Thereafter, the
Secretary read a paper contributed by Charles Fraser-Mackintosh, Esq. of
Drummond, entitled “The Cuthberts of Castlehill.” The paper was as follows
The recent
valuable analysis of the names of the population of Inverness, compiled by
Rector Macbain, shows that the predominant surname in the town at present is
that of Fraser. That of Mackintosh was predominant in last century, and
before then was the once leading name of Cuthbert, now disappeared, like
those of Waus and Barbour.
The name Cuthbert
is a very ancient Saxon «»ne. St Cuthbert was popular both in England and
Scotland, and many churches were dedicated to him.
It is generally
admitted that the original Castle of Inverness stood on the Crown lands, and
that after its destruction, and the reconstruction of the new one on the
height overhanging the river, the words “Auld Castlehill ” came into use. It
may also be fairly assumed that the upper part of Castle Street, formerly
“Domesdale,” was cut out from the Barnhills, or deepened as it now is, for
the greater security of the new Castle.
It will be kept
in view that the Castles of Inverness were essentially fortifications, and
that while the new one was well defended by the river at its foot on the
west side, it was at the same time essential that it should so far as
practicable stand isolated from the adjoining heights on the east or
Barnhill side.
Anyone who
examines the sites of the old and new Castle hills will see at once how much
stronger, both for attack and defence, the new position was.
The extent of
Auld Castlehill may be fairly arrived at, as it is known that while part
extended to the sea, the valley of the Millburn, perhaps the stream itself,
would have formed the boundary to the North-East, as it is unquestionable
that the lands of Knockintinnel, on which the Barracks are now built,
bounded Auld Castlehill on that side.
These lands of
Knockintinnel, as also the barony of Culcabock immediately adjoining to the
South-West, with Auld Castlehill, comprehended the only lands independent of
Inverness burgh until you come to Culloden proper, all the remainder,
including Broomhill, Stoneyfield, and Culloden’s Camlaw, being included
within the territory of the burgh of Inverness. The property of Castlehill
with which the Cuthberts were so long associated is mentioned at a very
early date, but the surnames of the early proprietors, if any, have not been
handed down.
The authentic
antiquity of the family of Cuthbert is sufficient to stand on its own
foundation, without giving credence to the imaginary genealogy of the
well-known Bore Brief of 1686.
Among some of the
oldest Inverness charters existing there are charters to and by the old
proprietors of Castlehill, such as by Edoua of the “Auld Castle,” one of the
daughters and heiresses of the late Thomas, 4th March, 1351 ; Sir Robt. de
Chisholm, superior, 14th September, 1362; and Donald of the “Auld Castle,”
14th April, 1447—all except Chisholm’s without surnames.
The lands were
then held in feu, Sir Robert de Chisholm being superior, as already
mentioned, in 1362, as was Thomas de Weike in 1458-1477.
The Cuthberts
were free barons, although by the Valuation Roll of 1691 the valuation of
George Cuthbert only amounted to £224 Scots, whereof £168 lay in Inverness
and <£56 in Croy parishes.
In 1644 Janet
Mackenzie, Lady Castlehill, is rated at £266 13s 4d Scots. Hence it follows
that Auld Castlehill, not extending to £400 Scots of valuation, must to
constitute a freehold have been a forty shilling land of old extent.
A Thomas Cuthbert
does appear as one of the witnesses to a charter of 1458, but the first
Cuthbert of whom authentic record exists connected with Castlehill, and with
whom I commence, was
I. William
Cuthbert, who is said to have been a son of John and a grandson of George
Cuthbert, who fought in 1411 at Harlaw, at the head of the contingent sent
by the burgh of Inverness against Donald of the Isles, whose predecessors’
visits to the town, being generally followed by sack and destruction, were
not welcomed or appreciated.
