Motto: Sans peur - "Without
Badge: A cat.
Septs of the Clan: Broom, Cheyne, Chiene, Clyne, Duffus,
Federith, Gray, Keith, Mowat, Moray/Murray
Names associated with the clan: Caidh Cate Ceiteach Chaney Chayne Cheen Chein Cheine Chene Cheney
Chesne Cheyne Cheyney Chiene Chisnie Chyine Chyne Duffus Eliphant
Federeth Fedreth Fedrey Fetherith Gray Grey Kayt Keathe Keht Keith
Ket Keth Kethe Keyth Keythe Keytht Kite Meuatt Mohuat Mouat Mouatt
Mout Movat Mowait Mowaite Mowat Mowatt Mowet Mowit Scheyne Sotherland Sothyrland Southerland
Suderland Sutherlan Sutherland Sutherlande Suthirland Suthirlande.
See also the page on Clan Oliphant and
it's relationships with other clans.
[We're always looking for more information
on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web
site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.]
