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History of the MacIntyre Clan

Part II covers Clan MacIntyre and its Chiefs, within a historical context. Part III is a more detailed account of the Houses of Clan MacIntyre, and the lives of individual Chiefs and Chieftains. Some of this information is in Part II, but it will be repeated for continuity, and to avoid flipping the pages back and forth.

There are many living blood relations of the Chiefs and Chieftains,1 who are personally interested in what will be said about their family and ancestors. They can be assured that the present Glenoe and Camus-na-h-Erie have taken the opportunity to review this material for accuracy and sensitivity. I have tried to be historically accurate within the bounds of good taste.


There have been lists of MacIntyre Chiefs compiled by MacIntyre seanachies that go back as far as 500 A.D. but they have lacked any information on the source. The argument for them being factual is the Gaelic tradition of reciting the genealogy of a family, especially the chief’s lineage. Even when addressing someone, you might recite an individual’s name, including the names of the father, the grandfather, and often further back than that.

The argument against their accuracy is the same in reverse; that the custom of reciting more than the given name and a surname, disappeared more than two hundred years ago, when it became fashionable to have stories that put the chief in a favorable light. MacIntyre chiefs haven’t been flattered in this way, which gives more credence to their stories. You will have to judge what to believe and disbelieve.

Some of you will be led by your heart, and others, by your head. This author’s opinions will be somewhere in between -- intelligent guesses combined with a sprinkling of wishful thinking, after a few plucks on the old heartstrings.

Legendary Chiefs
Although there are MacIntyre legends that appear to predate 1100 A.D., there is no mention in these legends of a chief with a given name. The first name of a possible MacIntyre chief associated with a verifiable date, is Maurice or Murdock, The Wright, c.1150. According to this legend, Maurice became the first MacIntyre chief as a reward for helping his uncle, Somerled, King of Argyll and the Western Isles. The son of Maurice, The Wright, whose given name is unknown, would have been the first to be called MacIntyre or Son of The Wright. For the next two centuries, we have no mention of a MacIntyre chief.

Duncan is the next name of a chief to appear, and the first to be associated with Glenoe. We know about Duncan through a story told to Alexander James MacIntyre of Inveraray by his father, Alexander, who was told by his mother, Jean Bell MacIntyre about the Two Sons of Chief Duncan (see Part V). Because the story involves the Campbells, we can place it sometime after 1332, when King Robert the Bruce gave Glenorchy to the Campbells in repayment for their support of his claim to the Scottish crown. Glenorchy was occupied by MacGregors and Menzies, among others and the Campbells decided to not press the issue. A century later in1432, ??? Campbell finally took possession and became Lord Glenorchy. This is important because the key to Chief Duncan’s story is Ben Cruachan looming large between Lorn and Glenorchy. Glenoe was in Lorn and unti1 l469, Lorn was controlled by the Stewarts. That is why Chief Duncan stayed in Glenoe while his sons had to stay in Glenorchy with their families as hostage against flight. The murder and punishment had to occur after 1432 when the Campbells took possession of Glenorchy but before 1469 when the Campbells of Glenorchy took possession of Lorn, including Glenoe. If the story is true, then we know the names of three MacIntyre chiefs, Duncan and his sons, Duncan Og and Donald Faich. As you will see, there may be documents to support this possibility.

1. Chief, refers to the head of the main line of a clan, and Chieftain refers to the Representer of a cadet (branch) of a clan.

Malcolm is the next name identified as a MacIntyre chief from a story about his grandnephew, Archibald MacIntyre (d.1532), who brought back the body of the 2nd Duke of Argyll from the Battle of Flodden in 1513.1 Archibald is said to have been the son of Duncan (d.1480), who was the second son of Malcolm, Chief of Glenoe. This would make Malcolm the chief c.1475, give or take, twenty years.2,3 This Duncan is reputed to be the progenitor of the cadet House of Stranmore.4

First Documented Chief.
The first legal document in which a MacIntyre chief or chieftain is identified, is the Bond to Lord Glenorchy, dated June 4th 1556 (see Figure #, page #). By swearing before witnesses to the contents of this document, MacIntyres of Clan Teir accepted responsibility, on behalf of Johne Boy M’Ynteir, for the cruel slaughter of Johne M’Gillenlag, the foster brother of Sir Colin Campbell, first Lord of Glenorchy. What makes this document even more remarkable is that this murder took place 116 years before, in 1440!

Assuming the MacIntyres listed in the Bond were from Glenoe, and further, that the first MacIntyre listed was the chief, then two earlier chiefs, can be identified from his name, which was Duncan, son of Malcolm son of Ian (John) MacIntyre.5 This makes Duncan the chief, Ian the chief before him, and Malcolm the chief before him (father and grandfather, respectively). Thus, from one name, we can gain knowledge of three ancestors and possibly three chiefs. This demonstrated the purpose and value of naming children in this manner. Working backwards and using twenty-five years for each generation, this would take us back fifty years to 1500, when Ian would have been the chief. Based on the other names on the list, it appears that neither Duncan’s father (Malcolm) nor his son (perhaps Malcolm) were present at the meeting. This means that Duncan’s son was not old enough to be listed (under twenty-one) and that Duncan’s father was not alive. Assuming that Duncan’s father died of natural causes, this would place Duncan’s age at between forty and fifty, in the year 1556. If Duncan’s father, Malcolm, was named after his grandfather, Malcolm (Ian’s father) it would bring us back to 1475, not too far from the 1450 date that was estimated for the legendary, Chief Malcolm.

Going forward from 1556, Malcolm would also have been the name of Duncan’s first son who would have been chief around 1580. Duncan MacIntyre of Australia located a 1590 bail bond listing a Malcolm MacIntyre as being sought. The fact that his presence was worth being guaranteed by others with their money, suggested to Duncan of Australia that he might well have been a chief, and his name just happens to be, Malcolm.

1. The battle of Flodden accounted for the deaths of many of the clan chiefs and many of their heirs who were old enough to fight beside them. This was especially true of the Campbell heirs.
2. Without records, it is very difficult to estimate dates of birth, death, and chiefship. This is because of the high death rate of children from acute illness, death surrounding childbirth, a relatively high number of young men who died in battles, blood feuds, incidental arguments and accidents before they fathered children, and a high death rate among adult males as a result of mortal combat. This means that a chiefship could last a very short time but on a rare occasion, a long time.
3. Despite the difficulty in making estimates, it is still possible to narrow the possibilities by the process of elimination. The questions are: could Malcolm be the son and heir of Duncan Og or Donald Faich and could this be the same Malcolm who was the Glenoe chief who was Archibald’s grandfather? My answer is yes based on this brief analysis. Since Duncan was the second son, he wasn’t named after his paternal grandfather Duncan, which means his grandfather, couldn’t have been Duncan Og, but he could have been Donald Faich. In 1440, Chief Duncan had adult sons and grandchildren, one of whom could have been Malcolm, Donald Faich’s son. It is possible for Malcolm to have died in 1480 and still have had a second son Duncan and a grandson Archibald, who was old enough to bring back the body of Argyll. This analysis only says that it is within the realm of possibility, which, without records, is as much as you can expect.
4. See House of Stranmore on page ?.
5. "Duncan M’Olcallum V’Ane V’Yntere"

MacIntyre Chiefs and Glenoe.
Although the Bond to Glenorchy is a written document, it does not mention Glenoe, so we can’t be certain that these MacIntyres are from Glenoe. It is also possible, as argued in the first edition by L. D. MacIntyre, that Clan Teir was a sept of Glenoe living in Glenorchy. This would be consistent with the fact that in 1440, Glenoe was still under the Stewart, Lord of Lorn and Glenorchy was under the Campbells. In the Bond, they are referred to as Clan Teir and not MacIntyre or Intyre. In the story about Duncan and his two son, it was a killing of a Campbell that created the problem and forced the son to stay in Glenorchy as part of their punishment. To reconcile these two accounts, it might have been necessary to prepare a post facto, legal document that would require a MacIntyre of Glenoe to declare feudal allegiance to the Campbell Chief for a killing over which, 114 years earlier, he had no jurisdiction. The death calps (death duty) referred to in the document may have been the legendary snowball and a fatted calf on Midsummer’s Day. It is also significant that the exchange was made at Lairg Noe, which in 1440 would have been the border between the Stewart’s Lorn and the Campbell’s Glenorchy.

