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What's New on Electric Scotland
This is a list of the most recent content added to the site in the past month
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Added our Weekly Newsletter for 26th July 2024 which you can read as a pdf file or in our Community

Sir William MacGregor
Added a link to a book about him that can be borrowed on the Internet Archive as well as some other literature on his time in the Pacific and also Newfoundland in Canada.

Albert MacLaren
Pioneer Missionary in New Guinea, A Memoir by Frances M. Synge with Introduction by Sir William MacGregor, G.C.M.G., M.D., etc. Formerly Governor of British New Guinea (1908) (pdf)

Colonization Circular
Issued by Her Majesty's Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners (1872) (pdf)

Guide to the Orkney Islands
Including their scenery, climate, agriculture, trade, fisheries, history, natural history, etc. with a map, views, notices on inns and ferries, etc. by the Rev. Charles Clouston, Minister of Sandwick (1862) (pdf)

The Highland Monthly Magazine
A Magazine forming a Centre of literary Brotherhood for Scoto-Celtic people both at Home and Abroad Edited by Duncan Campbell, Editor of the “Northern Chronicle,” and Alexander MacBain, M.A., FSAScot.

An Historical Case Study of the Effect of Educational Reform on an Underdeveloped Area
Scotland in the Eighteenth Century. Final Report by Vern L. Bullough (1969) (pdf)

Donald Trump
Added a video history of his life to his page.

Banks, Iain
Writer, whom I've added to our Famous Scots section.

James Clerk Maxwell
Replaced the book on him with a better copy.

MacLeod, John James Rickard
inventor of insulin

David Livingston
Added a new video about him and also added a couple of reports from the Livingstonia Mission to the foot of our page about him.

Added our Weekly Newsletter for 19th July 2024 which you can read as a pdf file or in our Community

Journal of a Tour in the Highlands and Western Islands of Scotland in 1800
By John Leyden, edited with a Bibliography, by James Sinton (1903) (pdf)

The Invertebrate Fauna of the Inland Waters of Scotland
Part III. By Thomas Scott, F.L.S. Loch Morar, Inverness-shire (1893) (pdf)

Catalogue of Important Scottish Medals
Collected by the late R. M. Cochran-Patrick, LL.D., F.S.A., FSAScot., at one time Member of Parliament for North Ayrshire, and Under Secretary for Scotland [Sold by Order of Lady Kennedy Cochran-Patrick] to be auctioned on Tuesday, the 8th of November, 1949 (pdf)

An Index Drawn up about the Year 1629
Of many records of charters granted by the different Sovereigns of Scotland between the years 1309 and 1413, most of which records have been long missing with an Introduction giving a state, founded on authentic documents still preserved, of the Ancient Records of Scotland, which were in that Kingdom in the year 1292, to which are subjoined, indexes of the persons and places mentioned in those charters, alphabetically arranged, published at the desire of the Right Honourable Lord Frederick Campbell, Lord Clerk-Register of Scotland with a view to lead to a discovery of those records which are missing by William Robertson, Esq., one of the Deputies of the Lord Clerk-Register for keeping the records of Scotland (1798) (pdf)

The Scottish Mountaineering Club Guide
Ben Nevis edited by H. MacRobert (1920) (pdf)

Tohoku, The Scotland of Japan
By Christopher Noss and Associates of the Tohoku Mission (pdf)

Scottish Society of Louisville
Got up their June and July 2024 newsletters.

Robert Duncan MacIntyre
Professional Golfer

Reminiscences of Glasgow
And the West of Scotland by Peter MacKenzie in three volumes

A Voice from Scotland by The Very Reverend James Cooper, D.D., D.C.L., Hon. Litt.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the University of Glasgow; Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 1917 (1918) (pdf)

Scotland leads rest of UK in attracting youngsters to vital science, tech, engineering, maths (STEM) skills
Scotland's continued struggle (along with virtually the rest of the planet) to plug skills shortages in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) has been given a timely boost by a group of teens who beat off stiff competition from hundreds of their peers to lift the UK's leading Junior Engineering Award. Article by Bill Magee.

Five acres and independence
A Practical Guide to the Selection and Management of the Small Farm by M. G. Kains, B.S , M.S., Special Crop Culturist, U S Department of Agriculture, Formerly Head of Horticulture Department, Pennsylvania State College, Hornculture, Agriculture and Botany Editor, New International Encyclopedia, Garden Editor Pictorial Review and other National Magazines, Lecturer on Horticulture, Columbia University, Author of Modern Guide to Successful Gardening, Plant Propagation, Principles and Practice of Pruning Culinary Herbs, etc, etc., New and Enlarged Edition. (1935) (pdf)

A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland
Including the Isle of Man comprising an account of their geological structure with remarks on their agriculture, scenery, and antiquities by John MacCulloch, M. D. in three volumes (1819)

The history of the troubles and memorable transactions in Scotland and England
From 1624 to 1645 in two volumes by John Spalding (1827)

Observations on Several Parts of Great Britain
Particularly the Highlands of Scotland relative chiefly to picturesque beauty made in the year 1776 By William Gilpin, A. M., Prebendary of Salisbury; and Vicar of Boldre in New Forest, near Lymington in two volumes (second edition) (1792) (pdf) Also including The Life of William Baker with his funeral sermon by the Rev. Mr. Gilpin (1795) (pdf) Found a new edition of this publication which is in colour and is a third edition and so have replaced the older edition with this one.

