- Clans
This is where we list recognized clans
along with their histories and where we also provide links to official
Clan societies where we know of them. These are all clans that are
recognized by the Lord Lyon Court.
- Information on other Scottish Names
Should you not have found your name in our Clans page
above then try in here.
Scottish Family History
List of books available on the Internet Archive
- Searching for
your name
Using our site search engine
- A History of individual Irish Families
This section includes both Irish and Scots Irish families.
Scottish Clans and their Tartans
A 213 page book listing some 96 clans with their tartans and additional
notes in pdf format printed in 1886.
- Names and Spelling of
Names connected with Clans (329k)
This is a huge list of names connected with clans as well as many
spelling variations. This is thus a good place to try to find your clan
connection. It's a large page and once loaded we recommend you use your
browsers Edit/Find search facility to search the page.
Scottish Clan & Surname DNA Projects
All testing with FamilyTreeDNA.com
- Chiefs and
A list provided by Iain Brodie of Falsyde.
- List of Septs and Dependants
Having difficulty in knowing if your name is associated
with a clan? We explain all about septs in here and provide lists of names
associated with the various clans.
- Scottish Names (Big File 228k)
Comes from the Encyclopaedia of Clans and
Families and is another attempt to list names associated with individual
- The Great Historic Families
of Scotland
Here we have a detailed look at the great historic families of Scotland.
- Historic
Earls and Earldoms of Scotland
An account of the Earldom and Earls of Mar, Earldom and Earls of
Buchan, Earldom and Earls of Huntly, Earldom and Earls of Erroll, Keiths, Great Marischals
of Scotland, and Earl Marischals, Earldom and Earls of Findlater, and Seafield.
Roots Research
This is our genealogy guide. In
here we tell you what we at Electric Scotland can and can't do to help and
we also provide pointers to other good research resources.
- Tartans
This is where we have a searchable database of tartans with thanks to the
Scottish Tartan Society.
- Clan Crests
An explanation of Clan Crests by Celtic Studio
The Scottish Macs
Their Derivation and Origin by James B. Johnson (1922) (pdf)
- Dissertation
on Heirs Male
When used as a clause of Remainder in Grant of Scotch Perages with some
Incidental Discussions by Alexander Sinclair (1837) (pdf)
Estimate of Scottish Nobility
During the Minority of James the Sixth
With Preliminary Observations by the Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D. FSA
Scot, (1873) (pdf)
Further information on
Scottish Clans and Families
- Clans and Families of
Ireland and Scotland!
This is a significant book by C. Thomas
Cairney detailing where the Gaels came from and how clans and families of
Ireland and Scotland fit into the overall picture.
- Historical Geography of the Clans of
This book includes a detailed map of the Clans of Scotland together with
other Clan information including other maps and accounts of the
McIan's Costumes of the Clans of Scotland
Seventy four coloured illustrations with descriptive letterpress by
James Logan (pdf)
The Highlanders of Scotland: their origin, history, and antiquities:
with a sketch of their manners and customs, and an account of the clans
into which they were divided, and of the state of society which existed
among them by William F. Skene (1837)
Entymology of
the Gaelic Surnames and Personal Names
Alexander MacBain, M. A., LL.D. (1909)
- Wild
Scottish Clans
And Bonnie Prince Charlie by Arthur Llewellyn Griffiths (1910)
- The Highland Clans
A description of the Highland Clans and how they came into being.
- The Clan System
paper read by Mr Murdoch at the Gaelic Society of Inverness 1871.
The Scots-Irish: The
Thirteenth Tribe
An excellent account of who the Scots-Irish are.
- Chiefs
of Clans and Names in Scotland
Here are a list of known Clan Chiefs and their addresses.
Clan Newsletters
Clans send us in copies of their newsletters which you can view here.
- Clans, Families and Septs
A modern explanation of Clans, Families and Septs as they are viewed by
the Lyon Court.
- Clans of the Brea d’Alban
A collection of Scottish Histories, Macnab, Dewar, Macnish and Associated Families Compiled and edited by David Rorer
- The Lord Lyon
and his Jurisdiction
Documents and analysis pertaining to the judicial powers of Lord Lyon in
Scotland, in particular relating to nobility, chiefs of clans, and
precedence. As by Scotland court of Session by Liam H.
- Clan Mottos
Here is a list of clan and family mottos.
- Clan Tours
Here are a number of suggested tours for a variety of Clans
- The Court of the Lord Lyon
I have scanned in most of the standard leaflets available from the Lord
Lyon's office for you to read here.
- Mini Biographies of Scots and Scots
This is where we list mini bios for you to enjoy and we provide a form for
you if you'd like to contribute a story or two to our collection.
- Explanation of Clanship
A very detailed account of how clans came into being
and how they were organised.
- Kings of the Isles
A follow on to the above section which goes on to
explain more about the influence of the Irish and Vikings.
- How the Peerage is Ranked
Where do Duke's, etc lie in precedence or ranking.
- Historic Clan Postcards
These postcards come from the
publication "The History of Scotland" by James Browne, LL.D published in
- Society of Scottish Armigers
Information on what is an Arminger.
Armorial Bearings
& Clan Crests
This page explains about clan shields and crests and is
a publication from the Lord Lyon's office.
- Armorial Bearings
These come from the publication "The History of Scotland" by James Browne,
LL.D published in 1909.
- Tartans
This is where we provide links to find your tartan and
also explains how you might choose which tartan to wear.
- Kirkin' o' the
An example of a typical service.
The Heraldry
Society of Scotland [External Link]
The aim of
this website is to bring about a greater awareness of the Art, Law and
Science of Scotland's unique heraldry and also to provide a forum for the
Society's heraldry enthusiasts, the heraldic professionals and the public at
Standing Council of
Scottish Chiefs [External Link]
The Standing
Council is the body which represents the interests of its members in all
matters pertaining to the use and protection of their armorial bearings.
Parliamentary Register 29 July 1587
Giving a list of clans as at 1587
- Looking for your roots?
This is an email we got from Mary Mills Kennedy where
she explains her motivation for searching for her roots and what she has
got from it.
of the Clans
This is a compilation of short stories about various conflicts between
- Scottish Clan Displays at Highland Games
By Carole Rattray Nickels
- The Council of
Scottish Armigerous Clans and Families
Highlands of
Scotland in 1750 (pdf)
- Join our FREE Mailing List
As so much is added to the
site each day we started this mailing list which sends you an email once
a week telling you what's new and includes some stories of Scotland.
- Register your clan web site with us!
Should you have a web site featuring your clan then this is where you
can apply to register it on Electric Scotland under your clan page.
Native Tribes of Britain
From the BBC. An audio of this can be listened to
here on the Internet Archive with the first 7 minutes dedicated to
the Scottish Tribes.

This map is accurate to the Acts of Parliament passed in 1587 and 1594

Map showing the
districts of the Highland Clans of Scotland (912k)

View our Scottish
Events Calendar
Clan Map from
Also shows their Clan Crest and Tartan

Arms of the Scottish Family & Clan Chiefs |