(The authorship of this Memorial has been attributed
to Duncan Forbes of Culloden.)
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I NOW proceed to Narrate the Highland followings and
dependances beginning in the South at Argyll-Shire.
CAMPBELLS.—In the Irish (Gaelic) tongue Called
Clanquin. The Duke of Argyll is their Chieften, and is
Named in the Highlands Mack-Callen-More, he can raise
out of his own property, Small Vassals, and Kinsmen
Lands, 3000 Men. The Earl of Broadalbine more than
1000 and the many Great Barrons such as Auchinbreck,
Ardkindloss, Lochnell, etc., etc., at least Another
1000. So that that Clan Could bring to the field above
5000 Men besides a Vast many Barrons and Gentlemen,
not only out of Argyll, but out of Dumbarton,
Streoling and Perth Shires, and are at present the
Richest and Most Numerous Clan in Scotland, their
Countreys and Bounds Most Extensive, their
Superiorities, Jurisdictions and other Dependances by
far the Greatest in the Kingdom, which makes them the
familie of Greatest Significancy and power in North
Brittain and Always has been So, Since the Declyn of
the Douglasses, the totall Fall of the Cummins, and
the extinction of the Earl of Ross his Familie.
MACKLEANS. -In Irish called Clan Lein, Sir Hector
Macklean is their Chieften and is Called in the
Highlands Mackillein, was a very potent Clan About 200
years Agone, and Could have raised above 800 men, but
now that the familie of Argyll are possessed of their
Chieften’s Estate, they will hardly make 500, and even
Many of these brought out of the Duke’s Lands.
MACKLACHLEN.—In Irish Called Clan Lachlen, the Laird
of Macklachlen is the Chief, can raise 200 Men.
OF ASSIN.----The Laird of Assin is the Chief, he holds
his Lands of the Crown, and can raise 300 Men.
MCDOUGALS OF LORN.—In Irish called Clanrickcuil, their
Chieften the Laird of Makdougall and is Called in the
Highlands Mackcuill Lorn, was a more potent familie of
old but now much Diminished by the Campbells, and Can
(I believe) Still bring out 200 Men.
Proceeding Northward by the Coast and Isles.
MACKDONALD OF SLATE.—Sir Alexander Mackdonald is their
Chief, in Irish Called Mack-Conell simply, by way of
Preheminence, he has a very considerable Estate which
holds all of the Crown, and lyes in the Isles of Skye
and Uist and can bring out 700 Men.
MACKDONALD OF CLANRONALD. In Irish the Chieften is
Called Mackick-allen, and in English Captain of
Clanronald, he has a very handsome estate, holds most
of it of the Crown, which lyes in Moidart, and Arisack,
on the Continent, and in the Isles of Uist, Benbecula,
Cana, Rum, etc., he brings out 700 Men.
MACKDONALD OF GLENGARY.—The Laird of Glengary is their
Chief, who in Irish is Called Mackick Alaster, he has
a pretty good estate, all holden of the Crown, which
lyes in the Countreys of Glengary, and Knoidart, both
on the Continent, and Can bring out 500 Men.
MACKDONALD OF KEPOCH. Kepoch is their Chieftain, in
Irish is called Mackickvailt, he is not so much as a
Propriatar of one furr of Land, but only Tacksmen and
tennants, both himself and kinsmen, in most of their
possessions, to the Laird of Mackintosh, and the
remaining part to the Duke of Gordon, all lying in
Lochaber, he can raise and bring out 150 men.
MACKDONALD OF GLENCO.—-The Laird of Glenco is their
Chief, who in Irish is Called Mackickian,’ he is but a
very small propriatar, he holds his lands of Stewart
of Apin, and Can raise 150 Men.
Five Chieftens of Mackdonalds, all Claim a Lineal
Descent from Alexander Mackdonald, Earl of Ross,
Successor and Representative of Donald of the Isles,
but none of them have any Clear Documents to Vouch the
Same, So that that great and Aspyring Familie, who
wadged frequent wars with our Scots Kings, and who
Acted as Sovereigns themselves, and oblidged Most of
the Clans to Swear Fealty to them, is now Utterly
Extinct, The last Earl having No Sons, neither had he
any Near Male relation to Succeed him.
