Scotland’s Churches AD 1000-1600
With Adam Cumming FSAScot
Quotation & Picture Series
Scotland, edited by J. B. Reynolds, B.A. (1915) (pdf)
Scotch Folk
Third Edition enlarged (1881) (pdf)
A critical
analysis of Dr Ewan Campbell's paper "Were the Scots Irish?"
By Bridget Brennan (pdf) Added this to the foot of the page of Dr.
Ewan Campbell's paper.
The Life and Work of Sir Jagadis C.
Bose, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., C.I.E., C.S.I.
Emeritus Professor, Presidency College, Calcutta, Director of the Bose
Research Institute by Patrick Geddes, Late Professor of Botany (I Niv.
Coll., Dundee) St. Andrews University, and Professor of Sociology and
Civics, University of Bombay (1920) (pdf)
Memoirs of Mrs.
Joanna Bethune
By her son, the Rev. George W. Bethune, D.D., with an appendix
containing extracts from the writings of Mrs. Bethune (1863) (pdf)
Annual Sermon
before the American Seamen's Friend Society
At its Seventy-Sixth Anniversary, Sunday, May 8, 1904, by the Rev.
Donald Sage MacKay, D.D. (1904) (pdf)
Flavours of Pictish life
Using starch grains and phytoliths to trace late Roman and early
medieval culinary traditions (pdf)
Was the Stonehenge Altar Stone from Orkney?
Investigating the mineralogy and geochemistry of Orcadian Old Red
sandstones and Neolithic circle monuments (pdf)
Scots digital
powerhouse plans centre on financial assets doubling to £1 trillion by
2030. An article by Bill Magee.
Those folks hopeful of the eventual issuing of a Scots pound are having
to curb their enthusiasm. Instead they are keeping an eagle eye on
another monetary issue with global implications involving both sides of
the Pond.
Duncan, Gordon
The most innovative and influential piper of his generation
John D. Burgess Full Piping Documentary
This is a full piping documentary about the late great piper John D.
Grandfather Mountain Highland Games 2024
Clan MacLeod produced a video of their visit to this Highland Games and
I've added it to the foot of our Clan MacLeod history page.
MacLean, Calum Iain
Pioneering fieldworkers of the School of Scottish Studies.
The Emigrant's
Directory and Guide
To obtain lands and effect a settlement in the Canadas by Francis A.
Evans, Esq., Late Agent for the Eastern Townships to the legislature of
Lower Canada (1833) (pdf)
Added our Weekly Newsletter for 6th September 2024 which you can read as a
pdf file or in our
The Life of Thomas
Muir, Esq., Advocate
Younger of Huntershill, near Glasgow, Member of the Convention of
Delegates for Reform in Scotland, etc., etc., who was tried for Sedition
before the High Court of Justiciary in Scotland and sentenced to
Transportation for fourteen years with a full report of his trial by
Peter Mackenzie (1831) (pdf)
The Life of Thomas
A Memorial by Samuel C. Logan, D.D. (1888) (pdf)
Life of St. Cuthbert
Prior of Mailros and Bishop of Lindisfarne by a Monk of Lindisfarne
Abbey (pdf)
The Life and Adventures of
Mr. Duncan Campbell
By Daniel Defoe (1720) (pdf)
Observations Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty
Made in the Year 1776, on Several Parts of Great Britain; Particularly
the Highlands of Scotland in 2 volumes (second edition) by William
Gilpin, A. M. (1792)
The Dissertation on the Origin and Antiquity of the Scottish Nation
By James Tytler (1795) (pdf)
Horse Drill
And Manoeuvres for the Native Cavalry on the Coast of Coromandel by
Major Gen. Sir Archibald Campbell K.B., Governor and Commander in Chief
(1837) (pdf)
The History of the Ancient Surname of Buchanan
And of Ancient Scottish Surnames; more particularly the Clans by William
Buchanan of Auchmar (1793) (pdf)
The History of the
Reformation in Scotland
By John Knox to which are appended, several other pieces of his writings
including the First Book of Discipline, complete and his dispute with
the Abbot of Crossraguel, and not given with any former edition with a
memoir, historical introduction, and notes by William M‘Gavin, Esq.
(1831) (pdf)
History of Arbroath to the Present Time
Second edition by George Hay (1899) (pdf)
Duncan and Peggy
A Scottish Tale by Elizabeth Helme in two volumes (1794)
A Northern Seasonal 1895 Published in 4 volumes in the Lawnmarket of
Edinburgh by Patrick Geddes and Colleagues.
Ethnology in
By George Laurence Gomme, F.S.A., President of the Folklore Society
(1892) (pdf)
Updated our page on their history with more recent information.
The Highland Monthly Magazine
Added volumes 3 & 4.
Added our Weekly Newsletter for 30th August 2024 which you can read as a
pdf file or in our
The Scots College in Spain
By Maurice Taylor (1971)
Diary of a Tour in
During the Spring and Summer of 1853 by Archibald Neil Campbell-MacLachlan,
M.A., Vicar of Newton Valence, Hants with Memoir of Major-General Sir
Neil Campbell, C.B. (pdf)
Infinite and
Sam Taylor for These Islands, 29th August 2024 (pdf)
John Gentleman, Tramp.
