First Account of the Excavations of
Lochrutton Crannog. By Mr James Barbour, F.S.A., Scot., Architect.
The transactions of this Society of 1863 and 1864 give prominence to the
class of structures known as Lake Dwellings or Crannogs, and the
addresses of the president, Sir William Jardiue, contain much of
interest regarding them. Several were visited, and in two instances
exploratory operations also were instituted. The crannog at Corncockle
was cleared by the president, when quantities of smashed bones,
evidencing occupation, were found, aud at the Black Loch of Sanquhar,
the water having been run off, a section was cut through the crannog
down to the bottom of the loch, fully disclosing the design. No relics,
however, of chronological import, or bearing on the civilisation of the
occupation, were discovered iu either case. Another like structure,
situated at Friars’ Carse, examined by Dr Munro, is described in his
valuable work, “Ancient Scottish Lake Dwellings or Crannog's.” These
seem to be the only instances of systematic investigation overtaken in
the district in connection with such structures.
Tabulated in Dr. Munro’s book are the following crannogs in the counties
of Dumfries and Kirkcudbright, viz.:—Lochmaben, Black Loch of Sanquhar,
Friars’ Carse, Loch Orr, Lochwood, Closeburn, Corncockle, Morton,
Lochrutton, Loch Kinder, Car-lingwark, Lotus Loch, Barean, Borgue, and
Loch Fergus.
Last year the Society resolved to institute exploratory operations,
selecting Lochrutton crannog for examination. Several circumstances lend
themselves to mark it out as one of some importance. The loch is of
large area and deep. A peninsula on its east margin is served from the
mainland by an artificial ditch and rampart drawn across the neck; and
so forms au island about an acre in extent; and about 300 yards distant
from the north end of the loch there is a large camp or moat from which
the farm of Moat derives its name.
The site of the ancient castle of Auchenfranco also lies at the
south-west corner of the loch, and at a distance of little over
half-a-mile to the south-east stands Hills Tower, tall and picturesque,
and, thanks to the care of the proprietrix, well preserved.
The crannog and a small natural island, named on the Ordnance Map
Dutton’s Cairn, appear as wooded specks on the surface of the loch. The
loch lies 305 feet above sea level, measures nearly a mile in length
from north to south, and half-a-mile in width, and extends in area to
125 acres. The principal feeder is at the south end, the outfall being
opposite, with a rock bed not liable to change. The crannog is 230 yards
distant from the peninsula ou the east shore the nearest point of the
mainland ; 190 yards of water separates it from the natural island,
which again is 90 yards distant from the west shore of the loch.
It is not a little remarkable that the crannog occupies a position as
exactly as may be in the centre of the loch’s area, so that
notwithstanding its diminutive size, being divided by the medium filum,
the eastern half belongs to the proprietor of Hills, and the western to
In regard to the depth of the loch, the soundings round the crannog show
a nearly level bottom with 11 to 13 feet of water. Half way between the
islands the depth increases to 35 feet, and 140 yards to the south of
the crannog, the deepest part of the loch, the sounding is 52 feet. 12
feet is the depth between the natural island and the west shore, and
between the crannog and the east shore it is 11 feet.
The examination of the crannog by pick and spade, although sanctioned
last year, could not be carried out at that time owing to the high level
of the loch. The peninsula or outer island was, however, partly examined
by sections through the artificial rampart and a number of short
trenches in the interior. In the beginning of September last the
exploratory works were proceeded with on the crannog, two workmen being
employed, and operations continued during three weeks. Considerable
progress had been made, when, unfortunately, following on rains, the
level of the loch again rose, and ultimately reached a height which
rendered postponement of the completion of the investigation imperative.
The crannog when approached presents the appearance of a low circular
cairn of stones resting on a foundation composed of logs of wood, and
rising’ from the water level with a slightly rounded section to a
grass-covered plat in the centre. A row of alders, doubtless sown with
seeds carried there on the water's surface, encircles the plat, and
marks the winter level of the loch. The crannog measures eighty feet in
diameter, and the centre plat rises six feet above the log floor.
The work overtaken consisted in carrying a wide section across the
crannog in a direction approximately north and south, down through the
superincumbent earth and stone to the wood floor of the structure.
Another similar section followed, in a direction at right angles with
the first, and the excavations were continued in the interior. After
considerable advance had been made, the influx of water began to impede
operations, and ultimately reached a height making further progress
impossible. The ends of the sections were then closed with earth and a
pitching of large stones, and the works ceased for the season.
