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Poems of Raymond Lee Morehead Esq. FSA Scot.
Sir William Wallace

Sir William Wallace
"Esperance" Hope

His inspiration and leadership gave Scots hope and strive for Scotland's freedom.

"There are times in the lives of all people when freedom is the twin of
duty, sacrifice the companion of happiness, and when courage is the parent
of fortitude, endurance and determination is the first virtue." Dorothy
Thompson, 1894-1961 "On the Record"

"Esperance" Hope: Sir William Wallace's Motto is yet alive today

Hopes are but dreams of those who are awake,
I pray they who do not have freedom wake;
To hope and strive for freedom till freedoms won the day.

"Esperance" was his motto and Freedom his battle cry,
The inspiration and leadership of a Scotsman true,
Awakened from a dream to hope and freedoms call for all.

Savage to those who shared not his dream,
Savior and noble he became to those who had lost even the dream,
Yet hope he gave them and together for Scotland they did sacrifice and bleed.

Scarred with tokens of many a battles lost and won,
With shield in one hand and sword in the other held high,
He led Scotland with hope when most had non.

And to this day for many alone he stands above all the rest,
In honored place of Scotland's famed Patriot of freedoms cause,
For Scotland's freedom is to this day yet won,

Hopes are but dreams of those who would wake,
To make Scotland's dream of independence a reality Scotland must wake,
Wake! Oh Scotland! To hope and to where your freedom yet awaits you.

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