CAMERONS.—A very potent Clan in Lochaber, the Laird of
Lochiel is their Chief, who is Called in Irish
Mackoildin, he has a good Competent estate, but none
of it holden of the Crown, The most of it is of the
Duke of Argyll, and the remainder of the Duke of
Gordon, he can bring out 800 Men—of Old there were
Severall Small tribes in that Countrey—Viz. McMartins,
Clanigilivile, and Clanigilouvie, who were always
esteemed to be of the Clancattan, but now Call
themselves all Camerons and are very faithfull to
their Chief.
MACKLEODS.—Were Two distinct and both very potent
families of Old, Viz. Mackleod of Lews and Mackleod of
Harris, both thought to be of Danish Extraction, But
the former is Utterly Extinct, and their Lands
purchased and possessed by the Mackenzies, The now
only Laird of Macleod is their Chieften, and is in
Irish Called Mackloit, he has a very Considerable
Fortune, all holden of the Crown, lying in Glenelg on
the Continent, and in the Isles of Sky and Harris,
etc., etc., he can raise and bring out 700 Men.
MACKINNONS.—The Laird of Mackinnon is their Chief, who
in Irish is called Mackenoin, holds his Lands of the
Crown, both in the Isles of Sky and Mull and Can raise
200 Men.
I pass
now again to the South to give Account of the Inland
Chieftens beginning again at Argyle Shire and from
thence proceeding Northward.
are Severalls of Qualitie, as well as Gentlemen who
are Chieftens, who have the Command of Severall
Highlanders in the Countreys of Argyll, Monteith,
Dumbarton, Streoling, and Perth Shires, Such as the
Duke of Montrose, Earls of Murray and Bute, as also
the Macfarlands, Macknails, Macknabs and Macknachtens,
etc., etc., whom I freely pass over Since for Some
Considerable time they have given No Disturbance by
Armaments or Convocations.
PERTH.—ls no Claned familie, although the head of a
Considerable Number of Barrons and Gentlemen of the
Name of Drummond in the Low Countreys, he is brought
in here Allennarly Upon account of his command of
about 300 Highlanders in Glenertonie and
ROBERTSONS.—The Laird of Strowen is their Chief, they
are in the Irish called Clandonachie, his Lands holds
of the Crown and lye in Roinach and Brae of Atholl, he
can raise on his own Estate about 200 Men; There are
near 500 More Robertsons in Atholl who Seldom or Never
follow their Said Chief being a part of the following
of the Duke of Atholl after Named.
MENZIESES.—Sir Robert Menzies of Weem is the Chieften
and is in Irish Called Menernach, he has a very
handsome Estate all holden of the Crown, Lying in
Apenedull and Roinach, and can raise 500 Men.
OF CAIRNTULLIE.—Is no Chieften but has an handsome
Estate in Strathbran and Strathtey, all holden of the
Crown, out of which he can raise 200 Men.
GREGORE.—Are a people very Remarkable for wicked
Achievements, that Name has been Severall times
Discharged by Act of Parliament, So that they are at
present Disguised Under the Severall Names of
Campbells, Graham, Murray, and Drummond, etc., and
Dispersed thorrow Dumbarton, Streoling and Perthshires,
They have No freeholder or Barron Amongst them and few
or None that have any heritage, they have no present
Chieften, the said Dignitie being just now Elective
and Continues no longer than the Current Expedition
and is Detur Digniori, they can raise among them 500
Men and Are rarely Absent from any Great Convocation
whatever the Quarrell may be, Since plunder and Booty
is their Bussiness.
ATHOLL.—He is no Claned familie, although Chieften and
head of a Number of Barrons and Gentlemen of the Name
of Murray in the low Countrey, but is deservedly
placed here upon the Account of his extensive
following of About 3000 Highlanders, a Good Many of
them out of his own property, but most of them Upon
the Account of Vast Superiorities in Glenalmond,
Glenlyon, Balquhidder, Strathtay, Atholl, Bishoprick
of Dunkeld, Strathardel and Glenshee.
Crossing the Grampians we come to Marr.
FARQUHARSONS.—The only Claned familie in Marr, or
Aberdeenshire, Are the Farquharsons, in Irish Called
Claniunla, they Can bring out 500 Men, The Laird of
Invercald is their Chief, who has a very handsome
estate holden of the Crown, both in Perth and Aberdeen
Shires, there Are Severall other Barrons of his Name,
that have competent fortunes.
