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History of Ryegate, Vermont

Biographical Sketches and Family Records
Due to the layout of these pages it has been decided to put them up as scanned images to preserve the layout. The pages will be cropped so that each family name has its own page and an index to the family names is listed below.


History of Ryegate
You can download this book in pdf format

Caledonian Canaan
The Scotch-American Company of Farmers (SACF) and Scottish Cultural Identity in Colonial New England by Melodee Beals (pdf)

The Redeemed Captive Returning to Zion
Title of original reads: The redeemed captive returning to Zion; or, A faithful history of remarkable occurrences in the captivity and deliverence of Mr. John Williams, minister of the gospel in Deerfield; who in the desolation which befel that plantation, by an incursion of French and Indians, was by them carried away, with his family and his neighbourhood, into Canada. Drawn up by himself. Annexed to which, is a sermon, preached by him upon his return. Also, an appendix, by the Rev. Mr. Williams, of Springfield. Likewise, an appendix, by the Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Deerfield. With a conclusion to the whole, by the Rev. Mr. Prince, of Boston. The sixth ed. Printed by Samuel Hall, no. 53, Cornhill, Boston, 1795

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