The Camerons or clan Chameron belong to the
district comprehended under the old Maormordom of Moray. According to John Major, the clan
Cameron and the clan Chattan had a common origin, and for a certain time followed one
chief; but for this statement there appears to be no foundation. Allan, surnamed
MacOchtry, or the son of Uchtred, is mentioned by tradition as the chief of the Camerons
in the reign of Robert II; and, according to the same authority, the clan Cameron and the
clan Chattan were the two hostile tribes between whose champions, thirty against thirty,
was fought the celebrated combat at Perth, in the year 1396, before King Robert III with
his nobility and court. The Camerons, says a manuscript history of the clan, have an old
tradition amongst them that they were originally descended from a younger son of the royal
family if Denmark, who assisted at the restoration of Fergus II in 404; and that their
progenitor was called Cameron from his crooked nose, a name which was afterwards adopted
by his descendants. "But it is more probable", adds the chronicler, "that
they are the aborigines of the ancient Scots or Caledonians that first planted the
country"; a statement which proves that the writer of the history understood neither
the meaning of the language he employed, nor the subject in regard to which he pronounced
an opinion.
As far back as can distinctly be traced, this tribe had its seat in Lochaber, and appears
to have been first connected with the house of Isla in the reign of Robert Bruce, from
whom, as formerely states, Angus Og received a grant of Lochaber. Their more modern
possessions of Lochiel and Locharkaig, situated upon the western side of the Lochy, were
originally granted by the Lord of the Isles to the founder of the clan Ranald, from whose
descendants they passed to the Camerons. This clan originally consisted of three septs, -
the Camerons or MacMartins of Letterfinlay, the Camerons or MacGillonies of Strone, and
the Camerons or MacSorlies of Glennevis; and from the genealogy of one of these septs,
which is to be found in the manuscript of 1450, it has been inferred that the Lochiel
family belonged to the second, or Camerons of Strone, and that being thus the oldest
cadets, they assumed the title of Captain of the clan Cameron. Mr Skene conjectures that,
after the victory at Perth, the MacMartins, or oldest branch, adhered to the successful
party, whilst the great body of the clan, headed by the Lochiel family, declared
themselves independent; and that in this way the latter were placed in that position which
they have ever since retained. But however this may be, Donald Dhu, who was probably the
grandson of Allan MacOchtry, headed the clan at the battle of Harlaw, in 1411, and
afterwards united with the captain of the clan Chattan in supporting James I when that
king was employed in reducing to obedience Alexander, Lord of the Isles. Yet these rival
clans, though agreed in this matter, continued to pursue their private quarrels without
intermission; and the same year in which they deserted the Lord of the Isles, and joined
the royal banner, viz 1429, a desperate encounter took place, in which both suffered
severely, more especially the Camerons. Donald Dhu, however, was present with the royal
force at the battle of Inverlochy, in the year 1431, where victory declared in favour of
the Islanders, under Donald Balloch; and immediately afterwards his lands were ravaged by
the victorious chief, in revenge for his desertion of the Lord of the Isles, and he was
himself obliged to retire to Ireland, whilst the rest of his clan were glas to take refuge
in the inaccesible fastness of the mountains. It is probably from this Donald Dhu that the
Camerons derived their patronymic appellation of MacDhonuill Duibh, othewise MacConnel
Duy, "son of Black Donald".
But their misfortune did not terminate here. The Lord of the Isles, on his return
fromcaptivity, resolved to humble a clan which he conceived had so basely deserted him;
and with this view, he bestowed the lands of the Camerons on John Garbh Maclean of Coll,
who had remained faithful to him in every vicissitude of fortune. This grant, however, did
not prove effectual. The clan Cameron, being the actual occupants of the soil, offered a
sturdy resistance to the intruder; John Maclean, the second laird of Coll, who had held
the estate for some time by force, was at length slain by them in Lochaber; and Allan, the
son of Donald Dhu, having acknowledged himself a vassal of the Lord of Lochalsh, received
in return a promise of support against all who pretended to dispute his right, and was
thus enabled to acquire the estates of Locharkaig and Lochiel, from the latter of which
his descendants have taken their territorial denomination. By a lady of the family of
Keppoch, this Allan, who was surnamed MacCoilduy, had a son, named Ewen, who was captain
of the clan Cameron in 1493, and afterwards became a chief of mark and distinction. Allan,
however, was the most renowned of all the chiefs of the Camersons, excepting, perhaps, his
descendant Sir Ewan. He had the character of being one of the bravest leaders of his time,
and he is stated to have made no less than thirty-five expeditions into the territories of
his enemies. But his life was too adventurous to last long. Inthe thirty-second year of
his age he was slain in one of the numerous conflicts with the Mackintoshes, and was
succeeded by his son Ewan, who acquired almost the whole estates which had belonged to the
chief of the clan Ranald; and to the lands of Lochiel, Glenluy, and Locharkaig, added
those of Glennevis, Mamore, and others in Lochaber. After the foreiture of the last Lord
of the Isles, he also obtained a feudal title to all his possessions, as well those which
he had inherited from his father, as those which he had wrested from the neighbouring
clans; and from this period the Camerons were enabled to assume that station among the
Highland tribes which they have ever since maintained.
