Motto: (Latin: Do Not Forget Me after Death)
Names and Septs: MacCamish, MacCash, MacCosh, MacLaws, MacLehose, MacTause,
Stephenson, Steven(s), Stevenson, Stevenston, Stivan, Taweson, Tawesson, Thom,
Thomson, Thompson, Thomas, Thomasin, Thomason, Thomassine. Thomazin, Thomerson, Thomes,
Thompson, Thomson, Todd.
Names associated with the clan: Hawes Haws Hawson Hawsone MacAves MacAvis MacAvish MacAwis
MacAwishe MacAws MacCaueis MacCauish MacCause MacCavis MacCavish
MacCavss MacCaweis MacCawis MacCaws MacGilchois MacGilhosche
MacGillhois MacIlhaos MacIlhois MacIlhoise MacIlhose MacIlhouse
MacIllhois MacIllhos MacIllhose MacKawes MacKilhoise MacKillhose
MacKlehois MacLehose MacTaevis MacTamhais MacTause MacTaveis
MacTavish MacTawisch MacTawys MacThamais MacThamhais MacThavish
Makavhis Makawis Makcaus Makcawis Makcaws Makcawys Makgilhois
Makgilhoise Micklehose Mucklehose Taes Tais Taise Taish Taiss Tam
Tameson Tamesone Tamson Tamsone Taus Taweson Tawesson Tawis Taws
Tawse Tawseon Tawseson Tawson Tawst Tawus Thomason Thomasson
Thomassone Thomassoun Thomessone Thompson Thomson Thomsone
Thomsoun Thomsoune Thomsson Tomson Tomsone
[We're always looking for more information
on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web
site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.]

Dugald MacTavish of Dunardry, Chief of Clan
MacTavish. Photo taken June 2001. Died June 19, 2005.

Pictures taken at Fergus 2008
