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The Border or Riding Clans
Clan Dickson Families

Although a Dickson of Leitholm, county Berwick, appears as early as 1380, only three generations removed from Thomas Dickson (I), still the houses of Buhtrig and Belchester seem always to have been recognized as the Chief, for Leitholm and others acknowledge their superiority in 1574, and Ormeston, the oldest of the Peeblesshire lairds, does the same in 1591, but the Marchmen often had their houses burnt and their writs destroyed, so that it is frequently impossible to trace their origin, especially as many of these old warriors disdained holding their lands by what they contemptuously called the "sheepskin" or "parchment" title, preferring to hold them by the sword.

A Hugh Dickson Esquire (sculzfer) seems to have been connected with the shire of Berwick in 1431, if not earlier, for an inquest was held, dated Berwick, Sep. 2, :408, regarding the right of Lady Margaret, relict of Sir John of Swynton, Knight, to her terce of his lands, and a transcript of the same was made at Perth, April 29, 1431, at the instance of "providi vin Hugh Dicson scutaferi," but to what house he belonged does not appear. He was probably, however, a relation or friend of her ladyship.

This roll therefore commences with Buhtrig and Belchester, after which the families are ranked according to the oldest dates they are found in manuscript or printed records.

The first named, however, only appears as slain at Flodden in 1513, and the second as receiving a Royal Charter in 1539, but in 1591 a Belchester served heir to his great-grandfather (jroavi) John Diksone of Belchester, who must have been living before 1539.


ROBERT DIKSONE in Bouchtrig, county Berwick, was one of the gentlemen who fell on the fatal field of Flodden in 1513. [Ada Dominorum Conciliar Vol. xxxiv, fol. 136. 1 Mar., 1523. Not published.] He married Isobel Murray, and had, with other issue, a son John who succeeded him.

In 1552 Robert Diksoun in Bouchtrig and others appeared before the Lords of the Privy Council and signed an obligation to pay a sum of money to Richard Maitland. This was made by Robert Dixson in the peill of Lethame, who probably headed the list as the principal debtor, Robert Diksoun in Bouchtrig, Robert Diksone in the eist end of Lethame and four others named Furde, Sanderson and two Red. piths, and is signed "with our handis at the pen led be the notar underwritten for vs becaus we culd nocht writt." The notary signed for all the seven.

In 1557 Robert Diksoun of Bouchrig and John Diksoun of Belchester, as already shown, were charged with having, with a party of fourteen score (280 persons), pursued and slain Archibald Douglas of Kilspindy, Provost of Edinburgh, on August 8, 1556, and gave Alexander Lord Hume as surety that they would appear at the next Aire or Itinerant Court of Justice (Circuit Court) of Berwick.

Dicksoun of Buhtrig (no forename), Cuthbert Trotter in , Hob Diksoun, Patrick Hume younger of Polwarth, Sir Robert Bell and others were accused Sep. 4, 1563, by Robert Hume of the Heuch, of having taken possession of his corn and goods, which it seems were claimed by Polwarth.

This and the preceding of A. D. 1557, in both of which legal documents he is called " of proves that he held the lands then, but he appears to have fortified himself with a so-called "parchment" title soon after, for Robert Diksoun in Bouchtrig and Elizabeth McDowell, his wife, had a charter from the King and Queen of lands of Bouchtrig and lands in Lethame, Dec. 27, 1565, and six months after (8th July, 1566), the same were confirmed to Robert Diksoun, eldest son and heir of Robert Diksoun in Bouchrig.
The word "in" appears to be an error, for even if the Crown would not acknowledge his previous ownership the charter made him a landholder, and therefore "of," similar to the German "von."

Robert Dicksoun of Buchtrig, Robert Dicksoun, son of the Gudeman of Belchester, and Robert Dicksoun of Hassington Manys, together with some fifty others (not Dicksons), signed a Band at Jedburgh Feb. 12, 571, pledging themselves to rise against the King's enemies, etc., and to apprehend any rebels or thieves found within their borders.

Robert Dicksoun of Buchrig, John Dicksoun of Belchester, Alexander Dicksoun of Hirdrig and Robert Dicksoun in Eistand of Lethem, signed a Bond Jan. i 9, 1573-74, obliging themselves as principals and representatives for the surname of Dicksoun that they shall behave themselves as dutiful and obedient subjects of the King and Warden, and that they shall keep good rule under the penalty of five thousand pounds.

In the Roll of '590, as before stated, Buhtrig appears first among the landed men of his clan, as well as in Monipenny's List of Alexander Dicksoun (by himself) and afterward Robert Dicksoun of Buchtrig, Andro Dicksoun of Belchester, and other border lairds, signed one of the bonds of August 6, 1591, pledging themselves to serve the King against Bothwell.

Robert Dicksoun of Buchtrig, Andro Dicksoun of Belchester, Robert Dicksoun of Ormestoun, Robert Dicksoun of Hassinden Manis and Alexander Dicksoun of Hirdrig signed a Caution agreeing to relieve the Lords Wardens of the Marches, Oct. 8, 1591.

In 1604, Walter Davidson was convicted and ordered to be hung for stealing horses, oxen, sheep, etc., from the lands of Pittilisheuch, belonging to Dicksoun of Buchtrig and Sir John Cokburne, knyt. justice clerk. Although the stock belonged to them the land apparently then belonged to a Dickson alone, as a Robert Dickson of Pittilisheuch was taxed £8 in 1607.

In 1646, Robert Dicksoun of Buchtrig was a Commissioner of War. He married Agnes, daughter of Andrew Edmonston of that ilk, and died in 1647. His son, Robert Dicksone de Bughtrige served heir to his father in 1647. He was one of the Commissioners of War for Berwick, and was appointed Colonel of Horse and Foot in 1648. He was also an Advocate or Barrister, and as such vas entitled Magister or Maistcr, and he was appointed Justice of the Peace in 1663. His arms were recorded in the Lyon Register as follows: "Mr. Robert Dickson Advocat descended of ye familie of ye Earle Marischall Bears azure three mollets argent on a chief or alse many pallets gules On ane helmet befitting his degree with a mantle gules doubled argent And torse of his collours is set for his crest a dexter hand grasping a sword in bend proper The Motto in ane Escroll, Fortes fortuna juvat."