The MacIntyre legends link them with Glenoe from long before the 1400s but the first document linking a MacIntyre Chief with Glenoe is not until 1656, exactly one hundred years after the first document that mentioned a MacIntyre who might have been a chief. The Glenoe document was the 1656 Wadset, which identifies Duncan, son of Donald, son of Duncan MacIntyre in Glenoe.1 This Duncan has been styled as (‘I’) by the clan seanachies, because he is the first documented Chief of Glenoe. The wadset gave unlimited use of Glenoe to Duncan, in return for a loan of 3000 merks given to the Marquis of Glenorchy with an open date for repayment.2 Duncan’s name (Duncan son of Donald son of Duncan) indicates that his father was Donald (F) and that his grandfather was Duncan (GF) and by deduction they were the two preceding chiefs. In a later document, dated February 16, 1737, Duncan (I)’s son, Donald, is referred to as 2nd of Glenoe.3 The designations ( I, II, III ..) after a MacIntyre chief’s name, only indicates his position in the sequence of chiefs starting with the 1656 document. Thus, the numbering system does not start with Duncan (I)’s father, Donald (F), his grandfather, Duncan (GF) or with his great grandfather, who might have been Donald (GGF). Nor does it start with Malcolm, or Duncan with his two sons, or with the progenitor, Maurice, all of whom preceded Duncan (I) by one to twenty generations.4

Using the 1656 Wadset, coupled with a few pieces of ancillary information and a little detective work, we can infer significant information about Duncan (I)’s father, Donald (F) and his grandfather, Duncan (GF). First, both of these latter gentlemen were dead by 1656, because otherwise, one or the other would have lent the money to Lord Glenorchy’s son, and the wadset would have been in their name. Second, Duncan (I) was not old enough to have the wadset legally in his name, even though the Glenoe wadset was being given to him. Instead, it was in the name of Gilpatrick MacIntyre to be held in safekeeping until Duncan (I) came of age. Third, it is likely that Donald (F) and Duncan (GF) were prosperous, because it would have taken at least two and probably many more generations to accumulate enough wealth to be able to lend 3000 merks and still maintain a sense of financial security. Fourth, in 1661, the Glenoe Wadset was transferred from Gilpatrick to Duncan (I), which means he was probably age twenty-one. During the Scottish civil war in the1645-46, Donald (F) would have been in his early or mid-forties and his son, Duncan (I), would have been five years old. Their respective ages and Gilpatrick’s guardianship, when taken together, suggest that Donald (F)’s death could have been from violence, probably war wounds. (Part II. MacIntyres in the Highland Wars.)

According to the Wadset, in 1656, Gilpatrick MacIntyre loaned 3000 merks,5 on behalf of Duncan (I), to John Campbell, the Marquis6 of Glenorchy, who was probably short of cash following the war. It appears that this loan was from money to be inherited by Duncan (I), who at that time was still a minor, and therefore not able to sign a legal document. Both his grandfather and his father were dead, so it is likely that Gilpatrick was his uncle or older adult cousin, acting as trustee of the inheritance or guardian, until Duncan (I) was of age. The document mentions Duncan (I) by name and acknowledges the wadset or mortgage provides free use of Glenoe and an adjoining parcel of land called Barschallan, that together were referred to as Duo.7 This deed was to continue indefinitely until the loan was repaid and it could be inherited. On June 1, 1661, the wadset was transferred from Gilpatrick MacIntyre to Duncan (I), presumably because Duncan had reached age twenty-one.

1. "Duncan McDonald vic Donichie vic intyre in Glennoe"
2. The document will be discussed in detail in the next section.
3. Hugh Peskett, Second Report, Appendix XIV, page 65, 66. Breadalbane Archives, [GD 112/10] Box 1. Bundle 4: Tacks 1755-1778.
4. The twenty generations is loosely based on twenty-five years per generation going back from Duncan in 1656 to Maurice, The Wright, c. 1150.
5. A merk was a monetary value that began as a value put on land.
6. A marquis is the title held by the heir apparent of a Lord.
7. Duo means two parcels.

Duncan, First Documented MacIntyre, Chief of Glenoe.1
Duncan (I) was born c.1640. This birth date is not from records but determined from the wadset charter, which strongly suggests that he reached age twenty-one in 1661. It is likely that he was the only son of Donald (F). Two years later, in 1663, Duncan (I) married Mary Campbell. She was a younger daughter of Patrick Campbell (Para Dubh Beag or little Black Peter or Patrick), first Lord of Barcaldine, by his second wife, Bethia Murray of Ochtertyre. Para Beag was the son of Sir Duncan Campbell, 7th Lord Glenorchy. The Glenorchy line became the Earls of Breadalbane and figured prominently in the life of the MacIntyres. Lady Mary was the first of a number of marriages between the MacIntyre chiefs and daughters of Campbell chiefs or their sons. These MacIntyre-Campbell unions always produced an heir, so the MacIntyre inheritance wasn’t lost to the Campbells, as happened in Campbell marriages with Stewarts and MacDougalls.

It is possible that the marriage of Duncan and Mary was an unwritten part of the 1656 loan agreement, since Lord Barcaldine was the younger brother of the Marquis. The marriage contract included income for Mary from one-half of Glenoe, should Duncan pre-decease her.2 It was from Duncan’s marriage to Mary Campbell that some individuals have speculated a blood connection between the succeeding MacIntyre chiefs and Robert I, The Bruce, King of Scotland. However, a thorough analysis by Duncan McIntyre of Australia has convinced this author that this was not possible.3 Even if it were within the realm of possibility, I don’t think that anyone would want to disinter Lady Mary’s bones at Ardchattan Priory along with a known descendant of The Bruce, to prove or disprove this claim . . . or would they? MacIntyre chiefs have never claimed a blood connection to The Bruce.

Duncan and Mary had two children, Donald, younger and heir apparent, and John.4 Lady Mary predeceased Duncan (I) in 1695, and was laid to rest in a tomb at Ardchattan Priory that Duncan designed for his family. The tomb is befitting an affluent chief whose wife was the daughter of an even more prominent Chief. In the first edition, the year of Duncan’s death was given as 1695, the date on the tomb. However, we now know that Duncan (I) witnessed the marriage contract of his son, Donald in 1714. This means that the 1695 date on the gravestone only applies to Lady Mary. The gravestone has remained in a good state of preservation because some years ago a protective wooden shelter was placed over it. However, the shelter deteriorated and has since been removed. An effort is being made to have it replaced to protect the gravestone from the weather. Ardchattan Priory is privately owned by the Preston-Campbell family of Inverawe. There is reason to believe that Duncan died in 1722, at age 82, leaving two adult sons, Donald (II) and John.5

(PHOTO)Ardchattan Priory: Location of Baptism, Marriage and Burial of MacIntyre Chiefs.

(PHOTO)Gravestone, Duncan (I) of Glenoe, Chief of Clan MacIntyre at Ardchattan Prior

Donald, Second of Glenoe
Donald (II) was born at Glenoe between 1664 and 1670, with 1667 being a good estimate.6 Donald’s life was probably typical of the heir apparent of a Chief whose family had recently combined affluence and respectability. As the story goes, the young Donald was at the Falkirk Fair and a piper of the Stewarts of Appin played a tune, perhaps the MacIntyre March, in such a way that Donald felt it was purposely insulting to him and to MacIntyres. 

1. Duncan of Australia feels there is a significant distinction concerning a person’s connection to the land and how they are addressed. The distinction is between "in" or "of" Glenoe, with "in" representing a lessee or tacksman and "of" representing a wadset, freehold, or outright ownership.
2. According to Duncan of Australia, this marriage was a sign of the MacIntyre Chief’s return to a significant position in the eyes of the powerful Campbells that surrounded him and was probably due to the MacIntyres’ affluence at a time when the Campbells were having monetary difficulties. Apparently, there was some social interaction between Duncan (I) and the Barcaldines when he was a child, perhaps seeing and playing with Mary and her brother(s) in the gardens at Ardchattan Priory before and after Sunday church services.
3. To have any connection to The Bruce, Mary’s ancestor would have to be Marjory Stewart, The Bruce’s daughter. She was the first wife of Sir Duncan Campbell of Lochawe who was progenitor of three Campbell lines – Argyll, Glenorchy (later Breadalbane) and Barcaldine. Sir Colin, Sir Duncan’s eldest son, was Mary’s MacIntyres ancestor. Although the Campbells wished that Marjory was Colin’s mother, the preponderance of the evidence indicates that his mother was Margaret Stewart, Sir Duncan’s second wife. Perhaps the Campbells desire for a Bruce connection, coupled with the similarity in the names of the two wives (Marjory and Margaret), gave rise to the speculation on a connection with The Bruce, first by the Campbells and then by MacIntyre hopeful. Sir Duncan and Margaret were Mary‘s g- g- g- g- great-grandfather and grandmother. The Bruce (de Brue) was a great leader and King of Scotland, was not Highland bred and his ancestors were French-Normans (Vikings from Normandy), not descendants of the Scoti.
4. A third child, Patrick, has been mentioned but is not confirmed by any document. There is always a possibility of a child who died shortly after birth.
5. H. Peskett, in background for recognition of James (IX) to Lyon Court found a court record indicating that John was alive in 1749.
6. If Donald (II) had been born one year after his parent’s marriage, then his birth year would have been 1664. However, miscarriages and infant mortality were common in those times. It is quite possible that Donald was not the first child but rather, the first male child to survive his first year. In other words, he was born between 1664 and 1667. 1667 is more likely based on the date of his death (c.1743) and the age of his son when he died (16).