The Camerons having, as already stated, acquired nearly all the lands of the clan Ranald,
Ewen Allanson, who was then at their head, supported John Moydertach, in his usurption of
the chiefship, and thus brought upon himself the resentment of the Earl of Huntly, who was
at that time all-powerful in the north. Huntly, assisted by Fraser of Lovat, marched to
disposses the usurper by force, and when their object was effected they retired, each
taking a different route. Profiting by this imprudence, the Camerons and Macdonalds
pursued Lovat, against whom their vengeance was chiefly directed, and having overtaken him
near Kinloch-lochy, they attacked and slew him, together with his son and about three
hundred of his clan. Huntly, on learning the defeat and death of his ally, immediately
returned to Lochaber, and with the assistance of William Mackintosh, captain of the clan
Chattan, seized Ewen Allanson of Lochiel, captain of the clan Cameron, and Ranald
Macdonald Glas of Keppoch, whom he carried to the castle of Ruthven in Badenoch. Here they
were detained for some time in prison; but being soon afterwards removed to Elgin, they
were there tried for high treason, and being found guilty by a jury of landed gentlemen,
were beheaded, whilst several of their followers, who had been apprehended along with
them, were hanged. This event, which took place in the year 1546, appears to have had a
salutary effect in disposing the turbulent Highlanders to submission, the decapitation of
a chief being an act of energy for which they were by no means prepared.
The subsequent history of the clan Chameron, until we come to the time of Sir Ewan, the
hero of the race, is only diversified by the feuds in which they were engaged with other
clans, particularly the Mackintoshes, and by those incidents peculiar to the times and the
state of society in the Highlands. Towards the end of Queen Mary's reign, a violent
dispute having broken out amongst the clan themselves, the chief, Donald Dhu,
patronymically styled Macdonald Mhic Ewen, was murdered by some of his own kinsmen; and,
during the minority of his successor, the Mackintoshes, taking advantage of the
dissensions which prevailed in the clan, invaded their territories, and forced the
grand-uncles of the young chief, who ruled in his name, to conclude a treaty respecting
the disputed lands of Glenluy and Locharkaig. But this arrangement being resented by the
clan, proved ineffectual; no surrender was made of the lands in question; and the
inheritance of the chief was preserved undiminished by the patriotic devotion of his
clansmen. Early in 1621, Allan Cameron of Lochiel, and his son John, were outlawed for not
appearing to give security for their future obedience, and a commission was issued to Lord
Gordon against him and his clan; but this commission was not riqorously acted on, and
served rather to protect Lochiel against the interference of Mackintosh and others, who
were very much disposed to push matters to extremity against the clan Chameron. The
following year, however, Lochiel was induced to submit his disputes with the family of
Mackintosh to the decision of mutual friends; and by these arbitrations, the lands of
Glenluy and Locharkaig were adjudged to belong to Mackintosh, who, however, was ordained
to pay certain sums of money by way of compensation to Lochiel. But, as usually happens in
similar cases, this decision satisfied neither party. Lochiel, however, pretended to
acquiesce, but delayed the completion of the transaction in such a way that the dispute
was not finally settled until the time of his grandson, the celebrated Sir Ewan Cameron.