Magister George Dicksone served heir to his brother in the lands of Buchtrigg, Lochrigs and Halfland, or Brewlands in Leitham in 1674. He was chosen Member of Parliament for New Galloway in 1678, but was said not to be qualified as he was not a residenter nor traffiquer in the burgh, but as he showed that he had succeeded as heir to his brother Robert to some houses in the town, he was approved of. In 1686, he was appointed Commissioner of Supply (i. e., for providing money for the King). The Commissioners for this year were the Duke of Gordoun, the Marquess of Douglas, the Earle of Lauderdale, the Lord Ross, Sir William Scot of Harden elder, Sir William Scot younger thereof, the Laird of Wedderburn, Sir Alexander Home of Rhentoun, John Home of Manderstoun, Mr. George Dickson of Buchtrig, Alexander Home of Linthill, Anthony Haige of Beamersyde, John Home of Nynwells, John Home of Haliburton, John Home of I3roomhouse, James Dickson of Belchester, Robert Dickson of Overmaynes, John Dickson of Newbigging, and ten others; twenty-eight in all, of whom four were Dicksons.

George Dickson of Buchtrig was witness to the marriage contract of James Dickson of Belchester, in 1689.

George Dickson of Buhtrig petitioned in 1698, to be allowed to qualify as an Advocate, and although he had been suspected as being unfavorable to the government his petition was approved. It is not improbable that there were two of the name of George in succession, but this one appears to have been the last of the family.

Buhtrig is still held by a clansman, having been purchased by the father of the present Colonel Archibald Dickson, R. A., of Chatto, Buhtrig and Housebyres. It is a lonely place in the midst of the hills. The old bastel house was demolished by the English in 1544, when the parish of Eccles was thoroughly wrecked, and although in the English reports it is sometimes said of a demolished tower that it had been destroyed in a previous raid and rebuilt, they had probably by this time learnt the power of gunpowder and ceased to rebuild such fortalices, trusting more, according to their ancient customs, to the security of the forests and mountains, agreeably to their old proverb that it was better to hear the chirp of the bird than the cheep of the mouse.

There are no ruins of stone and lime at Buhtrig, but a little to the south of the present farm-house the various mounds covered with grass clearly point out where at one time has been a building of considerable size, and this is borne out by the fact that various roads converge there. When the place was visited in 1887, a very old woman pointing to the spot said that it was the "Laird's House."

Between the farm-house and Greenhill there was formerly a hamlet or village, the foundations of which can be clearly traced, where the dependents of the laird probably dwelt, and that they were then numerous is evident from the many old places round the sides of the hills where they cultivated a patch of land, and from the walls which can still be traced which separated the cultivated part from the hill-tops where they grazed the black cattle. So long as cattle and horses were the principal stocking a number of cottars were absolutely necessary to raise a sufficient quantity of winter produce for them.

In the immediate neighborhood of the "Laird's House" is a place called the Moat, which is perhaps one of the best preserved British strongholds in existence. At the foot of the Moat have been buildings of stone and lime which were of course erected long after the builders of the Moat had been forgotten. The materials of these buildings and of the old bastel house were probably utilized for the building of the present farm-house and the numerous walls, as the old castles generally served for quarries for the country round.


JOIIN DIKSOUN de Belchester, county Berwick, and Isobelle Hoppringle his wife, had a charter confirmed by the King, Dec. I, 1539. In 1591, however, a John I)iksone served heir to John Diksone de Belchester, his great-grandfather (fr-oavi ), who may have been the father of the first-named John.

Johne Dikson of Belchest was one of the lords, barons and gentlemen of the Merk (March) of Teviotdale who, on the 4th Oct., 1545, subscribed a Band obliging themselves to furnish one thousand horsemen for the space of three months to remain upon the Borders "to resist and Invaid our auld enemys of Ingland."

Belchester also signed, next after liuhtrlg, the Bands of 1571, 1574 (as one of the principals) and 1591, was on the Roll of Clans in 1590 as a Landlord, and signed the Caution to relieve the Wardens in 1591.

John Diksoun was declared heir to his father, John Diksoun of Belchester, in 1632. James Dicksone of Beichester was Colonel of Horse and Foot and Commissioner of War for Berwick in 1648, and James Dickson was Commissioner of Supply in i686, together among others with Haig of Bemerside, of whose family Thomas the Rhymer said six centuries ago:

"Tide, tide, what'er betide
There'll aye be Haigs in Beamersyde."

Three years later he married Hannah, slaughter of Bemerside, and among the witnesses to the marriage contract were George Dickson of Buhtrig, advocate, and William Dickson, younger of Newbigging.

James Dickson of Belcliester was out in the Rising of 1715, and fled to America — but he lived to return home.

The last Dickson of Belchester married Jane, daughter of General Sir Martin Hunter, G. C. M. G., G. C. H., of Medomsley, county Durham, and Anton's Hill, county Berwick. He sold the property about thirty years since and died leaving a son:

Major ALEXANDER G. DICKSON, M. P., late 16th Hussars, born 1834, married 1861, Charlotte Maria, daughter of the Rev., the Hon. William Eden and widow of Lord North. Major Dickson has sat in Parliament for Dover since 1865.

SEAT — Glenham Hall, Wickham Market,, county Suffolk.


HUGO DEKONSOUN was paid L13.6 for the King's expenses while he was at Lathame, county Berwick in 1380. As already stated this is the first mention of the name in the county.

John Dyksone in Lathame was appointed Tutor (z. e., Trustee or Guardian) of Herdrig, which belonged to the late George Dyksone of Herdrig in 1517.

There appear then to have been two or more of the title for Robert Dixson in the peill of Lethame and Robert Diksone in the eist end of Lethame appeared before the Lords of the Council in 1552, and signed an Obligation together with Buhtrig, q. v.

Eumond Dikson in Leitholme, called Eumond of the Grene, with others, were at the horn [Proclaimed outlaws or denounced as rebels for not appearing at Court when summoned.] for the slaughter of Walter Fairley in Kelso in 1572.

Robert Dicksone in Eistand of Lethem was one of the principals of the Clan in 1574, and he or his successor appears among the Landed Men on the Clan Roll of 1590.

Alexander Dikson in Leithame gave an Obligation to Home of Stanerig in 1623, Robert Dickson, younger of Buchtrig being Cautioner and his brother James one of the witnesses.

The remains of Leitholm peel, razed in 1544, consisting of a fragment of the wall thirty-one feet long, about fifteen high and four feet thick, are still in existence.


ROBERT DYCKISON had a Charter of Hethonfields' or Hutcheonfield, county Peebles, granted him by King Robert III (1390-1406). During the Regency' of the Duke of Albany (1406-19) Malcom Fleming` of Biggar gave to him a wadset of the lands of Oliver Castle, and in 1407, the estate of Ormistoun,, or Wormiston, county Peebles, with its peel, was con-, veyed to him. Ruecastle or Rowcastle, county Rox-` burgh, with its two strong towers also belonged to the family, but it was resigned by Thomas Dickinson( of Ormestoun into the hands of King James IV (1488—I5I3). In 1491, Thomas Dikesoun de Or mestoun had the lands of Rauchen, Glenhigden and Glenchoen conveyed to him.