To show his displeasure and to silence the insulting noise, he plunged his dirk into the piper’s bag. Unfortunately, the dirk went through the bag into the piper, with a fatal result. Donald quickly left the scene and sought refuge with Archibald MacDonnell, 15th of Keppoch. While under Keppoch’s protection in Lochaber, Donald married Keppoch’s daughter, Janet. Donald and Janet had one daughter. After many years, he returned to Glenoe but did not venture into Appin without a bodyguard of twelve men and a piper. Eventually Stewart and MacIntyre made peace through the mediation of Keppoch. There is no record of his paying any death duty but in those days, according to Scot’s Law, the rate went from one to sixteen cows depending on the status of the person who was murdered. The punishment might have been lenient because of Donald’s motive (upholding the honor of his Clan), his intent (only to deflate the bag and not the piper), or because the piper’s own clansmen were happy to see this particular piper meet his Maker, and doubly glad that it was at the hands of an outsider, thus avoiding a blood feud within the clan.

After Janet’s early death (perhaps in childbirth), Donald didn’t remarry until 1714 when he was in his late forties. His second marriage was to Catherine MacDonald of Dalness. Their marriage contract wasn’t concluded until 1722, which was eight years after the marriage. This is why 1722 is a good candidate for the death of Duncan (I). At that point his property, the Glenoe Wadset, was inherited by Donald (II), who could then pledge it in his own right as support for his wife, should he die before her.

Donald and Catherine had five children – Duncan, who died in infancy; Alexander, who died before his father; Catherine;1 Mary, and James, who later became Chief. As was the custom for the first-born son, Duncan was named after his paternal grandfather. Alexander was presumably named after his maternal grandfather. It is because of the early deaths of his two brothers that the name James came into the sequence of the MacIntyre chiefs. Since then, the names have alternated by custom, between James and Donald. James was born when Donald was already fifty-nine and until then, without a living son. The advanced age of Duncan and James the only son, were important factors in shaping future events. Due to the long life of Duncan (I), Donald (II) did not become chief until he was in his mid-fifties, c.1722. He will be remembered most for the part he played in an agreement with the Earl of Breadalbane in 1737. The agreement is purported to have converted the annual payment of a snowball and a fatted calf into an annual monetary fee. Another part of the agreement was for Glenorchy to pay for James' education until he was old enough to bear arms, which, in those days, was age sixteen. Perhaps this was a quid pro quo. The 1737 document is known to exist but, for the moment, has mysteriously disappeared, as has occurred with so many other important documents. There is no record of Donald (II)’s death c.1744, at age seventy-seven. The year of death is based on the level of education his son James had attained when Donald (II) died. He was survived by his wife, one living son, James (III) and two daughters. The year of death of his second wife, Lady Catherine, is unknown.

James, Third of Glenoe James (III) was born c.1727, the only living son of Donald (II)’s second wife, Catherine. James became Chief at age seventeen, interrupting his apprenticeship as a lawyer under Breadalbane’s sponsorship. James returned to Glenoe to accept his responsibilities as head of his family and Chief of Clan MacIntyre. At that time, the household included his mother, Lady Catherine, two unmarried sisters, and perhaps a servant. A few years later, Bonnie Prince Charlie raised the Royal Stewart standard at Glenfinnan on August 19, 1745. Some have conjectured that the eighteen-year-old James wished to join the Jacobite Rising.2 However, the influence of Breadalbane undoubtedly swayed him against this dangerous course of action. Another consideration may have been that he was unmarried and the only male descendant. If he had been killed in action, the direct male line of Glenoe would have ceased. Had he joined the rebels - live or die - it would have brought grief to all those with the name MacIntyre who remained in Scotland.

1. Catherine married Charles Campbell, a customs officer. According to James (V), they told him when he visited them during his time in Scotland, that they had been married over eighty years, and had never been apart for more than four nights!
2. Charlie Prince Charles Edward , the Young Chevalier or Pretender, was so called because his father, James Francis Edward Stuart, was styled the Old Chevalier or Pretender, after his 1715 claim to the throne of Great Britain as James, VIII of Scotland and James III of England, in opposition to the Hanoverian government of George II. Supporters of James (Latin, Jacobus) were called Jacobites.

Instead, James stayed at Glenoe to care for his mother and older sisters. We know that James was at Glenoe during the rebellion, because he was given a military pass dated April 13th, 1746, signed at Inveraray by Major General, John Campbell (Fig. #?). The pass permitted "James McIntyre of Gleno, with four persons to pass and repass unmolested to and from Inveraray." Not only does this tell us that James was at Glenoe, but it also tells us that four others were living with him. In all likelihood, these were his mother, his two sisters, and perhaps a servant.1

(Photo) Military Pass for James MacIntyre and four persons from Gleno to Inveraray.

On January 28,1758, at age thirty, James married Ann Campbell, natural2 daughter of Alexander Campbell of Barcaldine. This was the same house as Mary Campbell, James' grandmother. Ann’s father, Alexander, was a Lieutenant in Lord Loudon’s Highlanders, and the fifth son of Patrick, 4th Lord Barcaldine. Alexander Campbell was the brother and Ann was the niece of the famous (infamous) Colin Campbell of Glenure. Colin, called the ‘Red Fox’, was murdered while collecting rents. The story was mad famous as told by Robert Louis Stevenson in Kidnapped.3 In another connection, Duncan Ban MacIntyre, wrote an elegy in where he calls Colin his foster brother.

James and Lady Ann had three sons and six daughters. The sons were Donald, heir apparent; Martin and Duncan. Martin died at age seventeen without issue, and is buried beside Duncan (I) in Ardchattan Priory. Duncan entered military service. The daughters were Catherine, Anne (Nancy), Isabella, Lucy, Jean, and Mary.

Although James (III) did not complete his legal training, he continued to educate himself. He was an excellent Gaelic scholar and bard. He was a contemporary of the most famous Highland Gaelic bard, Duncan Ban MacIntyre of Glenorchy. Duncan Ban visited Glenoe and wrote a tribute to James (III), Verses on Arms,4 in which he extols Glenoe as "the Chief who never will disclaim us."

In his famous (or infamous) visit to the Hebrides, and recounted by James Boswell, Dr. Samuel Johnson was not impressed by the hospitality of Sir Alexander MacDonald of Sleat. James (III) was greatly offended by Dr. Johnson's description of Highlanders as rude and ignorant people. For this reason, Johnson was the sarcastic subject for many of James’ poems. They were good enough to be found in more than one collection of Gaelic poetry. There were indications that James and some literary friends were preparing a Gaelic dictionary, but that may have gone the way of Leabhar dubh Ghlinn-Nodha, "The Black Book of Glenoe" and James’ Gaelic manuscript of The Sons of Usnoth (Uisneach).5

James may have had an opportunity in c.1755 to own Glenoe outside of the 1656 Wadset. In keeping with the Campbell modis operandi, the Earl of Breadalbane inherited through marriage, a third of the land of the old Stewarts of Lorn. A dispute arose among his brethren Campbells regarding the boundary lines, and James (III) was asked to arbitrate the matter, since he had studied law and had a reputation for fairness. His role as arbiter was accepted by all parties, perhaps because he had connections with at least two of them (a wadset with Breadalbane and a marriage to a Barcaldine). The Earl of Breadalbane was so pleased with the settlement, that he offered James (III) any spot of land he wanted. It is said that James didn't accept the offer because it would look like a pay-off rather than a fee. The story continues in 1770 when the same Lord Breadalbane, conveniently forgot the services James had rendered or the offer of land, and summarily forced James (III) to renounce the 1656 Glenoe Wadset by paying back the 3000 merks his grandfather had borrowed from James’ grandfather. The story ends in 1782, when Breadlabane, on his deathbed, said in Gaelic, "The man who made the offer was a fool (meaning James himself ), but the man who refused it was seven times a fool (meaning James (III))." The statement tells us something about both men.6

1. In a poem by Shaw about James III, he refers to "servants" cleaning the deer that the Chief had downed.
2. "Natural" was a euphemism to describe an acknowledged child, born out of wedlock. Apparently, this occurred more frequently among the wealthier class who were obliged to marry for money or position while the males were permitted and could afford to have more passionate liaisons.
3. James Stewart of the Glens was seized, without warrant, for the murder of Colin ‘Red Fox Campbell of Glenure, and unjustly tried at the Courthouse in Inveraray by a jury of Campbells. L. D. MacIntyre saw the jury room, which had become the sitting room of Ivy House, the home of Alexander James MacIntyre of Inveraray. There was a closet with steps down from the courtroom by which the Duke of Argyll, as Lord Justice General of Scotland, came to the jury room and instruct the jury as follows: "You will find the prisoner guilty as charged." James Stewart of the Glens was hanged at sunset on the 8th of November 1752.
4. Appendix II; Bibliography 25, pages 234-237; 26, 309-12. The exact date or even year of this poem is unknown. However, based on where it fits in the sequence of poems is was probably c.1760.
5. The same story as
Deirdre of the Sorrows.
6. Duncan of Australia puts a different spin on this tale. He thinks that this story is an attempt by the MacIntyres to put the best light possible on an unfortunate set of circumstances which started with the 1656 wadset and ended in 1770, with the wadset being reclaimed without a return to the nominal payment of a Snowball and Fatted Calf. See Appendix II, Tenure of Glenoe.

