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Clans and Families of Ireland and Scotland

Fitzpatrick 77
Fleming 149
Forbes 55
Fotheringham 155
Fothringham 155
Fox 119
Fraser 136
French 132, 137
Frissell (Frizell) 136

Galbraith 97
Garrihy (MacGarry) 100
Geary 80
Gerty (MacGeraghty) 99
Gillanders 106
Gilmore 131
Glencairnie 58
Glenesk 9
Gordon 11, 134
Graham 42, 137
Grant 138
Growney 119
Guckian 139
Guiry 80
Gunn 129

Hackett 139
Haldane (Hadden) 154
Hamilton 139
Hay 139
Henchy 83
Hensey 83
Higgins (O’Higgins) 121

Innes 149

Jameson 129
Jennings 133
Jordan 140
Joyce 132, 152

Kavanagh 84
Keating 140
Kegley 95

Kehoe 122
Keith 140
Kennedy 9
Kenny 121
Kinnaird 140
Kinsella 84
Kimm (MacKimrnie) 137
Kirwin 132

Lacy 141
Lamont (Lammon) 102
Lawlor (O’Lalor) 54
Leckie 125
Lennox 125
Leslie 149
Lindsay 141
Linklater 147
Livingston 142
Livingstone 104
Logie 58
Lynch 132, 143
Lyon 103

MacAdam 132
MacAlister  87, 92
MacAndrew 106, 152
MacArthur 72
MacAulay (MacAwlay) 87, 89, 119, 126
MacAuliffe 122
MacAuslan 125
MacAwley (MacAuley) 87, 89, 119, 126
MacBain 74
MacBean 74
MacBeath 75
MacBeolain (O’Beolain) 106
MacBrady 87
MacBrannan 20
MacCabe 130
MacCallum 130
MacCalum 120
MacCann 87, 89
MacCaron 119
MacCartan 53
MacCarthy 121
MacClancy 101
MacClelIan 9
MacCoghlan 80
MacColgan 82
MacConsidine 65
MacCorquodale 131

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