Thomas Dicsoun son and heir apparent of Thomas` Dicsoun of Ormestoun, witnessed a deed in 1504. William Dickison held the estate in 1516, and John Dikesone de Ormestoun had a deed confirmed by the King in 1534.

In 1542, Dickson of Ormeston seems to have been called "of that Ilk," at least in his own county, fors the Arms in Sir David Lindsay's manuscript are attributed to him.

Dikkesoun of Ormestoun was on the Roll of Clans in 1590 as a landed man. Robert Dickesoun of Ormestoun was the third in order who signed the Caution to relieve the Wardens in 1591 (vide Buhtrig). their houses any mill called "quyrnez" (querns), because they ought to grind at the lord's mill, under a forfeit of xx s.

Thomas Dicsoun of Mersintoune was on an inquest at Berwick-on-Tweed, 4th March, 1464, in a case concerning the lands of Cranschaws in the earldom of March, and Patrick Dicksone in Mersyntoun (perhaps a son of the laird) was summoned by King James III to attend an inquest concerning the same lands 16th March, 1476-7.

Patrick Diksone, the laird, was living at his bastel house in Mcrsinbton in 1479, when the Macer or officer of the court declared he had summoned "Pait diksone ye lard at his hoes in mersingtoun david Jakson t Will dikson of ye tour at ye tour in eklis." They were charged with high treason in company with the Duke of Albany and others.

Thomas Dyksone in Mersintoun was on an inquest concerning the estates of Swynton at Dunse 6th Oct., 1500.

The bastel house was destroyed by the English in 1544.


JOHN DIKESON of Smithfield, county Peebles, was witness to a charter of Thomas Inglis of Manner, county Peebles, in 1457. He is the oldest recorded proprietor of the castle of Smithfield, which was destroyed about a century ago. John dikesone of Smethfcld, who signed an obligation in 1488, was owner of the lands of Melwelisland. William dikkesone was in 1494, son and heir of John in the lands of Smithfeild and in a quarter of the lands of Edrigstoune. John Dykison released the lands of Smeithfeild to his brother, Thomas Dikison, in 1500.

From the Dicksons the estate passed to the Hays, by the marriage of the daughter and sole heiress of John Dicksone to John, fourth Lord Hay of Yester, who died 1557.


JOHN DVKSONE of Byrtonane, county Berwick, was living in 1484, when Sir John Swinton of that ilk grants precept to his beloved friend (dilecto) John Dyksone of 13yrtonane to act for him.


PATRICK DIKSON owned five husbandlands in Byrgheame, county Berwick, in 1486. A husband-land in the Merse was anciently estimated at twenty-six acres of land fit for the plough and scythe.


JOIHN DIKESON of Smeithfeild was owner of Mel. welisland, county Peebles, in 1488. In 1494, it passed to his younger son Robert. It seems then to have been acquired by the Gladstones, one of whom, John Gledstane of Coklaw, disposed of it to John Dikeson of Winxton. Richard Dikson of Mailweinsland and his wife Janet, daughter and co-heiress of Martin Wylie of Baumertoun, and Adam Dikson, their son, were living in 1567, when Marion Wylie conveyed lands to them. In 1580, Adam Dikson had a gift of the ward and nonentry* of these lands which were in the King's hands since the death of John Dikson of Mailingsland.


The Dicksons are said to have been in possession of Winkston, county Peebles, in 1489. In the Register of the Privy Seal is a precept for the confirmation of a charter granted by James Hamilton, son and heir of the deceased Margaret Mowat of Hanehous, to William Dikeson, burgess of Perth, of the lands of Winkeston, holding of the King 28th Oct., 1536. John Dikeson, son and heir apparent to William Dikeson, leased lands in Peebles in 1555.

JOHN DIKSOUN de Wingestoun was Member of Parliament for Peebles in 1568, and another of the family was Member of Parliament in 1612.

John Dickeson of Winkstoun and Aleson Udward his spouse had a gift of the nonentry of the lands of Cruikstoun in 1570.

John Dickeson of Winkstoun was Provost of Peebles, and was assassinated in 1572.

William Dickson, uncle of James Dickson of Winkestoun had a precept of the lands with tower, fortalice, etc., in 1581, on resignation of the said James.

A scion of this house went to Ireland and on the 4th March, 1646, Roberts, Ulster Herald, registered to "John Dixon, Sergeant Major in Colonel Arthur Fox's Regiment of foot, descended from a very ancient and noble family of Dixon in the Marches of Scotland," the following ARMS— First and fourth, ar. a war-tivolf " passant ppr. on a chief az. three mullets of the first. Second and third, a bull's head couped sa. langued gu. armed or. On a chief of the third an armory sword ppr. CREST — A pelican in her nest feeding her young. The quarterings show that one of the family married an heiress of the Turnbulls.

Part of the old fortalice now turned into a farm. house is still in existence. They had also a mansion in Edinburgh, in the Cowc ate above the foot of Libberton's Wynd, where their Arms were to be seen in Nisbet's time (1724), cut in stone above the door.


PATRICK DVKSONE of Heirdrig, county Berwick, was with Dyksoun of Mersington on an Inquest concerning the estate of John Swynton of that Ilk in 1300. George Dyksone of Herdrig died circa 1517, when John Dyksonc of Leitholm was appointed Tutor of Herdrig.

Alexander Dicksoun of Herdrig subscribed the Band of 1573-74, as one of the principals for the surname of Dickson (v. Buhtrig). Alexander Dicksone of Hirdri; was on an Inquest for Robert Swynton in 1585-6.

Hirdrig was on the Roll of Clans as a Landlord in 1590. Alexander Diksone of Heirdrig and others signed a Caution Sep. 6, 1591. He signed another Sep. 14, and likewise the Caution of October 8, 1591, to relieve the Wardens.

Although these Cautions were sometimes pledges to assist the Crown, they were also, in some cases, equivalent to our bonds to keep the peace.

James Dicksone de Herdrig was declared heir to his father Alexander Dicksone de Heardrig in 1617. John Dikson, younger of Herdrig, was witness to a Deed of Dickson of Kennetsydehead in 1623. Robert Diksoun de Heardrig was declared heir to his brother George Diksoun of Heardrig in 1626. Robert Dicksoun of Hirdrig was on an Inquest of John Swynton and others at Dunse, 20th Mar. 1628.

The fortalice of Hirdrig was destroyed by the English army in 1544.


Mr. THOMAS DIKsON had a Charter of the lands of Tulyquhendlaw, county Forfar, confirmed by the King, 29th Nov. 1512.


