This little book is
made up of six essays:
"Old Time Customs,"
comprising more than half of it, had its origin about ten years ago
in a paper read by the author at a meeting of the Nova Scotia
Historical Society in Halifax. Although it is still but a small
affair, it has grown considerably by the addition of new topics and
by enlarging on those originally included. As implied in the
sub-title, some of the customs described were within the writer's
experience, while others were obsolete or pertained to other lands.
"Jack and Jill"
claims recognition in these pages on account of its close
relationship to the olden times, it being one of the standard
nursery stories associated with "Jack and The Bean Stalk" "Jack the
Giant Killer," "Beauty and the Beast," and "Old Blue Beard," which
brightened the days of children before we were born. When one looks
closely into these little stories which gave so much amusement to
young people in former days, one wonders if they were pure
inventions of the imagination, or if they originated in some
historic event.
"Culture and
Agriculture" grew out of a short talk to an Agricultural Society.
Subsequently, with some additions, it was read before The Nova
Scotia Fruit Growers' Association at a meeting held in Wolfville.
"A Vision" may seem
to some ultra-sober minded people as quite unworthy of a place
within the covers of a book. Let me tell them that when one is
caught away on the wings of vision resistance is no easy matter,
and, further, visions are not always visionary.
"A Letter to a Young
Teacher" should be entitled to a place here from the simple fact
that it introduces the interesting story of The Kindergarten and The
Disobedient Boy.
"Free Schools In Nova
Scotia" might be improved in the telling, nevertheless it is an
important chapter in the history of the Province.