About the year 1664, the latter, having made a satisfactory arrangement of the
long-standing feud with the Mackintoshes, was at length left in undisputed possession of
the lands of Glenluy and Locharkaig; and, with some trifling exceptions, the various
branches of the Camerons still enjoy their ancient inheritances. The family of Lochiel,
like many others, was constrained to hold its lands of the Marquis of Argyll and his
Sir Ewan Cameron, commonly called Ewan Dhu of Lochiel, was a chief alike distinguished for
his chivalrous character, his intrepid loyalty, his undaunted courage, and the ability as
well as heroism with which he conducted himself in circumstances of uncommon difficulty
and peril. This remarkable man was born in the year 1629, and educated at Inverary Castle,
under the guardianship of his kinsman the Marquis of Argyll, who, having taken charge of
him in his tenth year, endeavoured to instil into his mind the political principles of the
Covenanters and the Puritans, and to induce the boy to attach himself to that party. But
the spirit of the youthful chief was not attempered by nature to receive the impressions
of a morose fanaticism. At the age of eighteen, hebroke loose from Argyll, with the
declared intention of joining the Marquis of Montrose, a hero more congenial to his own
character. He was too late, however, to be of service to that brave but unfortunate
leader, whose reverses had commenced before Cameron left Inverary. But though the royal
cause seemed lost he was not disheartened, and having kept his men in arms, completely
protected his estate from the incursions of Cromwell's troops. In the year 1652, he joined
the royal standard in the Highlands, and greatly distinguished himself in a series of
encounters with General Lilburne, Colonet Morgan, and others. In a sharp skirmish which
took place between Glencairn and Lilburne, at Braemar, Lochiel, intrusted with the defence
of a pass, maintained it gallantly until the royal army had retired, when Lilburne, making
a detour, attacked him in flank. Lochiel kept his ground for some time; until at last
finding himself unable to repel the enemy, who now brought up and additional force against
him, he retreated slowly up the hill, showing a front to the assailants, who durst not
continue to follow him, the ground being steep and covered in snow. This vigorous stand
saved Glencairn's army, which was, at that time, is a disorganised state; owing
principally to the conflicting pretensions of a number of independent chiefs an gentlemen,
who, in their anxiety to command, forgot the duty of obedience. Lochiel, however, kept
clear of these cabals, and stationing himself at the outposts, harassed the enemy with
continual skirmishes, in which he was commonly successful. How his services were
appreciated by Glencairn we learn from a letter of Charles II to Lochiel, dated at
Chantilly, the 3d of November, 1653, in which the exiled king says, "We are informed
by the Earl of Glencairn with what courage, success, and affection to us, you have behaved
yourself in this time of trial, when the honour and liberty of your country are at stake;
and therefore we cannot but express our hearty sense of this your courage, and return you
our thanks for the same". The letter concludes with an assurance that "we are
ready, as soon as we are able, signally to reward your service, and to repair the losses
you shall undergo for our service".
Acting in the same loyal spirit, Lochiel kept his men constantly on the alert, and ready
to move wherever their service might be required. In 1654, he joined Glencairn with a
strong body, to oppose Generals Monk and Morgan, who had marched into the Highlands.
Lochiel being opposed to Morgan, a brave and enterprising officer, was often hard pressed,
and sometimes nearly overpowered; but his courage and presence of mind, which never
forsook him, enabled the intrepid chief to extricate himself from all difficulties. Monk
tried several times to negotiate, and made the most favourable proposals to Lochiel on the
part of Cromwell; but these were uniformly rejected with contempt. At length, finding it
equally impossible to subdue or to treat with him, Monk established a garrison at
Inverlochy, raising a small fort, as a temporary defence against the musketry, swords, and
arrows of the Highlanders.
General Middleton, who had been unsuccessful in a skirmish with General Morgan, invited
Lochiel to come to his assistance. Upwards of 300 Camerons were immediately assembled, and
he marched to join Middleton, who had retreated to Braemar. In this expedition, Lochiel
had several encounters with Morgan; and, notwithstanding all the ability and enterprise of
the latter, the judgement and promptitude with which that chief availed himself of the
accidents of the ground, the activity of his men, and the consequent celerity of their
movements, gave him a decided advantage in this guerre de chicane. With trifling loss to
himself, he slew a considerable number of the enemy, who were often attacked both in flank
and rear when they had no suspicion that an enemy was within many miles of them. An
instance of this occurred at Lochgarry in August 1653, when Lochiel, in passing
northwards, was joined by about sixty or seventy Athole-men, who went to accompany him
through the hills. Anxious to revenge the defeat which his friends had, a short time
previously, sustained upon the same spot, he planned and executed a surprise of two
regiments of Cromwell's troops, which, on their way southward, had encamped upon the plain
of Dalnaspidal; and although it would have been the height of folly to risk a mere handful
of men, however brave, in close combat with so superior a force, yet he killed a number of
the enemy, carried off several who had got entangled in the morass of Lochgarry, and
completely effected the object of the enterprise.
