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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Crafty Scots Page 15
Scottish Decorations for the (Very) Thrifty

Just because your budget is limited...just because you don't have much help...just can have creative and festive decorations at your next Scottish event!

We'll share a few of our Scottish Weekend decorating themes with you in hopes they will inspire you to take them a step further...or, lead you to think of creative ways to celebrate next time you invite guests to come to your organization for an "occasion" be it a Burns' supper or a Games reception...or anything that you have to celebrate your Scottish heritage.

We usually make placemats to suit the occasion...a nice souvenir of the event that's free.  We always have our pins...and we always have hand-made chocolate that is in the shape of whatever our theme is for the year.  (Thanks to Faye Gay - Mel's cousin - who makes our candy each year!)

For Saturday evening, we rent - that's RENT - greenery from our local florist.  He comes and sets up on Saturday afternoon...and then retreives his material on Monday morning.  This makes a wonderful difference when you are transforming a sterile and pretty ugly room into a fairyland for an evening.

Bear in mind that all of the decorations here were done for a group of about 400.  That's LOTS of tables.

You'll see right here - a few of our Scottish Weekend pins.  These have become collector's items!  They all represent various themes we have used for Scottish Weekend in Moultrie.

If you do an event each year, there are a few things you can do to prepare...and that will form the basis of your decorating.  Haunt thrift stores and second-hand stores.  There's decorating treasure to be found!

Garland is lovely and cheap.  Buy all you find.  We have green garland, gold and silver and copper and red and it all.

When Christmas ribbon goes on sale after the holiday...look for the "plaid" ribbon and buy as much as you can.  Anytime you can find the "curling" kind of a few rolls in various'll eventually use any color you have.

In 2003, our weekend falls on Valentine's, Friday night we're going to have a Braveheart Celebration with - what else? - Valentine's!  We're inviting our Family Tree readers to send us their old Valentine's...and we'll follow through on that theme for the Old-Fashioned Dinner and Ceilidh.  I already know that we'll use red and pink and white tablecloths...with the same color napkins and dessert or salad plates...but alternated so red tablecloths will get pink napkins and plates...with hearts on them if we can find them...See?  We'll figure out a way to have something tall on the tables too...last year, we simply used plastic champagne glasses with red, white, and blue napkins stuffed jauntily inside them.

Just keep your next event in the back of your mind and buy what you see that's on sale...votive candles, big candles...

Ask your local nursery to save baby food jars for you...great disposable candleholders! 

You can use plain plastic cups in the color that coordinates with your decorations...just fill them with builder's sand or beach sand or other clean sand...and poke a candle in the middle.  If you want to be extra-fancy, tie a plaid ribbon bow around the cup!

A garage sale produced a broken plastic castle about 10 years ago.  Repaired with cardboard...spray painted's always on the table where our VIP folks are seated...along one bookend that represent some kind of king...also sprayed gold.

Scottish Weekend Badges

We found a treasure trove of 1999 and 2002 Scottish Weekend Pins.  If you
would like to purchase one send $5.00 to Scottish Weekend Pins, PO Box 2828,
Moultrie, GA 31776-2828.

Scottie dogsWhat else have we done?
Watch this section to see more photographs of Scottish decorations we've done.  We made 3-dimensional thistles that have been used at a dozen events including an event at Sotheby's in New York City.  We made metal Scottish galleys that have been used numerous times...and even black construction paper Scottie dogs...that have been used and used and used.

We made the cutest little Scottish people out of the old fashioned two-legged clothespins... although they take 23-steps I'm told (I didn't count) to make.

We made the cutest little pins for favors one year using a poker chip for the backing...a little circle of tartan glued on the poker chip with a tiny piece of that narrow, narrow ribbon sticking out...and one of those tiny little chenille balls glued to the middle of the top...with a pin glued on the back, it's a tiny Scottish bonnet...that anyone would enjoy!

The entire point of all that you don't have to spend huge amounts of money to make festive, beautiful, creative decorations.

Please send in photographs and ideas...

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