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Hylton Newsletter

I was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana.  I received BS and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Indiana schools and went to work in the aerospace industry with Alison Gas Turbines.  Alison was later purchased by Rolls-Royce.  My most significant positions were Manager of Dynamics and Vibrations, Chief Design Engineer for the Comanche helicopter propulsion system, and Integration Manager for the Joint Strike Fighter.  I left industry after 20 years and joined Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI).  I added a second MS degree in Applied Mathematics and a Doctorate in Education.  I was offered the opportunity to begin an entirely new education program, in Motorsports Engineering, and created both BS and MS degrees from a blank sheet of paper to a full degree program with graduates.  During my time with the university, I had the opportunity to visit Scotland to present a technical paper at an international engineering conference.  My wife and I fell in love with Scotland from our first day in the Highlands.  We visited Scotland every year on holiday, and then in 2015 I was offered a Fulbright Visiting Scholar exchange to the University of Lancaster for 8 months.  During that time, Wendy and I found it quite easy to live in the UK.  So when North Highland College of the University of the Highlands and Islands offered me the position of Curriculum Leader for Mechanical Engineering, it was an easy decision. 

Dr. Pete Hylton, Ed.D.
Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology
Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
Fulbright Scholar

And here we will carry newsletters of his adventures in Scotland...

Spring 2016
April 2016
May 2016
June 2016
Summer 2016
More Summer 2016
Autumn 2016
January 2017
Living an Anachronism - April 2017
Summer 2017 in Scotland
Summer 2017 in England
Summer 2017 in Norway
Autumn 2017

October 2017
Spring 2018
Summer 2018
Fall 2018 - Summer in Scotland and Norway
Autumn 2018 - Slovakia and Scotland
Christmas 2018 and into 2019


Summer 2019
Autumn 2019 Cumbria & Sweden
October 2020

March 2021
August 2021
September 2021
November 2021
December 2021
Winter 2022 - Surviving Winter in Scotland
June 2022 - See also Scottish Heritage replies to Professor Peter Hylton

Great newsletter!  What a coincidence - our newsletter for June did a bit on Hadrian's wall!  This is a terrific follow-up.  Do you mind if I send it out to our members? I attached our June newsletter for your reference.  Cheers.  Eileen
November 2022

January 2023 - North and South
July 2023 - Masonic Journey
August 2023 - Masonic news
August 2023 - Last Travels in Scotland
June 2024 - Faries in Scotland


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