FREE SCHOOLS were tried in Nova Scotia
as early as 1840. The teacher's salary and other funds needed for
the upkeep of the school were raised by voluntary subscription on
condition that the school should be free to all children within the
section. While the experiment was fairly successful in some places,
this way of bringing about the desired end was found ill-suited to
the greater part of the Province. People who had no children to
educate were slow to believe that they had any personal interest in
the school, and so they thought it unreasonable that they should be
asked to pay for its support. Indeed there were many parents who
regarded the school as one of the things which they could very well
do without. And thus it was shown that the free school could
flourish only when it had behind it the imperative school tax. It is
true that at different times in the early history of Nova Scotia
higher conceptions of the value of general education were
entertained by leaders in public affairs and measures of reform in
this direction were agitated. But these conditions passed away
without any practical outcome, save only the comforting thought that
the public mind was not prepared for so radical a measure.
The question of Free
Schools was first brought emphatically before the Government and
Legislature of the Province by Mr. John William Dawson—better known
as the distinguished scientist Sir William Dawson, a native of
Pictou County. He was the first Superintendent of Education, an
office which he held for about two years (1850-2). By his lectures
and institutes in various parts of the province he contributed much
to the awakening of an interest in education and to developing
public sentiment in favor of free schools. He failed, however, to
persuade the Government that the time had come for the proposed
measure. And so the first Superintendent of Education in Nova Scotia
resigned his office, leaving the pioneer work to be completed by
The most tangible
outcome of Mr. Dawson's efforts was the Normal School for the
training of teachers. This institution was opened in November, 1855,
with an enrollment of about sixty students, under Dr. Alexander
Forrester, who was Superintendent of Education as well as Principal
of the Normal School.
In the early years of
its history the Normal School held two sessions in the year, each
session four and a half months, there being an interval of six weeks
between the sessions. But this gave no holiday to Dr. Forrester—only
a change of work. During one interval he journeyed through the
Province, visiting the eastern counties including Cape Breton
Island; then, in turn, his route lay in the western counties and
around the south coast from Yarmouth to Halifax. This was no holiday
for Dr. Forrester. Whether he went east or west one thing he did—he
pleaded for free schools and trained teachers. In carrying out his
mission he attended meetings of the School Commissioners and
lectured in every town and hamlet in the province.
Dr. Forrester's work
was supplemented by the students who came under his influence in the
Normal School. Having gained higher ideals of their calling, greater
practical skill for the doing of their work and much of that glowing
enthusiasm for which Dr. Forrester was distinguished, on the
completion of their course they were scattered over the Province as
teachers in the public schools. In such fashion were the people
awakened and in some degree prepared for Free Schools.
In 1864 a Bill, the
main features of which were drawn up by Dr. Forrester, providing for
Free Schools supported by assessment, was brought before the Nova
Scotia Legislature by Dr. Charles Tupper —later Sir Charles Tupper,
Baronet—the leader of the Conservative party which had recently come
into power. The supporters of the Government were not a unit as
regards the School Bill, and those of them who were opposed to the
measure gave the Premier to understand that they would vote against
the Bill. But Mr. Adams G. Archibald—afterwards Sir Adams—the leader
of the Liberal party was too true a patriot to take advantage of a
political rival by helping to defeat a measure which he believed the
interests of the country demanded. Accordingly, he and several of
his party supporters voted with the Government, and the Free School
Bill became law.
There was one feature
in the action of the Government which one regrets to record. Dr.
Forrester had given many years of untiring labor and heart-felt
devotion to the cause which had now realized fulfillment—but bitter
disappointment was mingled with his joy. In planning for the new
regime under the Free School Law, Dr. Forrester had assumed that he
would be Superintendent of Education, and that Dr. Rand, who was
then associated with him on the Normal School Staff, would be
Principal of that Institution. To please some of their supporters,
however, the Government gave the position of Superintendent to Dr.
Rand and the subordinate place to Dr. Forrester. Meanwhile Dr.
Forrester had not the least inkling of the disappointment that
awaited him—the first intimation of the appointment coming to him
through the morning papers.
It may be well to
state here that the incident just noted did not disturb the friendly
relations that existed between Dr. Forrester and Dr. Rand. They
worked together with the greatest harmony, each entering on the
duties assigned him with a single aim for the betterment of the
educational interests of the country. And on the death of Dr.
Forrester, which occurred some five years later, it was found that
one of the two friends to whom, by his will, he had entrusted the
settlement of his business was Theodore H. Rand.
The school law
provided that the public schools should be free to all children over
five years of age, and that they should be maintained by taxes
levied on the ratepayers of the section, supplemented by Government
grants varying in amount according to the class of license held by
the teacher. It was soon found, however, that this plan imposed
heavy burdens on the poorer sections. Accordingly, at the next
meeting of the Legislature an act was passed providing for a county
tax, to be used in such a way as to give special aid to these
The machinery by
which the school law was carried out consisted of a Council of
Public Instruction composed of the Executive Council, a
Superintendent of Education who was ex-officio Secretary of the
Council, Boards of School Commissioners in the various counties or
districts, an Inspector of Schools in each county and a Normal
School for the training of teachers.
As teacher's licenses
throughout the province were not on any uniform standard, they were
all cancelled and new licenses, based on thorough examination, were
The school year was
divided into two terms, one beginning on the first of November, the
other on the first of May. For the appointment of trustees, voting
money for the support of the school and other business, the law
provided an annual meeting of the rate-payers to be held on a
specified day in September of each year. There was no provision made
for the election of Trustees except at the annual meeting, so that,
in case of neglect at this meeting no means were available for this
purpose until the next annual meeting.
The element of
assessment made the school law very unpopular in many parts of the
country. In some sections no funds were voted at the annual meeting;
in others trustees were not elected; in others no meeting was held.