From the charter
of 1478 it appeal's that the lands of Auld Castlehill, “lying within the
Earldom of Moray and the Sheriffdom of Inverness,” were personally resigned
into the King’s hands by Sir James Weike, chaplain, and of new granted by
James III. to William Cuthbert, burgess of Inverness, at Edinburgh, 23rd
July, 1498, these being witnesses—John, Bishop of Glasgow; William, Bishop
of Moray, Keeper of the Privy Seal; Thomas, Bishop of Aberdeen; Andrew, Lord
Avondale, Chancellor; Colin, Earl of Argyll, Master of the Royal Household;
David, Earl of Crawford, Lord Lindsay; James, Lord Hamilton; Mr John de
Colquhoun of that Ilk, Knight; Mr Archibald Whitelaw, Archdean of Lothian,
the King’s Secretary; Mr Alexander Inglis, Dean of Dunkeld, Clerk of the
Rolls and the Register. The next Cuthbert who is noted was
II. John,
probably a son of the above William. John was succeeded by his grandson,
III. George, who
received from Queen Mary, dated at the monastery of Haddington, 24th July,
1548, a charter as grandson and heir of John Cuthbert, some time of Auld
Castlehill. This George, who married Agnes Rose of Kilravock, had with his
wife another charter from Queen Mary on the following day, 25th July, 1548,
of the following subjects :—
“12 acres of land
of the lordship and heritage of Auld Castlehill, in the Sheriffdom of
Inverness, viz.— 8 lying continuously between the lands of Saint Michael and
the heirs of the late Robert Vans, the Queen’s Street and the sea; 4 acres
upon the Castlehill, viz.—one in Milnfield, between the lands of the heirs
of the late James Cuthbert, the land of the Chaplain of the Holy Rood, the
road which leads to the mill, and the rig which leads to Broom-town; the
other in the rield between the lands of John Cuthbert, the land of the said
Chaplaincy, the street leading to the mill, and the rig leading to the
Draikies ; the third between the lands of the said John Cuthbert and the
street leading to the Draikies: the fourth lying between the lands of the
late Robert Vaus, the land of the Chaplaincy of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s
High Altar, and the way leading to the Draikies ; which the said John
Cuthbert of Auld Castlehill resigned, reserving his frank tenement of four
acres of said lands, to be holden to the said George and Agnes in conjunct
fee, and to his heirs-male of their marriage.”
George was
Provost of Inverness and is found in the years 1554 and 1561. In 1559 he, as
Provost, with the Bailies, received the property and Church utensils of the
Friars, conform to an inventory bearing their receipt and acknowledgment, at
Inverness the 22nd of December of 1559, quoted in the Book of Kilravock.
Those who “pulled
the ropes” acted with great prudence, and in the interest of the Burgh as
they imagined.
The Magistrates
had taken step after step for months to possess themselves of the Friars’
property, but had hardly got it when they parted with it, voluntarily or
involuntarily it does not appear, but unwillingly—I should hope—to the
Cuthberts, which was their game from the moment the Friars were seen to be
friendless and powerless and on the brink of being wiped out. Hitherto the
Cuthberts had been loyal and devout Churchmen, but now, like the impecunious
Scottish nobles, they strove to acquire such ecclesiastical property as they
could grasp, and one of them, William, also Provost of Inverness, betwixt
the years 1570 and 1578, got a tack, first, of all the Friars’ property,
turning out the old occupants, and, later on, getting an absolute right by
charter from the Burgh—in other words, from themselves. This clerical zealot
Provost, fattening upon the spoils of the ancient Church, is found, in 1573,
directing that four men be selected to perambulate the town on Sundays, in
order that the public be hunted out and compelled to attend the new worship.
afterwards the Cuthberts appear to have had some compunctions, and gifted to
the Burgh as a place of interment, certain acres surrounding St Mary's
Chapel, afterwards and now known as the Chapel-Yard. Over the gate these
words, which have disappeared for more than a hundred years, were placed,
“Concordia res parvae crescimt,” of a cynical nature, suggesting a very
different meaning from that intended by Sallust.