ROBERT DICKSON, born circa 1530, by his wife Anne, daughter of John Eccles of that ilk, county Dumfries, was father of John Dickson who married Agnes, daughter of John Boc, or Book, of Stane, county Lanark. His son, John Dickson, who acquired the lands of Kilbucho, county Peebles, in 163o, and those of Hartree in the same county in 1633, was nominated and appointed Colonel of Horse and Foot in 1643, Commissioner of War in 1644, and Member of Parliament for Sanquhar in 1645. In 1649, he was raised to the bench, when 'lle took the title of Lord Hartrie. At his decease lie gave Hartree to one of his sons and Kilbucho to the other, but the two estates became united again in the early part of this century.

In the seventeenth century, William Dickson of Kilbucho married Margaret, and John Dickson of Hartrie married her sister Anne, daughters of Sir William Murray of Stanhope, Bart., by his wife Janet, daughter of James Earl of Hartfield, and his wife Margaret, daughter of William, Earl of Queensberry. David Dickson of Hartrie married Helen, daughter of Sir Alexander Wedderburn of Blackness. Elizabeth, daughter of John Dickson of Hartrie, married Sir George Mackenzie, Lord Advocate of Scotland (ob. 1691), and their daughter Agnes (born 1663) married the first Earl of Bute.

John Dickson of Hartrie was Commissioner of Supply in 1704, and William Dickson of Kilbucho was so also the same year. John Dickson of Kilbucho was Member of Parliament for Peebles in 1747, and Brig. General William Dickson of Kilbucho, Lieut.-Governor of Cork, was Member of Parliament in 1802.
The last representative of the family, Alexander Dickson of Hartree and Kilbucho, LL.D., Justice of the Peace, Deputy Lieutenant for the county of Peebles, and Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh, died suddenly while skating in 1888, and was succeeded by his brother, Archibald Dickson, Esq , of Edinburgh, M. D., born 1837, who is twelfth of Hartrie and eleventh of Kilbucho.

SEAT. Hartree House, Biggar.


WIL DIKSONE in Banchrie, county Perth, was suInmoned on an assize in Perth in 1541, and they afterward became possessed of the lands, or part of them, as Jacob Dicksone, Portioner of Banchrie, died in 1642. His heir was William Dicksone, Senr., Burgess of Perth.

The term portioner, anciently parsenere, signified partner or co-heir.


One of the strong houses razed in 1544.

ROBERT DICKSOUN of Hassington Manys, county Berwick, signed the Band of 1571, binding himself to rise against the King's enemies. Robert Dicksoun of the Manys in the Newtoun signed that of 1574, as one of the principals of the Clan. Robert Dicksoun of Hassingden Manis signed the Caution of 1591, to relieve the Lords Wardens of the Marches, and a Dikson of Hassington is in Monipenny's List of 1597.

In 1601, William Home of I3allycass was charged with the slaughter of the late Mr. Alexander Diksoune, son to the late Robert Diksoune, elder of Hassingtoune-Manis, committed the 21st day of April, 1597. Robert Dickson of Maynes was living 12th March, 1722, when Mr. George Dickson, Advocate, made a disposition to him.

Mains, man is or maynes signify demesne lands.

A small fragment of the old fortalice still remains, forming the gabel of a cottage.


This house was demolished by the English army in 1544.

WILLIAM DIKSOUN in Newbigging, county Berwick, is mentioned in a caution to Overmains and others, August 15, 1591, and a Dikson in Newbigging occurs in Monipenny's List of A. D. 1597. They appear to have been then tenants, but became afterward proprietors, as John Dickson of Newbigging served heir to his grandfather (gudscr) John Dickson of Newbigging in 1654.

John Dickson of Newbigging was Commissioner of Supply in i686, and in 1689, William Dickson younger of Newbigging was one of the witnesses to the marriage contract of Dickson of Belchester.

The Earl of Hertford says (Oct. 8, 1544), "burnt a Towne of New-byging and brought away from thence 100 shepe, 4 nolt, 4 naggs and 4 prisoners * * * and after came to Mersington." This proves that the Newbigging referred to was the Dickson barony, which was in the vicinity of Mersington. It is called a town, but in Scotland that word signifies not only a town as in England, but also a collection of houses, and sometimes even a single house.


One of the fortified houses demolished in 1544.

ALEXANDER DIKSOUN of Newtoun, county Berwick, is mentioned in a Caution Aug. 5, 1691, to Dickson of Overmains, and Alexander Diksoun in Newtoun signed a Caution with Herdrig and others, Sept. 15, 1691.


Another of the strongholds destroyed in 1544.

In 1612, John Diksone de Kennetsydeheidis, county Berwick, was the nearest relation on the part of his father Robert Diksoun, who was son and heir of the late Robert Diksoun, Jr., of Uvermanis, and in 1623, John Dikson of Kennetsydeheadis gave an obligation to Home of Slegden at Stanefauld, John Dikson younger of Herdrig being a witness.


Another of the peels ruined in 1544.

In a list of the Heritors of the Shire of Berwick, who attended or sent their servants to attend the Rendezvous on Fogo Moor in 1696, all of whom were generally well mounted and armed with sword or pistol, was John Dickson of Stonefaulds, who was armed with a sword. This place was held by a ____
Dickson, Esq., as late as 1829.


JOIIN DICKSONE of Glasgow 1cmA. Jac. iv (15671625) purchased of Sir Matthew Stewart of Minto the lands of Busby, county Lanark. He claimed descent from the Buhtrig family and was father of the celebrated Rev. Dr. David Dickson, Professor of Divinity in the University of Edinburgh and Moderator of the General Assembly when it was broken up by order of Cromwell in 1653. He was born 1583 and died 1663.

It is related that an English Merchant happened to in Scotland and having heard three of Scot. land's worthies preach, describes them thus:—"First I heard a sweet, majestic-looking man (Mr. Blair, and he showed me the majesty of God. After him I heard a little, fair man (Mr. Rutherford) and he showed me the loveliness of Christ. And then I heard a well-favored, old man, with a long beard (Mr. Dickson) and that man showed me all my heart."

Dr. Dickson's son, John Dickson of Busby, Member of Parliament, was appointed Colonel or Commander of Horse and Foot in 1649. He married Mary, daughter of Sir Robert Montgomery of Skermerley, by his first wife, the Lady Mary, daughter of Archibald, Marquess of Argyle. His son, Archibald Dickson of Tourlands, county Ayr, was Commissioner of Supply for that shire in 1690. His son, Sir Robert Dickson, was created a Baronet in 1695, and took the title of Sornbeg from a barony he acquired in Ayrshire, and was afterward styled of Carberry and Inveresk. He married, in 1693, Helen, daughter of Sir John Colquhoun of Luss, Bart. by his wife Margaret, daughter and heiress of Sir Gideon Baillie of Lochend.