As described later, Donald, the heir apparent received medical training and emigrated to the America after the American Revolutionary War of Independence. Following the lead of their eldest brother, four of James (III)’s six daughters emigrated to Ontario, Canada and then on to Johnstown, New York. In another interesting sidelight, four of the six daughters married MacIntyres. Anne, and then Catherine, married brothers, Donald and Peter MacIntyre in separate ceremonies at Ardchattan Priory (1787 and 1792). The couples emigrated to Canada shortly after the second ceremony. The brothers were from the House of Etive and were the g. g. grandsons of Duncan (I) and Mary Campbell.1 At the end of 1792, Jean, who was fifteen, married her distant cousin,2 the thirty-one year old, Rev. Duncan MacIntyre of Camus-na-h-Erie. Isabella married a McLennan and Lucy married John MacIntyre, after reaching the United States. The two youngest daughters, Jean and Mary, remained in Argyll. Jean’s marriage later became important in the lineage of the Camus-na-h-Erie cadet. Mary, the youngest daughter, did not marry, remaining in Glenoe with her parents and after their death, with her brother Duncan’s family, until they also left in 1806. Mary stayed in the area and in 1810 petitioned Lord Breadalbane for a pension, in the name of Glenoe.

James (III) died at Glenoe in 1799 and his wife, Lady Ann, died one year later in 1800. They were survived by one son, Capt. Duncan, and six daughters.

Donald, Fourth of Glenoe3
Donald (IV), Younger and Heir Apparent, was born c.1762, at Glenoe. According to Alexander James MacIntyre of Inveraray, a deputation of Masons went to Dalmally in 1780 and inducted him into St. John No. 50 Masonic Lodge.4 He was the second generation to enter the professions,5 which at that time was expected of the first son of a Chief. He studied medicine in Edinburgh, where there is a record of his passing his examinations for the medical faculty in 1782 and 1783.6 There is no other record concerning what, if any, additional training remained, although it probably involved a period of apprenticeship. In 1783, at age twenty-one, just after the conclusion of the American Revolution, Donald emigrated to New York to practice medicine. He left behind at Glenoe, his father, age fifty-six, his mother, two younger brothers, and six unmarried sisters.

In some references, it is said that the emigration of Donald to the United States was due to his family’s financial distress due to overbearing rental fees charged by Breadalbane. This assertion has no factual support. For a complete discussion of this and related items see Appendix I, Tenure of Glenoe. Dr. Donald started providing medical services on Long Island, New York.7 In 1784, one year after he arrived in America, Donald married a young lady of Dutch descent, Esther Haines of Mamaroneck, New York. Dr. Donald treated a wide variety of patients including Germans, Dutch, Native Americans, and even animals. The level of training at the University of Edinburgh far exceeded anything in the United States at that time, where medical education was still only by apprenticeship.8 Dr. Donald and Lady Esther moved up the Hudson River to Newburgh, New York where James, younger, and heir apparent, was born the first day of December 1785. The family moved again to Northumberland, Pennsylvania where they had three more sons, Donald, Thomas, and Martin.

There were no records of Donald being licensed to practice medicine in either New York or Pennsylvania because there were no medical schools or licensing boards and in 1785, the Constitution of the United States had yet to be 

1. They were 4th cousins. This information is from the late Roger Morris of South Africa via Marcia McIntyre of Australia.
2. 10th cousins from an unnamed Chief of Glenoe, who was the father of Patrick, 1st Camis-na-h-Erie.
3. As mentioned previously, Donald IV was never Chief, because he predeceased his father James (III).
4. Alexander James MacIntyre said Donald was inducted into Lodge St. John No. 50 of Inveraray at Damally in 1780. Duncan McIntyre of Australia has found that at that time, Lodge 50 was north of Stirling and not in Inveraray, and there is no record at this Lodge of Donald’s induction. However, he did find a record of an induction in 1782 of a "D. McIntyre into the Lodge Canongate, Kilwinning, No. 2 in Edinburgh, where medical students were commonly inducted.
5. Professions would be considered physician, lawyer, minister, and usually for younger brothers, the military.
6. The research was by Duncan of Australia.
7. Long Island was originally a Dutch possession when Henry Hudson explored it for the Dutch East India Company.
8. Edinburgh Medical School was established in 1736 and was the first in the English speaking world with a real curriculum. It was considered the leading center of medical education when it was attended by Donald (IV). Among it’s instructors was Dr. Alexander Munro, considered a master anatomist. He was succeeded by his son, who probably was Duncan’s anatomy instructor in 1778, when he entered Edinburgh Medical School. This school supplied most of the leading physicians, researchers, and educators to the school in London and Dublin and the rest of the English speaking world, including the United States where the first small school was not established until 1807. The first physician to achieve fame in the United States was Ephraim McDowell, "a well-trained physician who had studied at Edinburgh Medical School" before beginning practice in on the Kentucky frontier. Dr. Donald MacIntyre was among those students of Edinburgh Medical School who preceded Dr. McDowell. Ref. Medicine, An Illustrated History, A. S. Lyons and R. J. Petrucelli, Pub. By H. N. Abrams, 1978.

ratified. In the 1790 Census, a Doctor Donald McIntire, a wife, three sons, and an adult female, were listed as living in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. The adult female (not his wife) could have been a servant or possibly his sister Lucy, who had immigrated before she married. Donald’s last son, Martin, was born only weeks before Donald died in 1792. The records for administration of his estate, describe Donald (IV) both as a yeoman and doctor. His grave, in Northumberland, Pennsylvania, has never been located. We know the Cognizances of the Chief were kept in the family and that their correspondence always referred to him with pride, as Doctor Donald.

In the first edition, Dr. Donald was listed as the 4th of Glenoe. This was based on the records available in 1977 and the fact that there were no records to the contrary or even a tombstone with a date. Subsequent research has revealed that, without question, Dr. Donald died in 1792, seven years before his father, James (III), and therefore, he never became chief. Two hundred years later, this fact almost prevented the recognition by the Lyon Court of his g-g-g-g-grandson, James (VIII) of Glenoe. The numbering system, which includes Donald as the fourth Of Glenoe, was probably started in 1901 by Duncan MacIntyre, (XIV) of Camus-na-h-Erie, in the only other published history of Clan MacIntyres.1,2 At that time, the birth and death dates were not clearly established and there was the added problem of the movement of the Chiefs back and forth across the Atlantic. In this, the second edition of Clan MacIntyre, A Journey to the Past, Dr. Donald will remain as Donald (IV) primarily to avoid confusion when making comparisons with the first edition, but also to indicate his pivotal role in bringing the chiefship from Scotland to the United States at the time of a significant moment in the history of western civilization. In any event, the numbering system of chiefs is somewhat arbitrary and there is no official system. However, it is the general custom for Scottish chiefs to be numbered according to their sequence in their list of clan chiefs, regardless of their name. Usually, the given name is not used but replaced with their title, e.g. Tenth of Glenoe. Even so, as mentioned before, Duncan (I) was not the first Chief of Clan MacIntyre, or even the first name identifiable as chief. He is called, "first", because he is the first to be in a legal document that connected him with Glenoe. It is also based on subsequent documents, which refer to his son Donald, as Second of Glenoe. We could have started with earlier dates and earlier Chiefs, if the information were authenticated and more complete. Duncan (I)’s grandfather, Duncan, is the first Chief for whom we can accurately identify a name.

In 1792, Dr. Donald MacIntyre died at about age thirty, and was buried in Sunbury, Pennsylvania. He was survived by his three sons, and Lady Esther, who died in 1823.

James, Fifth of Glenoe
James (V) was born in 1785 in Newburgh, New York State, United States of America. He was only seven years old when his father died. The family moved from Pennsylvania to Johnstown, New York, to be near their aunties (Catherine, Anne, Isabella, and Lucy). As mentioned before, James, heir apparent, did not become Chief upon the death of his father because his grandfather, James (III), was still alive at Glenoe. James, the younger, now replaced his father as heir apparent to his grandfather. When James (III) died in 1799, his grandson James, now age fourteen, became the Chief, and in deference to his father, Dr. Donald, he is styled, James (V). This the youngest age for any MacIntyre to become chief although James (III) was not much older at sixteen.