Added our Weekly Newsletter for 12th July 2024 which you can read as a pdf file or in our Community

Information for John Campbel Eldest Lawfull Son to the Deceast Robert Campbel of Glenlyon Against The Earl of Tullibardin (pdf)

The History of the Reformation of Religion in Scotland by John Knox
To which are appended several other pieces of his writing including the First book of Discipline, complete, and his dispute with the Abbot of Crossraguel, not given with any former edition with a memoir, historical introduction, and notes, by William M'Gavin, Esq. (1831) (pdf)

Travellers’ Tales of Scotland
By R. H. Coats, M.A. (1913) (pdf)

A True Relation of the Actions of the Inniskilling Men
From their first taking-up of Arms in December, 1688. for the Defence of the Protestant Religion and their Lives and Liberties, Written by Andrew Hamilton, Rector of Kilskerrie and one of the Prebends of the Diocese of Clogber, in the Kingdom of Ireland, an Eye-witness thereof, and Actor therein (1690) (pdf)-

Twenty-Five Years of St, Andrews
September 1865 to September 1890 in two volumes by Andrew Kennedy Hutcheson Bond (third edition) (1892). Added this set to the foot of our St. Andrews page.

Tracts Illustrative of the Traditionary & Historical Antiquities of Scotland
Including A Vindication of Elizabeth More From the Imutation of being a concubinel and her children from the tache of bastardy confuting the critical observations of the publisher of the carta autheentica, and of some other late writers by Richard Hay, of Drumboote, C. R. In the body of this Book, and the Appendix subjoined, there are several ancient and valuable Charters, which serve to illustrate the Origin and Descent of the most considerable Families in Scotland (1836) (pdf)

Ulster Biographies
Relating Chiefly to the Rebellion of 1798 by W. T. Latimer, B.A. (1897) (pdf)

A History of the Irish Presbyterians
By W. T. Latimer, B.A. (1893) (pdf)

Astoria of the Fur Traders
A Chronology 1542-1846 by Virginia Jenson (1961) (pdf)

McLean, Alexander Grant
Surveyor-General of Australia.

Vines and Vine Culture
By Archibald F. Barron (third edition) (1892) (pdf)

Contribution to the Vital Statistics of Scotland
By James Stark, M.D., F.R.S.E., F.R.S.S.A., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh (1851) (pdf)

The Royal Order of Scotland
By Harold V. B. Voorhis, with a Foreword by Marvin E. Fowler, Provincial Grand Master, United States of America (1960) (pdf)

Added our Weekly Newsletter for 5th July 2024 which you can read as a pdf file or in our Community

The Sin-Eater
The Washer of the Ford and Other Legendary Moralities by "Fiona MacLeod” (William Sharp) (1911) (pdf)

Pharais and The Mountain Lovers
By "Fiona MacLeod", (William Sharp) (1911) (pdf)

William Dow
Monifieth/St Louis/Miami

Kidd on Foreign Trade
By Howard C. Kidd, Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Economics, Carnegie Institute of Technology (second edition) (1921) (pdf)

Holocaust of The Highlands
Found this poem in my archives.

The History of the Factory Movement
From the year 1802 to the enactment of the Ten Hours' Bill in 1847 by Alfred Kydd in two volumes (1857) (pdf)

Clan Kidd
Added a copy of the new clan crest and some other publications to do with the name.

Scots child protection institute and Interpol in novel link-up to fight cybercrime
Scotland's Childlight Global Child Safety Institute, hosted by the University of Edinburgh, is supporting Interpol in a seven-year £30 milion ($38m) deal to fight to end online child sexual exploitation online. An article by Bill Magee.

Annals of Ulster
A Chronicle of Irish Affairs edited by William M. Hennessy, M.R.I.A., The Assistant Deputy Keeper of the Records also edited with translations and notes by B. MacCarthy, D.D., M.R.I.A. Published by the authority of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, Under the direction of the Council of the Royal Irish Academy from 1887 to 1901 in 4 volumes which has been added to the foot of our Ulster page.

A History of the Order of the Scottish Samurai
By Charles Gene Abel & Albert Adams Thomson (2019-2021) (pdf)

State Banquet For Emperor and Empress of Japan at Buckingham Palace
Added a video of this event to our Japan page.


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