These sections were thus left without schools, or they were provided
by the old method of voluntary subscriptions. The law was denounced
as tyrannical and unjust. Dr. Tupper's government lost popular favor
and there is little doubt that this hostility to the tax was
transferred to the measure for Confederation of the Provinces which
shortly afterwards came to the front.
It was thought
advisable to give the recalcitrant sections a chance for amending
their ways. Accordingly the Legislature passed an Act authorizing
the Inspectors in the various counties to call a special meeting in
those sections during the month of April—where necessary—to make
provision for a school during the second term. The Inspector was
instructed to appoint these meetings at such dates as would enable
him to be present. It was no holiday time—this month of April.
Certainly not for some of them. In one of the western counties, out
of about one hundred sections only twelve had fully organized under
the law. Two or even three meetings a day failed to complete the
work. The results? Well, they varied—some failures, some successes,
now and then conspicuously so. Take an example.
It was fifty years
ago—long enough to be historic. The scene was in the famous
fruit-growing district known as the Cornwallis Valley and often
called the Annapolis Valley, including "The Land of Evangeline" in
its eastern section. The meeting was held in a private house, the
home of a member of the board of School Commissioners for the
county, the school-house being in disrepair. The Inspector had
already attended two meetings on that day, and this one was in the
A goodly number of
rate-payers were assembled. For some time they sat silent, with
threatening aspect—as the heavens before a thunder storm. Finally a
motion was made that the School Commissioner take the chair. It was
voted down. Whereupon the Inspector dryly remarked that he was
surprised to find his friend so unpopular. Another nomination
followed with no better success. After a short pause the Inspector
rose and said that he now saw but one explanation for the attitude
of the meeting. The ratepayers present were adopting this method of
showing their opinion of the school law. Possibly they did not
rightly understand it, and their objections were based on some
supposed features which did not really exist. He had arranged to be
present for the purpose of explaining the provisions of the Act, but
he would not allow himself to address an unorganized meeting. They
were numerically strong enough to refuse him a hearing; but he
trusted they were not so lacking in moral courage but that they
would listen to the truth with open mind. Whereupon he sat down.
After a short pause
the School Commissioner was unanimously chosen as chairman of the
meeting, and after a few remarks he called on the Inspector to
address the meeting. His remarks were substantially as follows:
"It affords me great
pleasure to meet you here this evening in this one of the most
delightful sections of our county. And I want to tell you that I am
fairly well acquainted with every part of it. It was my good fortune
last summer, in company with the Chairman of the Board of School
Commissioners and the County Surveyor, who with myself were
commissioned by the Government to revise the bounds of the school
sections of the county—over a hundred of them there were. Every
settlement of the county from the borders of Hants to those of
Annapolis, and from the Bay of Fundy to the borders of Lunenburg was
visited. And I may say to you that no part of this fine county
appealed to us with more charm than did this northern side of the
valley lying at the foot of the North Mountain from Blomidon down to
Digby Strait. It is not alone its scenic beauty as seen from the
little-travelled mountain heights that lends it interest. It has,
too, an economic interest which I know must command your
appreciation. In this regard the mountain ridge which rises so
abruptly from the lowlands, giving, as it does, shelter from
northern winds, claims consideration; then the moderate elevation of
your farm-lands protects them from the killing frosts of spring and
autumn, thus lengthening the season for the growth and ripening of
their products. Another advantage you have is the deep rich soil of
your farm-lands with its mixture of clay and sand and other elements
derived from the trap rock of the mountain-side, making loam adapted
to the retention of fertilizer and moisture, forming one of the
choicest agricultural districts in Nova Scotia and especially suited
to the production of apples.
"But, Mr. Chairman, I
am here to speak to you of other matters. I know that some of you
believe that this new school law, with its offensive taxes, is
little short of robbery. But I want to ask you for a moment to lay
aside all prejudices and look at this question dispassionately.
"Some three hundred
and fifty years ago this splendid district was one vast forest
inhabited by wild animals and Indians almost as untamed as the brute
beasts. What think you was then the value of these farm lands which
you prize so highly? And what think you has caused the change? It is
simply the difference between savage and civilized man. Close your
public schools and a few generations will bring back those primitive
days with their conditions. Nor would I have you suppose that you
have reached the summit of civilization—that you have attained that
skill and success which mark the full distinction between
civilization and savagedom. Let me tell you that you who are living
at the close of this nineteenth century will find things wondrously
changed and your children will think of the conditions of 1865 much
as we do of those that prevailed in the days of our fathers. If you
do not live to see this day your children will have taken your
place. Surely you are not taking thought for yourselves alone.
"But, again, suppose
you refuse to join in the onward march and no more have a public
school. Will that not affect the well-being of every man in this
section. You form a community. It is not every man for himself
alone. Civilization means that the people are bound together in one
great bundle of life. What affects the community affects every
individual, and what affects one affects all.
One word more, and I
have done. I know that you would all like to feel that you have done
something for the betterment of your country—that you have made some
sacrifice for the permanent good of the place in which you live. It
would add to your happiness if you felt that you could leave the
world better than you found it, by reason of something you had done.
`No man liveth to himself'; and `there is that withholdeth more than
is meet and it tended to poverty."'
The Inspector had
said enough. He had won the day. The Chairman followed with a few
appropriate remarks. Thereupon a trustee was elected by a small
majority; then another with a few nays, a third by unanimous vote.
Other business called for was duly transacted and the meeting was
SEQUEL.— And now,
after the lapse of fifty years, the Inspector for the county tells
us in his annual report that this section, which bears the name of a
beautiful district under the shadow of the Alpine mountains in
Italy, is one of the most flourishing rural schools in the county
with two separate departments. |