In 1806, seven years after the death of his father, James received a letter from his Uncle Duncan. Duncan told him he was leaving Glenoe and moving his family to Edinburgh. Although only 21 years old, James went to Scotland and arrived at Glenoe shortly after Duncan had departed.3 James left behind in the United States, his widowed mother, and three younger teenage brothers. This suggests that the family may have thought there would be improved educational and financial opportunities in Scotland or simply that it was his duty to return, whatever the cost. In a letter from James (V), written two years after his arrival in Scotland, he said he had been traveling and he was sympathetic to the economic distress of others, without mentioning any difficulties of his own. James (V) stayed at Glenoe off and on from 1806 until 1810.4 There is no evidence that he left Glenoe because of economic

1. The MacIntyres of Glenoe and Camus-na-h-Erie, by Duncan MacIntyre, Edinburgh, 1901.
2. For those who might compare this history with other histories, note that MacIntyres, A Clan History by Duncan McIntyre of Australia, has numbered the Chiefs in the technically correct order, excluding Dr. Donald as a Of Glenoe because he predeceased his father. Thus, in Duncan’s history, James V, to be discussed next, is James (IV) in place of Donald (IV), and each succeeding Chief is accordingly numbered one lower.
3. It is an interesting coincidence that it was at age twenty-one that James’ father, Dr. Donald, left Scotland to practice medicine in the United States, the same age James left the United States to live in Scotland.
4. Although the last direct connection between James (V) and Glenoe was in the letter of 1808 there are good reasons for selecting 1810 as the date that all connections were severed between the MacIntyre chiefs and Glenoe. 1810 was the year the lease was transferred from Duncan to another MacIntyre and it was the year that Mary MacIntyre, James (V)’s aunt, requested a pension from the Earl of Breadalbane in the name of MacIntyres of Glenoe. Thus, 1810 is probably the year that both James and Mary left.

hardship. The tacksman contract to farm Glenoe was transferred from Duncan (who had died in 1808) to a John MacIntyre who had previously shared in running the sheepfold and apparently thought he could make a go of it. James (V) must have had some financial success since he stayed in Scotland for twelve more years, married, and started a family.

A family story handed down through the generations says that James went back to Scotland to further his education, where his father and grandfather were educated in the professions.1 Whatever his motivations and intentions, in a letter of 1808, James mentions traveling but nothing about furthering his education. He did mention trying to locate his Uncle Duncan in Edinburgh and having missed him by one day. We also have a copy of the coat of arms that James V said he copied verbatim from the Lyon’s office in Edinburgh. Thus, we know that James V had an interest in his family heritage. In his family history, James V, says that the last white cattle were seen at Glenoe in 1816. They might possibly have been remnants that John MacIntyre kept when he took over. The fact that James V mentioned these cattle indicates how closely the white cattle were associated with the history of Glenoe and the MacIntyre chiefs, who brought them there from Sleat and, possibly before then, from their legendary past in Scotia (Ireland). Thus, we are left with conflicting dates as to when MacIntyre were last resident at Glenoe. There is 1806, mentioned in some references, because it is the year that Duncan left. Then there is the letter from James (V) posted from Glenoe in 1808.2 1810 is the date assigned by George Calder in his notes on Verses on Arm3 and it is the year Duncan’s lease was transferred to John MacIntyre. It may have been the year that James (V). Finally, there is 1816, the year white cattle were still at Glenoe.4 We know that at by 1818 James was living in Arichastlich, in Glenorchy. Perhaps James (V)’s mention of the last sighting of white cattle at Glenoe signified the passing of the last vestige of the MacIntyre chiefs in Scotland other than Glenoe itself. The cattle were probably replaced with sheep, which was the common practice at that time. In the early Gaelic culture, ones worth was not in terms of land, which belonged to the clan but in terms of cattle, as was the case in most tribal systems. In Scots law, cattle were used to award and pay death duties. Today, there are still sheep, but there are no white cattle at Glenoe. Perhaps, if Glenoe is ever owned by MacIntyres, white cattle will return. On October 9, 1817, eleven years after returning to the land of his heritage, James (V), at age thirty-four, married Ann, the daughter of Joan Cameron and Patrick Campbell of Corries. They had nine children, eight sons and one daughter, of which seven survived past infancy. Their first three children, Donald, Peter, and James, were born in Argyllshire. In 1822, after sixteen years in Scotland, James returned to the United States with his family. They and settled on a farm north of Johnstown, Fulton County, New York. They had one daughter, Joan (Ann). Lady Ann did return to visit Scotland in 1831 when she would have been age 39 and perhaps while her parents were still living.

In 1852, James (V) authored an unpublished genealogy, which was invaluable in preparing this history of Clan MacIntyre. He also prepared a will in 1860 that specifically listed his heirlooms such as, ". . .my largest gold seal on which is engraved the Coat of Arms of the McIntyres of Glenoe, aforesaid mentioned also my silver cup or quaick. . . . six silver tablespoons having crest engraved upon them, . . . my gold seal ring, a crest engraved thereon." The whereabouts of the tablespoons is presently unknown.

Donald, younger and heir apparent, and Peter were both farmers, like their father. James manufactured gloves in Johnstown, Ewen founded a drug firm in New York City,5 Archibald became a wholesale provision merchant in Albany, New York, and Martin was a druggist in Fonda, New York. James died in 1863, age seventy-seven and his wife, Lady Ann, died in 1887, age ninety-five.

Donald, Sixth of Glenoe
Donald (VI) was born in 1818 at Glenorchy, Argyllshire, Scotland. He is the last MacIntyre Chief (Glenoe) to be born in Scotland. When he was only four years old, his parents emigrated to the United States. As a child, he lived near Johnstown and as an adult had a farm near Fonda, New York. Around age twenty-five, he married Phoebe Shepherd. They had five daughters before having their one and only son, James, heir apparent. In the order of birth, the children were Ann, Harriet, Jane, Laura, Marie (Minnie), Harriet, Jane, and James. Phoebe was age fifty-one 

1. The family genealogy, written by James V at the request of his children, does not provide any details concerning the motivations for his return to Scotland and Glenoe.
2. Although James (V) posted a letter from Glenoe in 1808, he says in his manuscript that Duncan was the last to "occupy" Glenoe. This could refer to the fact that the lease was in Duncan’s name and remained so until 1810, two years after Duncan’s death. While it appears that James (V) stayed at Glenoe, he didn’t think it correct to say he occupied it.
3. Bibliography 26, page 505.
4. Bibliography 9.
5. The twelve-story McIntyre Building is at the corner of 18th and Broadway in New York City. As described in a New York Times article, April 9, 2000, it is a designated a city historic landmark with the outside restored to its original appearance and the inside converted to cooperative apartments. Ewen was given an honorary doctorate by Columbia University, New York City, for his part in founding its School of Pharmacy.

at the time of James’ birth which was extremely unusual then and still is today. This was the fourth time starting with Duncan (I), that there was only one surviving son at the time of the Chief’s death. Donald became Chief at age forty-five. He died in Johnstown, New York in 1887 at the age of sixty-nine, predeceased by Lady Phoebe in 1882.

James, Seventh of Glenoe
James (VII) was born January 24,1864 at Switzer Hill, New York, just east of Fonda. At age twenty-three, James became Chief, and one year later, in 1888, he married Elizabeth Hopple. They farmed in McKinley, New York (Town of Mohawk) and raised seven children, three girls followed by four boys. In order of birth, the children were Margaret, Madeline, Emma, Donald, Wallace, John, and Lewis.1 He was predeceased by Lady Elizabeth, in 1915.

In the late 1920s, James (VII) began corresponding about the family history with Alexander James MacIntyre of Inveraray, Argyllshire, Scotland. He continued farming until 1925. In his last ten years of life, he stayed with his daughter, Madeline, in Canton, Pennsylvania. He died there in 1946, still working outdoors at age eighty-two.2

Donald, Eighth of Glenoe
Donald (VIII) was born on January 1 2,1896 at Palatine Bridge, New York. He was a farmer, in the tradition of all the Chiefs up to that time, except for Dr. Donald. On April 1921, at the age of twenty-six, he married Catherine Mary Hughes. They had a farm near Sharon Springs, New York where they raised their four children, James, Thomas, Robert, and Winifred. In 1933, he began corresponding with L. D. MacIntyre on behalf of his father, (James VII). He sent L.D. a copy of the MacIntyre history that they had received from Alexander James MacIntyre of Inveraray, a copy of the 1901 history by Duncan (XIV) of Camus-na-h-Erie, as well as the brief history James 5th of Glenoe wrote for his children. Thus, it was the Chief and his heir apparent, who introduced the two self-made historians of Clan MacIntyre. Donald became chief at age fifty. He retired from active farming but continued to work repairing farm implements and his correspondence with L. D. MacIntyre on Clan MacIntyre historical matters. In 1983, Donald (VIII) appointed L. D. MacIntyre as his Commander, in recognition of his lifelong effort as a Clan MacIntyre seanachie (historian), and for his efforts on behalf of the Chief. The position of Commander Cean-Cath was traditionally given to an individual who was acting on behalf of the Chief in time of conflict, or when the Chief was not able to act due to age or infirmity. At the same time, in recognition of their respective ages, eighty-seven and eighty-eight, Donald appointed M. L. MacIntyre, the son of L. D. MacIntyre, as Commander-elect.3 Donald (VIII) died in 1984 at Ames, New York followed shortly thereafter, in 1985, by Lady Catherine.

