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2008 World Gathering of MacIntyres Taynuilt, Scotland
A second Post Gathering Report from Martin MacIntyre

8 August 2008

Dear Friends,


Sporting Competition Winners

It is appropriate to announce the winners of the First World Invitational MacIntyre Golf, Fly Casting, and Dart Tournaments (Deemed the MacIntyre Skill Triathlon) at the start of the Olympics.  The winner of all three events on the women’s side was Fiona McIntyre, Queensland, Australia.  She was the only competitor, male or female to catch a fish and she caught two!  She was also the only female to compete and complete all three events, making her our female Triathlete.

On the men’s side, the winner of the golf tournament was Ben MacIntyre, Montana USA who tied for low score with our only professional golfer, Gordon McIntyre, Zimbabwe/St. Andrews.  Ben’s brother, Shane MacIntyre had the longest fairway drive and Aaron Reed, South Carolina USA, came closest to the hole.  Daryl McIntire, Indiana USA, came in second with a score of 40 closely followed Judson McIntire, Virginia USA (41), Aaron Reed, South Carolina USA (42), and David Parks, California USA (45).

Since there were no male winners in the fly casting tournament (tied for second?), the male triathlete was decided at the Dart Tournament.  Martin Chrisney was the winner with Mark McIntire taking second in the championship game.  Aaron Reed and Shane MacIntyre were tied for third. The male triathlete was Aaron Reed closely followed by Martin Chrisney.

Winning the First World MacIntyre Invitational Tournament is its own reward. However, the two triathletes will receive a Mac An T’Saoir tee shirt.

Refunds and Payments Due

There were individuals who make last minute decisions to attend an event but didn’t get the opportunity to pay.  I have some records but would appreciate it if they would let me know what they owe and make the necessary payment via PayPal or Check.

Along with all the wonderful experiences there were some miscommunications and missed buses that resulted in attendees missing pre-paid scheduled events. For those miscues, I can only apologize.

Refunds will be provided for if the event was cancelled or you missed it through no fault of your own.  Please send the name(s) and event(s) with the amount for each person. 

Requests must be made by 25 Aug because:

a.       The financial accounts must be closed,

b.      Memories fade, and

c.       I have Jury Duty on September 2nd

There are three choices you can make for part, or all, of a refund.

1.       Have the funds sent directly to you by the method you sent them i.e. check or PayPal.

2.       Designate the refunds to defray the additional costs of the Gathering.

3.       Designate the refunds as a donation to the newly-formed The Clan MacIntyre Trust (a Scottish Charity).

We cannot have a final accounting until all expenses (including refunds) have been paid.  You can be assured that no one will profit from the Gathering.  Rosemary and I have gladly made two trips to Scotland to arrange this adventure. The sense of joy and fulfillment that the Gathering provided has been our reward.

Donations to the Clan MacIntyre Trust will go to maintaining our heritage e.g., plaques at the Glen Noe cairn and the Stone of the Fatted Calf, a covering of Duncan (I)’s grave site at Ardchattan Priory, restoration of the water-stained wooden surface of the MacIntyre Coat of Arms at the St. Conan’s kirk choir stall, and completion of the Trust website where clan pipe tunes, poetry and tartan’s can be displayed.  You will be informed when the Trust is duly incorporated and has a Scottish Charities number.  

There were some who made deposits but weren’t able to come and asked that their deposits be used to defray the costs of the Gathering.  They will receive a copy of the souvenir program.

Galley Aileach Ride

One of the more exciting events would have been a ride on the Galley Aileach, a reconstruction of the type of galley the founder of our Clan built and was an important part of our origin stories.  Unfortunately, bad weather (rain and high winds) kept the Aileach in port most of the time so only a few attendees were able to have a ride.

The Aileach Galley Trust is a Scottish Charity and would have been the recipient of the $30 that I collected for each Galley Ride. The Trust isn’t allowed to charge for rides but asks riders to obtain an annual membership for 15 pounds ($30).   All payments that I collected for Galley Rides that didn’t take place are refundable upon request.  Money that isn’t refunded will be sent to the Aileach Galley Trust as a donation, unless you state you want it to be used to offset the Gathering losses.  Regardless, there will have to be a minimum donation to the Aileach Trust for their good faith effort and commitment to maintaining an important part of the Scottish and MacIntyre heritage.

FYI: The grand plan was to have the Aileach come to Glen Noe on Sunday.  This would be preceded by our piper (Mark McIntire) coming over the hill behind the crowd at the beach who would turn around to hear the MacIntyre March as see the banners carried by our stalwart men, Colin McIntyre, Bennie MacEntyre and Ian Simpson.  Then the Galley was supposed to arrive with our master piper at the bow and members of the organizing committee to be welcomed ashore by their cheering clansmen and women.  It would have been quite a sight, but it was not to be.  Although the winds were very high, the Aileach captain cast off anyway, only to be blown ashore and entangled on a buoy line. The Aileach crew made a dangerous attempt to untangle the line by jumping into the frigid waters of Loch Etive. The crew and additional rowers (including my son-in-law, grandson, and his two Italian classmates) plus the passengers (including Archie, our master piper) had to be rescued by Ronnie Campbell on our lead motor boat.  These things are unanticipated risks of having a large outdoor event like our Gathering.

Post-Gathering Communication

Post-Gathering reports are now at

If you want to communicate with other MacIntyres please register at AOIS, is the community forum, and more specifically there is a Clan MacIntyre forum.

While there are already two other web forums related to the recent Clan MacIntyre Gathering ( and there are good reasons for me to recommend AOIS.  First, the parent site is, the premier Scottish web site, owned and operated by one of our own, Alastair McIntyre.  Second, Alastair has been instrumental in posting all MacIntyre items at no cost to us, most recently those for the Gathering.  Without his help the Gathering would not have been possible.  To use his community forum site not only makes sense, but is the right thing to do given his unending efforts on our behalf. Most web sites exist on income from advertisers, based on the number of times the site is accessed. To the extent we use AOIS,  will be compensated by the advertisers. The third reason, and most practical reason is to have only one site to visit for all things MacIntyre - photos, stories and contacting other MacIntyres.  This site can do what I can no longer do, be our communication hub.

[Note from Alastair McIntyre: When you join the Aois system you will be able to add your own picture albums to the community and these can be made public or private.  When others join that you would like to be able to view your private pictures you can add them as "friends" enabling them to view them.]

There have been a number of requests for names, addresses and e-mail addresses of the attendees. I will provide a list of those attendees who give their permission.  This will take some time but should be completed in time for the holidays.  In the mean time, for communicating please register at AOIS


We can be thankful that:

a.                   We were able to attend the Gathering since many who wanted to could not.
                  No one was seriously ill or injured.
                   The midges gave us a reprieve.
                  The weather was good when it counted most: Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday


A number of people saw MacIntyre T-shirts that people were wearing and asked if they could obtain one.  Others asked for additional copies of the souvenir programme or wanted a photo album/DVD.  These requests will be considered in October after the Gathering accounting and my jury duty have been completed.

 Sincerely,       Martin MacIntyre, Gathering Convenor

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