Story provided by Lu
Hickey 1650--1775
Alexander Stewart, Footman to Prince Charles, former servant to Mrs. Murray of Broughton,
34 years of age, Perthshire, Jacobite, Prisoner at Perth, Flakland, Canongate, Carlisle,
Penrith, Kendal, Lancaster, Preston and Liverpool.. Transported from Liverpool on
the Gildart, for Wicomica Maryland, May 14, 1747..Landed at port north Potomac Maryland
August 5, 1747..He escaped and returned to Scotland 1748..
Alexander feared for his life but the love for Bonnie Prince Charlie was a stronger bond
than fear of the enemy.. After the solvency of the Highlanders and the punishment they
recieved.. Alexander Stewart returned to his home and took all his siblings to the new
world of Virginia.. On the ship to America, history was made as the Stewarts decided to
change their name to OCHILTREE., the beloved home in Scotland.. This assured the family
there would be no repercussion from the enemy if they as Ochiltrees could never be
associated with the Stewarts.
In looking over old papers, a family member relates he found
an old will dated 21st March, 1810 signed by Mathew Ochiltree of Ballindaragh County
Armagh, Ireland in which he leaves certain possessions to his son, Matthew, "if he
returns from America." He never returned. His brothers Michael, Alexander
and James had emigrated the middle of the 1700's...They were in America at the time of the
Revolutionary War..
Matthew, Michael and Alexander came to this country from Ireland having gone from Scotland
and had changed their names from Stewart to Ochiltree.. Alexander Ochiltree was not
married when he arrived to America but settled finally in Greenbrier County Virginia on a
farm...He married Elizabeth McCoy and they had a family of five children...His brothers
moved on to Maryland, Delaware and Ohio...some of them served in the Revolutionary War...
Alexander was a road surveyor at one time, he served in the Indian wars and was a
scout..He was killed during an Indian raid in 1776..
Matthew lived in Maryland and settled in New Castle County Delaware. He married Mary
Maxwell daughter of James Maxwell of Scotch descent...James Maxwell owned, lived and died
on a farm in Mill Creek Hundred, New Castle Delaware of which the land was handed down
through the generations.
Michael came from Delaware to Rockbridge County Virginia. He married Betsey Finley...He
died in 1797.
These three Stewart--Ochiltree brothers and then the fourth, James, served the Colonies
and settled the frontiers of the new America...Along with thousands of Scots and other
country emigrants. they were all integral to the founding of the new nations, with the
skills from their country and an exchange of skills, thoughts, ideas and ideals with all
the others were combined into basis and complexity of the structuring the laws and the
constitution by which we abide.
This is the story of my grand father many generations removed, Alexander Stewart Ochiltree
of Ayrshire Scotland and Tyrone, Ulster, Ireland who served his God and Master with many
years service and dedication and love...I, myself, am proud to claim descent to the Royal
House of Stewart and Lord Ochiltree..... |