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Sketches of North Carolina
Historical and Biographical, illustrative of the Principles of a portion of her Early Settlers
By Rev. William Henry Foote (1846)


To the Ministers of the Synod of North Carolina, with whom I have been associated in arduous labors for about seven years, and whose counsel and assistance and cheerful welcome it has been my happiness to enjoy,—


And to the Elders and Churches with whom I have labored in the cause of benevolence; whose attachment to sound doctrine and the church of their fathers has been so often and so agreeably displayed; whose hospitality has spread around me, times almost innumerable, the comforts and luxuries of life.


And to the Children, who by their affectionate cheerfulness have been my solace in hours of weariness and exhaustion; the hope of the Church and of the State.


And to the Citizens of the sedate and sober State of North Carolina generally, inheriting so much that is estimable from past generations,—


Is this Volume dedicated by



Romney, Hampshire County, Virginia,
1 October, 1846.

Introductory Chapter

NORTH CAROLINA, in the days of colonial dependence, was the refuge of the poor and the oppressed. In her borders the emigrant, the fugitive, and the exile found a home. Whatever may have been the cause of leaving the land of their nativity—political servitude,-tyranny over conscience,-or poverty of means, with the hope of bettering their condition,-the descendants of these enterprising, suffering, afflicted, yet prospered people, have cause to bless the kind Providence that led their fathers, in their wanderings, to such a place of rest.

Her sandy plains, and threatening breakers jutting out into the ocean, met the voyagers sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1584, and the island of Wocoken afforded the landing-place, "as some delicate garden abounding with all kinds of odoriferous flowers," and witnessed the ceremonial of taking possession of the country for the Queen of England, who soon after gave it the name of Virginia. The island of Roanoke, between Pamtico and Albemarle Sounds, in the domains of Granganimeo, afforded the first colony of English a home so quiet, with a climate so mild, and with fruits so abundant, that the tempest-tossed mariners extolled it in their letters to their countrymen as an earthly paradise. So no doubt it seemed to them the first summer of their residence, in 1585; and notwithstanding the disastrous conclusion of that and succeeding colonies, so the adjoining country has seemed to many generations that have risen, and flourished, and passed away, in the long succession of years, since the wife of Granganimeo, in savage state, feasted the first adventurers.

Her extended champaign around the head streams of the numerous rivers that flow through her own borders, and those of South Carolina, to the ocean, cherished into numbers, and wealth, and civil and religious independence, the emigrants from a rougher climate and more unfriendly soil, of the north of Ireland and the Highlands of Scotland. The quiet of the vast solitudes and forests of North Carolina lured these hard-working men, who, in their poverty and transatlantic subjection, cherished the principles of religion, wealth and independence, to seek in them the abode of domestic blessedness, and the repose of liberty. Far from the ocean, in a province without seaports, and unfrequented by wealthy emigrants, the clustered settlements had space and time to follow out their principles of religion, morality and politics to their legitimate ends; and the first declaration of Entire Independence of the British crown was heard in the province that afforded a resting-place to the first colony.

Carolina was settled by emigrants from different parts of the kingdom of Great Britain and her American provinces, in such numbers, and in such remote situations, that it is comparatively easy to follow the line of their descendants, and trace out the workings of their principles and habits upon themselves, the commonwealth, and the country at large. Every state of society owes much of its character for excellence or demerit, to the generations that preceded; the present is a reflected image of the past; and men must search among their ancestors for the principles, and causes, and springs of action, and moulding influences, that have made society and themselves what they are. The present generation of Carolinians look back to the men that drove the wild beasts from the forests, and displaced the savages, as the fathers of a republic more blessed than the most favored of antiquity; and may well ask what principles of religion and morals,—what habits made us what we are. In answer to these questions there is no good civil history of the State; and with the honorable exception of the life of Caldwell, by Mr. Caruthers, there is no church history; and the traditions that reached back to the settlement of the country, are, for the most part, passing away, or becoming dimmed in the horizon of uncertainty. The prospect, then, is, that the coming generations will be ignorant of their ancestors and their deeds, and like the Greeks and Romans, be compelled to go back to a fabulous antiquity to search in dreams and conjectures for the first link in a chain of causes, the progression of which is so full of blessedness.

It may be well for some people, that the mist of antiquity hides in uncertainty, the lowness of their origin; and that aspersion has sometimes been cast on Carolina. But if any people may glory in their forefathers, the Carolinians, at least a part of them, may glory in theirs, and cherish their principles with the firm confidence that they will make their descendants better, and the progress of excellence shall never end. No human mind can tell with certainty, or even conjecture plausibly, where the principles of the men, that did so much for their posterity, will lead; though they may be certain the pathway shall be resplendent, and the goal glorious.

The history of principles is the history of States. And the youth of Carolina might study both on one interesting page, were there a fair record of past events presented to their perusal. They might learn at home something better than the histories of Greece and Rome, or the Assyrian and Babylonian, or all the eastern and western empires of the world, have ever taught. They would find examples worthy of all praise, and actions deserving a generous emulation. They would be impressed most deeply with the conviction that people and actions worthy of such examples must be the citizens and the acts of the happiest nation on earth.

The following pages are an effort to open the way for some future historian to do full justice to the past, by recording the events that are so honorable, and to the future by presenting a page full of interest and instruction, all true, and all encouraging. They contain the history of the Presbyterian population of North Carolina as far as it has been yet collected from traditions, records of the churches and ecclesiastical bodies and printed volumes that refer incidentally to this people and their principles and their doings. Though the history of a denomination, it is not sectarian, because it must of necessity be the history of a large part of the State; and because it is also a fair record of events. Every denomination has the liberty of producing a series of events in their past history of equal or greater interest, and it will be neither bigoted, sectarian, or ambitious.