George Cuthbert
was succeeded by his son,
IV. John, who was
served heir to his father on 25th April,. 1587, and received a Royal charter
from James the Sixth, dated at Dalkeith, 19th August, 1592. The charter runs
in favour of John Cuthbert of Auld Castlehill and his heirs-male whatsoever
“bearing the arms and surname of Cuthbert, the lands, of Auld Castlehill,
which the said John resigned for this infeftment, and which the King of new
gave to him for his good service ; with mills, multures, mill lands, woods,
fishings, as well of salmon as of other fishes in salt waters and in fresh;
and incorporated with the same into one free barony of Auld Castlehill, for
which one sasine, taken at the Manor House thereof, should stand for all;
And whereas the King was aware that these lands were surrounded by insolent
men, and of diverse, powerful families, not obeying the laws, who, entering
to any part of the said lands during ward, etc., wished continuously to
retain them, therefore he wills that whenever these lands shall be in the
hands of the King by reason of ward or non-entry, the said John shall pay
five marks yearly during the time of ward and non-entry, ten marks for
relief, and 100 marks for marriage when they shall happen; for which sums
the King grants to the said John, the ward and relief, non-entry and
marriage when they shall happen.”
John added to the
family estates by the acquisition in respect of unpaid loan, of the lands of
Drummond in the parish of Dores. This estate did not remain with the
Cuthberts for any time, although at a much later date a succeeding
proprietor, finding
Drummond among
the subjects included in the old titles, served hirnself heir to that
estate, but ineffectually. The name of John is also found in 1600 and 1611,
in which latter year the name of his son and apparent heir, William, is
V. William, who,
on 13th July, 1624, is retoured heir to hi3 father John, but does not appear
to have survived long after his succession to the property—for while the
retour of William is dated in 1624, a charter under the great seal is
granted to his son,
VI. John, dated 1
August 1625. Contemporary with this John was his cousin James Cuthbert of
Draikies. It may be convenient here to make some brief reference to the
Cuthberts of Draikies, cadets of Castlehill. There were three Draikies—Wester,
Mid, and Easter Draikies, whereof Middle and East, otherwise Meikle Draikies
belonged to one family, and West Draikies, sometimes called Little Draikies,
to another. Meikle Draikies fell into the Castlehill family in the beginning
of last century as aftermentioned. After passing through several hands, the
three Draikies, as well as Castlehill, have become part and parcel of the
Raigmore property.
I happen to have
the testament testamentar of Elizabeth Dunbar, the wife of the above-named
James Cuthbert of Draikies, who died upon the 5th of April, 1618, under the
seal of the Commissariat office of Inverness, 13tli November, 1618. This
inventory shows that Mrs Cuthbert was a very industrious person and good
manager. She was a sister of Robert Dunbar of Easter l>inns in Moray, and
amongst her effects were 17 drawing oxen, 4 queys, 52 sheep and hoggs, 2
work horses, a brown nag, and a brown hackney nag. She also possessed a deal
of com, and a chain with a tablet of gold estimated at £11.
Amongst her
debtors were Augus Mackintosh of Aldturlies, Duncan “in the Vennel,” Thomas-vic-Allister-vic-Uomas
in the Lej's, Joseph Marjoribanks, burgess of Edinburgh; Alexander
Mackenzie, fiar of Gairloch; John Dunbar of Benneagefield, Zachary Dunbar,
without designation, and Robert Munro of Assynt.
Amongst her
creditors were Mr James, Bishop of Inverness, and her servants, John Dow,
David Munro, and Sandie Johnston. Her daughters, Christian and Elizabeth,
shared her property, excepting that Christian, the eldest, is specially left
a gold chain and a pair of gold bracelets.
The above James
Cuthbert was Provost of Inverness, and held considerable estates in
Ross-shire. George Monro of Meikle Tarrell, dispones to him Lochslyne and
Pitnellies by disposition, dated Tarbat, 27th May, 1622. The said George
Monro also grants James Cuthbert a disposition of Amatnatua, in Ross, of
same date. He did not, however, retain Lochslyne long, for there is a
confirmation by the King, dated 25th August, 1624, of a disposition and
ratification by him with consent of his wife, Abercrombie, in favour of John
Mackenzie of Applecross, dated at the Chanonry of Ross, 3rd June, 1624,
witnessed by Colin, Earl of Seaforth; Sir Donald Macdonald of Sleat, Knight;
Donald Mackay of Strathnaver, and others.