Sir Robert's Arms were recorded in the Lyon office before he was baronetted, as follows:-

"Captain Robert Dickson of Sornbeg and which Surname was originally Keith, Bears Argent three mollets gales on a chief of the second as many pales or. For his Crest within two branches of Laurel disposed in One an hart couchant guardant proper attyred or. The motto Cubo sed curo. Ext. 14th Sep. 1694."

This seems to have been extracted from some other record in 1694?

Sir Robert was one of the Founders of the Bank of Scotland in 1695, and was also one of the Barons in the Scotch Parliament who voted for the Union, being the first named on the list of thirty-seven Barons "Approvers." He died 1612, having had issue a daughter who married Patrick Grant, Lord Elchies, Judge of Session, and a son and successor Sir Robert Dickson of Carberry, Bart. who d. s. p. m. in 1760.


Jolla DIKSOUN in the Camis, county Berwick, was on an Assize in 1574. Patrick, son of John Dickson in the Camis, was witness to a Bond of Patrick Chirnside of East Nisbet, to John Dickson, son of the late Robert Dickson of Buhtrib, in 1592. John Diksoun in the Camys was party to a Bond in 1603 (vide Peill).

These may have been then younger sons or ten• ants, but were certainly freeholders soon after, as the successor, Patrick Dickson of Caimes, who died circa 1662, seems to have been a pretty large proprietor, but his son and heir apparent, John Dickson, signed a Renunciation from being served heir to his father 29th Jan. 1663, and the King ratifies, approves and confirms the Charter under His Majesty's great seal, granted to George Home of Caimes of the lands called Caimes, with the maner place, houses, bigings, yeards, orchyeards, parts, pendicles, anexis, conexis and pertinents thairof sumtyme possest and occupyed be wmgl* Patrick Dikson of Caimes. And of all and hail the lands called wester Caimes, with houses, biting, yeards, parts, pendicles and pertinents thairof whatsornever. With the brickst of land underwritten, viz.: that brick lyand * * * with ane other brick of land lyand * * * Ane other brick * * * etc. To be holden of his Majestic and his Ilienis successours, superiors thairof free of blensh for yearly payment of ane pennie scots at the feist of witsonday at the maner place. of Caimes.


JHONE DIKSONE called J hone of the Loneheid, county Berwick, had a Deed confirmed by the King in 1574. Patrick Dicksoun, brother of Johnne Diksoun, called The Lonheid, is mentioned in a Caution in 1591 (vide Overmains).

This Patrick, younger of Loneheid, may have been the one who signed the Band agreeing to serve the King against Bothwell.

John Diksoun de Loneheid served heir to his father, Patrick Dicksoune in 1593, and Pat Diksone de Lonheid served heir to his father in the lands of Birghem, Newtoun de Birghem and Langbirghem in 1662.


This seems hardly a distinctive appellation in a country of peels, but it may have been either a large and imposing one, or a solitary one built when there were no others in the vicinity; or perhaps it was the only tower among surrounding bastilles, and it is not unlikely that it is the very peel or tower mentioned in 1479, when the Macer summoned Patrick Diksone, Laird of Mersington, "at his (bastel) house," and also William Diksone of the lower, at the tower in Eccles, for it is here also called the tower par excellence.

The Laird of Peill, county Berwick, in 1590, is included among the Dicksons in the Roll of Berwickshire Landlords, where they occur in the following order : Buhtrig, Beichester, Leitholm, Peill and I Ierdrib, and either he was incorrectly styled " in " in 1603, or the following applies to some younger member of his family: "Edinburgh, June 21, 1603. George Trotter of Prentonnan surety for Patrick Diksoun in Belchester, William Diksoun in the Grene, John Diksoun in the Camys, James Diksoun in the Peill and James Diksoun in Quhitrig bound in jji000 each to buy from Colonel Balfour such sort of arms as they are bound to buy according to the Act of Convention."

From this and other Cautions it would appear as if the bondsman had to be of some other family?

There is a place on the Buhtrig estate still called Peelneuk (Peel corner), showing that there was a peel (unnamed?) there, probably the stronghold of this family. There are no ruins, but on the opposite hill are remains of walls, etc.


ROBERT DICKSOUN, elder of Over Manis, county Berwick, Robert, John and Mr. Alexander Diksonis, his sons, Alexander Diksoun of Newtoun, William Diksoun in Newbigging, Patrick Diksoun, brother of John Diksoun, called The Lonheid, Sir John Edmondston of that Ilk, William Diksoun in Ednew, Johnne Diksoun his brother, George Diksoun in Harlaw and Johnnc Diksoun his son were assured in a Caution to the King, Aug. 5, 1591, by Hume of Aytoun and others, " that they shall be harmless of them;" i. e., Hume and his party agreed to keep the peace.

Robert Diksoun, Jr., of Overmanis was on an Assize in 1601. Robert diksoun of Overmaynes was Colonel of Horse and Foot in 1648, and Robert diksone of Overmaynes was Commissioner of War for Berwick and Commissioner of Supply in 1686.

Helena, Susanna and Lilias Dicksones were declared heiresses of their brother Robert Dickson of Overmaynes in 1694.


GEORGE DIKSOUN in Harlaw, county Berwick, is mentioned in the Caution to Overmains in 1591, but they afterward became landlords, as George Diksoun of Harlaw is mentioned in 1609, and in a List of Heritors of the shire who attended a review (vide Stonefaulds) in 1691, was John Dickson of Harlaw, who was armed with a sword. Harlaw is a small place, however; only a farm steading, and the owner was, therefore, probably a so-called "bonnet laird."


WILLIAM DIKSOUN in Ednew, county Roxburgh, was one of the parties mentioned in a Caution from Hume of Ayton, Aug. 5, 1591 (vide Overmains).

William Dikson in Ednem gave an obligation to John Dikson in Ednem, at Ednem in 1606.

John Dickson of Ednam and Sydenham, county Roxburgh, Member of Parliament for Selkirk and Peebles, died i 771. His brother, Archibald Dickson, of Pontefract, county York, was father of Admiral William Dickson, whose son, Admiral Sir Alexander Dickson, Bart. (cr. 1802), was ancestor of the present Sir John Dickson-Poynder, 6th Bart., born 1866, of Sydenham, who assumed the additional name of Poynder in 1881.

SEAT—Sydenham, county Roxburgh and Hardingham, county Norfolk.


ROBERT DICKSOUN was Portioner of the lands of the Abbey of Haddington, same county, before 1618, in which year his son, John Dickson, served heir to him. Patrick Dickson was Portioner of the same in 1636.


