Branches: Buchan of Auchmacoy
Motto: (Auchmacoy) Non inferiora secutus
(Latin: Not having followed inferior things)
Septs of the clan: Basken (NI), Chapp (NI), Crudon (NI),
Hardman (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Mundy (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Rattliff (NI), Tucks (NI), Baskin (NI), Chrystal (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Crystal (NI), Hardnan (NI), Nible (NI),
Runcie (NI),
Wadsworth (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Bede (famous historian) (NI), Clapperton (I), Crystall (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Kermack (NI), Niblo (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Runcy (NI), Wadsworther (some metion of the name on the site) (I),
Bonnieville (NI), Coscrach (NI), Fasken (I), Leisk (I), Ogston (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Shakle (NI), West (I), Boyne (place name) (I), Costie (NI),
Faskin (I), MacCrystal (NI), Ogstone (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Tarves (Parish), Whammond (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Costy (NI), Fitchie (NI), Meason (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Tarvis (NI), Whyman (NI), Buck (NI), Cranach (NI), Fitchy (NI), Merson (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Prince (NI), Teunion (NI),
Whymon (NI), Buckie (Place), Crannach (Place), Gammerie (NI), Mondie (NI), Ratcliff (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Teunon (NI), Willgook (NI),
Bucky (NI), Cruddon (NI), Gammery (NI), Mondy (NI), Ratliff (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Tewnion (NI), Cawsell (NI), Cruden (I),
Hardin (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Mundie (some metion of the name on the site) (I), Rattcliff (NI), Tinnon (NI)
Names associated with the clan: BUQUHAN BUCCAN BUCHANE BUCCHAN
[We're always looking for more information
on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web
site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.]