In 1737 the last
Cuthbert of Draikies conveyed the estate to Castlehill, head of his family.
In 1664 and 167th notice is found of John Cuthbert of Alturlies, in the
parish of Petty.
It is generally
admitted that John, the sixth Cuthbert, served in the Swedish wars under
Gustavus Adolphus, as also in Germany, and that after the death of his
protector he returned to Scotland and married one of the daughters of
Cuthbert of Draikies, probably one of the two heiresses before named, but as
the only indication of her Christian name is “ N.,” the identification is
not certain. Of John’s marriage there were nine daughters, who were all
married, and one son,
VII. George, who
succeeded, and married Magdalen, daughter of Sir James Fraser of Brae, with
issue—three sons and a daughter. George does not seem to have been retoured
heir to his father until 21st April, 1677.
It was in the
time of this George that the French branch applied for a certificate from
the Scots’ Parliament of gentle birth. The statement is to a great extent
fabulous, but there can be no doubt of the antiquity of the French family of
Colbert. There is a most interesting little volume, “Note sur la famille
Colbert,” printed at Pans in 1863, which I long tried to get without
success. Its perusal, however, was kindly given me by the Rev. George
Seignelay Cuthbert, present, and 15th of his house, son of the late
Seignelay Thomas Cuthbert, and grandson of Lewis Cuthbert, the last laird of
Castlehill, afterwards referred to. From it much information can be had, but
it must not be relied on on every point. The short preface is signed by “N.
J. Colbert,” and it is understood this family is still represented by Baron
Colbert, who holds some land near Calais. The family of Colbert in France
was long distinguished in the Church, Senate, and Army, holding numerous
titles of honour. I have an engraving, in good preservation, of Louis XVI.’s
famed minister, dated 1660, an intellectual face, with much reserved power.
George was succeeded by his eldest son,
VIII. John, who
has a sasine as heir to his father on 20th April, 1699, and married Jean,
only daughter of the Right Rev. N. Hay of Dalgetty, last of the old Bishops
of Moray, who, upon 7th May, 1700, was infeft in the barony of Castlehill.
On 6th November, 1731, John makes his last will and testament. He was
succeeded by his eldest son,
IX. George, who,
with his wife, Mary Mackintosh of Blairvie, was infeft in Castlehill, in
1735. By this lady, it is recorded, he had a large family, of whom eight
were living at their father’s death.
This George was
for a long time Sheriff-Substitute at Inverness. His affairs had fallen into
disorder, and he was so embarrassed that after his death the family had
practically sunk.
The estate was
under sequestration for nearly thirty years. The old Lady Castlehill, Jean
Hay, bestirred herself on her son’s death, and, with some of her boys, first
went to London to crave the aid and protection of her brother, Dr Hay. He
was in fair practice, but not in favour with Government, and told his sister
to invoke the protection of the French relatives so influential in that
country. This the plucky Dowager carriad out, and got two of her grandsons
put in a very fair way of succeeding in the world, becoming, and brought up
as, Roman Catholics.
X. Alexander, who
was known as “L’Abbe Colbert,” came to Edinburgh after an absence of about
thirty years and bought back the estate. His eldest sister, Jean, who had
married Thomas Alves of Shipland, Inverness, wrote to her brother
congratulating him on the purchase, and the Abbe’s reply has been
fortunately preserved. It is now given, and I am sure every reader will
sympathise with him and appreciate his high-toned and thankful spirit.
“Edinburgh, 5th
January, 1780.—Dear Sister,—I received your kind and most agreeable letter,
of the 21st December, congratulating me on my success as to the purchasing
the old Duchus, for which I return you my most grateful thanks. If I have
succeeded, it was indeed against the greatest opposition and difficulties on
every side, as you observe. My power and abilities were inconsiderable, but
I have all reason to thank God for it, and for believing that He directed
and assisted me in obtaining my wish. My patience and perseverance were
great and much put to a tryal, but the happy event compensates for all, and
the due submission to the will of God commands my gratitude even under these
tryals, and gives me hope of His further Almighty protection, without which
the wisest undertaking of men will be baffled. I am rejoiced to learn from
yourself that you have got the better of your cold, and hope you’ll keep
free of it the rest of the session. The winter has been severe on many
people’s constitutions here—few or no families have escaped colds and
chin-coughs. I have, however, stood it out hitherto, God be thanked. I hope
now to continue to do so. With my best wishes of the season to yourself,
Miss Molly, the Misses Low, and all friends, I ever remain, dear sister,
your most affectionate brother and humble servant, (Signed) “Alex.