JOHN DICKSON of Whitslaid, county Peebles, born 1629, a cadet of Kilbucho, was Commissioner of Excise for Peebles in 166 i , and of Supply and of the Militia in 1689. He married Janet, daughter of Sir David Murray of Stanhope, by his wife Lilias, daughter of John, Earl of Wigton, and his wife Lilias, daughter of John, Earl of Montrose. His great-grandson, William Dickson, sold the estate of Whitside to his kinsman, William Dickson of Kilbucho, and settled in Jamaica.


JOHN DICKSONE of Westraw, county Berwick, was on an Inquest of Service of John Swinton of that Ilk in 1632.


JAMES DICKSON, a cadet of Kilbucho, is said to have acquired the lands of Stane, county Lanark, from his kinsman John Boc or Book of Stane in 1640. In 1663, however, the King ratified a disposition made by William Lindesay in 1658, to James Dickson of Stane, with tour, houses, yeards, pertinents thereof, etc.

He was made Colonel of Horse and Foot in 1649. He married Janet Douglas, and secondly Margaret Edmonston, and had five sons and four daughters.

In 1663, William, Earl of Dumfries, gave a bond for 500 merks to James Dickson of Stane, writer (advocate) in Edinburgh, probably son of the preceding. This James had a son Alexander, who signed a bond in 1664.


This was once entirely Dickson property, but was divided into Upper, Mid and Nether Locharwoods. The two latter have passed away.

THOMAS DICKSON of Nether Locharwoods, county Dumfries, born circa 1650, died May 5, 1717, leaving a son John, born 1682, died 1743, aged 61, leaving a son David, born 1727, died i8o6, aged 79, having had issue (i) George, who died unmarried 1803, aged 25, (2) Richard Lothian, Major 1st Life Guards, who married Julia, daughter of Gen. Thomas Coxe, Foot Guards, and died in France in 1841. His eldest son, Lieut. Col. Lothian Sheffield, born i8o6, was a Knight of the Order of St. Ferdinand of Spain.

JOHN DICKSON of Upper and Mid Locharwoods, born 1671, died 1751, aged 8o, and was succeeded by his son, John Dickson of Upper Locharwoods, born 1719, died 1793, aged 74, and was succeeded by his son, William Dickson of Upper Locharwoods, born 1745, died 1827, abed 82, leaving a daughter and heiress who married Clark, Esq., and had issue a son, who assumed the additional name of Dickson, the present.

WILLIAM CLARK DICKSON, Esq., of Upper Locharwoods, who married and has issue.


THOMAS DICKSON of Locharwoods, county Dumfries, was born 1680. He was father of John Dickson of Conheath in the same county, Provost of Dumfries 1764-72. One of his sons, the Hon. William Dickson, M. L. C., settled in Canada, where. he became Member of the Legislative Council, and was succeeded by his son, the Hon. Walter Dickson, M. L. C., who married and left issue.

From the Provost also sprang Walter Dickson, W. S., who married Margaret, daughter and coheiress of Thomas Goldie of Monybuic, Kircudbright, and was father of the present (I) John Dickson, W. S., of Monybuie, born 1817, married Eliza, daughter of Colonel A. Macleod, C. B. (2) Thomas Goldie, born 1819, J. P., married t~e Hon. Louisa Charlotte, daughter of 2d Viscount Sidmouth. (3) Walter George, M. D. and J. P. ) James Gilchrist, married Jane Catherine, daughter of George H. Jackson, Esq., of Glenmore, county Waterford. (5) George, married Edith Mary, daughter of Miles Charles Seton, Esq., of Feskerby, Cornwall. (6) William, married Anne Stewart, daughter of Thomas Bruce, Esq., of Langlee, and (7) David Scott, married Hon. Frances Sophia, fourth daughter of 2d Viscount Sidmouth.


Sir KILDARE BORROWES of Barretstone Castle, county Kildare, third Baronet, married Eliza, daughter of Sir Richard Dixon, of a Scotch family (knighted in 1683, (lied 1709), by his wife, the widow of the Lord Chancellor Eustace. His son, Sir Walter Dixon-Borrowes, M. P., who inherited the estates of his maternal uncle, Robert Dixon, Esq., of Colvers_ town, county Kildare, and assumed the name of Dixon, was ancestor of the present Sir ERASMUS DIXON-BORROWES, 9th Baronet, High Sheriff, county Kildare, 1873.


JOHN DICKSON of Westerhall, county Selkirk (? ), was father of James Dickson of Westerhall, who married Maria Home, and was living in 1693.


Mr. ALEXANDER DICKSONE Of Westerbinning, county Linlithgow(?), registered his Arms in the Lyon office between the years 1672 and 1694, as follows:

"Mr. Alexander Dicksone of Westerbinning de. scended of the familie of Buhtrig which was descended of the Earle Marshall Bears azur three mollets argent on a chief Or alse many pallets gules a bordur engrailed of ye third. On ane helmet befitting his degree with a mantle gules doubled argent and wreath of his collours is sett for his crest a man's heart volant proper with wings argent. The motto in an Escroll, Ceelum versus."

From the title Magister or Master he was probably an Advocate.

Patrick Dickson of Westbinnie was Commissioner of Supply for Linlithgow in 1695, and a contract of marriage between Patrick Dickson of Byning and Christian Dundas, only daughter of John Dundas of Manor, co. Perth, was signed at Edinburgh 26th Dec., 1696. John Dickson, only son of the deceased Patrick Dickson, of West-Bining, signed a Ratification in 1721, and the same John signed another deed at Edinburgh 4th Oct., 1725, Nisbet, in 1722, mentions Mr. Alexander Dickson of Wester-Binning.

There are places called Bining both in Linlithgow and Haddington shires.


MARY DICKSON of Kilbucho, county Peebles, born 1709, married in 1733 Muirhead of Persilands, county Lanark, who died leaving that estate to her. She died 1782, s. p., leaving it to her nephew Rev. David Dickson of Edinburgh, ob. 1820, one of whose grandsons emigrated to the United States of America and settled in Indiana.


JAMES DICKSON of Kelso, born circa A. D. 1715, believed to be a scion of the house of Westerbinning, was father of James Dickson, merchant, who settled in Montrose in 1780. His fourth son, James Dickson, born 1784, removed to - Gothenburg, Sweden, where he died 1855. His son, Baron OSCAR DICK-SON, Phil. Doct. of Gothenburg, born 1823, was ennobled in i88o and created Baron of the Kingdom of Sweden in 1886. He married Countess von Rosen, daughter of Count Adolph E. von Rosen of Penningby, and has issue.

The baron has a signet ring which has been very long in the family on which is engraved the winged heart of the Westerbinning family together with their motto.