The author has had some peculiar advantages in gathering the facts related in the following pages. For about seven years he was constantly engaged in the active duties of Secretary of Foreign Missions; and in their fulfilment was called to visit most of the Presbyterian congregations in North Carolina and Virginia repeatedly. In conversation with the aged ministers and members of the church, he heard many things to which he listened with emotion, and asked to hear them again; and then repeated them to others; and then wrote them down; and then corrected and enlarged the notes; and then occasionally published a chapter in the Watchman of the South, the reading of which often induced persons in possession of interesting facts to communicate them either to the writer personally, or to the public through the Watchman; and then to consulting manuscripts and records as far as they were known to have any relation to the matters in hand, or as they fell in his way, and commonly he stumbled, as it were, upon them most unexpectedly, as he passed around in his arduous undertakings; and then as the agency in which he was engaged was drawing to a close, in looking over the memoranda of interesting events that had accumulated upon his hands, the purpose was formed of making a volume of sketches relating to past events in the Presbyterian settlements of Virginia and Carolina, few of which had ever been in print except in the columns of a weekly periodical, and most were fast passing away from the knowledge of the living, as that generation whose fathers were actors in the most interesting scenes of the early settlement, and from whom many of these traditions were received by the writer, were fast entering the unseen world, when he commenced committing their communications to paper, and have now but here and there a solitary representative in the Iand of the living. In this state of the case the Synod of North Carolina, during the annual session held in Fayetteville, November, 1814, by a committee, invited the writer to use his materials, and others that might be put into his hands, in preparing a history of the Presbyterian Church in North Carolina; such a history as might show the influence of Presbyterian doctrines, habits, and population, upon the past and present generations of citizens of the North State, and in some degree also upon the population of those States which owe much to the emigration from Carolina. The only hesitation the writer felt in acceding to this honorable proposal, arose from the circumstance, that as the population of a part of Virginia and North Carolina were homogeneous, and were for a long time connected in the same Presbytery, and have always since been more or less connected in their religious and benevolent actions, there might arise a difficulty in giving a fair history of the church and people, disconnected from the church in Virginia, which was senior in point of time and always intimately connected in action. But upon farther reflection and conversation with judicious friends, it appeared there were ample materials, purely Carolinian, to form a volume of the size desired by the generality of readers, and equally as ample materials, purely Virginian, for another; and the gratification of the readers, and the public advantage, would be consulted by giving the volumes separate. The invitation of Synod was then, after a few explanations, accepted, and the brethren generally most cheerfully made offer of their collections of facts and materials for the history, which they had for some time been gathering respecting their own particular charges.

The writer is under particular obligations to many individuals for the materials for the succeeding volume. To Rev. John Robinson, D.D., now no more, from whom he received the first impulse to make the collection of traditions, by hearing from him, at his own fireside, the recital of some of the events that must. immortalize Mecklenburg; and whom he visited for the purpose of correcting and enlarging his traditions, in December, 1813, and found preparations making for his funeral;—a noble, urbane, powerful preacher of the gospel: to Rev. E. B. Currie, in whose retired cottage the writer gathered the principal facts relating to Rev. James McGready and the revivals that accompanied and followed his preaching; and many of the facts respecting the churches in Granville and Caswell counties; the infirmities of whose age but enrich his experience: to the Rev. Robert 'rate, from whom I received much that is recorded respecting the churches in the eastern part of the State, himself the patriarch of the present churches in New Hanover: to the Rev. Dr. Morrison, for materials for the interesting Memoir of his father-in-law, J. Graham; and also for much concerning Dr. Hunter and Dr. Wilson: to Dr. T. C. Caldwell, for many traditions relating to Sugaw Creek, received from his father, and for an interesting visit to the old grave-yard: to Dr. Hunter, of Goshen, for many facts and incidents concerning his father, Rev. Humphrey Hunter, D.D.: to Rev. Eli W. Caruthers, for the valuable selections from his Life of Rev. David Caldwell, D.D.: to ex-Governor Swain, President of the University of North Carolina; for materials for the sketch of the University, and Rev. Joseph Caldwell; D.D., and for other interesting facts: to Rev. Colin MacIvor, stated clerk of the Synod, for a copy of the minutes of the Synod of the Carolinas, and for the translation of a Gaelic pamphlet: to Mr. Charles T. Harris, for some curious manuscripts relating to Poplar Tent, from the pen of Mrs. Alexander: to Rev. Alexander Wilson, D.D., for facts concerning the county of Granville, and the church in Ireland previous to the emigration: and to Rev. Messrs. Cyrus Johnson, J. M. M. Caldwell, John M. Wilson, James M. H. Adams, E. F. Rockwell, A. Gilchrist, C. Shaw, and Archibald Smith, for manuscripts, pamphlets and volumes relating to the history of Presbyterianism in their congregations: to Governors Morehead and Graham, and the public officers ' in Raleigh, for access to the records of the State and the public library: to Dr. Ramsey, of Tennessee, for much valuable information: and to J. S. Jones, the author of the Defence of North Carolina, from which many interesting facts have been borrowed: and to Dr. Pattillo, of Charlotte, for many papers relating to his grandfather. Other sources of information are acknowledged in the body of the work.

It is more than possible that upon the perusal of these pages other documents will be brought to light that shall confirm the principal facts here produced, add others, and perhaps modify some.

The strict order of chronology could not be followed in the succession of chapters, but it is, as far as possible, in the events themselves, and also in the narration.

The volume takes the name of "Sketches," rather than that of "History," for reasons that will be apparent on perusal; and the author has but one cause of dissatisfaction in reviewing the work, and that is, that the Sketches are not more worthy of the scenes and the actors.


Chapter I - The First Declaration of Independence in the United States of America, May, 1775
The Village of Charlotte, its Situation, and Origin of its Name. The Convention, May 10th, 1775, the Preparatory Steps, its Organization and Object. An Incident related by General Graham. Committee present the Resolutions drawn by Mr. Brevard. THE MECKLENBURG DECLARATION, Unanimously Adopted. THE SECOND MECKLENBURG DECLARATION. Capt. Jack takes the Declaration to Philadelphia, reads the Papers in Salisbury, is opposed by Dunn and Boote. The Delegates decline laying the Declaration before Congress; Circulation and Preservation of the Copies. The Action of the Committee in the Case of Dunn and Boote. Associations first formed according to the Recommendations of Continental Congress. Provincial Council. County Committees of Safety. A Certificate. FIRST DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: BY THE CONSTITUTED AUTHORITIES OF A STATE. Inquiry concerning the Origin of the People forming the Convention

Chapter II - Blood Shed on the Alamance—The First Blood Shed in the Revolution, May 16th, 1776
The Situation and Origin of the name of Hillsborough; its Connection with Past Events. Discontent in Orange and neighboring Counties. Governor Tryon marches to Orange with Armed Forces; his first Visit and its Failure. The Excitement of the People. The Eastern men mistake the Western. The Commencement of the Disturbances. The Sheriff hindered in his Duty, 1700. Pamphlet in Granville, 1765. Causes of the Complaints among the People. Frauds of Childs and Corbin in Signing Patents. The Proclamations Disregarded. Example of Hardship in going to Market. Proposed meeting at Maddock's Drill, Oct. 10th, 1766. Meeting at Deep River. Fanning's opinion of the Meeting. Another Meeting, 1767. Commencement of the REGULATION. Building the Governor's Palace in Newbern. Another Meeting in 1768 addresses the Governor; his reply. Unjustifiable outbreaks unfairly charged on the Regulation. Governor Proclaims the Regulation an Insurrection; Ninian Bell Hamilton. The Regulators in Arms, August 11th, 1768. The Governor's Justice, his Proclamation. The persons excepted. Report of Maurice Moore, 1776. Extract from Records of Court in Hillsborough. Acts of Personal violence; a Mock Trial. Four New Counties made. The Governor's Circular, 1771. General Waddel goes to Salisbury. The Black Boys. Waddel retires before the Regulators. Orders. Certificate. Governor crosses the Haw, May 13th, approaches the Regulators; Negotiation. The Governor kills Robert Thompson. The Flag of Truce fired on. The Governor commands his men to fire. Regulators Routed. Governor hangs James Few. Case of Captain Messer. Governor leads his prisoners in chains. Execution of six prisoners near Hillsborough. Tryon returns to Newbern. Fanning's Flight. Husband's Flight. Inquiry into the origin of the men engaged in the Regulation.

