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Clans and Families of Ireland and Scotland
IX. The Gaels

The Gaels

Ui Ailello in the eighth century, the remaining two Connachts included the tribes of Ui Fiachrach and Ui Briuin, notwithstanding the fact that the Laiginian tribe of Ui Maine came, with its rise to power in the southeast of County Galway, to be regarded as filling the remaining traditional "third" of Connacht (the Ui Maine originated as allies of the Ui Briuin akin to the Oirghialla, and thus were of relatively late introduction in Connacht. (See Chapter VIII).

The Ui Fiachrach descend from Fiachra, brother of Nial of the Nine Hostages, ancestor of the Ui Niell. Fiachra’s son and grandson were both High Kings in the second half of the fifth century, though after that the High Kingship of Tara was vested in the Ui Neill. Afterwards the Ui Fiachrach

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