But all his exertions proved unavailing. Middleton, being destitute of money and
provisions, was at length obliged to submit, and the war was thus ended, excepting with
Lochiel himself, who, firm in his allegiance, still held out, and continued to resist the
encroachments of the garrison quartered in his neighbourhood. He surprised and cut off a
foraging party, which, under the pretence of hunting, had set out to make a sweep of his
cattle and goats; and he succeeded in making prisoners of a number of Scotch and English
officers, with their attendants, who had been sent to survey the estates of several
loyalists in Argylshire, with the intention of building forts there to keep down the
king's friends. This last affair was planned with great skill, and, like almost all his
enterprises, proved completely successful. But the termination of his resistance was now
approaching. He treated his prisoners with the greatest kindness, and this brought on an
intimacy, which ultimately led to a proposal of negotiation. Lochiel was naturally enough
very anxious for an honourable treaty. His country was impoverished and his people were
nearly ruined; the cause which he had so long and bravely supported seemed desperate; and
all prospect of relief or assistance had by this time completely vanished. Yet the gallant
chief resisted several attempts to induce him to yield, protesting that, rather than
disarm himself and his clan, abjure his king, and take the oaths to an usurper, he would
live as an outlaw, without regard to the consequences. To this it was answered, that, if
he only envinced an inclination to submit, no oath would be required, and that he should
have his own terms. Accordingly, General Monk, then commander-in-chief in Scotland, drew
up certain conditions which he sent to Lochiel, and which, with some slight alterations,
the latter accepted and returned by one of the prisoners lately taken, whom he released
upon parole. And proudly might he accept the terms offered to him. No oath was required of
Lochiel to Cromwell, but his word of honour to live in peace. He and his clan were allowed
to keep their arms as before the war broke out, they behaving peaceably. Reparation was to
be made to Lochiel for the wood cut by the garrison of Inverlochy. A full indemnity was
granted for all acts of depredation, and crimes committed by his men. Reparation was to be
made to his tenants for all the losses, cess, and public burdens which had not been paid,
were to be remitted. This was in June 1654.
Lochiel with his brave Camerons lived in peace till the Restoration, and during the two
succeeding reigns he remained in tranquil possession of his property. But in 1689, he
joined the standard of King James, which had been raised by Viscount Dundee. General Mackay
had, by orders of King William, offered him a title and a considerable sum of money,
apparently on the condition of his remaining neutral. The offer, however, was rejected
with disdain; and at the battle of Killiecrankie, Sir Ewen had a conspicuous share in the
success of the day. Before the battle, he spoke to each of his men, individually, and took
their promise that they would conquer or die. At the commencement of the action, when
General Mackay's army raised a kind of shout, Lochiel exclaimed, "Gentlemen, the day
is our own; I am the oldest commander in the army, and I have always observed something
ominour or fatal in such a dull, heavy, feeble noise as that which the enemy has just made
in their shout". These words spread like wildfire through the ranks of the
Highlanders. Electrified by the prognostication of the vetern chief, they rushed like
furies on the enemy, and in half an hour the battle was finished. But Viscount Dundee had
fallen early in the fight, and Lochiel, disgusted with the incapacity of Colonel Cannon,
who succeeded him, retired to his eldest won. This heroic and chivalrous chief survived
till the year 1719, when he died at the age of ninety, leaving a name distinguished for
bravery, honour, consistancy, and disinterested devotion to the cause which he so long and
ably supported.
The character of Sir Ewan Cameron was worthily upheld by his grandson, the "gentle
Lochiel", though with less auspicious fortune. The share which that gallent chief had
in the ill-fated insurrection of 1745-46 and his conduct throughout was such to gain him
the esteem and admiration of all. The estates of Lochiel were of course included in the
numerous forfeitures which followed the suppression of the insurrection; however, Charles
Cameron, son of the Lochiel of the '45, was allowed to return to Britain, and lent his
influence to the raising of the Lochiel men for the service of the government. His son,
Donald, was restored to his estates under the general act of amnesty of 1784. The eldest
son of the latter, also named Donald, born 25th September 1796, obtained a commission in
the Guards in 1814, and fought at Waterloo. He retired from the army in 1832, and died
14th December 1858, leaving two sons and four daughters. His eldest son, Donald, succeeded
as chief of the clan Cameron.
