Motto: "Touch not the cat without
a glove".
Badge: A wild cat.
Septs of the Clan: Adamson, Ayson, Combie,
Crerar, Dallas, Doles, Elder, Esson, Glen, Glennie, Hardie, Hardy, MacAndrew, MacAy,
MacCardney, MacCombie, MacCombe, MacComie, M'Conchy, Macglashan, Machardie, Machardy,
MacHay, Mackeggie, M'Killican, MacNiven, MacOmie, Macritchie, MacThomas, Niven, Noble,
Paul, Ritchie, Seawright, Siveright, Shaw, Tarrill, Tosh, Toshach.
Names associated with the clan:
Adamson Adamsone Ademson Ademsoun Ademsoune Aesone Aison Aissone
Aissoun Aissoune Ason Asone Asson Assone Aue Ave Ay Aye Ayesone
Ayesoun Ayson Aysone Aysoun Ayssoun Chombeich Chombich Claerk
Clark Clarke Clarkson Clarksone Clearkson Cleary Clerach Clerc
Clerck Clercsone Cleric Clerie Clerk Clerke Clerkson Clerksone
Clerksoun Clerksson Combach Combich Crarer Crear Creer Crerar
Crerer Criathrar Dallas Dallass Dallyas Dolace Dolas Dolasse
Dolays Doles Doleys Dollace Dolles Eason Easone Easson Eldar
Eldare Elder Esson Galashan Glashan Glashen Glashin Glene Gleney
Glenn Glennay Glennie Glenny Gleny Golane Golin Gollan Golland
Gollane Gollin Gollon Hairdy Hardie Hardy Hardye Heagie Heagy
Heegie Heggie Hegie Hegy Higgie Hosack Hosak Hosick Hossack Hossok
Hossoke Ison Isone Kellas Kelles Knevan Leary MacAindreis
MacAleerie MacAndrew MacAndrie MacAndro MacAndy MacArdie MacArdy
MacAy MacBardie MacCagy MacCarday MacCardie MacCardney MacCardy
MacChardaidh MacChardy MacChlerich MacChlery MacChombeich
MacChombich MacChomich MacClachan MacClachane MacClathan
MacClearey MacCleary MacClerich MacCleriche MacClerie MacClery
MacClirie MacClurich MacCombich MacComiche MacComick MacComtosh
MacConche MacConchie MacConchy MacCondach MacCondachie MacCondachy
MacCondie MacCondochie MacCondoquhy MacConnchye MacConquhy
MacConquy MacCreitche MacCulican MacCuligan MacCuligin MacCulikan
MacCuliken MacEgie MacEleary MacGiligan MacGilleglash MacGillican
MacGilligain MacGilligan MacGilligin MacGlashan MacGlashen
MacGlashin MacGlassan MacGlassin MacGlasson MacGulican MacHarday
MacHardie MacHardy MacHay MacHee MacHyntoys MacIlchomich
MacIlleglass MacInclerich MacInclerie MacInclerycht MacInthosse
MacIntioch MacIntoch MacIntoschecht MacIntoschie MacIntoschye
MacIntosh MacKaggie MacKandrew MacKantoiss MacKardie MacKeggie
MacKelecan MacKelegan MacKelican MacKentase MacKglesson MacKhardie
MacKilican MacKilikin MacKillican MacKillicane MacKillichane
MacKilligan MacKilligane MacKilligin MacKiltosche MacKintishie
MacKintoch MacKintoche MacKintoisch MacKintorss MacKintosh
MacKleiry MacKreiche MacKritchy MacKulican MacKuntosche
MacKynioyss MacKyntoich MacKyntossche MacKyntoys MacLear MacLeary
MacLerich MacLerie MacLglesson MacNaoimhin MacNeiving MacNevin
MacNivaine MacNiven MacNoble MacOnchie MacQhardies MacReekie
MacReiche MacRiche MacRichie MacRikie MacRitchey MacRitchie
MacRitchy MacRyche MacThom MacThomaidh MacThomais MacThomas
MacThome MacThomie MacToiche MacToschy MacToshy MacYnthosche
MacYnthose MacYntoch MacYntoisch Makandro Makconchie Makintoch
Makintoiche Makkintoische Maklearie Makryche Maktoiche Makulikin
Makyntoische Makyntosh Naomhin Neiven Neivin Nevane Nevein Neveine
Nevene Nevin Nevins Nevinus Nevison Nevyn Nevyne Nevyng Newein
Newin Newing Nifin Nivein Niven Niveson Nivine Niving Nivison
Nobil Nobile Nobill Noble Rechie Rechtie Rechy Riche Richie
Ritchie Rychy Rychze Rytchie Saythe Scaith Scayth Schau Schaw
Schawe Scheoch Scheok Schiach Schioch Schioche Seah Seath Seith
Seth Sha Shau Shaw Shawe Shay Sheach Sheath Sheehan Sheoch Shiach
Siache Sith Sithach Sithech Sithig Skaith Sythach Sythag Sythock
Tarall Taroll Tarrel Tarrell Tarrill Terale Terrel Terrell Terroll
Toash Toische Toschach Tosche Toscheach Toscheoch Tosh Toshach
Toshak Tosoch Tossoche Vconchie
[We're always looking for more information
on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web
site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.]