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Folk Lore in Lowland Scotland
By  Eve Blantyre Simpson (1908)


See also...

Scottish Folk-Lore
By The Rev. Duncan Anderson, M.A., author of "The Lays of Canada" (1899) (pdf)

Folk lore, or, Superstitious beliefs in the west of Scotland within this century
With an appendix shewing the probable relation of the modern festivals of Christmas, May Day, St. John's Day, and Halloween, to ancient sun and fire worship by Napier, James, (1879) (pdf)

Folk Tales and Fairy Lore
In Gaelic and English collected from Oral Tradition by Rev. James MacDougall, sometime Minister of Duror, Edited with Introduction and Notes by Rev. George Calder, B.D. Minister of Strathfillan (1910) (pdf)

Q&A, Faeries & Folklore in Gaelic Culture We Love History Live

Legends of the North
The Guidman O' Inglismill, and the Fairy Bride with Glossary and Introductions, Historical and Legendary (1873) (pdf)

The Sin-Eater
The Washer of the Ford and Other Legendary Moralities by "Fiona MacLeod” (William Sharp) (1911) (pdf)

Pharais and The Mountain Lovers
By "Fiona MacLeod", (William Sharp) (1911) (pdf)

Ethnology in Folklore
By George Laurence Gomme, F.S.A., President of the Folklore Society (1892) (pdf)

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