These exploratory excavations have disclosed more fully the
characteristics and structural arrangements of the island, and some
vestiges, it is thought, of the superstructure or dwelling-house have
been brought to light. Relics have also been recovered bearing on the
character and era of the occupation.
The sections disclose the strata from the top of the centre plat
downwards to the wood floor. There is first turf and free soil about
eighteen inches thick, then comes another layer of soil of similar
thickness, but more compact and changing to marl or clay at the bottom.
Below the second bed a quantity of whin-stones, unshaped and disposed
without order, the intertices being filled with marl coloured earth,
lies on wood floor. The layer is three feet thick in the centre, but
towards the margin it tapers down to the wood.
The surface of the island supporting these strata exhibits a
comparatively level floor, composed entirely of logs of wood disposed in
groups of parallel pieces, lying in many different directions and fitted
closely together. The logs, measuring six inches to twelve across, are
mostly round, and sometimes retain the bark, but a few are squared in
whole or part. Oak, birch, and other woods obtain.
Round the exterior of the island a rough banking of tumbled stones
slopes outwards into the water, and among the stones are numerous
timbers lying without order, and apparently displaced from their
original position, as if the outer fringe of the Crannog were broken
It has been ascertained that to a depth of five feet from the floor the
construction consists of layers of logs alternating with thin beds of
stones, and this method probably continues downwards to the bed of the
loch, as was proved by Dr Munro to be the case at Lochlee Crannog-. It
seems, as the timbers would be self-carrying, the most appropriate in
the present instance, considering the distance of the Crannog from the
mainland and the depth of the water to be crossed. The groups already
described as forming the floor are very suggestive of rafts, which might
have been put together on the shore and floated thence to the island and
into position.
Morticed beams such as are common in structures of the kind have not
been observed in situ, but detached pieces of this description are
The island was probably stockaded, like the Lochlee Crannog, but the
morticed beams have disappeared by decay and the action of the waves as
the structure began to sink. At a distance of about four feet from the
exterior margin remains of a number of oak posts, three inches to six
inches in diameter, project above the surface of the floor, and appear
to have formed part of the stockading. The posts are pointed and driven
into the floor 1^ feet to 2A feet, and the points have evidently been
shaped by means of a sharp axe. In the interior small oak branches
similarly pointed are found driven between the logs, as if intended to
secure them in position.
The log floor now scarcely rises above the summer level of the loch, and
the winter level, as it is indicated by the wash and the lime where
vegetation begins, is considerably higher than the floor, shewing that
sinking or shrinkage has taken place. The amount of the depression is
probably as much as five or six feet, and as the bed of the loch
consists of debris of rock not likely to yield much from the weight, the
subsidence of the structure has, it may be conjectured, arisen mainly
through the compression of the materials of which it is built.
These are the general, and no ways exceptional, features of the
structure. On it would doubtless be raised for the shelter of the
inmates some sort of dwelling-house. The superstructure, however, being
particularly exposed to destruction through natural decay and in other
ways, has, as might be expected, disappeared, leaving hardly a certain
trace of its existence. Whether built mainly of stones or of wood cannot
certainly be known. The large collection of stones heaped on the floor
of the Crannog is possibly debris of a stone-built house. Of wood debris
there was found embedded among the stones several pieces of oak, one
morticed, one squared and holed for the reception of a stout pin.
Another lay on the log floor apparently in situ. It is squared, or
nearly so, clean cut across the ends, and rebated as if intended for the
reception of uprights, one of the rebates being pierced with a pin-hole,
and the upper face shews a long groove 4 inches wide, 4 inches deep, and
26| inches in length. The piece measures 10£ inches by 8 inches across,
4 feet 2 inches in length, and 3 feet 4 inches between the rebates.
Evidently it belongs to the superstructure, and probably served as the
threshold of the door. That the wood vestiges are meagre is not
surprising, as whatever of this material the building contained was
liable to be carried away. Judging from analogous structures elsewhere
in Scotland, the probability is that the original house was constructed
of wood.
The relics recovered during the excavation of the Crannog shew less
variety of objects aud a more limited range of occupation than those
from some of the other structures of the kind; on the other hand, the
character and period of the occupation are, perhaps, better defined than
is usually the case.
