Motto: Timor omnis abesto - "Let
fear be far from all".
Badge: The head
of a male savage.
Septs of the Clan: Abbot, Abbotson, Dewar, Gilfillan,
Macandeoir, Clelland, Dewar, Gilland, MacLellan and MacNair.
Names associated with the clan:
Abarcrumbie Abarcrumby Abbot Abbotson Abbott Abbottson Abercrombie
Abercromby Abercrombye Abercrummye Abircromby Abircromme Abircromy
Abircromye Abircrumby Abircrumbye Abircrummy Abircrumy Dewar
Deware Dewere Dochard Dochart Gilelin Gilfalyn Gilfelan Gilfillan
Gilfillane Gilfillian Gilfolan Gilfulain Gilfulan Gilland
Gillefalyn Gillefillane Gillefillian Gillefolan Gilleland
Gillephillane Gillifelan Gillilan Gilliland Gillphillan Gilphillan
Guileland Guililand Guilliland Guliland Gulliland Jore MacAnaba
MacAndeoir MacGeorge MacIndeoir MacIndeor MacIndoer MacJore
MacKnabe MacNab MacNabb MacNap Makinnab Maknabe Milnab
[We're always looking for more information
on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web
site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.]