James, Ninth of Glenoe
James Wallace MacIntyre was born in June, 1922 at Canajoharie, New York. He married Marion Edith Williams on March 3, 1951. They had three children, Donald, Younger and Heir Apparent, Jeffrey and Jennifer. His vocation was auto mechanics, perhaps influenced by his father’s skill in this area. He was age sixty-two when he became Chief.4 James ( IX) reconfirmed L. D. MacIntyre as his Commander and M. L. MacIntyre as Commander-Elect. In 1989 James applied for the matriculation of his Arms and in 1991, he was awarded Letters Patent as Glenoe, Chief of Clan MacIntyre. Upon the death of L. D. MacIntyre, October 1991, M. L. MacIntyre became Commander to James (IX). James died in 1994 at age seventy-two and was survived by his wife, Lady Marion, and their three children. Donald,

Donald, Tenth Of Glenoe
Donald Russell MacIntyre was born on January 1, 1952 at Canajoharie, New York. He served in the United States Coast Guard and his vocation is carpentry. He became Chief in 1994 at age forty-two. Donald (X) possesses a quaffing cup, a great seal, and a signet ring, that are emblems of his Chiefship. The latter two are engraved with the traditional Arms of MacIntyre of Glenoe. In February 1998, Donald and his wife, Lady Louise, were blessed with the birth of James Thomas, younger and heir apparent.

1. It is via the Internet that contact was made with the descendants of Lewis, that produced items of historical interest, including letters between L.D. MacIntyre and Donald (VIII).
2. James was fatally kicked by a horse.
3. The title Commander is now used by the Lyon Court to recognize a temporary head of a Clan pending the recognition of a Chief.
4. This was the oldest recorded age for assuming the MacIntyre Chiefship.


Name of the Chief

Reign as Chief A

Age at Accession

Age at Death

Years as Chief


Maurice,The Wright




Son of The Wright

Son of Maurice (M)




M’s g’son




M’s gg’son




M’s ggg’son




M’s gggg’son




M’s ggggg’son




M’s gggggg’son




M’s ggggggg’son




M’s gggggggg’son





























John2, D
































Duncano F (I)






Donald (II)






James o (III)






Donald (IV)






James (V)






Donald (VI)






James (VII)






Donald (VIII)






James (XI) G






Donald (X)




Footnotes to the Genealogy of the Chiefs

The bold type indicates documented information
o - The superscript letter ( o ) indicates the only son living son of the Chief.
2 - The superscript number ( 2 ) indicates that it was the second son of the chief who inherited the chiefship. The second son inherited when his older brother died prior to the death of their father and before he had a son (apparent). The name is determined by the tradition of naming of the chief’s first son, younger, after the chief’s father (the son’s paternal grandfather) on the male side) and naming the second son after the grandfather on the mother’s side. When the names don’t match this pattern, it is assumed that the first son lived long enough to be named (usually one year), but died before his father without having a living son of his own. Death in infancy, or a violent death before marriage, was a common occurrence. In this instance, since the name of Duncan’s first son was Duncan, it can be assumed that Duncan’s father was Duncan. The precedence for naming the second son when both grandfathers had the same name is not known by this author.
A – The reign as Chief is a single date when there is no death date for the preceding chief. These dates are guesstimates working back from known dates and using twenty-five years as one generation, i.e. the age at which the Chief had a living son that inherited the chiefship. Other information that is used in the estimates includes knowledge of whether an heir was of age, the father was still living, and the likely age of the person(s) involved in the activity (witness, warfare, birth, death, average lifespan.)
B – Donald is Duncan’s brother and therefore there isn’t a generation between them. According to the story, his older brother’s widow was still living, and so was his older brother’s son, Duncan, who would and should have been heir apparent if fate had not intervened.
C -This is from a list of Chiefs that focused on Archibald (d.1532), grandson of Malcolm’s second son, Duncan, and the beginning of the House of Stranmore. Archibald is reputed to have brought back the body of the slain 2nd Duke of Argyll from the Battle of Flodden, 1513. This would have meant that Archibald was old enough to fight in 1513 (i.e., over age 16 ) and responsible enough to be trusted with the Dukes body (probably age 25). If this has given you a headache, you can imagine how many I have endured trying to keep these names, places, and dates straight.
D - 1556 Bond to Glenorchy. From the names listed on this document, it is clear that Duncan’s father and son weren’t present. Except for illness, this means Duncan’s father, Malcolm, was dead and his son was not old enough to be a witness. This would make Duncan at least 21 (to be a witness) but more likely closer to 45 years old (or his father would still be alive). If he were older than 45 his son might have been old enough to be a witness. This means he could have become Chief around age 30 –35 (age at the death of his father) which would make the year 1540-45. From this date, you can work back by generations to speculate on the beginning of the reign of his father and grandfather. However, with each generation removed, the range gets wider because the degree of speculation increases.

It wasn’t until 1432, that a Campbell became Lord Glenorchy. Therefore, the murder of a Campbell in the story of The Two Sons of Duncan, had to have been after 1432 for a Lord Glenorchy to have jurisdiction. The only other information we have as to the date is it was in the minority of King James the First, by one account and a blank for which King James, by another account. If it were James I of Scotland, then it would be between 1394 to 1412. If it were James II of Scotland, then it would be between 1431 and 1449.. The murder referred to in the 1556, Bond to Glenorchy was close to1440. It is conceivable that they refer to the same event.
E - The name came from a bail bond in 1590. Researched by Duncan of Australia.
F - The first MacIntyre recorded as a Chief on an existing document
G- The first MacIntyre Chief known to be recognized by the Lyon Court of Heraldry and Arms. If you count back seventeen generations from James (IX) you will reach Duncan and Donald the two sons of Chief Duncan and his two sons. In the story, one of the sons had to leave the area with his family so there wouldn’t be a disputed chiefship. It is probably just a coincidence, but the present Camus-na-h-Erie is the XVII, and he is approximately the same generation in age as James (IX). Could it be that Patrick, the first Camus-na-h-Erie from the Glenoe Chief wasn’t the younger brother of the chief but instead the eldest living son of either Duncan or Donald, whoever left Glenoe?
H Starting with Maurice the Wright, as the first Chief, this would make Donald, the the 31st Chief of Clan MacIntyre and the 10th to be styled "of Glenoe." By comparison, the 12th Duke of Argyll is the 26th Chief of Clan Campbell. The Chiefs of Clan MacIntyre must predate by many generations its cadet, the 17th Camus-na-h-Erie, and since the Campbells were not part of the original Scoti clans, it stands to reason that it also predate the Campbells by many generations. Conversely, if Clan MacIntyre originated only shortly before its cadet (1400s), then one would expect a legend of heroics, military prowess or wealth to account for such a late beginning and this would be found in the stories of the neighboring Clans. Instead, we find no legends, only a 1440 murder of a Campbell, and a 1556 Bond to Glenorchy. As unhappy as that event must have been, it certainly demonstrates the ancient derivation of Clan MacIntyre.

Name and dates ( birth, marriage and death) of the MacIntyre Chiefs of Glenoe and their families.

Name and dates ( birth, marriage and death) of the MacIntyre Chiefs of Glenoe and their families.

Duncan (GF)

b. ~ 1590, Glenoe d. ~ 1640, Glenoe

m. __________________________ Donald (Gillepatrick)?

b. ___________ d. ____________

Donald (F)

b. ~ 1605 d. before 1661

m. __________________________ Duncan

b. ___________ d. ____________

Duncan (I)

b. ~ 1640, Glenoe d. ~ 1722, Glenoe

m. (1663) Mary, daughter of Patrick Campbell, (I) of Barcaldine Donald John (Patrick)?

b. 1643 d. 1695, Glenoe

Donald (II)

b. 1666 Glenoe d. ~ 1743, Glenoe

m. (1) Janet, daughter of Gillespic (Archibald) MacDonnell of Keppoch (~ 1691) Daughter (name unknown)

(2) Catherine, daughter of Alexander Duncan Alexander James Catherine Mary

MacDonald of Dalness (1714)

b. 1682 d. 1763

James (III)

b. 1727, Glenoe d. 1799, Glenoe

m. Ann, daughter of Alexander Campbell Donald Martin Duncan Catherine Anne Isabella Jean Mary of Barcaldine (1758)

b. 1741 d. 1812

Donald (IV) Apparent

b. 1762, Glenoe d. 1792, Northumberland, PA

Emigrated to Long Island, New York in 1783

m. Esther Haines (1784) James Donald Thomas Martin

b. 1765 d. 1823

Mamaroneck, NY Johnstown, NY

James (V)

b. 1 Dec 1785 d. 9 Jan 1863

Newburgh, NY Johnstown, NY

m. Ann, daughter of Peter Campbell of Corries Donald Peter James Ewen Archibald Joan Martin

(Descended from Barcaldine) (1817)

b. 27 Jul 1792 d. 26 Feb 1887

Corries, SCT Johnstown, NY


Donald (VI)

b. July 1818 d. 29 28 Sep 1887

Argyllshire, SCT Johnstown, NY

m. Phebe Shepard abt. 1843 Ann Harriet Jane Laura Minnie James

b. 6 Jan 1813 NY City d. 2 Aug 1882

6/12/1812 1819?