The family of Cameron of Fassifern, in Argyleshire, possesses a baronetcy of the United
KIngdon, conferred in 1817 on Ewan Cameron of Fassifern, the father of Colonel John
Camerson, of the 92d Highlanders, slain at the battle of Quatre Bras, 16th June 1815,
while bravely leading on his men, for that officer's distinguished military services; at
the same time, two Highlanders were added as supporters to his armorial bearings, and
several heraldic distinctions indicating the particular services of Colonel Cameron. On the
death of Sir Ewan in 1828, his second son, Sir Duncan, succeeded to the baronetcy.
Another Account of the Clan
BADGE: Dearcag fithich (empitium
nigrum) crowberry.
SLOGAN: Chlanna nan con thigibh a so ‘s gheibh sibh feoil.
PIBROCH: Locheil’s March, also Ceann na drochait mohr.
all the Highlands there is no clan more famous at once for valour and
chivalry than Clan Cameron. Their deeds of bravery in the Great Glen and
out of it are not marked by the bloody ruthlessness which characterises so
much West Highland story, and alike for the chivalry with which he took up
the cause of Prince Charles Edward when it seemed a forlorn hope, and for
the influence which he exercised on the Highlanders during the entire
rebellion, the Gentle Lochiel, as he was called, of that time remains on
the page of history a type of his family and race.
The name Cameron signifies
Crooked Nose, and the story of the founder of the race remains embedded in
the traditions of the West Highlands. In a corrupted form that story may
be found in the opening chapter of James Ray’s Compleat History of
the Rebellion of 1745, and the present writer has heard it direct from
the shepherds’ firesides in Lochaber. The tradition runs that the first
of the Camerons was not a Gael, but of British or Cymric race, and came
originally from Dunbartonshire. Being a "bonnie fechter" he was
engaged in many quarrels, and in one of these suffered the disfigurement
which gave him the name which he handed on to his descendants.
Dunbartonshire having become too hot for him, he made his way to far
Lochaber. There the Chief of the MacFhearguises was at the time in danger
of being overcome by a neighbouring clan with which he was at feud. He
welcomed the stranger, and made him the offer of his daughter’s hand and
a fair estate for his assistance. This offer Cameron accepted, and, having
vanquished his host’s enemies, found a settlement in the neighbourhood
which his descendants have retained to the present day. A quaint part of
the tradition as detailed by Ray is that, at a critical stage of his
adventure, Cameron betook himself to his old nurse at Dunbarton. This
dame, who was a noted witch, furnished her foster-son with a parcel of
thongs, which she told him to tie to a fox’s tail. This fox he was to
let loose, and all the land it should run over on its escape should become
his. Further, it would be converted to the same sort of territory as the
last which the thongs touched on his father-in-law’s estate. The sequel
may be given in Ray’s own words. "That Cameron might have a good
estate as well as a large one he let the fox loose upon a fine meadow just
bordering upon MacDonald of Glengarry’s estate, expecting to have all
the promised land and that it would consist of fine meadows. The charms
were performed with great ceremony, and the fox turned out as the old
woman directed; and, that he might travel the faster and take the course
they desired, they set dogs after him The creature, glad of his liberty,
and willing to preserve his life, endeavoured to elude their chase by
running into a little brook which passed through the meadow where he was
set at liberty. The dogs then entirely lost him, and he kept along the
channel till he came to the estate of Glengarry. Water being the last
thing the enchanted thongs touched, as fast as the fox ran the land was
overflowed, so that in the space of a few hours all the country for
several miles together became one continued loch. The MacDonalds,
affrighted at this sudden inundation, such of them as had time to escape
removed their habitations higher up into the mountains, and left the lake
and the adjacent hills to be peaceably enjoyed by Cameron and his
followers. What became of the fox, or where he stopped, history does not
relate, but from this origin it is called Lochiel, or the Lake of Thongs,
from which the Chief of the Camerons takes his title."