Chapter III - A Paper on Civil and Religious Liberty, in 1775
Widow Brevard; her son Alexander. Judge Brevard. Her son Ephraim; his Education; the part he took in the Convention in Mecklenburg; the Circumstances of his Death. Death of Mrs. Jackson. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE DELEGATES OF MECKLENBURG COUNTY. The Principles of Civil and Religious Liberty.

Chapter IV - Commencement of Presbyterian Settlements in North Carolina
The, Emigrants previous to about 1736, from Virginia, Colonies of Huguenots and Palatines. Quakers or Friends. The Presbyterians in Duplin, and in Frederick, Augusta, and Virginia. Settlements on the Eno. Western Counties set off. Encouragement to Emigrate. Lord Granville's portion of Carolina set off. The Scotch on Cape Fear. Congregations and Churches in the Upper Country. Origin of the people worthy of notice. Influence of Religious Principle.

Chapter V - Origin of the Scotch-Irish
To be found in Ireland under Elizabeth and James. Reformation in England partly Voluntary; in Ireland Involuntary. Kings Supremacy acknowledged, 1536. The Bible in Ireland, 1536. Conspiracy of Tyrconnel and Tyrone, 1605, and Ulster forfeited to the Crown. The Province surveyed by Chichester and allotted to three kinds of occupants. Lands generally occupied, 1610. Stewart's account of the Emigrants to Ireland. Con O'Neill loses part of his Estate. Emigrants under Montgomery. Situation of the County in 1618. The name Scotch-Irish; their character.

Chapter VI - State of Religion in Ireland from the time of the Emigration from Scotland to the first effort to emigrate to America, 1631
The Emigrants from Scotland. Stewart's character of them. The opinion in Scotland about the Emigration. Christian Ministers go over to Ireland to the Emigrants:--1st, Edward Brice; 2d, John Ridge; 3d, Al. Hubbard; 4th, James Glendenning; 5th, Robert Cunningham; 6th, Robert Blair; 7th, James Hamilton. The Success of these Ministers. Commencement of the Great Revival. Stewart's account of it. The Monthly Meeting at Antrim. Stewart's and Blair's account of it. More Ministers pass over to Ireland. The 6th, Josias Welch; 9th, Andrew Stewart; 10th, George Dunbar; Andrew Brown, the Deaf Mute; 11th, Henry Colwort; 12th, John Livingston, of Kirks, of Shott's Memory; 13th, John McClelland; 14th, John Semple. Monthly Meeting at Antrim improved. Bodily Exercises no mark of Religion.

Chapter VII - The Eagle Wing, or first attempt at Emigration from Ireland to America
Cause of the attempt at Emigration. Four Ministers forbid the Ministry. Delegates appointed to New England. Cotton Mather's notice of the matter. The Eagle Wing sails, 1636, with a band of Emigrants. Livingston's account of the Voyage. Child Baptized at sea. Vessel driven back to Ireland. The reception of the Emigrants. The Ministers return to Scotland in 1637; their flocks go over to receive the Sacraments. The Influence of these men on Ireland and the World.

Chapter VIII - Formation of Presbyteries in Ireland
First Meeting of a Presbytery in Ireland, 1642. Steps Preparatory. Convocation of the Irish Clergy appointed Usher to draw up a Confession of Faith. Its character. Heylin's account of the Church in Usher's time. Blair and Livingston's course respecting Ordination. Laymen conduct public worship after the Clergy retire to Scotland. The Scottish army introduced to crush Rebellion, 1641. Massacre of Protestants. Six Chaplains accompany the Scotch regiments; also Mr. Livingston. Regular Presbyterian Churches formed in the Regiments. The Presbytery Constituted. Sessions formed in the country around. The people petition the General Assembly of Scotland for Supplies. Six Ministers sent to regulate the Churches. The Congregation take possession of some of the vacant Parish Churches. Some persons Episcopally ordained., join the Presbytery. Solemn League and Covenant adopted in Scotland, 1643, and in many parts of Ireland, 1644. Its effect. Number of Presbyterian Ministers in Ireland from 1647 to 1657. The first Presbytery divided into five Presbyteries. Number of Ministers in 1660 and in 1689. The Presbytery of Lagan license the first Presbyterian Minister settled in the United States; Francis Makemie.

Chapter IX - The Political Sentiments of the Scotch-Irish Emigrants
They were Loyal. Reasons for their ancestors being chosen to colonise Ireland. Their views of the authority of Parliament after the King's Death. How the Magistrates are to be chosen. 2d. They insisted on choosing their own Ministers of Religion; this the source of all their trouble; Republicans in their nations. 3d. They demanded ordination by Presbyters instead of Bishops. 4th. Strict discipline in morals and in the instruction of Youth. Their views of Education. Connection of their Religion with their politics. Their agreement in fundamentals; and disagreement in smaller matters.

Chapter X - The Settlement of the Scotch on the River Cape Fear and the Reverend James Campbell
Some families Settled as early as 1729. The Clark family as early as 1730, from the Hebrides. Charles Edward, the Pretender, appears, lands in Scotland. The heads of the great Clans against his plans; joined by the young men. Is for a time successful. Is ruined at Culloden. Executions follow his defeat; the country laid waste; but the Prince escapes. Anecdote of a Scotch gentleman. Anecdote of Kennedy. The Rebels condemned; 17 suffer, the rest exiled, go to Cape Fear; causes of settling there. The Religion of the Scotch. No Minister came with the first Emigrants. The Rev. James Campbell; birth-place; emigrates to America; gives over Preaching. By means of Whitefield resumes his Ministry. Emigrates to Cape Fear. His extensive labors; his regular preaching places. Bluff and its Elders. Barbacue and its Elders. Use of the Gaelic Language. The Rev. John McLeod.

