Dedicated to his Mother now
in her ninety-first year, in affectionate remembrance of all that her
children and her children's children owe to her influence.
WHEN asked, two years ago,
to compile a Memoir of my brother, I did not accept the task without
considerable hesitation. Besides the charge of a city parish, heavy
responsibilities of another nature had devolved upon me, so that it seemed
impossible to undertake additional labour. I felt also that, in some
respects, a near relative was not well qualified to fill satisfactorily
the office of biographer. These objections were, however, overruled by
friends on whose judgment I relied.
If affection should have
rendered it difficult to be always impartial, I may be allowed, on the
other hand, to derive some comfort from the reflection that a life-long
intercourse, as frank and confidential as could exist between two
brothers, gave me opportunities for knowing his thoughts and opinions,
which few others, and certainly no stranger, could have possessed.
Dr. Macleod was a man whom
it is almost impossible to portray. His power was in many ways inseparable
from his presence. The sympathy, the humour, the tenderness depended so
much for their full expression on look, voice, and manner, that all who
knew him will recognise the necessary inadequacy of verbal description.
"Quantum mutatus ab illo" must more especially be the verdict upon any
attempt to record instances of his wit or pathos.
I must, however, claim for
this biography the merit of truthfulness. In whatever respects it may
fail, it cannot, I think, be charged with conscious concealment or
exaggeration of fact or sentiment. Faults of another kind will, I trust,
be forgiven for the sake of the great reverence and love I bore him.
I beg gratefully to
acknowledge the aid rendered by many friends. The pages of the Memoir
indicate that my obligations to Principal Shairp, Dr. Watson, and my
brother-in-law, Dr. Clerk, have been great; but there were many others to
whom I am indebted for much assistance, and to whom I tender my best
thanks. Among these I may mention the Dean of Westminster, Mr. Service, J.
A. Campbell, Esq., LL.D., Alex. H. Japp, Esq., A. B. McGrigor, Esq., and
Dr. W. C. Smith. I need scarcely add that Mrs. Norman Macleod, by her
constant advice and her careful arrangement of her husband's papers, gave
me invaluable help.
In conclusion, I must
express regret that the appearance of this book has been delayed so long.
It can be said in apology, that no available time has been lost during the
two years I have been engaged in writing it.
Now that it is completed,
no one can be more sensible than I am of its imperfections. It will,
however, be to me a source of inexpressible gratitude, if, in spite of its
many deficiencies, it should convey to those who did not know Norman
Macleod, some sense, however inadequate, of the depth of his goodness, of
his rich humanity, his childlike faith, catholicity, and devotion.
1, Woodlands Terrace,
January, 1876.
Trust in God (“Courage, brother!”)
Norman Macleod (1812–1872)
COURAGE, brother! do not
Though thy path is dark as night;
There’s a star to guide the humble:
“Trust in God, and do the right.”
Let the road be long and dreary,
And its ending out of sight;
Foot it bravely, strong or weary;
“Trust in God, and do the right.”
Perish “policy” and cunning,
Perish all that fears the light!
Whether losing, whether winning,
“Trust in God, and do the right.”
Trust no forms of guilty passion,
Fiends can look like angels bright;
Trust no custom, school, or fashion,
“Trust in God, and do the right.”
Trust no party, Church, or faction;
Trust no leaders in the fight;
But, in every word and action,
“Trust in God, and do the right.”
Some will hate thee, some will love thee,
Some will flatter, some will slight;
Cease from man, and look above thee;
“Trust in God, and do the right.”
Simple rule, and safest guiding;
Inward peace, and inward light;
Star upon our path abiding:
“Trust in God, and do the right.”
In Memorium
Published in the 1872 edition of Good Words
Towards a New Social Theology
The Contribution of Norman MacLeod by Peter L.M. Hillis, M.A., Ph D.
Here is a wee book of his
to read called "Wee Davie".
We also found a copy of his book, "Eastward"
and also
of a Highland Parish
and also
Simple Truth for Earnest Minds
The Old Lieutenant and his Son
By the Editor of Good Words, Norman MacLeod, in two volumes (1862)
Why should a man, who is 'some fifty,'
apologize to the public for beginning to tell stories?
