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Meaning 'son of Gilbert'. Variations, Gilbert, Gilbertson,  Gibb, Gibson, Gibbs, Gibbonson, Gibbons, Gibbins.  This name is of Anglo-Saxon descent spreading to the Celtic countries of Ireland, Scotland and Wales in early times and is found in many mediaeval manuscripts throughout the above islands. Examples of such are a Johannes Gybbson,  and a Nicholas Gybonson,  who were recorded in the 'Poll Tax' of the West Riding of Yorkshire, England, in the year 1379 and a John Gybbessone was a servitor of William Douglas, one of the hostages of Henry VI in 1425. Elizabeth Gib is recorded in Craigmakerane, Scotland, 1585. The Irish Gibsons are from Scotland and were a branch of Clan Buchanan. Today the name is numerous in Ulster. The source name for all these variants is Gilbert. This name was borne of the Gilbertines who were an English order founded in the 12th century.



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