According to Ray, the founder of the name
was Sir Hugh Cameron, and the chronicler is good enough, notwithstanding
his strong prejudice against everything Jacobite, to say that there had
been "a constant succession of great men down from Sir Hugh, Knight
of the Wry Nose, to the present Lochiel, famous in the late
Rebellion." From a later warrior, Donald Dhu, who flourished in the
end of the fifteenth century, the Clan has also been known as the Race of
Donald the Black, and it is from this ancestor that the usual Christian
name of the chiefs of the present day is derived. There is also a
tradition that Lochiel is not the eldest branch of the family, this having
been known as the Clan MacGillean Obhi, an heroic tribe mentioned in some
of the early poetic fragments ascribed to Ossian. According to this
tradition, Lochiel acquired the family property in Lochaber by marriage
with the MacMartins of Letterfinlay. The family genealogies assert that
the actual ancestor of the Cameron chiefs was Angus who married a sister
of Banquo, Thane of Lochaber, slain by Macbeth in the eleventh century,
and present a long line of chiefs descended from this worthy, who
distinguished themselves highly in the wars and other historic events of
the country.
One of the most famous and desperate of the
feuds in which the Camerons were engaged was that with Clan Chattan in the
end of the fourteenth century, concerning the lands of Glenluie and Loch
Arkaig, to which MacIntosh, the chief of Clan Chattan, laid claim. In the
course of this feud the Camerons penetrated as far as Invernahaven at the
junction of the Truim and the Spey. There they were met by MacIntosh at
the head of a force of MacIntoshes, MacPhersons, and Davidsons. Just
before the battle a dispute took place between the Davidsons and
MacPhersons, who each claimed the post of honour, the right to lead the
host. MacIntosh decided the delicate question in favour of the Davidsons,
and as a result Cluny MacPherson in indignation withdrew his men. Thus
weakened, Clan Chattan was defeated by the Camerons. That night, however,
Macintosh sent to the camp of the MacPhersons one of his bards, who
treated the sullen clansmen to a poem in which their conduct in retiring
from the fight was attributed, not to their sense of honour, but to their
cowardice. This so infuriated the MacPhersons that they made a surprise
attack upon the Camerons, whom they defeated and pursued with great
slaughter to the confines of Lochaber. One of the results of this
encounter remains among the most famous episodes in Scottish history. The
MacPhersons and the Davidsons proceeded to fight out their claims to
precedence with cold steel, and presently the uproar among the clans
became so great that the King sent the Earls of Crawford and Dunbar to
quell it. In the end it was agreed that the matter should be decided by a
combat between thirty men on each side, and the upshot was the famous
battle within barriers on the North Inch of Perth, fought before King
Robert III. in 1396.
Among those who fought on the side of
Donald, Lord of the Isles, at the battle of Harlaw in 1411, was John
Cameron of Lochiel. The Camerons, however, afterwards found themselves at
feud with the Island Lords, and in this feud suffered most severely, and
were brought almost to extinction. It was in this emergency that the
famous Chief, Donald Dhu, already referred to, achieved fame. Along with
his son, the still more famous Alan Cameron, he restored the clan to a
state of prosperity. Alan obtained from the Crown feudal charters of the
lands of Loch Arkaig and Lochiel, to which the MacDonalds of Clan Ranald
had laid claim, and by this means dealt a blow at these Lords of the Isles
which materially helped their downfall. The same Chief engaged in another
feud with the MacIntoshes. At a later day he supported Ian Mudertach when
that warrior assumed the chiefship of Clan Ranald, and he fought alongside
the MacDonalds at Glen Lochy in 1544, when they defeated and killed Lord
Lovat with nearly all his followers. In consequence of this last
achievement the Earl of Huntly was sent into Lochaber with an overwhelming
force, and, seizing Lochiel and MacDonald of Keppoch, carried them to
Elgin, where they were both beheaded.
Sixty-seven years later,
still another disaster befell the Camerons. In the course of his mission
to carry justice and pacification into the West Highlands, the Earl of
Huntly had obtained certain rights of superiority over Lochiel’s lands,
and in 1594, when the Earls of Huntly and Errol, representing the Roman
Catholic faction in the country, were making a stand against the
Government, Lochiel’s forces were ranged upon their side. The Camerons
fought on that side at the battle of Glenlivat, where the Earl of Argyll,
commanding the Protestant forces, was overthrown. For his distinguished
share in this battle Lochiel was outlawed, and lost part of his estate,
which was never afterwards recovered. Nine years later Argyll attempted to
wrest the superiority of the Camerons’ lands in Lochaber from Huntly,
Lochiel having agreed to become his vassal. On this occasion a number of
the Camerons threw off their allegiance to Lochiel and entered into a plot
to take his life. The Chief, however, laid an ambush for the plotters,
slew twenty of them, and captured other eight. Again, for this, the
Cameron Chief was outlawed, and Lord Gordon, Huntly’s son, invading
Lochaber, seized him, and imprisoned him at Inverness.
