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Poems of Mac McAnear
My Brother's Habit

My brother’s habit reminded of a rabbit
Who breeds many a doe
Until one day, I regret to say,
Received an awful blow! 

Having a fling with a pretty little thing
Thought the husband out of town
When suddenly at the door stood a raging boar
And his wife not even in her gown! 

He raised his gun and not in fun
To shoot them both some place
Playing for time my brother’s mind
Began to furiously race! 

“What’s this about?” he blurted out
Hoping to cut a deal
“Are you her brother or somebody other
Who’s come to see Lucille?”

“This is my wife and it’ll cost your life
“Since I’ve caught you here in my bed!
“Have your say ‘cause you’ve got to pay
“And they’re going to find you dead!” 

“Is she married?” my brother quite harried
Clutching at the thing he’d ride!
“Why, I didn’t know, but I’ll sure go
“If I can just get outside!” 

The gun wavered, voice quavered
As the issue hung in doubt
“I think you’re lying and I’m not buying
“Though there are stories spread about!” 

“I know she’s cheating, been ameeting
“At least a dozen men
“You’re one of many and there’ve been plenty
“Bedding down where you’ve been!” 

“A lot to shoot, and you to boot!
“If I carried this thing on through!
“But killing you now won’t help this cow
“She’ll be anything but true!” 

My brother’s escape from this awful scrape
Didn’t slow him down a  bit
A bona fide buck trusts his luck
No matter the husband’s fit!

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