INCHINNAN, formerly called Killinan,
one of the smallest parishes in all Scotland, lies on the, south side of
the Clyde, about mid-way between Glasgow and Greenock. It is separated by
the river, which a little below becomes an estuary, from Old Kilpatrick,
through which pass several lines of railway and the Forth and Clyde canal.
On the east a small river called the
White Cart separates it from Renfrew, and a narrow burn divides Inchinnan
from Houston and Erskine. Paisley, Dumbarton, Johnston, Kilmalcolm, and a
number of smaller places from which the members of the company came, are
from eight to fifteen miles distant in different directions, north and
south of the Clyde.
Inchinnan seems to have been
selected as the place of assembly because of its central location and
accessibility. Although situated on the Clyde, in the near vicinity of
some of the largest cities in Scotland, Inchinnan is a very retired place,
and its population, which in 1770 was about 300, has hardly doubled in a
century and a third. The land is low and very level and large portions are
overflowed by unusually high tides. The climate, although damp, is very
healthy, and the soil, a rich loam, is carefully cultivated, the annual
rent averaging £2 sterling, or about $10 per acre. Dairying and the
raising of horses are the principal pursuits; the chief crop is hay, with
an average of four tons to the acre. Inchinnan has no manufactures and was
never the scene of any important event; its only mention in the annals of
Scotland is that it was the place where the unfortunate Earl of Argyle was
taken prisoner in 1685.
It is a very ancient town, and the
name implies "The Island of the Rivers." Its history is traced back to the
6th century, when the first Archdeacon of Glasgow established the
Christian religion there, not far from the year 590 A. D.
In 1158, King Malcolm
IV. granted the
lands to the Stewart family. In 1511, one of the Stewart noblemen became
the second Earl of Lennox and received a charter or grant of land, which
included the parish oF Inchinnan. The title became extinct in 1672, and
the lands reverted to the Crown in 1680. Charles II. granted the lands to
his natural son, whom he made Duke of Lennox and Richmond, which by
purchase became the property of the Blytheswood family in 1737. The
Lord Blytheswood is Lord Lieutenant of the County of
Renfrew, and is the owner of nearly all the parish of Inchinnan. Portions
of the lands, as well as certain of Houston and Erskine, are the property
of the Douglas family.
The parish church of Inchinnan has a very interesting
history. The patronage was granted by King David I. to the Knights
Templars, a military order, whose headquarters were at Jerusalem, and who
were sometimes called the Red Cross Knights. This grant was made about
1153. This Order had a branch at Greenend, and owned large tracts of land.
Their church was at Inchinnan; the Knights were buried under the church
which was founded about 1100, and stood till 1828, when it was taken down.
This Order took a prominent part in the Crusades, and its members became
so wealthly and powerful that they excited the fear and envy of the King
of France and the ecclesiastics of Rome, who united to suppress them and
confiscate the Order. Their lands in Renfrewshire were given to the
Knights of St. John, who were displaced in their turn by the Hospitallers,
a Catholic order. These lands and religious titles were united by purchase
and grant with the crown lands in the present Blytheswood family. This
history is here given because nearly all the first settlers of Ryegate
came from these parishes, thus held, and the narrative is taken from "The
Church and Parish of Inchinnan," by Robert McClelland, and published in
1905. Mr. McClelland is the minister of the Parish of Inchinnan.
From the letters, recently discovered, which were
written to James Whitelaw by his father in Scotland, it would seem that
the project of forming a company for the purpose of purchasing and
settling land in North America had been discussed during several years in
different parishes of Renfrew and Lanark shires. It appears also that
several meetings of the associates were held before any plan was decided
upon and that they solicited advice from persons who had traveled in
America. On the 1st of February, 1772, the first decisive step was taken,
and at successive meetings the articles of association were considered and
elaborated till they were reduced to writing, and at a meeting of the
company held at Inchinnan, Feb. 5, 1773, they were approved and adopted.
The preamble to the regulations then and there agreed
upon is as follows:
"Having some time ago formed ourselves into a society
or copartner-ship for purchasing lands in any of His Majesty’s Dominions
in America: That the major part of the Company shall direct where they can
be got most commodious for the purposes after mentioned, and having each
of us advanced certain sums of money toward carrying the intended plan
into execution, and having had several meetings with each other there
anent, it was unanimously condescended and agreed upon that the following
rules and regulations shall be the stated fundamental rules and
regulations of the said Company, or Society. Subject nevertheless
to be altered or amended as circumstances may require, as shall be thought
proper by two-third parts of the partners, which rules and regulations we
the subscribers hereby bind and oblige ourselves, our heirs and successors
to observe and inviolably perform to each other in all time coming."