James (VII)

b. 24 Jan 1864 d. 26 June 1946

Switzer Hill, NY Canton, NY

m. Elizabeth Hopple (31 Oct 1888) Donald John Wallace Louis Margaret Madeline Emma

b. 25 Jul 1866 d. 24 Oct 1915

Mohawk, NY

Donald (VIII)

b. 12 Jan 1896 d. 17 Apr 1984

McKinley, NY Ames, NY

m. Catherine Mary Hughes (3 Apr 1921) James Thomas Robert Winifred

b. 4 Sep 1901 d. 22 Mar 1985

Palatine Bridge, NY

James (IX) (James Wallace)

b. 17 Jun 1922 d. 22 May 1994

Canajoharie, NY Canajoharie, N.Y. Donald Jeffrey Jennifer

m. Marion Edith William (3 Mar 1951)


Palatine Bridge, NY

Donald (X) (Donald Russell)

b. 1 Jan 1952 d. Living

m. Louise (full name) James

b. ?

James, Apparent (James Thomas)

b. 1998 d. Living


Prior To The First Chieftain of Record
The House of Camus-na-h-Erie is the senior and only recognized cadet (branch) of MacIntyre of Glenoe. This House is descended from Patrick, a younger brotherr of a chief of the House of Glenoe, many generations before Duncan (I). Assuming an average of twenty-five years for each generation, this would bring the birth of Patrick's elder brother (The Glenoe) back seventeen generation or 425 years. This would be c.1450 going back from the present Camus-na-h-Erie (1979). If we start at 1725, the date Duncan, the ninth of Camus-na-h-Erie was age thirty, it would bring us back 225 years to 1500. Using Table #?, the elder brother of Patrick (I) would have been either John or Malcolm. A flight of fancy could have Patrick as the son or grandson of Duncan Og, or Donald Faich.

It would also be safe to assume that the Glenoe chiefship probably extended many generations prior to the establishment of a cadet. Fourteen generations prior to the establishment of the House of Camus-na-h-Erie, would bring us to 1150, the date of Somerled, mentioned in one version of the origin of Clan MacIntyre.

Patrick (I) possessed land on the shores of Loch Leven, at Camus na h-Eireadh. It is also spelled, Camus-na- h-Eirghe, Camus-na-Heridhe and, as one word, Camusnahere. As with many things associated with the MacIntyres, the mean of Camus-na-h-Erie is unclear. In the first edition it was translated as, ‘the Bay of the Alders’. There is agreement that Camus-na-h means ‘bay of the’ but the meaning of Erie (spelled and perhaps pronounced two or three different ways) is unclear. Besides ‘alder’ it could mean ‘boundary’, ‘wall’, or ‘between marshes’. Thus, it remains for Gaelic scholars to agree on the meaning of the name, after comparing it with the actual site. Looking at a map there is a small dip in the shoreline, which might be called a bay and there is a riverlet that empties into Loch Leven at this point.

(Map of Loch Leven and area possessed by Camus-na-h-Erie.)

Many family members of this cadet branch are buried on the Island of St. Munn (Eilan Munde) in Loch Leven, which is called Tom Chamuis-na-h-erie (mound Camus-na-h-Erie). As listed by the Lyon Court in their1955 Letters Patent for Camus-na-h-Erie cadet, the chieftains or representers, are named as follows: Alexander (II), Angus (III), John (IV), William (V), Duncan (VI), John (VII), William (VIII). These names don’t seem to follow the paternal grandfather pattern for naming the first son and heir. However, this can be easily explained by the high death rate in childhood which would bring other names while still following the traditional naming practice. This would also have the effect of lengthening the time between generations by having younger sons inheriting.

Duncan, Ninth of Camus-na-h-Erie
Duncan (XI) was probably born in c.1695. He is the first Chieftain for which there is a definitive record. According to the 1901 history of Glenoe and Camus-na-h-Erie, the gravestone of Duncan and his wife Mary Mackenzie was in the family burial ground on the Isle of St. Munn.1 It said, "the ninth in descent from his Chief Glenoe." Duncan and Mary had three sons - John, heir apparent, William, who lived to be 101 and the youngest son, Donald, who died at Culloden, age eighteen. They also had one daughter. Duncan died in 1755.

John, Tenth of Camus-na-h-Erie
John (X) was born shortly before c.1719. He married Margaret MacDonald, just before or just after he went to fight in the 45' Rising. He was wounded in 1746, fighting on the victorious Jacobite side at the Battle of Falkirk. On the opposite side of the same battle was Duncan Ban MacIntyre. Since Duncan’s sword was not only lost, but never used, we can be certain that John wasn’t wounded by his MacIntyre clansman. John was perhaps lucky to have been wounded in that first battle since his younger brother, Donald, was killed in the last battle at Culloden.

John and Lady Margaret had three sons (Ewen, Alexander and Duncan) and three daughters (Fanny, Jean and Catherine). Ewen, and any male issue he may have had, predeceased John (X), so Alexander became heir apparent. The third son, Duncan, became a minister in the Church of Scotland. When he was 35, he married Jean MacIntyre, the youngest daughter of James (III) of Glenoe, who was only age fifteen. They had 15 children, 8 boys and 7 girls. (Something about where they all went including Barry’s GGG

1. Duncan of Australia would like to see a picture of this tombstone and wonders if it still exists. I Think Ian XVII of Camus-na-h-Erie has a photo of the tombstone???

Alexander, Eleventh of Camus-na-h-Erie
Alexander (XI), was born in 1747 or 1748. He married Julia MacIntyre, the daughter of a physician in Ft. William. This indicates that there were MacIntyres who weren’t close relations and lived outside of Loch Leven, Loch Etive, or Glenorchy. She was born in 1761 and assuming she was at least fifteen years old before marrying, they were married after 1776. They were the last of this line to possess Camus-na-h-Eire and probably left it for reasons similar to Glenoe. Although no longer possessing the land, they continued to live there. They had 10 children, 5 boys, and 5 girls. Alexander (XI) died in 1814, at age c. 65 leaving Peter as his only surviving son.

Peter, Twelfth of Camus-na-h-Erie
Peter (XII) was a Lieutenant in the Royal Marines and served against Napoleon. He was an accomplished poet and one of his poems is included in Part V. There is no information on his birth date or the date he married Miss Falconer. Assuming, that his parents were married after 1776, and that he was born a year later, then he would have been born in 1777 and became Chieftain at age c. 37. He died without issue in 1855, at the age of 78.

John, Thirteenth of Camus-na-h-Erie
John (XIII) was born in 1794, the eldest son of Rev. Duncan and Jean MacIntyre, the daughter of James MacIntyre, 3rd of Glenoe. Rev. Duncan was the third son of John, 10th of Camus-na-h-Erie.. When Peter, 12th of Camus-na-h-Erie, died in 1777 without issue he was succeeded by his nephew John, who was 61 when he became Chieftain. He was the 13th Camus-na-h-Erie in descent from his chief, Glenoe, in the male line, and 2nd in the female line through his mother Jean. It is through his mother that the House of Camus-na-h-Erie possesses a Glenoe cup and seal, and possibly the Glenoe Box. John was educated at King’s College Aberdeen and like his father, became a Presbyterian minister. In 1826, at age 32, he married Eliza Clark. They resided in Kilmonivaig, Argyllshire where he was the parish minister for forty-two years. They had 10 children, 5 boys and 5 girls. He was a poet, Gaelic scholar, and promoted education in the Highlands. During his lifetime, he gave personal references to many of the MacIntyres who emigrated to Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.1 In honor of his many accomplishments, he was awarded an honorary LL.D. degree by his alma mater, King’s College. He died in 1870 at age seventy-six. Lady Eliza died in 1878.

Duncan, Fourteenth of Camus-na-h-Erie
Duncan (XIV) was born in 1831 at Blarour. At age thirty, he married Marion Martin, daughter of the Provost of Greenock where he worked for Her Majesty’s Customs. They had one sons, Ian, heir apparent. Duncan owned an ocean going ship at Leith. Marion was given a large, leather-bound Bible by her nephew William and since then, all births, marriages and deaths have been recorded there and passed down through the generations. In 1888, Duncan’s younger brother, John Walker MacIntyre, wrote about Clan MacIntyre in a letter to the editor of the Oban Times. In1901, Duncan published the first extant book on the history of Clan MacIntyre from which much of the information about the Camus-na-h-Erie and Glenoe ancestors is taken.2 Prior to these actions, the only written documentation about Clan MacIntyre was the letter from James (V) of Glenoe to his children in 1852. Duncan and Lady Marion died in 1916.