The loch has been and is resorted to by anglers, curlers, and others,
who would doubtless often use the Crannog as a retreat and rest, and so
it has happened that the upper stratum of earth yielded articles of
recent date. Ou the top of the centre plat some stones formed a hearth,
over which lay peat ash and a quantity of peats, and in the surface
mould was found a small leaden bullet, two penny pieces of the reign of
Queen Victoria bearing date 1861-66, fragments of glass bottles,
pottery, and tobacco pipes. One of the “finds” consisted of the base of
the bowl and shank of a curious example of the last-mentioned class of
objects, which probably belongs, Dr Anderson suggests, to the 17th
The relics and evidences relating to the occupation were recovered from
among the stones overlying the log floor, and at a depth of not less
than three feet six inches below the turf of the centre plat. Food
refuse is plentiful, such as bones of animals and birds, which, however,
having been burnt, are, except a few, indistinguishable. Of the latter
are teeth of the ox. a boar’s tusk, bone of a bird, and a fragment of
deer’s horn. There is also a piece of the jaw of a rodent not much
larger than a rat. Shells of hazel nuts are found. Charcoal is abundant,
although no hearth has yet been discovered.
Pottery is the predominant article of the relics. Over 170 fragments
were found, mostly very small, but showing variety of material, make,
and form of vessel. It consists of blue, red, and black metal, almost
all wheel made, and, with the exception of a few pieces, it is glazed
chiefly with a greenish or yellowish green glaze. Brownish glaze and
brownish green glaze are also found. Several pieces are roughened by
pounded grit cemented on them by the glaze. Pieces belonging to several
vessels are marked with herring-bone ornamentation, others with vertical
projecting ribs and oblique parallel lines, and another form of
ornamentation consists of a row of thumb marks round the exterior margin
of the bottom of the vessel.
There are fragments representing 13 handles of jars and other vessels,
also several spouts, one being of tubular form.
Some of the jars in addition to the large carrying handles at the back
have been furnished with smaller supplementary handles in front of each
side of the spout for the purpose of tilting the vessel to a convenient
angle to drink from.
A variety of other objects were obtained, such as a piece of red
pigment, probably hmmatite, three small pieces of sheet lead, some
nondescript iron, a large nail, part of the blade of a large knife
curving inwards, much rusted, a leaden spindle whorl, a small ring or
link of bronze or brass, two fragments of a circular vessel of red
sandstone, widening upwards, the bottom flat. The side is 1ô inch thick;
the vessel is of fine workmanship, smooth inside and dressed with a
sharp point outside. From below the log floor was recovered a small
splinter of oak neatly wrapped about with a narrow ligament of skin,
probably a fragment of a basket.
The most impressive and almost unique relic, however, is a §mall and
imperfect pendant cross of jet or a material resembling jet It consists
of a circular centre disc, with two arms. The other two arms are broken
off and wanting-. The disc, which measures f of an inch in diameter, is
flat on the faces and rounded on the edge, and the arms tapering
slightly have the corners rounded off, and terminate with flat
pedimental canopies. When complete the cross would measure inch between
the points of the transverse arms. On the face of the cross the disc has
been inlaid in the form of a floriated Greek cross, and with small
globular circles betwreen the arms ; and a socket marks one of the arms
under the canopy. The reverse is plain except the disc, which bears the
letters IHC, with a mark of contraction over them. The letter H has an
incurving downstroke, and the C is closed. Dr Anderson, to whom the
relics were submitted and who kindly advised respecting their character,
says, in reference to the cross: “The cross of jet is a very remarkable
thing. It must have been of the equal armed form (Greek). The lettering
IHC, with the contraction above it, seems to mean that the three letters
are to be read as Jesus, although they may also be expanded in the other
sense given to them in the middle ages as Jesus Hominum Salvator. But
the use of C for S rather favours the view that Jesus is intended.” He
further says: “It seems to me to be late. I do not find the incurving
down stroke of the H before the 12th century. The closed C used here for
S is not an early form either.”
Only in one other instance has an article of this description been found
in connection with a Scottish lake dwelling. An equal armed cross within
a circle and decorated on the face was discovered by Dr Munro at
Lochspouts. It is figured and described in his book.
To supply as before a descriptive sketch of the Crannog and the
excavations carried out by the Society, with the results, is the chief
purpose of this paper, but it may be proper before closing to submit
briefly a few suggestions regarding the significance of the details
The situation of the Crannog in deep water and at the greatest distance
from the shore the loch allows is an indication that its primary purpose
was to afford security and protection to the occupiers. The existence of
the outer intrenched island on the east shore of the loch, which there
can hardly be any doubt was associated with the Crannog, is a
circumstance not met with elsewhere. The two evidently stand one to the
other in the relation of the Base-court and the Citadel of a Mote.
