Motto: Spem successus alit -
"Success nourishes hope".
Badge: A
hand holding a laurel wreath.
Septs of the Clan: Anderson, Andrew, Dingwall, Gillanders,
MacAndrew, MacCulloch, MacLulich, MacTaggart, MacTear, MacTier, MacTire, Taggart, Vass, Wass
Names associated with the clan:
Aindrea Anderson Andersone Andersonne Andersoun Andersoune
Anderston Andesoune Andie Andirsoone Andirsoune Andison Andree
Andreson Andresoun Andrew Andrewes Andrews Andrewson Andro Androe
Androson Androsone Androsoun Androsoune Androw Andrson Andy
Andyrson Anndra Connan Connen Connon Corbart Corbat Corbatt Corbet
Corbeth Corbett Culloch Dinguel Dingvaile Dingvaille Dingval
Dingvale Dingvall Dingvell Dingwall Dingwell Dungwail Duthe Duthie
Dyngvale Dyngwaile Dyngwale Enderson Endherson Endirsone Fearn
Fearne Fearns Fern Ferne Gallanders Gaudie Gilanders Gilandres
Gilandrias Gillaindreis Gillanders Gillandres Gillandris
Gilleanndrais Gilleanris Gillenders Gillendrias Gulloch Hagart
Haggart MacAlach MacChullach MacClullich MacColloch MacColly
MacCoulach MacCoulagh MacCoulaghe MacCowlach MacCuley MacCullach
MacCullagh MacCullaghe MacCullaigh MacCullauch MacCullie MacCullo
MacCulloch MacCullocht MacCullogh MacCulloh MacCullough MacCully
MacGillanders MacGillandras MacGillandrew MacGillandrish MacHulagh
MacHullie MacIlendrish MacIllandarish MacIntagart MacIntagerit
MacIntargart MacKculloch MacKildash MacKinsagart MacKintaggart
MacKowloch MacKowloche MacKulagh MacKullie MacKulloch MacKullouch
MacKyntagart MacKyntaggart MacLulaghe MacLulaich MacLulich
MacLulli MacLullich MacLullick MacOloghe MacOulie MacOwlache
MacSagart MacTagart MacTaggard MacTaggart MacTaggate MacTaggert
MacTaggit MacTear MacTeer MacTeir MacTer MacTere MacTeyr MacTier
MacTire MacTyr MacTyre MacUlagh MacUlaghe MacUllie MacUlloch
Makawllauch Makcoulach Makcowllach Makcowloch Makcullo Makculloch
Makcullocht Makhulagh Makintalgart Makteir Makter Malcowlach Mteir
Myketagart Pathillock Patillo Patillok Pattillo Pattillock
Pattullo Pattullok Patullo Patullow Pethilloch Petillok Pettillo
Pettillok Pettillow Pettullock Petulloch Petullow Pitilloche
Pitiloch Pittilloch Pittillock Pittillocke Pittilluo Pittulloch
Pitullich Pyttyllok Ros Ross Rosse Tagart Taggart Taggert Tegart
Teggart Tolach Tulach Tulache Tullach Tullauch Tullawch Tullo
Tulloch Tullocht Tulloich Tulloicht Tullow Tulloycht Vas Vase Vass
Vassie Vaus Vauss Vaux Vaws Wais Was Wass Waus Wause Wauss Waux
[We're always looking for more information
on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web
site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.]