Chapter XI - The Political Opinions of the Scotch Emigrants
The Scotch not Radicals; desired a Government of Law. The Bible their guide. Revolution. Natural right in given cases. Their National Covenants; their object. Hetherington's view of the Covenants. Rutherford's Lem. Rex. Charles 2d and James 1st, swore to the Covenants; the Oath. Division of sentiment about the Revolution. The Association in Cumberland, drawn by Robert Rowan, 1773. Governor Martin commissions Donald M'Donald as Brigadier. He erects the Royal Standard, Feb., 1770. The Camp at Campbellton, or Cross Creeks. Col. Moore marches against him M'Donald sends an Embassy. Moves down to Moore's Creek, Makes an attack on Caswell and Livingston, and is defeated. The action of the Provincial Congress respecting the Prisoners.

Chapter XII - Flora MacDonald
Her first appearance in the Trials of the Pretender. Roderick Makenzie. The Prince lands on South Uist; is followed by three thousand armed men. Plans for his escape in disguise. Appeal to Flora M'Donald; she accepts the offer. O'Neill joins. Interview with the Prince. A Passport procured for the Prince disguised as a servant. The danger of discovery. They set sail. A tempest. Land at Kilbride. New dangers from Soldiers; escape. The Prince's farewell. His escape from Scotland. Flora M'Donald seized and conveyed to London. The companions of her confinement. The nobility become interested in her favor. Prince Frederick procures her release. She is introduced at Court, loaded with presents and sent home. Marries Allen M'Donald and emigrates to North Carolina. Her stay at Cross Creeks, at Cameron's Hill, and in Anson County; joins the Royal Standard at Cross Creeks. After her husband's release they return to Scotland. Attacked by a Privateer on the Voyage; her heroism. Her family; the close of her life; her burial-place.

Chapter XIII - Hugh M'Aden and the Churches in Duplin, New Hanover and Caswell
The first Presbyterian Minister that visited North Carolina. Missionaries sent by the Synod. The oldest Presbyterian Congregation in the State in Duplin. The Welsh Tract. Their position on the Map. M'Aden's parentage, &c. DPADEN'S JOURNAL. The earliest Missionary Journal in Carolina that has been preserved. Passes through Berkeley and Frederick Counties in 'Virginia. Stops at Opecquon. Stays some time in Augusta. Visits John Brown of Providence. Keeps a day of Fasting on Timber Ridge. At Forks of James River receives news of Braddock's Defeat. Crosses the mountain and goes to Mr. Henry's Congregation. Enters North Carolina. Commences his Mission proper. Visits Eno and Tar River. Returns to Eno. Goes to the Hawfield, to the Buffalo Settlement. Goes to the Yadkin. Crosses Yadkin and passes slowly on to Sugar Creek. Sets off for South Carolina. Lodges out for the first time. Destitution in the upper part of South Carolina. Retraces his steps to the Yadkin, and then turns down the country towards the Cape Fear. Visits the Scotch settlements. Goes to Wilmington. Goes to the Welsh Tract, and is detained by their entreaties. Visits Goshen. Calls made out for him from Goshen and the Welsh Tract. Sets out for home. Meets Governor Dobbs. Crosses Pamtico. Goes to the Red Banks. Stops at Fishing Creek. Goes to Nutbush. Revisits Hico, Hawfields and the Eno. Journal ends abruptly and leaves him at McMessaer on James River. M'Aden's labors as Pastor in North Carolina. His residence in Duplin. Removes to Caswell. Extract from letter from Dr. M'Aden. House plundered by the British Army. Place of Burial. Churches in Duplin and New Hanover after his removal. Rev. Messrs. Dr. Robinson, Mr. Stanford, Mr. Hatch, Mr. McIver. Mr. James Tate; his visits up Black River; his character. William Bingham. Colin Lindsey; difficulties removes; suspended; his wife. Rev. Robert Tate. M'Aden's places of Preaching while residing in Caswell. Formation of Upper, Middle, and Lower Hico. Bethany or Rattlesnake. A Preaching place in Pittsylvania. The Bell family.

Chapter XIV - Church of Sugar Creek: Its First Minister, Alexander Craighhead
The third Minister in Carolina. His ancestry. Rev. Thomas Craighead. First Ecclesiastical notice of Alexander Craighead, in connexion with Mr. John Paul. They adopt the Confession. Mr. Craighead's manner of preaching. Gets into difficulties with his brethren. Defends himself. Case carried up to Synod. He withdraws with the New Brunswick Presbytery. Removes to Virginia. A Member of Hanover Presbytery. Flies from Virginia and is settled in Carolina. Here ends his days, 1776. His love of Liberty. His Pamphlet. His situation in Mecklenburg. Sows THE SEEDS OF THE MIECKLENBURG DECLARATION. The Settlement of this Upper country. The two tides of Emigration. The line of settlement. Location of Sugar Creek Meeting House. THE PARENT OF THE SEVEN CONGREGATIONS. The Prairies. Extent of the Congregations. The bounds of the SEVEN settled in 1764. A visit to the old grave-yard. Craighead's Grave. His Family. Joseph, Alexander. Grave-yard at the Brick Church S. C. Caldwell; his Services, Character and Manner. The Alexanders. Their Emigration. Lord Stirling. Mrs. Jackson and her son. Buford's Defeat. Mrs. Flinn. Neighboring Localities.

Chapter XV - Hopewell and the Records of the Convention
Situation of Hopewell. Capt. Bradley. General Davidson. John M'Knitt Alexander. Settlement of the Country. Anecdote of Alexander and Dr. Flinn. State of Society. The papers of the Convention. Judge Cameron's Statement. Reasons for the temporary obscurity of the Convention. The Convention called in question. Dr. Alexander vindicates it. Testimony of different persons; Dr. Hunter, General Graham, and Major Davidson, and Dr. Cummins, and Mr. Jack, and Col. Polk, of Raleigh. Obituary of Dr. H. M'Knitt Alexander. Rules of Union between the Churches of Hopewell and Sugar Creek in 1793.

Chapter XVI - The Rev. Henry Pattillo and the Churches in Orange and Granville
Mr. Davies becomes acquainted with Pattillo. Mr. Pattillo goes to reside with him. His reasons for commencing a journal. Extracts from it; his birth; becomes a merchant's clerk; removes to Virginia; commences teaching school; his religious convictions; oral meditations; an error; his desire to preach the Gospel; his Licensure; How sustained while preparing for the Ministry; his house struck with lightning. Extracts from Records of Hanover Presbytery. Goes to Hawfields, N. C., 1765. Removes to Granville, 1771. Member of Provincial Congress, 1775. Extracts from the records of Provincial Congress. The Churches in Granville. First Sacrament. Anecdote of Tennant. Extract from a Will made 1782. Act of the Congregations. Mr. Pattillo's marriage; his College Degree; his writings and publications; his death. Extract from Mr. Lacey's funeral sermon. Extract from a letter respecting his death. His successors, John Matthews, M. Currie and S. L. Graham. Origin of Congregations of Hawfields and Eno. Visits of Missionaries; M'Aden's visit in 1755 and '56; Mr. Debou, William Hodges, William Paisley. FIRST CAMP MEETINGS IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. Mr. E. B. Currie, Samuel Paisley; other supplies. Death of John Paisley. The Regulators not ignorant people.

