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Mini Biographies of Scots and Scots Descendants (D)
Dinnie, Donald

(1837-1916) He was a Scottish giant who won 11,000 medals and much money all over the world. Dinnie once carried two stones weighing a total of 785 pounds over a Scottish bridge, and despite many attempts to carry them back across they are still where he left them in 1860. In his vaudeville act he held 56 pounds at arms length for five minutes.

Note: Stevie Shanks sent us in a note saying...

My father, Jack Shanks, is the only man since Dinnie to have lifted and carried the stones with his bare hands across the width of the Potarch Bridge. Plenty of strong men have lifted the stones with the aid of hand straps but none have carried them unaided across the bridge with the exception of Dinnie and my father. It is something I am extremely proud of.

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