The rules and regulations which follow are very formal,
and fill fifteen closely written foolscap pages in the "Journal of the
Proceedings of the Scotch American Company of Farmers." Any one who
undertakes to follow their antique legal phraseology, the words and
phrases which are now obsolete; its endless repetitions and involved
style, will probably understand less of their meaning at the end than
before he began. Their general tenor can be summed up in a few sentences.
After specifying the purposes of the organization, its
officers and their respective duties, they proceed to declare that the
joint stock of the Company consisted of 400 shares, whose value appears to
be £2. 10s., sterling, each shareholder having one vote, and if the
purchaser of £10 in stock, two votes. The funds of the Company were to be
deposited in some bank in Glasgow, under the direction of the "Precess,"
(President) and Board of Managers. The Company was to send two men to
America, who were called Commissioners, empowered to purchase a suitable
tract of land, which they were to lay out in lots corresponding to the
number of shares held in the company and the smallest sums paid. A map or
plan of these lands was to be transmitted to the Company in Scotland. They
were to lay out a portion of the tract as a town (i. e., village) divided
into lots 40 x 100 feet, with sites for storehouses, markets, churches,
schoolhouses, and other public buildings. All who took lots in the town
site were to build houses upon them within ten years. The commissioners
were empowered to clear lands and erect public and private buildings and
provide accommodations for settlers, till they were able to build houses
for themselves. They could clear a space on each lot and erect dwellings
on them, these expenditures of the Company to be repaid before a deed was
Any of the Company who had been reduced to poverty by
shipwreck or other calamity were to be aided from the general funds, till
they could care for themselves. With practical good sense they provided
for the settlement of difficulties, and regulated the financial concerns
of the colony, and the form of government to be set up somewhere in the
region known as North America. With true Scotch prudence they directed the
settlers to conform their local government to the laws and customs of the
province where they should settle.
It is to be observed that this was in no sense a
religious colony; nothing in its regulations confined citizenship to the
adherents of any sect or creed. With wisdom these projectors of a new
commonwealth in America, in their deliberations upon the banks of the
Clyde in far-off Scotland, left untouched and unmentioned all its domestic
relations. They only contemplated the planting of a colony in America
whose members should be supported by a common bond of inter-dependence and
where provision was made for the unfortunate.
It is interesting to consider what changes time has
wrought with these anticipations. The Scotch American Company long ago
ceased to exist; the "city," so carefully laid out on "Fairview,"
has no existence now even on paper; all that was formally prescribed in
these closely written pages long ago gave place to the customs of New
England, but the spirit which animated the founders of the town in that
old day is here still. All the changes of one hundred and thirty-five
years have not materially altered the character of the town, and within
the present year a well known clergyman declared at a public gathering
that the only parts of Scotland he had ever visited were Ryegate and
The commissioners selected were James Whitelaw of
Whiteinch in the parish of Govan, and David Allan of Sandylands in the
parish of Inchinnan. Mr. Whitelaw was then twenty-four years of age, was
well educated and had acquired a thorough knowledge of the art of
surveying. He became Surveyor-General of Vermont, and one of the best
known men in New England. He wrote much and his style is a model of
clearness and precision. From his journal and letters we have nearly all
that is known concerning the early days in Ryegate.
David Allan was ten years older, arid appears to have
been a man of excellent business judgment, sound sense and considerable
experience in the valuation of lands. The journal of their travels in
search of a suitable tract in which to settle a colony, is given in the
following pages.
