Many thanks to David Thomson for providing
this article.

in Elgin in 1910, the son of a former farm worker who became an
evangelist, Fred Bruce is now remembered as Britain’s finest Biblical
scholar of the 20th century.
Young Fred was educated at the West End school and later at Elgin
Academy where he graduated as dux of the school. His family attended a
local brethren assembly that later met in the West End Mission Hall,
(now demolished, but the meeting continues at the Riverside Hall, by the
home of the great 19th century preacher Brownlow North). He was baptized
in the Lossie Gospel Hall, (the original one which was located upstairs
at 27 James Street, then owned by Alex Campbell, a senior uncle of our
own Dolly Campbell). Fred’s father Peter Bruce had helped to establish
the brethren meeting in Lossie.
Life in the home of Peter and Mary Bruce at Rose Place, Elgin, was
characterized by “plain living and high thinking”, with few luxuries but
good staple food. To supplement his modest and irregular evangelist
income, Peter would often work on local farms during daytime, and then
preach in tents or halls in the evening. He maintained a productive
vegetable garden and a well-stocked fuel wood shed at his house, and
used to gut and dress rabbits for the family table. The family was
blessed with seven children (3 boys and 4 girls) of which Fred was the
eldest. All of the children followed their parents example in coming to
faith early in life. Lena, one of the sisters, married a former
missionary to China, Fred Rossetter who served as minister of Elgin
Baptist Church around 1939 – 1940.
Though his eldest son showed much promise at school, there was no way
Peter could have funded a college education for him. But young Fred was
able to get his studies financed by successfully passing examinations
for a series of bursaries and scholarships then available to pupils with
outstanding academic ability. That enabled him to study at Aberdeen,
Edinburgh, Vienna and Cambridge. At both Aberdeen and Cambridge he
received first class honours degrees. Then he went on to lecture at the
universities of Leeds, Sheffield, and latterly Manchester where he held
the position of Rylands Professor of biblical criticism and exegesis
from 1959 to 1978. He was made a Fellow of the British Academy and
President of both the Society for Old Testament Study and the Society
for New Testament Study.
F F Bruce became a prolific writer, completing commentaries on The Acts
of the Apostles and all of Paul’s epistles, plus Scripture Union notes
on the Gospels, the Revelation, Hebrews, and the letters of James, John,
Peter and Jude. He also wrote studies on Daniel, Kings, Chronicles, and
several of the Old Testament prophets. Among his many books were, Paul,
the Apostle of the Free Spirit; The Canon of Scripture; New Testament
History; the Dead Sea Scrolls; A Mind for What Matters; the New
Testament Documents, are they reliable?; the Spreading Flame – the
spread of Christianity from Pentecost to AD 800; Israel and the Nations
– from the exodus to the fall of the second temple. Bruce’s life is
recounted in his autobiography, In Retrospect – remembrance of things
past; and the recent excellent biography, A Life – the definitive
biography of a New Testament scholar, by Tim Grass of Spurgeon’s
F F Bruce had an excellent command of Greek, a subject he lectured on
with distinction. He was also fluent in German, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic,
and ancient Chaldean and Celtic languages. As a result of his remarkable
ability in these tongues, he was eminently capable of commenting on and
translating, the earliest scriptural documents, and assessing the
contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls when they became available. He studied
the writings of the Jewish historian Josephus and those of the early
Christian fathers, and their contemporaries in Greek and Roman society.
Despite his encyclopedic knowledge and global reputation, FF was a
genuinely humble Christian who remained faithful to the great truths of
the Gospel all his life. (David comments: I will never forget his
expression and body language when I was introduced to the august
professor in 1955 – as if it was he who was meeting someone important,
and not me, a mere 15 year-old schoolboy!).
Fred Bruce worshipped with the Brethren all his life, yet was totally
non-sectarian and non-judgmental towards all other believers who he
regarded with compassion and understanding. He avoided petty
controversies like the plague, and advised all young Christians, as his
own father had advised him, to make up their own minds directly from
reading the scriptures, and not to accept anything just because he or
other prominent teachers had said it. He was a strong defender of
Christian liberty, and an advocate of the roles of gifted women in
Christian service at home and abroad.
The New Zealand theologian, J I Packer wrote of F F, : “Bruce was a very
Scottish Scotsman, in whom tough independence of mind was married to a
sensitive common-touch courtesy. Warmth of heart went with verbal
coolness, and an exquisite dry humour, genially deflationary, reflected
robust common sense. Blessed with a stellar memory, superb academic
instincts, energy and versatility of mind, an easy, limpid fluency on
paper, and a huge capacity for work, he wrote more than 40 books plus
nearly 2,000 articles and reviews. (He was) a gentle modest Christian,
an intelligent, quizzical man of letters, a lover of good men and good
books, - a great man who under God accomplished a great deal.
No Christian was ever more free of narrow bigotry, prejudice and
eccentricity in the views he held and the way he held them; and no man
ever did more to demonstrate how evangelical faith and total academic
integrity may walk hand in hand.”
You can get a copy of his
biography at: where a
review says...
"If evangelicalism in the
United Kingdom has been preserved from the dangers of fundamentalism and
bigotry over the past seventy years or so, the credit must go largely to
the enormous influence of the outstanding, gracious, Christian teacher
and writer whose career is the subject of this book. However, its appeal
will be much wider than simply to those who wish to understand this
significant period of contemporary history. Although he was an academic
scholar, Fred Bruce had a remarkably interesting life that is related
here in a fascinating manner and evaluated critically by a sympathetic
observer who shares the same facility in attractive presentation as was
shown by Bruce himself." |