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Scottish Record Society
Volume 1

The Commissariot Record of Edinburgh - Register of Testaments

BY Royal Letter, dated 8th February 1563-4, Mr. James Balfour, Parson of Flisk, Edward Henryson, Doctor of Laws, Clement Little, Advocate, and Robert Maitland were appointed first Commissaries of Edinburgh.

The first volume of their Proceedings which is now extant commences on 15th October 1567, but from a Chronological Index, prepared several years ago by the Rev. Hew Scott, a few entries for the years 1514 and 1532 have been obtained, and from the Minute-Book a fragment of the contents of an earlier volume, commencing 3d May 1564 and ending 17th September 1565, have been got. The dates appended to these names have been printed in italics. The spelling also, for the sake of convenience in reference, has in many instances been modernised, the older form being given in brackets.

The Editor has to acknowledge much assistance from Mr. J. Maitland Thomson, Advocate, Curator of the Historical Department of H.M.

General Register House.

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