Ian, Fifteenth of Camus-na-h-Erie
Ian (XV) was born in 1869. In his youth, he played rugby, representing Scotland. He graduated from Fettes College, was a lawyer, became a Writer to the Signet, and sat in the House of Parliament in Westminster as MP for West Edinburgh. At age twenty-seven, he married Ida van der Gucht. They had six children, two sons, and four daughters. The first son, Duncan, who was named after his grandfather, predeceased his father in 1930, without issue and Alastair, the second son, became heir apparent. In 1946, Ian died suddenly at age 77 after giving a Founder’s Day speech at his alma mater, Fettes College. Ida predeceased him in 1942.

1. It was very important to carry a letter of introduction and none better than from the minister of your parish in Scotland.
2. Bibliography 16.

Alastair, Sixteenth of Camus-na-h-Erie
Alastair (XVI) was born in 1913. Like his father, he was educated at Fettes College, a tradition which has continued to the present day. He received a scholarship to Caius College, Cambridge University. At age 26 he married Margery Constance Grant-Morris on the fourth of September, 1939, the day after Great Britain declared war on Germany. Alastair and Margery met as actors on the London stage. Alastair volunteered for service and was a Major in the Royal Scots at the end of the war. He was wounded crossing the Rhine in 1944. His earlier acting experience and sonorous voice led naturally to his post-war vocation in radio broadcasting. In 1949 he was appointed Chief Announcer for the BBC in Scotland.

In 1946, at age 33, he became the 16th Camus-na-h-Erie chieftain. Alastair was granted Arms by the Lyon Court in 1955, as the Representer (Chieftain) of the senior cadet of MacIntyre of Glenoe. The Arms were designed by the Lyon Court using the emblems from Duncan (I) of Glenoe’s tombstone (see page ?) His Arms are significantly different from the traditional Arms of Glenoe as represented by the great seal.

Alastair and Margery had two sons, Ian, younger and heir apparent, and Peter. Peter became a colonel in the Royal Scots Regiment. Alastair (XVI) died in 1979 and Lady Margery predeceased him in 1978.

Ian, Seventeenth of Camus-na-h-Erie
Ian (XVII) was born in 1940. He was educated at Fettes College, Geneva University in Switzerland, Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, and Christ’s College in Cambridge, England, where he studied languages. At age twenty-eight, he married Angela Tickner. They had three children, Duncan Ban, younger and heir apparent, Anabell, and Abigail.

Ian has had a business career as a wine merchant, a sheepskin clothing company, and lastly, Director for Export Sales for Aquascutum. In 1993, he joined the Her Majesty’s Department of Trade and Industry to encourage exports to Scandinavia. He is now divorced and lives in Edinburgh.

Duncan Ban, Younger and Heir Apparent, was named after the famous MacIntyre poet. Duncan graduated in Latin American Studies at Essex University and is Director of Chase Manhattan Bank in the City of London. Anabell, graduated in History of Art at Northumberland University and works for Warner Bros. Abigail graduated in Archaeology at Edinburgh University.

Ian became 17th of Camus-na-h-Erie 1979, at age 39. He possesses a cup and a great seal of Glenoe, and a traveling desk called the Glenoe Box. The Glenoe Box is of high quality and would have been worthy of the home of a chief and man of letters, James (III) of Glenoe. It now contains the transatlantic correspondence between the Camus-na-h-Erie family in Scotland and the Glenoe family in the United States during the 1800s.

(Photo) Glenoe box. Possession of Donald Ban, Younger and Heir Apparent to the 17th MacIntyre Chieftain of Camus-na-h-Erie.

(PHOTO) A great seal and cup of Glenoe.

How did a cup and seal of Glenoe come into the possession of the senior cadet? Here is my guess, which is certainly open to being contradicted by argument or evidence. James (III) had seventeen years to live when his heir apparent, Donald, Younger, emigrated to the United States in 1783. Before Donald left, his father gave him a gold signet ring with the crest, a silver cup, silver spoons, and a great seal. However, James retained another cup and seal as emblems of his Chiefship. These may have been bequeathed by James (III) or by his wife, Lady Ann, to their daughter Jean, who was married to the Rev. Duncan MacIntyre. Rev. Duncan was the youngest son of John, 10th of Camus-na-h-Erie. It was their son, Duncan who became 13th of Camus-na-h-Eire and these congnizances of the Glenoe Chief have been passed down in the senior cadet through the generations.

But why would they be given to Jean and not to another daughter or to his only surviving brother, Capt. Duncan? James (III) had never seen James, Heir Apparent, a fourteen year old in far off United States with a widowed mother. James, had already had inherited a cup, great seal and signet ring from his father, Dr. Donald. James (III) had given these to Dr. Donald before he left for the New World. James (III)’s brother, Capt. Duncan, had only one child, a daughter and his other daughter, Mary, was unmarried. So Jean’s son John, was the only male left in Scotland to carry on the family name and as a bonus, of sorts, Jean was married a MacIntyre of the Camus-na-h-Erie, the senior cadet. Under these circumstances, it would have been natural for him to pass on the remaining heirloom to his daughter Jean and her son John. Again, we will never know the absolute truth unless someone finds a letter or record somewhere. This is a good reason for cleaning out the attic but not before emptying every box and reading everything in them. Unfortunately, these are mutually exclusive activities.

Chieftains of the House of Camus-na-h-Erie1

Patrick (I), younger brother or son of a Glenoe Chief who became established at Camus-na-h-Erie
Alexander (II)
Angus (III)
John (IV)
William (V)
Duncan (VI)
John (VII)
William (VIII) Before written records are available.

Duncan (IX) First verifiable chieftain, as recorded on his tombstone (1695).
John (X) – Ewen (without issue), Alexander (XI), Duncan (married Jean, daughter of James (III) Glenoe)
Alexander (XI) Last to occupy Camus-na-h-Erie ▼
Peter (XII) – Without issue. ▼
John (XIII) Son of Duncan and Jean
Duncan (XIV)
Ian (XV)
Alastair (XVI)
Ian (XVII) – Duncan Ban, younger, heir apparent

1. From the Letters Patent awarded Alastair MacIntyre (XVI) of Camus-na-h-Erie by the Lyon Court in 1955.


Glenoe is acknowledged as the Chief of the main branch of Clan MacIntyre. Camus-na-h-Erie is acknowledged as the senior cadet branch of the House of Glenoe. These are the only MacIntyre Houses recognized by the Lyon Court and the only ones to have petitioned for such recognition.

However, there are a number of other places where there were concentrations of MacIntyres who may have been a cadet or sept of Clan MacIntyre. One of these resided on the other side of Ben Cruachan in Glenorchy, where there were arguably more MacIntyres than in Glenoe; large enough to have a tartan ascribed to them. It is also known that in the 1556 bond of man-rent, that the MacIntyres who were present and referred to as Clan Teir, probably resided in Glenorchy. From their close proximity to Glenoe, it is possible, even likely, that they were a cadet of Glenoe.

Appendix 6 of Duncan of Australia’s history, lists the genealogy of a family, designated as "MacIntyres of Stranmore, Glen Orchy" beginning c.1480 with Duncan, the son of Malcolm, a Glenoe Chief. Stranmore is the family to which James Alexander MacIntyre of Inveraray thinks he and Duncan Ban MacIntyre belong. Duncan of Australia urges caution in accepting this list as fact, which is true of all undocumented lists. Regardless, a large concentration of MacIntyre have resided in Glenorchy of centuries. They have a separate tartan and probably, at one time, had a Chieftain as well. The existence of a MacIntyre House of Stranmore in Glenorchy as a sept or cadet of MacIntyre of Glenoe, is consistent with the many legends (see Part V, The Two Sons of Duncan.

House of Stranmore




Duncan Ban’s


Alexander James of Inveraray

1455 - 80










1504 - 30





1530 - 60





1555 - 90










1605 - 40





1630 - 65





Archibald (killed in ambush)

1655 - 90





First five sons killed in battle





Alexander – 6th son, joiner

1705 - 50


1724 - 1812

Duncan Ban (poet)


Alexander – 1st son








Alexander – 6th child



Alexander – 9th child



Alexander James



Alexander Bell

Birth and Death

1450 Malcolm, Chief of Glenoe
1480 Duncan (I), second son of Malcolm and first Chieftain of this unofficial Cadet of Glenoe.
1532 Archibald (II), brought back body of 2nd Duke of Argyll from the Battle of Flodden in 1513.
1562 Duncan (III) Callum
1596 Alexander (IV) Hamish
1625 John (V) Ian (John)
1650 Alexander (VI) Alister
1675 Archibald (VII) Alister
1750 Alexander (VIII) /
1775 Alexander (IX) /
1800 Alexander (X) /
1850 Alexander (XI)
1900 Alexander (XII)
1922 Alexander (XIII)

House of Etive
There is even less reason to mention this group as a separate House except we know that there were concentrations of MacIntyres in Dalness and it vicinity at the head of Loch Etive.. It may appear on the map as being close to Glenoe and it certainly is on the same side of Ben Cruachan. However, if one were to try to walk from Glenoe to Dalness at Inveretive it would become apparent that this did not occur frequently. The best method was and still is by boat on Loch Etive. Even so, it takes some time, and if it were by paddling, a great deal longer.