Perhaps the most famous of
all Highland chiefs was Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel. Born in 1629, and
brought up by the covenanting Marquess of Argyll as a sort of hostage for
his clan, he afterwards took the side of King Charles I. When Cromwell’s
forces overran the country, after the battle of Dunbar, Lochiel held
stoutly out against them. Twice with greatly inferior forces he defeated
the English invaders, and so continually did he harass the garrison at
Inverlochy that he kept it in a state of siege till the Governor was glad
at last to accept peace on Lochiel’s own terms. The Chief accordingly
marched to Inverlochy with pipes playing and banners flying. He was
received with a guard of honour, entertained to a feast, and, on giving
his word of honour to live in peace, was not only granted an indemnity for
the crimes and depredations committed by his clan, but had all the loss
sustained by his tenants made good, and received payment for the woods on
his property which had been destroyed by the Inverlochy garrison.
The story is told how in time of these
fights Lochiel found himself in death grips with a gigantic English
officer. They lay on the ground together, neither of them able to reach
his weapon. At last the Englishman saw his chance, and reached out to
recover his sword. As he did so he exposed his throat, and this the Chief
in his extremity seized with his teeth and held till his opponent’s life
was extinct. When upbraided at a later day with the savage act, he
declared it was the sweetest bite he had ever tasted. It is this Chief who
is said to have slain with his own hand the last wolf ever seen in the
Highlands of Scotland, and his hardihood may be gathered from the story
that on one occasion, when sleeping out in the snow, having observed that
one of his Sons had rolled together a snowball for a pillow, he rose and
kicked away the support, exclaiming, "Are you become so womanlike
that you cannot sleep without this luxury?" It is told of him that on
one occasion at a later day he attended the court of James VII. to obtain
pardon for one of his clan. The King received him with honour, and granted
his request; then, purposing to make him a Knight, asked him for his own
sword in order to give special point to the honour. But the Sword was so
rusted with the long rainy journey from Scotland that Lochiel found it
impossible to draw it from its scabbard, whereupon, overwhelmed with shame
before the courtiers, he burst into tears. The King, however, with ready
tact, consoled him. "Do not regard it, my faithful friend," he
said, "had the Royal cause required it your Sword would have left the
scabbard promptly enough." He then gave the Chief the accolade with
his own royal weapon, which he forthwith bestowed upon him as a gift. A
day came when Lochiel had an opportunity of proving the King’s saying
true. At the Revolution, when the Royal Standard was raised in the
Highlands by Viscount Dundee, he joined the Jacobite army with his clan,
and fought at Killiecrankie.
After urging Dundee to give battle, with the words, "Fight, my lord,
fight, if you have only one to three!" he himself charged bareheaded
and barefooted in front of his men, and contributed largely to the
victory. He lived, however, to see great changes, and died in 1719, at the
age of ninety, never, after all, having lost a drop of blood in any of the
fights in which he had been engaged.
The son of this Chief joined the Earl of
Mar’s rising in 1715, and was forfeited for doing so, and it was his son
again—the grandson of Sir Ewen—who was the Gentle Lochiel of 1745. But
for him it is likely that the clans would never have risen for Prince
Charles Edward. Courageous and loyal, with the highest sense of honour, he
was held in the greatest esteem in the Highlands. When he went to meet the
Prince at Borrodale he was determined to have nothing to do with a rising,
and it was upon a generous impulse, touched by the forlornness of the
royal adventurer, that, against his better judgment, he decided to throw
in his lot with Charles. Following Lochiel’s lead the other chiefs came
in, and the standard was raised at Glenfinan. Throughout the rising it was
his influence which restrained the Highlanders from acts of plunder and
violence. On one occasion during the march to Derby, an Englishwoman who
had hidden her boy in terror of the cannibal habits which were attributed
to the Highland army, exclaimed as Lochiel entered her house, "Come
out, my child, this man is a gentleman; he will not eat you! " Among
other things it is said Lochiel prevented the sack of Glasgow, and for
this reason the magistrates ordered that whenever Lochiel should visit the
city he should be greeted by the ringing of the bells. When the Jacobite
cause was finally lost at Culloden he was severely wounded, but he escaped
to France, where his royal master gave him command of a Scottish regiment.
