- Clan
- The clan
MacLean. Instituted 1892 (pdf)
- An
account of the surname of Maclean, or Macghillean: from
the manuscript of 1751, and A sketch of the life and writings of
Lachlan MacLean, with other information pertaining to the clan Maclean
(1914) (pdf)
Renaissance of the clan MacLean, comprising also a
history of Dubhaird Caisteal and the great gathering on August 24,
1912. Together with an appendix containing letters of Allan MacLean,
narrative of an American party, a MacLean bibliography (1913) (pdf)
- First
annual gathering of the Clan MacLean Association of North America,
held in the city of Chicago, June 12-16, 1893 (pdf)
An Historical and Genealogical Account
of the Clan MacLean
From its first settlement at Castle Duart in the Isle of Mull to the
Present Period by a Seneachie (1838) (pdf)
history of the clan MacLean from its first settlement at
Duard Castle in the Isle of Mull, to the present period including a
genealogical account of some of the principal families together with
their heraldry, legends, superstitions, etc. (1889) (76Mb pdf)
The Clan Gillean
This is a pdf book file of the history of the clan
- Clan MacLaine
of Lochbuie
Angus McLean
This is a pdf book containing a biography and his address at the unveling of the North Carolina Memorial on the Battlefield of Gettysburg
Maclean history from the Celtic Magazine 1887
- Lumber River Scots
Providing details on the MacLeans (pdf)
- Sir
Fitzroy MacLean
Evidences of Chiefship of Clann
By Professor J. P. MacLean (1895) (pdf)
MacLean in the Scottish
MacLean International Assosiation
Clan Maclean International
Association of California & Nevada
- Use our Site Search Engine
There are many references to clans within the hundreds
of historical pages on our site. Use the search engine provided
here to locate further information on your clan.
Motto: "Virtue mine honour".
Badge: A tower with battlements.
Septs of the Clan: Beath, Beaton, Black,
Lean, MacBeath, MacBheath, MacBeth, Macilduy, MacLergain, MacRankin,
MacVeagh, MacVey,
Names associated with the clan:
Bay Beath Beathune Beathy Beaton Beatoun Beattone Beattoun Bethon
Bethune Betoin Beton Betone Betoun Betown Betowne Betton Bettune
Beutan Bey Bittoune Blac Black Blacke Blackie Blaick Blaik Blaike
Blaikey Blaikie Blak Blake Blayk Clanachan Clanahan Clannachan
Clanochan Clean Clenachan Clenaghan Clenochan Douie Dowie Dowy
Duart Gildawie Gildowie Gilduff Gillan Gillean Gilledow Gilleduff
Gillegowie Gilleon Gillian Gilyean Gilzean Gilzeane Leach Lean
Leatch Lech Leche Leech Leeche Leetch Leiche Leitch Leitche Leyche
Liche Liech Lietch Litch MacAldowie MacAldowrie MacAldowy
MacAlduie MacBa MacBae MacBaith MacBathe MacBay MacBea MacBeath
MacBeatha MacBeathy MacBee MacBeith MacBeth MacBetha MacBey
MacBheath MacBheatha MacBheathain MacClan MacClane MacClean
MacCleane MacClen MacCraing MacElduff MacGildhui MacGilduff
MacGildui MacGilevie MacGilewe MacGilladubh MacGilldowie
MacGilleathain MacGillebeatha MacGilledow MacGilleduf
MacGilleduibh MacGillegowie MacGilleoin MacGilleon MacGilleone
MacGilleoun MacGilleoune MacGillewe MacGillewey MacGillewie
MacGillewy MacGillewye MacGilliduffi MacGilliewie MacGilligowie
MacGilligowy MacGilliue MacGilliwie MacGillogowy MacGillon
MacGilloyne MacGilvie MacGleane MacHilliegowie MacIlday MacIldeu
MacIldeus MacIldew MacIldoui MacIldowie MacIldowy MacIldue
MacIlduf MacIlduff MacIlduy MacIlergan MacIlewe MacIlghuie
MacIlguie MacIlguy MacIllergin MacIllewe MacIllewie MacIllhuy
MacIlliduy MacIllon MacKbayth MacKcline MacKeldey MacKeldowie
MacKelein MacKildaiye MacKilday MacKilleane MacKlen MacKlin
MacLean MacLeand MacLeane MacLein MacLen MacLene MacLergain
MacLergan MacLin MacLyn MacMalduff MacOleane MacRaing MacRankein
MacRankin MacRankine MacRanking MacRankyne MacTarlach MacTarlich
MacTerlach MacThearlaich MacVanish MacVay MacVeagh MacVeay
MacVeigh MacVenish MacVey MacVinish Maelbeth Makclean Makcleane
Makclen Makgilleoin Makgilleon Makgilleone Makgilleoun Makgillevye
Makgillewe Makgillewie Malbeth Melbeth Mickellduff Padan Padon
Padyne Patein Paten Paton Patone Patonson Patonsoun Patoun Patoune
Patowne Patton Pattone Pattoun Pattoune Pautoun Pawton Pawtoun
Pawtoune Raincin Ramkein Ranequin Rankeine Ranken Rankene
Rankesoun Rankin Rankine Ranking Rankinge Rankins Rankinson Rankyn
Rankyne Rankynson Renkine Renkyn Rinking MacLean Of Dochgarroch:
Gellion Gillon
[We're always looking for more information
on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web
site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.]