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Crafty Scots Page 15
Scottish Decorations for the (Very) Thrifty

The Year of Braveheart Scottish Weekend
Since our dates fall on Valentine's Day next year, we chose Braveheart Scottish Weekend.  The phrase has two meanings, as we will honor all of the Scottish Clans and groups which have declared our library home.

Tom at Caberdancer Graphics, designed our pin...utilizing the heart, St. Andrew's cross...our traditional thistle.  We're going to have large blow-ups of the pin made, stick them to card stock and put them down the centers of the Saturday night tables...and the tablecloths will be blue and white with maybe a purple and a red one here and there.

We'll scatter our garlands, candles, ribbons and glitter...and will be set to go.

Please call me if I can be of help in "ideaing" with you about decorations for various events.  This is my FAVORITE part!

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