ARCHIBALD DICKSON of Hassendeanburn and Horsley Hill, county Berwick, born 1718, was father of (i) Robert Dickson of Huntlaw and Hassendean, born 1742, who succeeded him ; (2) Archibald Dickson of Chatto, q. v., born 1755, and others. One of his successors dying s. fi. in 1846, was succeeded by his nephew, William Richardson of Alton, who assumed the additional name of Dickson, and died 1859, leaving a son, William Richardson Dickson of Alton, who died 188 I, leaving two daughters, (I ) Blanche Margaret Dickson of Alton and Chisholme, county Roxburgh, and (2) Jessie Mary Dickson.


ARCHIBALD DICKSON, younger son of Archibald Dickson of Hassendeanburn (vide Alton and Chisholme), born 175, married a daughter of Fisher of Housebyres, and was ancester of the present Colonel Archibald Dickson, R. A., of Chatto, Buhtrig and Housebyres, J. P. and D. L. for Roxburgh, and J. P. for Berwick, born 1829, married, i88o, Alice Florence, daughter of J. W. Seaburne-May, Esq.


The Dicksons, formerly of Burton, county Lancaster, and of Blackbeck, same county, are of Scotch origin.

GEORGE- FREDERICK DICKSON of Blackbeck, etc, had four sons, of whom the only survivor is the present Arthur Benson Dickson, Esq., of Blackbeck and Abbot's Reading. A Magistrate for the county. Born 1827.


JOHN DICKSON, Esq. of Corstorphine, county Edinburgh, who died 1872, was father of John Heatly Dickson, Esq., of Corstorphine, Commissioner of Supply for Mid Lothian, born 1843, married, 1874, Anna, daughter of Sir William Collins.

In 1720, the lands and barony of Corstorphine belonged to Sir Robert Dickson, Bart.


WILLIAM DICKSON, J. P. of Whitecross, county Berwick, was father of the present William Dickson, Esq., of Whitecross, a Magistrate for the county, who married, 1st, 1852, his cousin Dorothy, daughter of the Hon. Sir Henry Manisty, and secondly Frances, daughter of the late Francis George West, Esq., of Horsham Hall, Exeter, J. P. and D. L.


DICKSON of Clockbriggs, county Forfar, Knight of the Order of the Legion of Honour, had a Grant of Arms in 1856.


DICKSON of Woodville, county Forfar. A branch of the Clockbriggs family as shown by their Arms.


DICKSON of Panbride, county Forfar. A branch of the Clockbriggs family as proved by their Arms.


JOHN DICKSON of Peelwalls, county Berwick, died leaving a daughter and'heiress who married, in 1863, George Weir Cosens, Esq., eldest son of R. Cosens, Esq., of Kames, county Berwick. A Magistrate for the county and Captain in Her Majesty's 85th Light Infantry.


DAVID DICKSON, Esq., of Frogfield, county Kincardine, who died 1878, was father of the present Patrick Dickson, Esq., of Barnhill in the same shire. Justice of the Peace for the county, married, 1856, Rosalie Isaline, daughter of M. Fransois Favre of Geneva.


SAMUEL Auchmuty DICKSON, Esq., of Clonleharde, county Limerick, had a Dickson arms confirmed to him by the English Herald's College, with a mark of Cadency.


RICHARD DICKSON, Esq., of Stockton-upon-Tees, county Durham, is of Scotch origin. He is Lord of the Manor of Beverly-Watertown, county York.

Many landholders have undoubtedly passed into oblivion who have never been recorded, or whose records have been lost by the ravages so frequent on the Marches, while still others occur with but short notices of the names only, as the Dicksons of Qulentis, or Clontis, county Wigton, first mentioned A. D. 1471 ; of Cowiswark, 1574; of Roskuniefield, 1579; of Burnhouse, 1604, and of Quhitrig, 1607.

Besides these were the tenants, who were, as already shown, of the better class, and not subtenants or cottars; as Dickson in Glenpoite, 1479; in Luthrie, 1480; in Rothuylt, 1480; in Le Kingis Barnis, 1480; in Railston, 1480; in Crawmond-regis, 1524; in Bothkennar, 1528; in Inglestoun, 1534; in Challachwrek, 1554; in Bonytoun, 1558; in Elistoun, 1575; in Bankheid, 1576; in Brochtoun, 1581; in Meginch, 1583; in Ancrum, 1590; in Quodquon, 1590; in Manerkirk, 1591; in Fairnyrig, 1591; in Esshiesteill, 1592; in Gourdis, 1592; in Mertoun, 1595; in Newtounheid, 1595; in Scotlandwell, 1595; in Preston, 1597; in the Grene, 1603; in Carphray, 1604; in Snawdoun, 1604; in Easthopes, 1604; in Airhouse, 1608; in Gordon, 1608; and in Fechane, 1609.

The dates given are when they first occur, but it is now impossible to show how long they had then been settled there, or how long they afterwards held the lands.



John Dickson of Winkston, for Peebles, A. D. 1558.
Patrick Dickson, for Peebles,(?) A. D. 1583.
John Dickson of Winkston, for Peebles, A. D. 1612.
John Dickson, for Sanquhar, A. D. 1645.
Andrew Dickson, for Inverkeithing, A. D. 1649.
John Dickson of Hartrie, for Peebles, A. D. 1649.
John Dickson of Busby, for Lanark, A. D. 1649.
David Dickson, for Forfar, A. D. 1661.
John Dickson, for New Galloway, A. D. 1661.
Robert Dickson, for New Galloway, A. D. 1663.
George Dickson of Buhtrig, for New Galloway, A. D. 1678.
Sir Robert Dickson of Inveresk, Bart., for Edinburgh, A. D. 1702.
John Dickson, Jr., of Kilbucho, for Peebles, A. D. 1747.
James Dickson of Broughton and Ednam, for Peebles and Selkirk, A. D. 1768.
Brig. General William Dickson of Kilbucho, Lieut.Governor of Cork, A. D. 1802.


BELCHESTER. Az. three mullets ar. on a chief or, as many pallets gu. crest— A dexter hand holding a sword in bend ppr. Motto — Fortes fortuna juvat.

BLACKBECK, etc. Quarterly, first and fourth az. three mullets ar. on a chief or, as many pallets gu. for DICKSON. Second and third, ar. on a chevron between three goat's heads erased sa. as many escallops of the field for Benson. Crest — First DICKSON. A dexter hand holding a sword in bend ppr. Second BENSON. A goat's head as in the Arms.

BUHTRIG. The same as afterwards borne by Belchester.

CHATTO, etc. Same Arms as Dickson of Huntlaw, with the bar engrailed. Same Crest and Motto.

CLOCKBRIGGS. Per fess az. and arg. in chief a mart_ let or, between two mullets of the second, and in base a ship in full sail with sea, between a garb and thistle all ppr., on a chief of the third three pallets gu. On a canton the Decoration of the Imperial Order of the Legion of Honour. Crest — A dexter hand holding a sword in bend ppr. Motto — Fortes fortuna juvat.