A novel by Jessie A. Norquay Forbes (1892) (pdf)
from Criminal Trials in Scotland
By John Hill Burton in two volumes (1852)
Narrative of Mr. James Nimmo
Written for his own satisfaction to keep in some rememberance the Lord's Way
dealing and kindness towards him 1654 - 1709 Edited from the Original Manuscript
with Introduction and Notes by W. G. Scott-Moncrieff. FSAScot., Advocate (1889)
Jesuit’s Misconception of Scottish History and a Fellow-Jesuit’s Apology for the
Exposed by D. Hay Fleming, LL.D., reprinted from The British Weekly with note
and additional remarks (1916) (pdf)
John Laurie
An Eccentric Sutherland Dominie by Daniel William Kemp (1892) (pdf)
Scots Men-at-Arms and Life-Guards in France
From Their Formation Until Their Final Dissolution, A.D. 1418 - 1830 by William
Forbes-Leith in two volumes (1882)
Napoleon at Fontainebleau and Elba (1869) (pdf)
Being a journal of occurrences in 1814-1815, with notes of conversations by the
late Major-General Sir Neil Campbell with a memoir of the life and services of
that officer by Campbell, Neil, (Sir) 1776-1827; Archibald Neil Campbell
Machlachlan (1869) (pdf)
Diary of a Lady-in-Waiting
By Lady Charlotte Bury being the diary illustrative of the times of George
the Fourth interspersed with original letters from the late Queen Caroline
and from other distinguished persons edited with an Introduction by A.
Francis Steuart in two volumes (1908)
Descriptive Account
of the Principle Towns in Scotland
To accompany Wood's Town Atlas (1828)
Douglas Cause
Edited by A. Francis Steuart, Advocate (1909)
Donald MacFarlane of Gigha and Cara
A Biographical Sketch by Sydney Smith (1925)
A Critical Examination of Dr. Macculloch's Work on the Highlands and Western
By James Browne (1825) (pdf)
A Defence of the Scots
Abdicating Darien
Including An Answer to the Defence of the Scots Settlement there (1700)
Added our Weekly Newsletter for 23rd August 2024 which you can read as a
pdf file or in our
British Compendium
Or, Rudiments of Honour containing the Origin of the Scots, and Succession
of their Kings for above 2000 years; Also the Titles, Descents, Marriages,
Intermarriages, Issue, Posts, and Sears of all the Scottish Nobility, with
their Robes, and Arms, fourth edition, by Francis Nichols (1741) (pdf)
Tardigrada, collected by the Lake Survey
By James Murray (1907) (pdf)
They have been found in diverse regions of Earth's biosphere – mountaintops,
the deep sea, tropical rainforests, and the Antarctic. Tardigrades are among
the most resilient animals known, with individual species able to survive
extreme conditions – such as exposure to extreme temperatures, extreme
pressures (both high and low), air deprivation, radiation, dehydration, and
starvation – that would quickly kill most other known forms of life.
Tardigrades have survived exposure to outer space.
An Address to the
People of Scotland
On Ecclesiastical and Civil Liberty (1782) (pdf)
This Little
A collection of interesting articles about Scotland by Archibald Campbell
The Book of the
Club of True Highlanders
I found a more recent scan of the two volumes which is better than the ones
I did many years ago and so thought I'd make them available on the page
which I've marked as "A more recent scan of this volume".
Outlines of Human Life
Sketched by Hercules Cramond, M. D. in the Thirtieth Year of his Age and
exemplified by some genuine and well-attested Memoirs of the Author and his
Family (1785) (pdf)
Answer to Nae Luck about
the House (1785)
A Favourite Scots Song (pdf)
A Literary History of Scotland
By J. H. Millar, B.A., LL.B., Balliol College, Oxford, Lecturer in
International Private Law in the University of Edinburgh (1903) (pdf)
Scottish Society of
Got in their Summer 2024 newsletter
Clan Munro of Australia
Got in their August 2024 newsletter.
Scotland tackling
young gaming addiction
Tam is a typical Scots teenager who fits the category of "Digital Native."
With time on his hands or rather at his fingertips, a bright kid good at
science and maths who, ideally, is destined to go far attracting a high
grade salary and with it personal lifestyle. An article by Bill Magee.
A Century of Scottish
From the days before the '45 to those within living memory by Sir Henry
Craik, K.C.B., M.A. (Oxon.), Hon. LL.D. (Glasgow) (1901
Scottish Society of
Got in their August 2024 newsletter.
Enoch Powell, Speech on Immigration, House of Commons, 10/03/1980
Taken from his wilderness years as Ulster Unionist Party M. P. for South
Down, Mr. Enoch Powell cuts an isolated figure as he debates his views on
immigration against a scarcely populated but hostile House of Commons. |