Is not this a very common phenomenon 'at his time of life'? I have
indeed no good reason to give for writing this tale, except one—which,
after all, is no reason, but the mere statement of a fact, that I could
not help it! When I began to write about the Old Lieutenant, it was my
intention merely to occupy a chapter or two of Good Words with a life
-sketch gathered from memories of the past. But the sketch grew upon me.
Persons, and things, and scenes, came crowding out of the darkness; and
while I honestly wished to mould them for practical good, I felt all the
while more possessed by them than possessing them.
My own half-creations became my tyrants; and so I was driven on, and on,
from chapter to chapter, until, fortunately for myself, and much more
for my readers, the end of the volume, and the end of the year, forced
me to stop.
Having taken, however, the first bold step of publishing the story in
Good Words, the second which I now take, of publishing it separately,
can hardly make matters better or worse for me. An unauthorized edition
being issued in America, confirms me in my resolution to publish a
corrected one here.
I have only further to state, that as the story was written and
published month after month, amidst the more grave and heavier labours
of a large parish, a few changes are made, which would have been
unnecessary had it been first written as a whole before publication.
With these explanations I send the 'Old
Lieutenant and his Son' once more on their voyage. May they do evil to
none, but do good to many!
Volume 1 | Volume
Other Books
By Norman MacLeod D.D. (1876) (pdf)
The Home Preacher
A Book of Prayer, Praise,
& Homilies for every Sunday in the Year with Daily Meditations & a
service for Children by Eminent Divines edited by the Rev. Norman
MacLeod, D.D., one of Her Majesty's Chaplains.
The Home School
Or, Hints on Home Education By Rev. Norman MacLeod (1857) (pdf)
Northern Lights
Norman MacLeod, D.D.
Good Words 1860
Edited by Norman MacLeod
Includes an article on Farewell to Fuinary.
Good Words 1862
Edited by Norman MacLeod (pdf)
Good Words
1873 edition in which there are a number of stories from the Late Rev.
Norman MacLeod
Good Words 1864
Edited by Norman MacLeod (pdf)
The Starling, A Scotch Story
By Normal MacLeod D.D. (1877)
The Edinburgh Christian
April 1855 - March 1856 (pdf)
Good Words for
By Normal MacLeod D.D.
The Continuation, Breadth, and
Impact of Evangelicalism in the Church of Scotland, 1843-1900
A Thesis Submitted to The University of Edinburgh, New College In
Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Edinburgh, United
Kingdom by Andrew Michael Jones (2018) (pdf)
Good Men and
Biographies of Workers in the Fields of Beneficences and Benevolence by
Alexander H. Japp, LL.D. (Second Edition) (1890) (pdf)
Peeps at
the Far East
A familiar account of a visit to India by Norman MacLeod (1871)
Sermons on
the occasion of the death of Norman Macleod, D.D.,
Minister of the Barony Parish, Glasgow; Dean of the Order of the
Thistle; and one of her Majesty's Chaplains for Scotland, Preached on
the 23rd June, 1872 in the Barony Parish Church and in Barony Chapel,
Parliamentary Road (1872) (pdf)
Love the
fulfilling of the Law
Extracts from the Writings and MSS. of the Late Norman MacLeod, D.D.,
selected and arranged by his daughter A.C. MacLeod (1887) (pdf)
The Lord's Day
Substance of a Speech delivered at a meeting of the Presbytery of
Glasgow on Thursday, 16th November, 1865 by Norman MacLeod, D.D.
Simple Truth
Spoken to Working People by Norman MacLeod (1867) (pdf)
From the Famous Scots series by John Wellwood, Manse of Drainie, April
1897 (pdf)
Christian Guest
A Family Magazine for Leisure Hours and Sundays, revised by the Rev.
Norman MacLeod, D.D. (1859) (pdf)
Earnest Student
Memorials of John MacKintosh by the Rev. Norman MacLeod (pdf)
Extracts from
Writers to the Rev. Dr. M'Leod
Regarding the Famine and Destitution in the Highlands and Islands of
Scotland (1847) (pdf)
By Norman MacLeod, D. D. (1862) (pdf)
Temptation of our Lord
By the Late Norman MacLeod, D.D. (1873) (pdf)
An article taken from the 1862 edition of Good Words (pdf) |