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Descriptive Account of the Principle Towns in Scotland
To accompany Wood's Town Atlas (1828)


In submitting to the Public the accompanying Plans of the Burgh and other Towns of note in Scotland, the Publisher has been induced thereto by the solicitation of his Friends and a number of Subscribers, at whose suggestion a short account of each Town is added. > The developement of knowledge naturally increases the desire to obtain it; and amongst other means of exciting additional interest, the knowledge of our own Localities, though frequently neglected, is certainly not the least important Our own Island still affords sufficient materials for the Antiquary, and the northern portion of it especially, not only illustrates, by its more ancient features, many of the most remarkable events recorded in our historic annals ; but presents, in the striking improvements of modern times, a spectacle highly gratifying to the Philanthropist, and to all who are interested in the science of Political Economy. It is therefore hoped, that the present Collection of Engraved Plans, executed with such precision, that even the smallest Dwelling-house is laid down, will be found useful, both as indicating the situation and present condition of many of those ancient habitations, which occupy so conspicuous^a place in the history of former days, and as exemplifying the progress of improvement during recent times.

In a mercantile point of view, the work will serve the purpose of a Directory/ by pointing out, not only the situation of such Towns as are distinguished for particular manufactures, but also, the precise spot where the manufactories are to be found; while to those entrusted with the management of the Burghs themselves,' the Plans will naturally suggest the best and most convenient mode of effecting their future - improvement and extension.

These Plans have been for some time before the Public in a detached form, and are now presented collectively, accompanied by a Topographical description of each Town, stating, as far as could be done, in a very abridged form, the staple Manufacture and Trade of each—its Municipal Government—Revenue— Religious Establishments—Schools—Banks— Markets—Fairs, &c. and a brief notice of any remarkable circumstances in the several localities, which might interest national feeling, as well as prove attractive to the general reader and Tourist.

Descriptive Account of the Principle Town in Scotland
To accompany Wood's Town Atlas (1828) (pdf)

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