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Life of General Sir Hope Grant
With selections from his correspondence edited by Henry Knollys, Colonel (H.P.) Royal Artillery, His former A.D.C., in two volumes (1894)


In arranging for publication portions of Sir Hope Grant’s voluminous diaries, I have followed the same general principles as those which I adopted in compiling ‘Incidents in the Sepoy War’ and ‘Incidents in the China War,’ and which then met with the General’s emphatic approval.

Sir Hope’s language, though not infrequently graphic and even characterised by a sort of rough pathos, was habitually ungrammatical, often to an extent which obscured the instant appreciation of his meaning. Therefore I have not only constantly transposed the paragraphs, but have modified the construction of the sentences.

I have, however, most carefully retained the full sense he intended to convey, without suggestions of my own; and I am confident that were he alive he would approve the verbal alterations I have effected.

For the further considerations which have prompted me to publish these diaries, I refer the reader to the concluding paragraphs of the second volume.

Colonel, H.P., Royal Artillery.
Arthur’s Club, London, March 15, 1894.

Volume 1  Volume 2

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