(Addressed) 44
Mistress Alves of Shipland, at her house on the Shore, Inverness.”
wafered and appears to have been despatched by private baud—No post mark.—C.F.M.
It would appear
that the Abbe could not hold the property, being a Roman Catholic
ecclesiastic and naturalised in France, and it passed in respect of a small
pecuniary consideration into the hands of his youngest brother, George, who
was Provost-Marshal of Jamaica.
XI. George had
hardly come into possession of the estate—in fact, never came back to
Scotland—when he died, and was succeeded by his brother,
XII. Lewis, who
married Jean Pinnock, after whom a farm on the estate of Castlehill was
called Pinnockfield, which long since has fallen into disuse. Lewis lived in
the North at Cradlehall for some years, and was warmly welcomed by the
neighbouring proprietors and the people of Inverness.
To the name of
Cradlehall is assigned a curious history. It was occupied after the battle
of Culloden for several years by a Colonel Caulfield. The upper part of the
house had not been properly finished, and was reached by a moveable stair or
ladder. The Colonel was exceedingly hospitable, and many of his visitors
could neither find their way home nor be conveyed up these stairs to bed
with safety. With the assistance of a confidential English servant of a
mechanical turn, who was ofteu puzzled how to dispose of "overcome” guests
with unsteady feet, the Colonel contrived An apparatus somewhat in the form
of a cradle into which these weak-kneed mortals were placed, and the machine
attached to a pulley, they were wound up to the attics. Hence the name of "Cradlehall.”
Alexander Baillie, during the re-building of Dochfour House, and later Mr
Lewis Cuthbert, lived at Cradlehall. which has retained its name although
the cradle itself has long disappeared.
Lewis Cuthbert,
when he came to reside at Castlehill, had good prospects of enjoying his new
position, and entered on the possession of his property with e rcry
disposition to maintain the credit of his ancient house, and in answer to a
letter of congratulation, wrote very much in the same terms as the Abbe
Cuthbert had done some years previously. I regret to find when writing this
paper that the letter, having been mislaid, cannot be given now. He raised
considerable sums in Jamaica for the establishment of the Inverness Royal
It would almost
appear as if the family were again to take root and recover their former
influential position, but this “was not to be.” Sheriff Cuthbert had not a
very good reputation, and in my younger days, when old families with their
traditions and old local stories and events were the constant subjects of
evening conversation, the ultimate downfall of the Cuthberts was attributed
to two causes—1st, their high-handed seizure of ecclesiastical property
after the Reformation; and, 2nd, the judicial murder, for it could not be
otherwise described, of two poor aged women, who were burnt as witches,
under sentence of Sheriff Cuthbert, at the foot of the stream at Altmurnich,
which separates Knockintinnel from Broomtown, now Raigmore House grounds. It
was also alleged that the unfortunate women called down Heaven’s curse on
the Sheriff and his descendants. There can be no doubt that very many
families of those who acquired spoils of the Church have, according to a
well-known work, died out or become impoverished —whether through the
anathemas of the Church or not is a matter of question.
For a few years,
between 1792 and 1795, Lewis Cuthbert lived, much respected, at Cradlehall,
and I have the good fortune of possessing his best tea service of Rose
Swansea china. The road by Cradlehall towards the Culloden woods is one of
my favourite drives, but I never pass without regretting that the place,
with its commanding outlook, and splendid trees of the old rule, now present
such a ragged and down-in-the-world aspect.