He died abroad in 1748. The events of that time are commemorated in the
well-known piece of pipe-music, "Lochiel’s away to France." It
is pathetic to remember that the last victim of the Jacobite cause was
Lochiel’s brother, Dr. Archibald Cameron, who was arrested on the shore
of Loch Katrine during a mission to this country when the Rebellion was
over, and was tried and executed as a deterrent.
Another member of the clan who figures
scarcely less notably in the literature of that time is Mistress Jean
Cameron. This lady, as tutor for her nephew, Cameron of Glendessarie, in
person brought a large body of the Camerons to join the Prince’s
Standard at Glenfinan. The Hanoverian annalists of the time, like Ray,
have taken outrageous liberties with her reputation. Many writers, like
Fielding in his Tom Jones, make suggestive references to her
career. It is certain, however, that at least one other individual traded
upon and besmirched her name. This person, according to Chambers’ Traditions
of Edinburgh, represented herself as a cast-off mistress of the
Prince, and after imposing upon the sympathies and support of Edinburgh
Jacobites, died in a stair foot of the Canongate. She masqueraded in men’s
clothes and had a timber leg. The actual Mistress Jean Cameron of
Glendessarie, however, had a character above reproach. She was a good deal
older than the Prince. In later life she settled at Mount Cameron in East
Kilbride, and, according to Ure’s History of that parish, she
died and was buried there in all the odour of respectability.
The grandson of the Gentle Lochiel, another
Donald Cameron, was a Captain in the Guards, and married the Lady Vere.
His descendant again, the father of the present Chief, married a daughter
of the fifth Duke of Buccleuch. And the present Chief himself, who
succeeded in 1905, married Lady Hermione Graham, daughter of the fifth
Duke of Montrose. Lochiel has had a distinguished career. He served in
South Africa during the war in 1899 and in 1907-2. In 1901 he was
aide-de-camp to the Governor of Madras; and he was a Captain in the
Grenadier Guards till his marriage in 1906. He has also essayed politics,
having contested Sutherlandshire in the Unionist interest in 1910. In all
matters in which the welfare of the Highlands is concerned he takes an
active part, and in the great emergency of the war of 1914 he came forward
in a fashion worthy of his ancestors and characteristic of the Cameron
clan, and raised four additional battalions of Cameron Highlanders for
active service. One of these he himself commanded, and the esteem in which
he is held was proved by the fact that the men required came forward to
join the colours withjn a few days after the announcement that Lochiel had
received the commission. Among other achievements, he led his Camerons in
the tremendous charge at Loos in which his two brothers and so many
clansmen fell. It is amply evident that the present Cameron Chief is as
loyal and as active in his country’s service as any of his ancestors,
and against his name there falls to be written yet another most notable
chapter in the history of the clan.
Camerons have long been associated with Lochaber and are said to have derived their
surname from the "Cam-shron" or "wry-nose" of an early chief who was
claimed to be the younger son of the King of Denmark. The first recorded chief was Donald
Dubh in 1411 and from him the clan take the chiefly patronymic "MacDhomnuill
Duibh", son of Black Donald. The Cameron clan consisted of three main branches: the
MacMartins of Letterfinlay, the MacGillonies of Strone and the MacSorleys of Glen Nevis.
The main branch appears to have been the MacMartins and through intermarriage with the
MacGillonies, the Camerons of Lochiel gained their lands in Lochaber and latterly the
chiefship which they still hold to this day. The present chief being Colonel Sir Donald
Cameron of Lochiel. During the early days of the clan system the Camerons were followers
of the Lords of the Isles and fought at the Battle of Harlaw in 1411. From the early 17th
century the clan were loyal supporters of the Royalist cause for which in 1746, as a
result of their continued support for Prince Charles Edward
Stewart, their lands were
forfeited. Their famous chief of that time, the Gentle Lochiel died a hero in exile after
having both his ankles shattered by grape shot at Culloden. The lands were subsequently
restored and in 1793 a cadet of the Lochiel branch Cameron of Erracht, raised the
Cameron Highlanders, famed for their bravery in battle.
History of the
Our thanks to Stewart Publishing & Printing
for letting us post up the first 21 pages of
this book and hopefully we will get more of it at a later date.
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