GORDON. Is no Claned familie, Although a Chieften of a
Very Considerable and powerfull Name in the Low
Countries, besides that he has a great Posse of
Gentlemen on horse back in Enzie and Strathboggie, but
he is only placed here, upon the Account of his
followings of Highlanders in Strathavin and Glenlivet,
which will be about 300 Men. His extensive
Superiorities and Jurisdictions in the Highlands,
Viz., in Badenoch and Lochaber, does not yield him Any
followers, the possessions of his own very property,
as well as these whole Countreys, follow their
Naturall Chieftens, of whom they are Descended, and
have no Manner of Regard either to Masters or
GRANTS.— A Considerable Name and familie in Strathspey,
the Laird of Grant is their Chief, who has an handsome
and Large Estate, both in Strathspey and Urquhart, all
holden of the Crown except Abernethie, which he holds
of the Earl of Murray, He can raise out of Strathspey
700 Men and out of Urquhart 150, he has Severall
Barrons of his Name, both in Inverness, Murray, Bamff,
and Aberdeen-Shires.
MCINTOSHES.—This was one of the most potent Clans in
Scotland, when their Residence was at (sic)
Castle in Lochaber, the Antient Seat of their familie
(of which Countrey they are Still Heritable Stewarts)
but the Camerons having purchased most of Said estate
has much Diminished their power. The Laird of
Mackintosh is their Chief, in Irish Called Macintoshuk
and in English Commonly termed Captain of Clan Chattan,
he can bring out 800 Men, Including the Small
Neighbouring families, of Mackgillivray, Mackqueen,
Mackbain, etc., etc., who all own themselves his
Kinsmen, His Countreys are Brae Lochaber, Badenoch,
Strathern and Strathnern. He Still retains a very
Competent Estate, he holds Brae Lochabar, Moy and
Largs of the Crown, Badenoch of the Duke of Gordon,
and Most of his kinsmen hold Strathern and Strathnairn
of the Earl of Murray.
MCPHERSONS.—Called in Irish Clanvurich, their chief is
the Laird of Clunie, he can bring out 300 Men, his
whole Lands and all his Kinsmens lands, are holden of
the Duke of Gordon and lye in Badenoch.
a Considerable Clan in the Countreys of Aird and
Stratharrigg. Their Chieften is Lord Lovat, in Irish
called Mackimmie, has a very Considerable estate all
holden of the Crown, and Can raise 700 Men, he has a
good Number of Barrons of his Name, All in Inverness
GLENMORISTON GRANT.—Is no Chieften, neither does he
ever follow any, he brings out 100 Men, his lands are
holden of the Crown, and does frequently in Armaments
join with McDonald of Glengary.
CHISOLMS.—Their Chieftain is Chisholm of Straglass, in
Irish Called Inshisolich, holds his Land of the Crown
and Can bring out 200 Men.
MCKENZIES.—One of the Most Considerable Clans Under
one head (next to the Campbells) in the Nation. The
Earl of Seaforth was, and Now Lord Fortrose is, their
Chief, in Irish is called Mackkynnich, He out of his
Countreys of Kintaile, Lochelsh, Lochbroon, and
Lochcaron, on the Continent, and in the Isles of Lews,
etc., Can raise 1000 Men which is all he can Command,
The Earl of Cromartie with 8 or 9 Barrons of the Name
and an Number of Smaller Gentlemen can amongst them
raise 1000 More, but are not Much Inclined to follow
their Chief, Neither are they in Use, or Very Apt to
Armaments in that Countrey of Ross, etc., of late they
are much come in to Independancy.
Hary Monroe of Foules is their Chief, his Lands are
holden of the Crown, and Can raise 300 Men.
Ross is their Chief, his Lands hold of the Crown, and
Can raise 300 Men.
SUTHERLANDS.—The Earl of Sutherland is their Chief,
Can raise 700 Men.
Lord Rae is their Chief, His Estate lyes in
Strathnaver, and he can raise 500 Men.