At this stage it may be noted that the peninsula or outer island yielded
no relics in the interior, but teeth of animals are plentiful along the
water’s edge, and in the substance of the artificial rampart already
described were found fragments of bone, deer’s horn, glass slag, and
nondescript iron or iron slag. Teeth of animals have also been observed
on the natural island near the west shore of the loch.
The Crannog itself is of a type which is common, and there is nothing
exceptional in the structural details it exhibits. The work exhibits
judgment in the selection of materials adapted to the circumstances,
such as admitted of being grouped on the shore and transported over the
water, self carrying being preferred ; and the disposition and method of
securing the pieces in the structure is skilfully worked out. The
carpentry shows some advance and the use of the more common tools of the
The use of sharp-edged carpenter’s tools of itself establishes the
circumstance that the crannog does not date back to the stone or bronze
ages, and the character of the relics found on it indicate an occupation
comparatively modern. No evidence has been discovered bearing on the
comparative age of the Crannog and of the occupation. So far as this
partial exploration shows, the relics in this case differ from those of
the more prolific lake dwellings examined, inasmuch as no stone (except
only one disc) or bronze implements, or implements of bone have been
recovered, and ancient pottery is also absent. The pottery, however,
which is usually not plentiful, is here the most abundant and
characteristic of the finds. Dr Anderson considers that the general
aspect of the finds as a whole is mediseval, and the pottery is almost
all of the fabric accustomed to be classed as 11th to 16th century.
Occupation appears to have been continuous, and to have extended over a
considerable space of time. The occupants consisted of a family, who,
judging by the plentiful and varied food refuse and the abundant and, it
may be said, elegant table service of pottery, deserve in all
circumstances to be described as opulent; and the cross recovered seems
to show that they were of the Christian faith. This is the residence and
stronghold of the mediteval Baron, who had not yet built his embattled
and moated stone tower.
To those who expected evidences of the remote the outcome may be
disappointing, but the discovery of conditions and modes of living, but
dimly shadowed in history, is a result alike interesting and
Thanks are due to a number of friends, in particular Mrs M'Culloch
Jameson and Mr Steel, the proprietors, for permission granted to examine
the island ; Dr Anderson, who, as before stated, examined and
characterised the relics ; and Dr Munro, who has taken special interest
and afforded active help in connection with the work.
Mr Barbour exhibited all the relics mentioned as having been found in
the course of the excavations.
Islands of Stone - Stephanie Blankshein -
ARP 2022
Excavation of a Neolithic crannog in the
Outer Hebrides has revealed a complex and captivating site, answering
some questions and exposing many more regarding the construction of use
of these enigmatic islet sites.
This paper will present the preliminary
results of the AHRC-funded 'Islands of Stone' project, a collaboration
between the University of Southampton, the University of Reading and
Historic Environment Scotland. This project was created to further
investigate a newly exposed and little-known type of Neolithic site, the
artificial island. Following the recovery of numerous sherds of
Neolithic pottery from sites believed to have been Iron Age crannogs or
island duns, subsequent work revealed at least six Neolithic crannogs on
the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides. With a growing number of
Neolithic crannogs being revealed through this project, understanding
the construction and use of these sites is now paramount to continued
research. This more detailed research is challenged by the site's
context, requiring a cohesive terrestrial and underwater approach in
order achieve of more holistic understanding. Accordingly, in the summer
of 2021 one 'showcase' site was excavated, being one of the few crannogs
of any date in Scotland to have been excavated both above and below
water simultaneously. Joint terrestrial and underwater excavations
revealed a complex and enigmatic site comprised of substantial timbers
covered with organic and capped with a stone mound. Excavations were
recorded through a campaign of complementary drone and underwater
photogrammetric surveys, allowing for both the phases of work and the
exposed stratigraphic contexts to be documented and subsequently
recorded through these 'born digital' datasets. The generated digital
elevation models, orthomosaics and 3D models provide a unique glimpse of
the structure both above and below water and allow for further analysis
and dissemination. In addition, environmental samples were taken from
the terrestrial and underwater trenches which, along with the recovery
of Neolithic pottery and substantial quantities of worked quartz,
indicate so far exclusively Neolithic dates. While this work has
answered some questions regarding the construction and use of the
crannog at Loch Bhorgastail, it has also exposed many more. Subsequent
excavations in the summer of 2023 will hopefully continue to unravel
some of the mysteries surrounding these enigmatic Neolithic sites.
Presentation by Stephanie Blankshein
University of Southampton
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