Mr Cuthbert
unfortunately became security for the holders of certain patent offices in
Jamaica, whereby he became seriously involved ; and, for the protection of
his bankers in London, had to execute a disposition of his property to Mr
Abram Roberts, about the year 1796. The estate had been bought by the Abbe
Cuthbert in 1779 for a little over £8000. It had now to be disposed of to
clear Mr Lewis Cuthbert’s cautionary obligations, and, like other Highland
estates sold before the close of the Peninsular War, it brought an enormous
increase, not much short of £80,000—the chief purchasers being Culloden, who
extended his lands from Camlaw, by Stoneyfield and Broomtown to
Knockintinnel; Gordon of Draikies; the Right. Hon. Charles Grant; Duff of
Muirtown; the Hon. Archibald Fraser of Lovat; Welsh of Millburn; and others.
continued, and as late as the year 1832 the Castlehill affairs were not
completely wound up, but notwithstanding the frightful litigations and
disputes among the creditors themselves as to preferences, all the debts
were paid.
Going back a
little, I wish to note that John, the eldest son of Sheriff George (9th)
Cuthbert, was killed at Louisburg under General Wolff, and died without
issue. Another son went to South Carolina, and his male descendants
represent the family.
When this paper
first appeared in the newspapers, it attracted the attention of two of the
Cuthberts in the United States, viz., Lucius Montrose Cuthbert, formerly of
South Carolina, now of Denver, Colorado; and Miss Katharine Trescott, of
Washington ; and from both I received most pleasant letters. Miss Trescott,
writing on 27th July, 1896, amongst other things says that she is the
great-great-grand-daughter of John Cuthbert (8th) and of Jean Hay. That the
Abbe Colbert was not a brother, but uncle of the Bishop of Rodez, is shown
by a letter from the Bishop to her great-grandfather, which letter is dated
Gloucester Place, London, 25th August, 1802, the house of Lord Graj, and
immediately after Lewis Cuthbert’s death. Miss Trescott possesses a minute
knowledge of the American Cuthberts, and of the family generally. Mr Lucius
Cuthbert is great-great-grandson of James, second son of George (9th) of
Castlehill, whose eldest brother John was killed at Louisburg fighting under
Wolfe. James Cuthbert, who emigrated in 1737, went to South Carolina, and
settled at Beaufort, in which place the family continued in honour and
comfort on their own estate until the war of 1860-1864, when, joining the
Confederates, their estate was devastated by the Federals, and nearly all
the family plate, papers, and other valuables either destroyed or
James Cuthbert
married Miss Hazzard of South Carolina, whose eldest son, James Hazzard
Cuthbert, married Miss Furze of South Carolina. Their eldest son, Lucius
Cuthbert, married Miss Charlotte Fuller, great-niece maternally of Arthur
Middleton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Lucius
Cuthbert’s eldest son was the Rev. Dr James Hazzard Cuthbert. Dr Cuthbert
married Julia Elizabeth Turpin of Georgia, a lady of high English and French
descent. One of her predecessors may be mentioned, Louis Jean Baptist
Champeron, Chevalier d’ Antignac, Colonel of King Louis’ First Company of
Musketeers, who, on settling in America, raised a regiment in 1776 at his
own expense, serving with distinction at its head during the Revolutionary
Wars. Dr Cuthbert died in 1890, leaving three daughters and two sons, the
eldest, Lucius Montrose Cuthbert, my correspondent, and Middleton Fuller
Cuthbert, both unmarried. Mr Lucius Cuthbert, notwithstanding the family
losses of property, papers, valuables, and the break-up of their ancestral
home, has gathered up the threads of his family history, interesting himself
greatly in all that concerns them, and it is much to be hoped that fortune
will smile upon him and enable him to restore the family to the high
position formerly occupied by them, attained through their own merits, and
by their marriages with some of the oldest and most historic families of the
Southern States, sprung from the ancient nobility of Great Britain and of
France.—C. F. M.
Another of
George’s sons was Seignelay, Bishop of Rodez, who, on the breaking out of
the French Revolution, hud to fly from France, and lived for many years in
England, where lie died.
The Bishop was in
the North on several occasions, and I have some documents to which his
signature is attached. I had one or two letters of his, but they have
unfortunately disappeared. His sister, Magdalen, married Major Johnstone,
with issue—two sons and one daughter. Neither of the sons had any children.