Chapter XVII - David Caldwell, D.D., and the Churches in Orange
Unusual time of Ministerial services. Birth and parentage of Dr. Caldwell. His admission to the Church. Takes his degree in College at the age of thirty-six. Prepares for the ministry. His frankness and perseverance. Extract from minutes of Synod of New York and New Jersey. The Congregation of Buffalo. Caldwell visits Carolina. Alamance organized. Mr. Caldwvell's commission as Missionary. Is ordained July, 1765; installed, 1768; married, 1766; opens a Classical School; his'success in educating youth. Mrs. Caldwell's influence. Revivals in his school. He practises Medicine. Is a close student. Orange Presbyter • formed. The character of the Regulators. Mr. Caldwell's intercourse with them. His suflerings in the war. His labors and influence after the Revolution. Section of the Constitution. Harmonizes with Dr. Brevard in his paper of 1775. Public favor seeks him. Appointment of Clerk of a Court. His sermon during the last war with England. Degree of D.D. conferred on him by the University of N. C. His death. Death of Mrs. Caldwell. Their Burial-place. Dilly Paine, or the Tradition about Mrs. Paisley.

Chapter XVIII - New Providence and its Ministers
Situation of New Providence. Few manuscripts left. Wallis' grave. First Minister of Providence. His nephew. W. R. Davie, Major and Colonel. Rev. Robert Henry. Articles of agreement with Clear Creek. Thomas Reese. The sufferings of the Congregation. James Wallis' birth and education. His contest with Infidelity. The character of the Revolutionary soldiers in Mecklenburg and Upper Carolina. Anecdote of old Mr. Alexander. The discussion about the Bible. An Infidel Debating Society. Cause of dissatisfaction about Psalmody; a division follows. Great Camp Meeting. He teaches a Classical School Is made Trustee of the University. Sharon set off as a Church.

Chapter XIX - Major-General Joseph Graham
His place of residence. His employment. His habits of intercourse. His origin. Time and place of his birth. His education. Enters the army, 1778. In various expeditions. Taken with a fever. At work in the field when the news of the enemy's approach reached him. Takes the field as Adjutant. The attack on Charlotte. The enemy three times repulsed. The Carolina forces retreat. Locke killed. Graham left for dead. Revives and is conveyed away. Taken to the Hospital. After his recovery raises a company of fifty-five men at his own expense, Dec., 1750. Battle of Cowpens, Jan. 1781. Posted at Cowan's Ford. Davidson killed. Graham follows the enemy. Surprises Hart's Mill. At the surprise of Col. Pyles. The time of enlistment expiring, his men return home. Rutherford raises a force and Graham becomes Major. Marches to Wilmington. His last engagement. Sheriff. Member of Assembly. Marries. Removes to Lincoln county. Appointed General. Marches against the Indians. Basis of his political creed. Extract from Judge Murphy's Oration. His religious creed. His moral and religious character and intercourse with men. Death and burial. His Portrait.

Chapter XX - Battle of King's Mountain
By whom drawn up. Situation of the country after Gates's defeat, 1780. Cornwallis sends out Col. Ferguson. His march. The increase of his force. Their arms. His threats to the Mountain Men (Tennesseeans and Kentuckians). McDowell, and Sevier, and Shelby, in consultation. Raise forces. The number in camp at place of rendezvous. Ferguson retreats and sends a dispatch to Cornwallis. His march to King's mountain. The Colonels send for a General Officer. In the meantime Col. Campbell commands. Col. Williams of South Carolina joins them on their march. Approach Ferguson's Camp. Plan of Battle. Come in sight of the enemy. Position of the enemy's camp. Order of the troops. The battle begins. Ferguson charges and is driven back; second and third charge. Fire all round the mountain. Ferguson charges repeatedly and is driven back; is wounded; is killed. Bearer of the flag shot down; another is raised. They throw down their arms. The killed and wounded. The court-martial. Executions. Monument to Major Chronicle and others. Col. Williams. Colonels DM'Dowcll, Hambritc, Sevier and Cleveland. Col. Campbell, of Virginia; his burial place. Anecdote of Col. Ferguson. Anecdote of Campbell. Anecdote of Preston.

Chapter XXI - The Battle at Guilford Court-House
Plan of the battle. Circumstances of the pursuit. Its end. Burning of M'Aden's library. The preludes of the battle. Col. Webster's escape. Cornwallis in Buffalo Congregation; in Alamance; at Dr. Caldwell's. The sufferings of the family. The burning of his library. The commencement of the battle. The battle-ground. The situation of Greene's army. Extract of a letter showing the effects of the first fire. Extract from a soldier's diary. Death of Col. Webster. The militia.