CLONLEHARDE. Az. a crescent between three mullets ar. on a chief or, as many pallets gu. ('rest—Out of battlements a naked arm embowed holding a sword all ppr. Motto — Fortes fortuna juvat.

GLENHAM HALL, vide Alexander G. Dickson (Major).

HUNTLAW Az. a bar or, between three mullets ar. On a chief of the second two pallets gii. Crest — A dexter hand holding a sword in bend ppr. Motto—Fortes fortuna juvat.

ILK. Of that, vide Ormiston.

INVERESK. Ar. three mullets gu. on a chief of the second as many pallets or. Crest — A hart couchant and guardant ppr. attired or, within two branches of laurel disposed orleways. Motto — Cubo sed curo.

NEWBIGGING. The same as Buhtrig, with additional figures for difference, as Nisbet says, but he does not blazon these marks of cadency.

ORMISTON. Ar. a wehr wolf sa., on a chief az. three mullets of the first. This coat of arms marked "Dikesoun of yat Ilk," and attributed to Ormeston, is emblazoned in the MS. of Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount, Lord Lyon King at Arms, A. D. 1542. A wehr wolf is a human-faced one, a heraldic animal, the French lou garou.

PANIDRIDE. The same as Clockbriggs within a bordure gu., but without the canton. Same Crest and Motto.

SMITHFIELD. Ar. three mullets, a chief gu. From a Funeral Escutcheon of the Hay Family.

SYDENHHAM. Az. an anchor erect or, encircled with an oak wreath vert, between three mullets pierced of the second. On a chief of the last three pallets gu., the centre one surmounted by a mural crown ar. Crest — An armed arm embowed brandishing a falchion ppr. surmounted of a trident and spear in sal-tire or. Motto— Fortes fortuna juvat.

WESTERBINNING. Az. three mullets ar. on a chief, or, as many pallets gu., the whole within a bordure engrailed of the third. Crest — A man's heart ppr. winged ar. Motto — Coelum versus.

WINKSTON. Ar. a were wolf passant ppr. on a chief az. three mullets of the first. Crest — A pelican in her piety.

A branch of this house as already mentioned quartered a bull's head sa. langued gu. armed or, on a chief of the third an armory sword ppr.

WOODVILLE. The same as Clockbriggs within a bordure ar. but without the canton. Same Crest and Motto.

Major AI,EXANDER G. DICKSON, M. P., of Glenham Hall, co. Suffolk. The Arms of Belchester.

B. HOMER DIXON, K. N. L., Toronto.

Ar. three mullets gu. on a chief or, as many pallets of the second. Crest— A hand holding a sword in bend ppr. Motto—Fortes fortuna juvat.

CHARLES DECKSOUNE, A. D. 1481. A lion passant. On a chief a crescent between two mullets. "S. Charles Decksoune." Dalhousie Charters.

This seal of the year 1481, is from Laing's Descriptive Catalogue of Scottish Seals. Not being very legible a wehr wolf has probably been mistaken for a lion. "S." is the abbreviation of the Latin for "Seal of." The name generally accompanied the arms on old seals.

Sir COLLINGWOOD DICKSON, G. C. B., V. C., Officer of the Order of the Legion of Honour, General in the Army. (Son of the late Admiral Sir Alexander Dickson, G. C. B., K. C. H. and A. D. C. to King William IV). Same Arms and Motto as Dickson of Sydenham, Bart. Crest — The same also, a crescent on the arm for difference.

ISABELLA DYXCOUN, wife of W. Nicolson. Three mullets. "S. Isabel Dyxcoun." Appended to Reversion of one husband-land in the'town of Yester, A. D. 1527. Tweeddale Charters.

Sir JEREMIAH DICKSON, K. C. B., Major General. Ar. a chevron between three estoiles of six points wavy gu. on a chief of the last as many pallets or. ('rest—On a mural crown or a stag couchant guard-ant ppr. attired or.

Baron OSCAR DICKSON, of Gothenburg. Quarterly, first and fourth ar. a rose gu. Second and third upon a bend an estoile ar. on an inescutcheon az. a man's heart ppr. winged ar. Crest---Over a baronial coronet, two coronetted helmets, on the first a man's heart as in the arms, and over the other a laurel wreath vert. Motto— Ccelum versus.

RICHARD DICKSON, Esq. Stocton-upon-Tees. Ar. three mullets gu. within a bordure engrailed az. bezantee, on a chief of the second three pallets or. Crest—On a mount vert between two branches of palm a buck lodged in front of a tree all ppr.


As a rule it may be said that the sons, or at least the grandchildren of Scotchmen who settle in English-speaking countries, soon lose the language of their fathers, some even looking at it as one not to be proud of, but ours is not on a level with the different English provincial dialects as is generally considered, but as Mackay in his Dictionary of Lowland Scotch, says is, broadly speaking, classic old English, and as the London Daily Telegraph says, the terse and vigorous expressions of the Lowlanders are of older and purer extraction than many a word and phrase current with us to-day. " Neither the vernacular nor our literature would be the losers, perchance, if Dr. Mackay had the power, as doubtless he possesses the inclination, to weed our modern discourse of some of its thin, insipid colloquialisms, and fill their places by the best of the strong, harmonious language that gives local colouring to the pages of Scott and Hogg, Ramsay and Macneil. Who would not gladly see some of Burns' one-word sentences once more restored to use amongst us, and ousting some of the insipid and un-English jargon which weaken as well as deface the most widely-spoken, and, with fair play and wise conservatism, the most simple, mobile and powerful language in the whole world. English and Lowland Scotch were originally the same, but the literary and social influences of the southern metropolis, after the transfer of the Royal Family of Stuart have favored the infusion of a Latin element into current English, which our kinsman were slow to adopt, and which we have taken with small or no advantage."

Another writer says: "The pure and classical language of Scotland must on no account be regarded as a provincial dialect any more than French was so regarded in the reign of HenrylV., or Italian in the time of the first Napoleon, or Greek under the Roman Empire. Nor is it to be in any way considered as a corruption of the Saxon; on the contrary it contains much of the old and genuine Saxon, with an intermixture from the Northern nations, as Danish and Norse, and some, though a small portion, from the Celtic," and Lord Brougham made these striking remarks, "There can be no doubt that the English language would greatly gain by being enriched with a number, both of words and phrases, or terms of expression now peculiar to the Scotch. It was by such a .process that the Greek became the first of tongues as well written as spoken."

Let the reader peruse the following lines by the Rev. W. Mitchel, and it will be strange if their exquisite pathos does not make him think kindly of the tongue of old Scotland:

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