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Poems of Mac McAnear
London and Dresden

They bombed London during the blitz
As frightened people, cursing  Fritz,
Tearfully listened to the ominous, exploding sound. 

Long-lasting this nourished hate
Of an arrogant enemy who sealed his fate
By destroying and leveling a culture to the ground! 

This scornful foe of  ritual tea
Boasted loudly with obvious glee
No better than barbarians of yesteryear! 

The English resolved with rightful wrath
All-out war the only path
As rage replaced natural fear! 

Their single aim seek and kill
Highest praise for those with skill
No quarter asked as the fit survives! 

Fortunes of war as changing tide
Persistence and pain we must abide
Continuous stream of snuffed out lives! 

Revenge sweet in the foe’s land
Awesome weapons ready to hand
Unimaginable force leaving a permanent, ugly scar!

‘Twas to Dresden of elegant charm
A helpless victim of Mars’ raised arm
Ravaged and raked by the hell of modern war! 

Waves of bombers night and day
Bent on vengeance to repay
A maniac who lost the right to call himself a man! 

Works of art of finest creation
Gone with destruction of this tragic nation
Consumed by flames spreading like a widening fan! 

Dwellers, all, cousin or wife
Young, old, filled with life
Perished in fire storm that charred this city! 

Witnesses to this horror scene
Struck dumb at all  the carnage seen
Crawled from hiding stunned and giddy.

London and Dresden sisters with a past
Radiant health again at last
Intertwined fate shared and forever fused!. 

Reflect the tenor of a people’s will
Both peace loving and  remain so till
Man forgets the shame of being abused!.

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