- Clan
The MacKenzies of Seaforth
The MacKenzies of
78th Highlanders
History Of The Mackenzies, with
genealogies of the principal families of the name
by Mackenzie, Alexander, 1833-1898 (pdf)
Ancient Deeds and other writs in the MacKenzie-Wharnliffe Charter Chest.
The current issue and previous issues
History of
the Mackenzies
by Alan McKenzie
An Old
Mackenzie Genealogy
And a new look at The Fitzgerald Connection
by Alan McKenzie, FSA Scot
Lieutenant to Cabarfeidh, chief of the world-wide Clan Mackenzie, the
Rt. Hon., the Earl of Cromartie.
Alexander MacKenzie
and Dolena Morrison
A Family History (pdf)
Lady Anne Mackenzie,
Countess of Balcarres, afterwards Countess of Argyll
A Lady of the Covenant (pdf)
- Clan MacKenzie
Gathering 2005
Pictures from the event sent in by Alan MacKenzie
Chief Factor of the Hudson Bay Company
Mackenzie/McKenzie Surname DNA
In Association with Family Tree DNA, of
Houston, Texas
MacKenzie DNA
Updated regularly
Gedcom file
This is a gedcom file of MacKenzie genealogy in Canada. [Right click
your mouse over the link and select "save target as" to download.
A large collection of MacKenzie documents
of the MacKenzie's
This is
included in the Celtic Magazine of 1878 and 1879
Celtic Magazine
of 1878 (pdf file)
Celtic Magazine
of 1879 (pdf file)
A Northern Nonconformist
Rev. Roderick MacKenzie of Avoch by the Rev. Principal J. Macleod,
D.D. (pdf)
Clan Tents
A collection of pictures taken of MacKenzie Clan Tents at various
Highland Games
An interesting report on how the McAnin's are connected with the
MacKenzies. (pdf)
Clan MacKenzie Society of Canada
New site for the clan.
MacKenzie Society
Clam MacKenzie Society of Canada
- Clan
MacKenzie Society of Scotland & UK
Clan MacKenzie
Society in Australia
Clan MacKenze Society of
Clan MacKenzie Society of
Clan MacKenzie of Canada Facebook Page
Clan MacKenzie
- Use our Site Search Engine
There are many references to clans within the hundreds
of historical pages on our site. Use the search engine provided
here to locate further information on your clan.
Motto: Luceo Non Uro - "I Shine,
Not Burn"
Badge: A stag's head.
Septs of the Clan: Charles,
Charleson, Clunies,
Cromarty, Ivory, Kenneth, Kennethson, MacBeolain, MacConnach, MacIver, MacIvor, MacKenna,
MacKerlich, MacMurchie, MacMurchy, MacQuennie, MacVanish, MacVinish, MacWhinnie, Murchie,
Murchison, Smart.
Names associated with the clan: Cainnech Charleson Coinndech Coinneach Coinnidh Cromartie Cromarty
Cromate Crumbacy Crumbathy Crummartie Euer Evar Evir Ewar Ewer
Ewers Ivar Iver Iverson Ivirach Ivor Ivory Iwur Kennach
Kennachtsoun Kennagh Kennauch Kenndochson Kenneochson Kenneth
Kennethson Kennochsen Kineth Kyneth Kynnoch Kynoch MacArlich
MacArliche MacAver MacBeolain MacCairlich MacCairlie MacCairly
MacCarlach MacCarlich MacCarliche MacCarlie MacCarlycht MacCenzie
MacCharles MacCharlie MacCherlich MacCoinnich MacConich MacConnach
MacCowir MacCoynich MacCuir MacCur MacCurchie MacCure MacEinzie
MacEiver MacEnzie MacEuer MacEuir MacEur MacEure MacEvar MacEver
MacEwer MacEwir MacEwyre MacGeever MacGiver MacHerlick MacHerloch
MacHinzie MacIvar MacIver MacIverach MacIvirach MacIvor MacKainzie
MacKairlie MacKairly MacKanze MacKarlich MacKeanzie MacKearlie
MacKearly MacKeaver MacKeever MacKeevor MacKeinezie MacKeinzie
MacKeiver MacKenezie MacKenich MacKenyee MacKenyie MacKenzie
MacKenzy MacKerley MacKerlich MacKerliche MacKerlie MacKerloch
MacKeur MacKever MacKevor MacKevors MacKewer MacKewyr MacKinnoch
MacKinyie MacKinze MacKinzie MacKiver MacKivers MacKivirrich
MacKuir MacKure MacKwhinney MacKynich MacMhurchaidh MacMoroquhy
MacMurachy MacMurchaidh MacMurchie MacMurchou MacMurchy MacMurd
MacMurdo MacMurdoch MacMurdy MacMuredig MacMurphy MacMurquhe
MacMurquhie MacMurtchie MacQuhenzie MacQuhine MacQuhinny
MacQuhinze MacQuhynze MacTarlach MacTarlich MacTerlach
MacThearlaich MacUir MacUrchie MacUrchy MacUre MacVanish MacVenish
MacVennie MacVinie MacVinish MacVinnie MacVorchie MacVurchie
MacWeeny MacWhinney MacWhinnie MacWhunye MacWhynie MacWinney
MacWorthie MacWurchie MacYuir Makarlich Makcainze Makcanze Makcure
Makeinny Makeinzie Makenze Makerliche Makewer Makiver Makkanze
Makkennych Makkeny Makkenych Makkenze Makkinze Makkynnay Makmurche
Makmurquhy Makquhinze Makquhynze Makvanis Mewhinney Mhurchaidh
Mkenzi Murchad Murchadh Murchaidh Murcheson Murchesoun Murchie
Murchieson Murchison Murchosone Murchosoun Murchy Murquhason
Murquhasson Murquhessoun Murquhosoun Murtchie Orr Orre Oure Ure
Urie Urri Urrie Urry Vcmurrochie Yvar Yvir Ywar
[We're always looking for more information
on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web
site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.]

John Ruaridh Grant Mackenzie; Viscount Tarbat,
Baron Castlehaven, Baron
MacLeod of Castle Leod, the Fifth Earl of Cromartie

International Gathering

Alan McKenzie speaking at the Chatham
Highland Games 2008 |