Chapter XXII - Minutes of the Synod of the Carolinas from 1783 to 1801, Inclusive with the Roll of the Members
Formation of the Synod. The Presbyteries and their members. The first meeting in Centre Rowan. An overture respecting the Catechism. Second meeting. The report respecting the Catechism taken up again. Overture on horse-racing, card-playing, dancing and revelling. Overture on attending on divine worship. Ordered that the overtures and answers be read in all the churches. Marriage with wife's sister's daughter condemned. Third .Meeting. Overtures for printing part of Dr. Doddridge's works. Day of Thanksgiving. Fourth Meeting. Preparation made for printing Dr. Doddridge's work on Regeneration, and his Rise and Progress. Decision respecting Psalmody. Question respecting Universalists sent up to the Assembly. Question respecting admitting Members, are they to assent to the Confession of Faith? &c. Commission of Synod appointed. Steps taken to collect materials for history of the Presbyterian Church. Domestic Missions commenced in earnest. Four Missionaries appointed. Statistical reports from the Presbyteries of Orange and South Carolina. Fifth Meeting. Decision of the General Assembly on the question sent up the last meeting respecting admitting Universalists to communion, in the negative. Printing of Doddridge's work. Report from the Commission of Synod on Missionary operations. A peculiar instruction to the missionaries. Their report on judicial business. Synod approved their doings. Sixth Meeting. Erring members to be speedily called upon. Letter from the Rev. Henry Pattillo; his request that it be admitted to record. Propose to send out laymen rather than seize upon foreigners. Report concerning Doddridge's works. Commission of Synod report concerning the Missionaries. Seventh Meeting. Synod direct the Presbytery of Orange to decide on the case of Mr. Archibald; which they forthwith did, and he was suspended. Directions respecting materials for history of the Church. Commission of Synod report respecting the Missionaries; full report. Mutual reports from Ministers and Sessions to Presbyteries. Eighth Meeting. Direct the Presbytery of Orange to ordain Mr. McGee sine titulo. Presbytery of Orange divided and Concord constituted. Report to Synod respecting the printing of Doddridge's works. Day of fasting appointed. Xinth Meeting. Failure of printing Doddridge's work. Hopewell Presbytery set off. Question respecting the evidence of baptized slaves. Injunction to give slaves religious instructions. Attention of Synod taken up by the difficulties in Abingdon Presbytery; a new Presbytery constituted there. Mr. Gilleland's memorial about his course respecting slavery. Synod agree with his Presbytery. Tenth Meeting. A Commission of Synod appointed; suspend the Independent Presbytery. .Minutes of the Commission of Synod. Its members; 14 ministers and 12 elders. The Commission restore the suspended members. Charges against Hezekiah Balch. 1st charge; of this he was cleared. 2d charge; false doctrines. This referred to the General Assembly; a curious statement. 3d charge; in part sustained. 4th charge; on this he was condemned by the Commission as irregular. Abingdon Presbytery divided, and Union Presbytery set off. Overture on promiscuous communion. Eleventh Meeting. Suspension removed from Mr. Crawford. Charges against Mr. Balch read. Mr. Balch brings charges against the old session. Extraordinary Session, 1799. Thirty folio pages of evidence produced and read. 3d and 4th charges against Mr. Balch not sustained. On the 5th charge the Synod decided against Mr. Balch. The two other charges not sustained. Synod suspend Mr. Balch and four elders. The matter settled. Twelfth Meeting, 1799. Overture on the subject of marriage in the forbidden degree. Mr. Bowman's case taken up. Reports from four of the Presbyteries. South Carolina Presbytery divided. Thirteenth ..Meeting. Two independent Minis'ers invited to a seat. Overture respecting a petition to the Legislature on Abolition dismissed. The Missionary business. Two Missionaries sent to the Patches. Will a private acknowledgment of wrong be taken for a public confession? Negative. Mr. Balch complains of, the Presbytery of Abingdon. Greenville Presbytery set off. Complaint about Mr. Witherspoon. Fourteenth Meeting Reports from the Missionaries to the latches. Case of incestuous marriage. -Mr. Balch's complaints taken up. Mr. Wither-spoon's case decided. Synod's solemn recommendations. Synod ordered the subject of Missions to be laid before the Congregations, and collections to be taken up. Case of Green Spring and Sinking Spring. Missionaries to Mississippi Territory.

Chapter XXIII - Emigration to Tennessee
Tennessee settled early from Carolina. Meaning of Mountain Men, &c. Emigration from other States. The first Minister in Tennessee. The Rev. Samuel Doak. Martin Academy. Washington College. His early life and his usefulness. Rev. Samuel Houston. Rev. Messrs. Hezekiah Balch and Samuel Carrick. Mr. Craighead. Abingdon Presbytery. Trustees of Washington College, of Blount College, and of Greenville College.

Chapter XXIV - James Hall D.D., and the Churches in Iredell
Clergymen in the army; some gave up their ministry. James Hall served as a soldier and continued a preacher. Birth-place. Place of Emigration. Names of families emigrating. Minute of Synod of Philadelphia in 1753. Minute in 1754. Minute in 1757. Minute of Synod of New York in 1755. Minute from the Synod of New York and Philadelphia. Efforts for Ministers. Salary promised; eighty pounds for half the time. Hall's early instruction. The coming of a Missionary. Minute for 1764 by Synod. Mr. Hall unites with the church. His early habits and desires as a Christian. Devotes himself to the Ministry. A perplexing incident the cause of his remaining single through life. His age when he commences the Classics. His taste for Mathematics. Is graduated at Princeton. Dr. Witherspoon's opinion of him. Licensed to preach the GospeI. Ministers in Carolina at that time. Mr. Hall installed Pastor. His Elders. Espouses cause of the Revolution. Raises a company of cavalry to go to South Carolina. An incident reconnoitreing. Raises a second company. A third company raised and Mr. Hall goes with them. A novel scene in preaching. His qualifications as a commander. General Greene proposes him for General to fill the place of Davidson. A revival of Religion in his charge. His first attendance on the Synod. Commences his Missionary excursions. A pioneer to the Natches. His reports of his Missions. His attendance on the General Assembly. His journeys to the Assembly. An incident. Trains men for the Ministry. Clio's Nursery. Opens an Academy of Science at his own house. Prepares a Grammar for his young people. A circulating library. List of preachers educated by him. Favors the establishment of a Theological Seminary. Member of the Bible Society. Anecdote. His boldness and independence, an anecdote of. His manner of preaching. His occasional melancholy, anecdote of it. His tenderness for the suffering of others under it. Made Doctor of Divinity by Nassau Hall and University of N. C. His death and burial.

Chapter XXV - Rev. Lewis Feuilleteau Wilson
The successor of Dr. Hall in his charge of Concord and Fourth Creek. Origin and birth. Is sent to England. Emigrates to New Jersey and enters College. Revival in Princeton College in 1772. His religious experience. Great opposition. Anecdote. Becomes convicted, hopefully converted. His succeeding course. His view of College Honors. Visits England. Wishes to enter the Ministry. His Father's wishes. His Father offended and disinherits him. He returns to America. Commences Theological reading with Dr. Witherspoon. His perplexity of mind. Commences the study of Medicine. Enters the Army. His father's death. A Legacy. Settles in Princeton. His deportment in the Army. Mr. Hall persuades him to remove to Iredell, N. C. His marriage. Desires to enter the Ministry. The people also desire it. Licensed by Orange Presbytery in 1791. Becomes Pastor of Concord and Fourth Creek. The Revival of 1802. His views of it. Leaves Fourth Creek. His successors there. His death. His character by John M. Wilson of Rocky River. His manner of preaching. His dying exercises.

