hector Boece by
William Stewart; Edited by William S. Turnbull (1857) (pdf)
Volume 1
| Volume
2 |
Volume 3
The Border History of
England and Scotland
Deduced from the earliest times to the Union
of the Two Crowns
By Mr George Ridpath