NOTE. The "Bond of Association for the Company" was
signed by the following persons: William Houston, in Craigend; David
Smith, farmer in New-mains; David Allan, farmer in Sandylands; William
Hall, Freelands; William Blackwood, farmer in Boltone; John Young, servant
to William Hall of Free-lands; Matthew Killock, in Old Mains; William
Neilson, wright, in Gateside; John Hall, tenant in Barsale, Agnes Hall, in
Barsale; Duncan McKeith, flaxdresser in Gateside, all in the Parish of
Inchinnan; Donald McKenzie, James McCaie, Norman McDonald, Alexander
McDonald, Donald Sutherland, John MeKey, James and Alexander McPherson,
and Alexander Grant, quarriers; James Henderson, wright; John and Lewis
McEwens, labourers; James Blackwood, smith; William Blackwood, smith; and
William Blackwood, servant, with John Whitehill, all in Inchinnan, and
Lewis McEwan, Innkeeper at Bridge of Inchinnan; Robert Semple, farmer, and
Hugh and John Semple, residenters, both in Mossend in the parish of
Kilbarchan; James Allison, servant to Lord Semple at Bishops-town; John
Wilson, servant to William Craig, in Ditch; Jean Hall, tenant in
Longhaugh; John Blair, servant to the said Hall; John Ritchie, smith in
Longhaugh; William Craig, farmer in Ditch; Jean Napier, spouse, and Jean
Bryden, daughter of David Bryden of Kilmaken, residing in Freelands; James
Neilson in Calside; William Lang, farmer in Inglestone; John Hamilton,
servant to Isabel Clark in Richiestone; William and James Kings, and James
Glassford, farmers in Portoun; Alexander Jack, grieve to Lord Blantyre;
William Graham, servant to William Glen in Ferry; Walter Alexander, farmer
in Kiltoun; John Laird, cooper in Cartimpan; James Laird, in Cartimpan;
William Clark, wright in Dryknows; Alexander Craig, servant to Rev. Walter
Young, Minister of the Gospel at Erskine; John Waddel, mason in Slateford;
Nicol Cowan, servant to Mr. David Bryden in Freeland; William Neilson and
John Walker, farmers, and Hugh Gardner, smith, all in Glenshinnock;
Archibald Taylor, cooper in Kilts; John Cooper, son of James Cooper,
farmer in Milhill; Tohn Whitehill, smith in Erskine, and James Laird at
Millbank, all in the Parish of Erskine; William Semple, farmer in
Brickhouse; John and William Donalds, Agnes and Mary Burnside,
residenters, and Robert Burnside, farmer, all in GavinSbUrn: John Donald
in Laigh-Gavinsburn; James Donald of Burnbrae, and Robert Watson, mason,
all in Kilpatrick Parish; Andrew Baird, merchant; John Tennant, maltman;
John Gardner, mathematical instrument maker, and Robert Arthur, merchant,
all in Glasgow; Alexander Symes, gardner, and William Dunn, residenter,
both of North Kenmuir, in the Barony Parish of Glasgow; Thomas Campbell,
workman; John Allen, weaver; Matthew McGown, merchant; Robert Blackwook,
bleacher, and William Blair, weaver, in Paisley; William and Alexander
MeKeys, quarriers at Stanley in the Parish of Paisley; William Tassey,
farmer in Halehouse; John Graham, servant to James White; and Thomas
Young, in Chappleshill, all in the Abbey Parish of Paisley; Robert Orr,
farmer in Hardrigg, and John Wilson, farmer in Blackholm, both in the
Parish of Kilmalcolm; John and Andrew Arthur, farmers in Boaghall; and
John Brskine, farmer, in Raillie, all in the Parish of Kilallen, William
Stewart, schoolmaster in Houston; Robert Brock and John Paterson, farmers
at Barns of Clyde; Walter and Matthew Roben, farmers at Third-part-Miln;
Alexander Paterson, farmer in Drumry; Joseph Edmond, miller at Wheatmiln;
William Kerr at Militown; George and William Moriston, farmers in
Kilbanie; Matthew White, farmer in Garneland; John Malcolm, farmer in
Townhead, Drumrie; David Ferry, clothprinter at Dalquhurn; Walter McLea,
residenter at White Crook; Angus McKellar, dykebuilder at New Kilpatrick;
Thomas White, farmer at Whitehill in East Kilpatrick; John Cross, Senior,
miller at Braediesholm Miln, and John Cross, Junior, at Braehead, both in
Old Monklanci; Thomas Weatherspoon, farmer in Shirrel; William Russell,
smith in Cornbrae; Michael Thompson, weaver in Haining; William Reid,
residenter in Atherstone; John Selkirk, weaver in Brae; John Jack of
Patpnswells; John Scot, bleacheI~ in Hillheadsholni; William Kirk, weaver
there;. James Whitelaw, land surveyor in White Inch in the Parish of
Govan; Peter Craig, farmer in Boghouse in Neilstone Parish; James Jackson,
farmer in Eastwood Parish; Alexander Barnhill, brewer; James Watson,
merchant; William Fulton, Alexander McPherson, merchants; John Wallace,
grocer; John Menzier, bookbinder; Andrew Killock, cooper; Robert Nairn,
writer; John Lang, brewer; Robert Lang, residenter, Alexander McLish,
sailor, and Duncan Ritchie, porter, all in Port Glasgow; James Nicol,
cooper in Greenock; John Dennie, maltman in the townend of Dumbarton; John
Jarnison, farmer in Cloagh in the Parish of Inverkip; John McKenley,
miller at Bonhill; John McKenley, farmer in Twomarkland of Bonhill;
William Smith, smith at Cameron of Bonhill~ and McKenley at Miliburn of
Bonhill. |