Chapter XXVI - Thyatira and her Ministers
Settlement of Thyatira. McAden's course through the settlement, 1755. Visit of Messrs. Spencer and McWhorter. Samuel E. McCorkle. Birthplace. His parents emigrate to North Carolina. Their locations. The Father an Elder and the Son Pastor of the Church. Commences a Classical course. Takes his degree at Nassau Hall, 1772. Extracts from his diary. His early experience. His exercises during the Revival of 1772. Extract from Boston. Reads Hopkins. Is deeply distressed. Reads Smalley. Mr. Green's Sermon. He commences reading for the Ministry. Licensed and called to Thyatira. His Marriage. Anecdote of Mrs. Steele and General Green. Obituary of Mrs. Steele. Her letter to her Children after her death. A prayer from her pen. Mr. McCorkle's residence. Opens a Classical School. A Teacher's department. The first Graduates of the University of N. C. Is appointed a Professor in the University. Declines the appointment. Bounds of Thyatira. Third Creek formed from it. Rev. J. D. Kilpatrick. His views of the Revival in 1802. Anecdote of him. Back Creek formed. Salisbury Church formed. Mr. McCorkle's Bible Classes. His Pulpit preparations. His printed Sermons. His appearance. Resemblance to Mr. Jefferson. His Pulpit instructions. Delegates to the Assembly. His views of the Revival of 1902. Struck with Death in the Pulpit. His Funeral. Thomas Espy. His birth. His early exercises on Religion. Commences a Classical course. Unites with the Church, 1820. Enters College. Goes to Virginia. Commences preparations for the Ministry. Licensure. Influence of his example. A Missionary to Burke, N. C. Is ordained Evangelist. Leaves Centre and goes to Salisbury. Seized with a hemorrhage. His last sickness. A testimony concerning him. his death.

Chapter XXVII - Rev. James M'Gready and the Revivals of 1800
His agency in Revivals. No memoir of him has hitherto appeared. His origin. Emigration to North Carolina. Reasons of his education. His early Religious views. A change in them. Its influence on his after life and Preaching. Licensed by Red Stone Presbytery. Returns to Carolina. Religion suffered during the War. McGready attends a funeral His appearance. His first Sermons. His pulpit preparations. His printed sermons. His manner of delivery. Places of preaching. His residence. Visits Dr. Caldwell's School with happy effect. Excitement on Religion. Opposition on Stony Creek. McGready and others remove to the West. Extract from McGready's statement of the condition of things in Kentucky. Commencement of the Revival in 1800. The exercises of a bodily nature. Crowds attend meetings for days in succession. The Revival commences in North Carolina, 1801, at Cross Roads. Also at Hawfields. The first Camp Meeting in North Carolina. The Revival spreads over the State. Dr. Caldwell appoints a meeting in Randolph County. An interesting pamphlet printed in Philadelphia, containing an account of the Revival. A Clergyman's account of the exercises experienced by himself. His opinion of them.

Chapter XXVIII - Rev. Humphrey Hunter and Steele Creek, Goshen and Unity
Mr. Hunter first a Soldier and then a Minister. Settlement of Steele Creek. Names of its Ministers. Location of the Church. The Grave Yard. A visit to it. The inscriptions of a Soldier. Anecdote. Other inscriptions of a different age. Monuments to little children. Poetic inscriptions. The use of Psalms and Hymns. Grave of two Brothers. Monument of Rev. Mr. Hunter. Extract from Gordon's History. Mr. Hunter's birthplace. Emigrates to America when a child. Grows up in Mecklenburg. Attends the Convention. Enlists as a Soldier. Commences his Classical course. Certificate. A Lieutenant against the Indians. Goes to Queen's Museum. Certificate. College broken up. Enters the Army. Is at the battle of Camden. Witnesses the death of De Kalb. The circumstances of it. Prisoners in confinement. Anecdote of Hunter. Escapes from confinement. Joins the Army again. Resumes his studies. Two Certificates. Enters Mount Zion College. His degree. His licensure. A call with the Signatures. Removes to Lincoln. Settlement of Goshen. Its Location. Preaches at Steele Creek. Practises Medicine. His performances as a Minister. His Death. Notice of it. His appearance and character.

Chapter XXIX - Centre Congregation
Fall of General Davidson on the Catawba. His birth and burial. Boundaries of Centre. The first white child born between the two rivers. Origin of the inhabitants. Rev. Thomas H. McCaule. Classical school. Dr. McRee the Minister for about thirty years. His birth and Parentage. His Father's library. Custom to Catechise. His College course and preparation for the Ministry. Settlement at Steele Creek. Extract from a Letter. Essay on Psalmody. Settles in Centre. Extract from a Letter.

Chapter XXX - Poplar Tent and Her Ministers
Ministers to be disengaged from Politics. Hezekiah James Balch in the Convention. Minutes of Synod respecting him. His congregations. His Death. Location of Poplar Tent. Settlement and building of the Meeting House. Mr. Alexander's account. Dr. Robinson's. Meaning of word Tent. Their use. The name of Poplar Tent. No Monument to Mr. Balch. Names of the Elders. Robert Archibald. Psalmody. Anecdote of. Discussion about. Poplar Tent not harassed in the War. Mr. Archibald's habits. Becomes erroneous in his Creed. Anecdote of him. Mr. Alexander Caldwell. John Robinson. His birth-place and parentage. Excellent Memory. His agency in the present work. His Education. His College Degree. His Licensure. His personal appearance. Commences Preaching in a trying time. His first place of Labor. Removes to Fayetteville. Removes to Poplar Tent. Returns to Fayetteville. First Communion in Fayetteville. His manner of preaching there. The opinion of his worth thirty-two years after. His kind feelings. His advanced years. Anecdote. Friend of Education. Anecdote of his Courage. One of his Faithfulness. Meeting of Synod during his last sickness. His death and burial.

Chapter XXXI - Extracts from Minutes of the Synod of the Carolinas from 1502 to 1512 inclusive
Fifteenth Meeting. Missionary report from Matthews and Hall. A commission of Synod appointed. Grammar Schools to be erected; and Youth licensed for the Ministry. Overture about exhorters. Petitions from Abingdon. Stated Clerk appointed. Sixteenth .Meeting. Missionary to Catawbas appointed. Overture respecting Candidates. Seventeenth Meeting. Greenville Presbytery dissolved. Missionaries sent to latches. Overture respecting other denominations. Other overtures. Eighteenth Meeting. Report of the Mission among the Catawbas. Non-attending Presbyteries written to. Respecting the Presbytery of Charleston. Nineteenth Meeting. The Records transcribed by the new clerk, Mr. Davies. Overture the Assembly for Division. Overture respecting Ministers holding Civil offices. Twentieth Meeting. A memorial respecting William C. Davis. Application of the Presbytery of Union to change their connexion. Missionary operations. Questions concerning Elders in Synod. Twenty-first Meeting. The Missionary operations. The Minutes of Synod on the Reports. The case of Mr. Davis taken up. Overture respecting Qualifications of Parents asking baptism for Children. Report on the subject of Communing with the Methodists. Twenty-second Meeting. Missionary matters. A long and interesting Report from Mr. Hall. He prepares questions for the people. His Visit to Knobb Creek. Case of Mr. Davis comes up. The charges against him. His explanations. The decision of Presbytery. Synod, dissatisfied with it, takes up the case. Mr. Davis appeals to the Assembly. Synod remits the case with an overture on the book published by Mr. Davis called the Gospel Plan. Harmony Presbytery set off. Pastoral letter ordered on account Mr. Davis's errors. Twenty-third Meeting. First Presbytery of South Carolina dissolved. Overture concerning Lotteries. Extract from Mr. Hall's report on Missions. Ordination of Mr. Caldwell of the University sanctioned. Twenty-fourth .Meeting. Presbytery of Orange ask advice respecting Mr. Davis. Dr. Hall reports on his Missionary tour. The Synod resign their Missionary operations to the hands of the Assembly. Action on the subject of ordination sine titulo. Order to circulate copies of the Confession of Faith. Twenty-fifth Meeting. Report of Dr. Hall of Missionary labor. Support of the Missionary and contingent funds of the Assembly enjoined. Presbytery of Fayetteville set off. Action of Synod concerning Ordinations sine titulo.

