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Mini Biographies of Scots and Scots Descendants (I)
Irvine, Lorence

Country: Canada

I am a descendant of Alexander Irvine born Flatlands Quebec circa 1837 d. 1919 and Martha Mann born Flatlands Quebec 1839 d. 1882. Both are buried in Mann Settlement, Quebec. They were married September 28, 1858.

Alexander was the 5th child of Alexander Irvine & Jane (Cheyne) Irvine of Flatlands, Quebec. They came from New Deer, Aberdeen, Scotland to Restigouche Quebec Canada in about 1825.

Martha was the youngest of 15 children born to Issac "Edward" Mann and Margaret (Smith) Mann of New Carlisle, Quebec. Issac Edward Mann is the son of John Mann & Elizabeth (Pemberton) Mann, who came to Canada as United Empire Loyalists with his father and mother, Col. Issac Edward Man and Anatje (Jefres) Man.

My father was Wilfred Coutes Irvine Jr. born in Mann Settlement in 1917.

I am looking for information on their ancestors and siblings.

I am willing to share what information I have collected on my family with others.

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