SINKLAIRS.—The Earl of Caitness is their Chief, and
Could raise 500 Men, but his Estate being Mostly gone,
both it and the followings are now in the hands of
Sincklairs of Dunbeth and Ulpster, etc.
whole following brought in one View is 21,650 Men.
Ye have Now all
the power of the Armed Highlanders att one View which
ye may perceive to be above
20,000, A Sufficient force
to have Conquered All the rest of the Scottish Nation,
if they had a mind, and Could but have agreed how to
Divide the Booty, and Consequently a force, that was
Capable when United to Disturb the peace of the whole
United Island at their pleasure, and Might at last,
with but a small Conjunction of foreigners, have
endangered the totall overthrow of our happy
This was the
State of the Nation as to our Scots Highlanders before
the Rebellion, but now that the Government, out of
their great prudence and wisdom, by many wholsome Laws
and Acts of Parliament, have so far Destroyed and
eradicate the most of all Dependances by Discharging
all obligations, for Hunting, Watching and warding,
And Also Discharging all personall Services in
Charters, and further taking Away all Wardholdings
which in the very Nature imported the Same, Besides
the Subjects being Now happily liberate from forfietry
in time of Minority and from their being deprived of
their wifes portions, as also free’d of the Sadd
effects of the hard and oppressive practices, of
Recognitions, Single And Life-rent escheats, and All
this Most Generously done by his Most Gracious Majesty
to the Great Loss and Diminution of his Crown rents.
And further Now
Considering that Not only the Smaller Gentrie, but the
whole Lowest class of People, have their Chattels and
Moveable Effects, as well as their lives, taken out of
the power and hands, of all Heritable Jurisdictions
Great and. Small, and thereby freed them from the
terrour of being Subject, to the penalties and
Arbitrary Decrees of these Ignorant and Mercenary
Judges, and that hereby not only Vassalls, but all
within Regallities, Stewartries, etc., are fully
liberate from their former Slavery and Dependance, but
Now also that all farmers, tennantries, and the very
Lowest people are free’d from being bound to pay their
Masters any oppressive or Illegal Services, which will
not bear being Named in Such.
When all that is
Said is Maturely Considered, and the whole body of the
people clearly perceive themselves manumitted from a
State of Slavery and Misery, and Now made free
Denisons of the happy English Constitution; and when
once Convinced that it is not in the power of Any
Superior, Chieften, or Land-Lord, to oppress (or in
the least hurt) them either in their persons or
estates, Ye may be sure it will make a very Strange
Revolution in their Minds and Sentiments and will
determine them as to their future peaceable
And if that
Villainous practice of Thieving was once totally
Suppressed, which forces them to retain the Use of
Arms for Self Defence there would never thereafter be
Use for any, Neither any Convocation be heard of in an
It is with Good
Ground Now believed, that of All the Grand list
Mentioned More than three fourths of them will vanish,
and be laid Aside, particularly the whole Inland
Chieftens and Superiors, and that henceforth none of
those potentates (of any Denomination) will ever be
Capable to bring a Single 100 Men to the field More
than their Domestick Servants, Excepting these
Naturall Chieftens After-Named, whose followers are
Generally all their Kinsmen Descended of their
families, and who have no manner of Regard either to
Superiors or Landlord but where it Chances to be their
own Chieften.
Mackleans - 500
Mackdonald of Slate - 700
Mackdonald, Glenco - 150
Macklachlans - 200
Mackdonald of Clanranald - 700
Mackleods - 700
Stewart of Apin - 300
Mackdonald of Glengary - 500
Mackinnons - 200
Carnerons, Lochil - 800
Mackdonald, Kepoch - 150
In all, 4900 Men
These families
are Now the only people whose Chieftenries and
Capacitie of Giving Disturbance Still Subsists, and
are not, in the least touched or Diminished, by all
the Acts and Laws as Yet made. Since they have an
Inherent Attractive Virtue, which makes their people
follow as Iron Claps to the Loadstone, whereas the
whole others in the Generall Grand list was rarely
brought out (even before the late good Laws) without
Some force and Compultion.
It must be a
Work of Some time before these Ignorant and Barbarious
people, Can be brought to make the right Use of their
Reason, So as to Compare their State with others, if
that was once happily done, their Miserable and
beggarly Dependance, and blind obedience without
Asking Questions, would Soon fall to the Ground. |