Chapter XXXII - Rev. John Makemie Wilson, D.D., and the Church of Rocky River
His parentage. Incident in his early life. Enters the school in Charlotte. Completes his course of study at Hampden Sydney College. Devotes himself to the Ministry. Settled in Burke County. Marries. Removes to Rocky river. The Settlement of Rocky River. Origin of the Settlers. Some of the names. They favor the Regulators. Destruction of powder by the Black boys. Mr. Archibald the Minister. A Revival of Religion. Mr. Alexander Caldwell. Becomes deranged and leaves them. Mr. Wilson becomes their Pastor. The estimation in which he was held by the people. His Ministerial habits, opens a Classical school and educates a large number of Ministers of the Gospel. His preparation for death. His burial. His son a Missionary to Africa. Dies there. i1lr. Wilson's grave and epitaph.

Chapter XXXIII - Fayetteville and their Ministers
Cross Creek. The name. Campbelton. The public road opened. Name changed to Fayetteville. First stated Preacher. Second Preacher. Ordination of Elders. First administration of the Lord's Supper. The Third Preacher ordained. Baptism administered publicly. Mr. Robinson returns. Mr. Turner. His labors and death. His successor. Church building put up. Succession of Ministers. Second Pastor removed by death. Mr. Douglass. A short Memoir of him. His spirit. His Parentage. His Religious impressions. His temptation in New York. Preparation for the Ministry. Foreign Mission. Visits Mr. Nettleton. Habits of piety. His labors as a Missionary. Ordained. Gathers a Church in Murfreesborough. Goes to Milton. Gathers a Church there. Goes to Briery. Goes to Richmond. Goes to Ireland. Extract from a letter. Visits the great valley of the Mississippi. Goes to Lexington, Virginia. Goes to Fayetteville. His pastoral habits. Fayetteville Presbytery. Its formation. Notice of. Mr. McMillan. Mr. McNair. Mr. Peacock. Mr. Mclntyre. Mr. McDougald.

Chapter XXXIV - Charlotte and her Recollections
Extract from Tarleton's History of the Southern Campaigns. Charlotte un comfortable head-quarters to Cornwallis. Extract from Tarleton upon the difficulty of obtaining provisions. The affair at 1IcIntyre's. Epitaph of one of the men engaged in this affair. Extract from Steadman's History of the American war. The place of encampment of the British army. Evacuation of Charlotte. The Polk family. Thomas Spratt.

Chapter XXXV - Efforts to Promote Education
Sentiments of the females in Carolina about education. The oldest Academy. Attempts to make a College. A charter obtained and revoked by the King. A second time obtained and revoked. Queen's Museum goes into operation, chartered as Liberty Hall Academy by the Colonial Legislature. Extract from Charter. Trustees. First President. Laws drawn up by a committee. Overture to Dr. McWhorter. Certificate. Second President. Third President. The Academy broken up. Mount Zion College. List of Academies by Presbyterians. Probable proportion of those able to read. The institutions established by Presbyterians. The Caldwell Institute; its origin and principles of operation. Opinion of Dr. Caldwell. The Donaldson Academy. Davidson College; its principles. Attention to female education. Martin Academy in Tennessee. Extract from the report of the Committee of Fayetteville Presbytery.

Chapter XXXVI - The University of North Carolina and Rev. Joseph Caldwell, D.D.
A visit to the University on Commencement day. Death of a young lady. The University a State Institution. The interest of the Presbyterians in it. The Legislature determine to found a University. The Trustees. Its location. Laying the corner-stone. Extract from the speech of Dr. M'Corkle. The University is opened. The first Professor. Mr. Harris recommends Mr. Caldwell. His parentage. His early training. Commences his Classical course. His education abandoned. At the suggestion of Dr. Witherspoon his course is renewed. Enters College. His views respecting his conduct in College. Takes his degree. Commences school-teaching. Is made tutor in Nassau Hall. His connection with the church under Mr. Austin. Correspondence with his classmate. Appointed professor of Mathematics at Chapel Hill. Sets out for Carolina. Anecdote of Dr. Green. Enters on his office. The advantages of his situation. The difficulties of it. The efforts of infidel notions. Extract from a letter. Exhibition of Presbyterian principles. False notions of education. Ordination of Dr. Caldwell. His talents judged by his works. Advocates the Presbyterial High School. His religious experience.

A friend happened to send me a link to your website a day after I visited an old cemetery in Aberdeen, NC which is in Moore Co.  I took several photos of gravestones, none very good, but there's many of the names mentioned in the section of your website that talks about the immigration to the Cape Fear area of NC, so I thought you might like to have them.

Carol Love
Raleigh NC

Old Bethesda at the Head of Rockfish
By Bion H. Butler (1933) (pdf)

History of the Stonewall Jackson Manual Training and Industrial School

The Uplift publication of the above school in 1939
The Uplift Volume 1
(Note: There are many copies of this publication on the Internet Archive)

Reconstruction in North Carolina
By J. G. de Roulhac Hamilton, M.A. (1906)

A History of Watauga County, North Carolina
With Sketches of Prominent Families by John Preston Arthur (1915)

New Scottish Gaelic Studies Visiting Lectureship coming to North Carolina

Historical Sketches of the Eastern Association
1827 - 1927 by J. T. Alderman and 1927 - 1977 by Waldo D. Early. There were individual Baptists among the settlers in North Carolina as early as 1690 (pdf)

Tales and Traditions of the Lower Cape Fear 1661-1896
By James Sprunt (1896) (pdf)

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