The daughter, Mary Ann, umrried the 15th Lord Gray, and the Bishop himself
died at Lord Gray’s house, near London.
One of the
Bishop’s brothers was Lewis, as above stated, the last proprietor of
Castlehill. There were also two brothers, Lachlan, who died without issue,
and George (11th), Provost Marshal of Jamaica, who also died without issue.
Of George’s (9th) daughters I have already mentioned Magdalen; the second
was Rachel, who married Simon Fraser, last of Daltullich, and left several
children; Mary, married David Davidson 1st of Can tray; and Jean, formerly
mentioned, married Thomas Alves of Shipland. One of the descendants of the
Alves marriage married lnglis of Kingsmills, of whom the present family
derive. Another married William Welsh of Millburn.
Lewis Cuthbert
died in 1802, and was succeeded by his eldest son,
XIII. George,
sometime of Jamaica, who, dyiug without male issue, was succeeded by his
XIV. Seignelay
Thomas, of the Honourable East India Company’s Service, thereafter res ding
at Clifton.
Lewis Cuthbert at
his death was survived by his wife, Jean Pinnock, and two sons—George and
Seignela}’ Thomas, above mentioned, and three daughters—Mary, Anne, and
Though there is
not a single Cuthbert now to be found in the north, there are rumerous
connections by marriage, the nearest being the families of Cantray and
Kingsmills. Merely to enumerate the names in the 17th century would exhaust
my limits, so I confine myself to one near connection of the Castlehill
family, Alexander Cuthbert, who was Provost of Inverness. He possessed a
vast number of small subjects within the town and territory of Inverness,
the mere description in the year 1680 extending to twelve closely-printed
pages. His heritable estate fell to his grandson, John Cuthbert, Town Clerk,
reserving the life-rent to Elizabeth Fraser, the Provost’s widow.
Provost Alexander
left a laige family, including, it is said, nine daughters, whereof,
according to the information of the venerable Dr Aird, late of Creich, one
married John Macpherson of Dalraddy, who purchased the estate of Invereshie,
and through whom the present Ballindalloch. The late Thomas Alexander Lord
Lovat, in 1832, on behalf of his gieat political ally, the first Sir George
Macpherson-Grant, tried to clear up the connection through the late
accomplished antiquarian, Mr John Anderson, W.S., but failed, as their idea
was that the Cuthbert in the Invereshie pedigree was neither of Castlehill
or Draikies. Another daughter, according to Dr Aird, married Davidson of
Cautray, but this was not so, as the first Mrs Davidson of Cautray was a
Castlehill, as already mentioned. Another daughter married the well-known
Provost Hossack, of Inverness. Two others married Ross of Culrossie and his
brother; and the youngest, Anne, married the Rev. James Chapman, a native of
Inverness, minister, first of Cawdor, and afterwards of Cromdale, who died
in 1737, and was uthor of a very curious and fabulous history of the Grants.
grand-daughter, Anne, married Gustavus Aird, farmer, in the parish of
Kilmuir Easter, who was born a very few years after the Battle of Culloden,
father of the worthy and well-known Gustavus Aird, D.D., one of the chief
antiquarians of the north, who has the hearty good wishes of all Highlanders
in his retirement from active ministerial life.
Upon Seignelay
Thomas Cuthbcrt’s death he was succeeded by his son,
XV. The Rev.
George Seignelay Cuthbert, formerly Vicar of Market Drayton, and now Rector,
residing at The Warden’s Lodge, Clewer, near Windsor.
The Rev. Mr
Cuthbert, representative in Britain of Castlehill, paid his first visit to
Scotland and the north in the autumn of 1895. Both he and Mrs Cuthbert are
deeply attached to the north and the old Duchus, and they were warmly
welcomed by those on whom they called during their brief visit, and on whom
they created a pleasant impression, mingled with regret that they must have
felt as mere sojourners for a time in a strange land.
Mr Cuthbert has
no family, but it is hoped that some of the Americau Cuthberts, recovering
from their vicissitudes, may yet re-establish the old name of “MacSheorais”
permanently among us.
We came across
information on this name in the Celtic Magazine of 1879 for which see
