Sir William Preston II b.xxxx
d. c.1478 was succeeded by his son Sir Simon Preston III. One of the first
duties of Sir Simon was to take custody of James III's younger brother,
John, Earl of Mar. Resentful of his two brothers' popularity and warned by a
witch, suitably prompted by the princes' political enemies, that he would
die by the hand of his nearest of kin, the king had already imprisoned the
elder of his brothers, Alexander, duke of Albany. Albany, however, had
escaped from the Edinburgh Castle and fled to the French court. Bishop John
Lesley's History next records that the king's second brother, the earl of
Mar, 'wes takin in the nicht in his awin house, had to Cragmillar, and
keipit thair at the Kingis commaund, and wes convict of ane conspiracie be
witchecrafte agains the King'. The unfortunate man was then brought to a
house in Canongate and while seated in a bath, 'they cuttit ane of his vanes
and causit him bleid to dead'.
In August 1511, James IV
erected the lands which Sir Simon Preston III was holding at Craigmillar,
including the 'castle, fortalice and mill', into a free barony, for which
the annual rent was to be a penny Scots at Whitsun.
Apparently, Sir William
Preston II also had a son Sir Thomas Preston who was the castle chaplain
from 1523.
Sir Simon Preston IV was to
have a long and eventful career as laird of Craigmillar. His connections
with the city of Edinburgh were also close. In 1538-43 and 1544-45 he served
as provost, following a family precedent already established by his
forebears Sir Henry Preston in 1434-39 and James Preston in 1525. (First
mention of James Preston and he is not shown in the lineage chart.) In
addition to Craigmillar, Sir Simon also possessed a town house opposite the
town cross, on the site now occupied by the City Chambers (formerly the
Royal Exchange.)
The first major event to
affect Craigmillar under Sir Simon Preston IV was an English invasion of
Scotland. In May 1544, following the Scots' repudiation of an agreement made
earlier at Greenwich to form an alliance between Scotland and England by
marrying the young Queen Mary to Prince Edward, the son and heir of King
Henry VIII, the earl of Hertford landed with an army in Leith with a view to
persuading the Scots to change their minds. An anonymous history of the
period tells us that the army 'past to Craigmillar, quhilk was haistilie
gevin to thame, promesand to keip the samyne without skaith [damage]: quhilk
promes thai break, and brunt and destroyit the said hous'. A rather
different interpretation of the apparent ease with which the English took
the castle, however, is given by the Bishop John Lesley, who casts the
city's provost in the unflattering role of a collaborator. Lesley relates
that the merchants of Edinburgh had taken most of their valuables to
Craigmillar for safe keeping: but that this, 'not without froaud of the
keparis, as wes reported, wes betrayed to the Inglishmen for a parte of the
bowtaine [booty] and spoill thairof'. If the accusation was true, it could
have done Sir Simon little good, for he was himself taken prisoner and made
to walk as far as London before being released.
In 1549, Sir Simon Preston IV
was once more in Edinburgh, when he and his second wife Elizabeth Menteith,
were granted a charter for the barony of Preston. A stone panel bearing the
Preston coat-of-arms and the date 1549 which formerly surmounted the outer
main gate of Craigmillar indicates that Sir Simon did not delay in making
food the damage which the castle had suffered five years before. The
construction of this period seems to have included the rebuilding of the
east and south-east ranges around the inner court, and building (or
rebuilding) of a strong outer wall around the castle, defended by rounded
towers pierced by wide-mouthed gun-ports.
In the years following the
return of Mary Queen of Scots from France, in August 1561, Sir Simon Preston
IV was to show himself to be one of the queen's most loyal supporters. In
1562, he won Mary's gratitude when, as governor of Dunbar Castle, he failed
to carry out a sentence of execution passed on the rebel earl of Huntly. In
October of 1562, Mary nominated him once more for the position of provost of
Edinburgh, but it was not until August 1565 that the burgh council would
agree to accept him. He held the post until 1568, and between 1565 and 1567
also served as a privy councillor.
In September 1563, Mary spent
a week at Craigmillar Castle as a guest of Sir Simon Preston IV. While there
she received Thomas Randolph, the ambassador of Queen Elizabeth I, who
warned her that if she wished to remain on friendly terms with England she
should find herself an acceptable husband. Mary's eventual choice was the
Catholic, Henry, earl of Darnley, whom she married on 29 July 1565. Darnley
was not liked by Mary or her supporters and in December 1566, she spent some
time at Craigmillar and a group of her advisors also meeting at Craigmillar
made a fateful decision that would seal the fate of her unwanted husband.
The pact was subsequently known as the Craigmillar Bond. Conspirators
included the earls of Argyll, Huntly and Bothwell. Early in 1567 Darnley
returned to Edinburgh from Glasgow. Mary suggested they spend some time at
Craigmillar but he elected to stay at his own town house, Kirk o'Fields,
just next to the town wall. On the nite of Feb. 9/10, 1567, the house was
blown apart by an explosion. The next day when Darnleys body was found it
was discovered he had been strangled.
Sir Simon Preston IV died
sometime before 1575, but had already been succeeded as laird of Craigmillar
by his son David in June 1569.
Sir George Preston III
b.c.1560 d.1625.
Sir Robert Preston b.c1563
Richard Preston b.c.1565
In Feb. 1593, Sir David
Preston was succeeded by his son, Sir George Preston III.
May 18, 1625, George Preston
III was succeeded by his brother Sir Robert Preston. Sir Robert died without
issue in 1639. Craigmillar then passed to a distant relative.
In 1639, the estate passed to
Sir David Preston b. c.1600 of Whitehill, descended from the first Sir
Simon. Sir Simon Preston II had three sons, including a Sir Andrew Preston.
Sir David Preston was the descendent of Sir Andrew Preston. Sir David
Preston (II) married Susana Colville and had 3 children: