- Clan
McQueen Genealogy
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Motto: "Constant and
Badge: A wolf rampant holding
an arrow.
Septs of the Clan: MacCunn, MacSwan, MacSwen, MacSween,
MacSwyde, MacWhan, Revans, Swan.
Names associated with the clan:
MacCuidhean MacCuinn MacCuithean MacCuithein MacCune MacCunn
MacCuthan MacCwne MacGuin MacHquan MacHquhan MacHuin MacKqueane
MacKquyne MacQuain MacQuan MacQuaynes MacQuean MacQueane MacQueen
MacQueeney MacQueenie MacQuein MacQueine MacQuen MacQuene MacQueyn
MacQueyne MacQuhan MacQuheen MacQuhen MacQuhenn MacQuhenne
MacQuheyne MacQuhyn MacQuhyne MacQuien MacQuin MacQuine MacQuinne
MacSayde MacSeveney MacShuibhne MacSuain MacSuin MacSwain
MacSwaine MacSwan MacSwane MacSween MacSwen MacSweyne MacSwyde
MacSwyne MacUne MacWhan MacWhanne MacWhin MacWhinn Makquean
Makquene Makquhan Makquhane Makquhen Makquhon Maquhon Quin Quinn
Revan Revans Suain Svan Sveinn Swain Swan Swane Swann Swayne Sween
Swein Sweing Swen Sweyn Sweyne Swyde Swyn Swyne
[We're always looking for more information
on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web
site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.]